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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

[Trump is Not Pandering to White Folks?] A goddamm shame. Coin-Operated Black Pastor Massa'bator Not Ashamed to be Called "Trump Surrogate"

Hey Pastor. Fuck Trump. From [HERE] Pastor Mark Burns, an African-American supporter of [Democract puppet] Donald Trump who has been defending the candidate's recent outreach to minority voters in the media, tweeted a cartoon Monday of Hillary Clinton in black face, mocking her outreach to black voters.

Black Americans, THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES and letting me use you again..See you again in 4 years.

— Pastor Mark Burns (@pastormarkburns) August 29, 2016

In the cartoon, Clinton is standing at a podium holding a sign reading, "#@!* the police" and "I ain't no ways tired of pandering to African-Americans."

Meanwhile 60 days out and Trump wants props for actually giving his first (1st) campaign speech to niggers in the mostly nigger motor city, Detroit. Will he will be escorted by SWAT cops and tanks and speak behind bullet proof glass? [MORE] Fuck Trump. [photo from Wonkette

Burns apologized for the tweet Monday night in a video. "Obviously many people were offended by my tweet and it was not at all my intention ... I really am a shepherd to God's people and the last thing I would want to do is offend people." The tweet, he continued, was intended to shed light on how the Democratic Party has "been pandering and using black people just for their votes." 

Like that, in Blackface? The only 'simple minded darkie singing and dancing for white folks' seems to be old Pastor Massa'bator here. Wish Clinton would say "fuck the police." [note that both candidates/white media are using the terms "racist" and "racists" confusingly as bigotry or as name calling - as opposed to racists as "upholders, supporters and perpetrators of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic "in a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism"- hat tip to Colin Kaepernick. In this way perpetrators and participants in the system of racism can pretend they have nothing to do with it. It is also ironic here because the Republican party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... as white people [MORE]). This mf is a lunchbox. Why the fuck would any Black man want to be called a "surrogate" for a racist suspect puppetician like Trump or Clinton anyway? Money, love of being dominated, a buttery biscuit, what could it be alleged brah?

Always endeavoring to undeceive Dr. Blynd PhF offers the following explanation in the Funktionary (copyright Chocolate City Press). 

coin-operated - the apt name for greedy folk who only act if there is money, power or fame in the game (endeavor-typically and consciously undertaken underhandedly at another's expense. 2) anyone with a sell-out-slot that doubles as a mouth or who easily bends south. 3) the subsumable drive for money, prestige and power. The living-larger sell-outs have to use the cracks of their arse as a discredit card swiper—since the stakes are higher and call for more drastic measures and high-volume transfers (the booty of sell-out treasures) can only be accessed in the form of plastic pleasures.  They call them token Negroes because they are coin-operated.   If you put money in them they will dispense (espew—espouse and spew) the view, vision, wishes, ideas, thoughtforms, ideology, hopes and dreams of the customer.   (See: Piece-Activists, Sniggers, Massa'bators, BOHICANs, Greedy, Ho-Reps, Selfishness, NSA Position & Racism White Supremacy)

massa'bating - the practice of a native Black American "coming" to terms with his or her Negrohood—or sell-out status—by mechanically stroking the pulsating ego of the massa' and then jacking into the Matrix for his sole gratification, i.e., the continuance of global racism white supremacy. Just imagine taking off from Airstrip One flying around the world on Air Force One drinking some Victory gin with a buck-dancing massa'bator with a grimace that doubles for a grin. A male massa'bator cannot possibly be self-respecting as long as he is self-erecting the edifice of oppression through the self-protection of historical amnesia—forgetting where he has "come" from. Massa'bators give auto-eroticism a bad reputation by word association at the angle of incidence. Massa'bators always jump to get their Party members off—the hook that is, by taking the heat when political friction gets too hot for their masters as they vacillate back-and-forth. The one thing a massa'bator never comes to—is the conclusion that he or she is one.


Colin Kaepernick Takes a Courageous Stand Against the 'Oppression of Blacks' by Sitting Down For National Anthem 

html5 video converter by v3.9.1

From [HERE] With much to lose, San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick left the sideline of safety and talked about the official oppression of African Americans and other non-white people in this system of white supremacy/racism. On Friday he refused to stand for the playing of the national anthem before a pre-season game. 

"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color," Kaepernick told NFL Media in an exclusive interview with Steve Wyche [above] after the game. "To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder." [MORE]

Speaking out against the already unlawful use of excessive force by government servants is really not a radical thing to do. Only unconscious idiots with screens over their eyes could be pro-police brutality. However, taking a stand against the systematic oppression of Black people is an adventure for a Black NFL quarterback with a shaky future. Kaepernick spoke about a system that refuses to punish white cops who murder Blacks in broad daylight and rewards them for doing so. The same system may now punish him or act to filter him out - if that in fact is what he meant and what Wyche heard him say. Here, he gambled - or risked the known for the unknown. ["only the gamblers know what life is"] Can you do the same? 


RedsilverJ on Election Hoax 2016: Like Their Puppet Donald Trump, the KKK was also Organized by Democrats to Compel Blacks to Vote for Democrats  



Uncivilized Government [yours] Refuses to Release or Give Trial to Arabic Man Tortured Over & Over & Detained at Gitmo for 14 Years  

From [HERE] Over 14 years in American custody, Abu Zubaydah has come to symbolize, perhaps more than any other prisoner, how fear of terrorism after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks changed the United States.

He was the first detainee to be waterboarded, and his brutal torture was documented in a Senate report. He is among those held without charges and with no likelihood of a trial. The government long ago admitted that he was never the top leader of Al Qaeda it claimed he was at the time of his capture in 2002, but it insists that he may still be dangerous.

In all that time, Mr. Zubaydah, now 45, had never been seen by the outside world. That changed on Tuesday, as his calm face was beamed via video feed from the Guantánamo Bay military prison to a Pentagon conference room.

In a long-postponed hearing, he argued, through a statement read by a uniformed soldier, that he posed no threat and should be released. A profile prepared by the Defense Department, also read aloud, concluded with unsettling ambiguity that he “probably retains an extremist mind-set.”

The occasion was Mr. Zubaydah’s first appearance before a Periodic Review Board, convened under the military detention system to determine whether a prisoner would pose a danger if released.

Under the convoluted rules that govern inmates at Guantánamo, Mr. Zubaydah did not speak during the open part of the hearing. But in the statement summarizing his views, Mr. Zubaydah declared that he “has no desire or intent to harm the United States or any other country.”

Musing about what appeared to be a still-distant prospect, he said he wanted to be reunited with his family and “has some seed money that could be used to start a business.”

A dozen reporters and human rights advocates watched the live video of the 17-minute unclassified part of the proceeding. No member of the public other than his lawyers had seen Mr. Zubaydah since his March 2002 capture in Pakistan, after a shootout in which he was badly injured.

Mr. Zubaydah may have spoken during the classified part of the hearing that followed the open session and was expected to last for several hours. A notice posted afterward said he had decided he did not want the redacted transcript made public.

The review panel, comparable to a civilian parole board, is composed of representatives of six security agencies who participated in the hearing from an undisclosed location in the Washington area. It will announce, a month or longer from now, whether it recommends the continued detention of Mr. Zubaydah or his transfer to another country.

Of 779 people held at Guantánamo since 2001, 61 remain. The government says about half are, like Mr. Zubaydah so far, impossible to put on trial but too dangerous to release.

Dressed in a white tunic and wearing a neatly trimmed beard, Mr. Zubaydah, whose mental stability has been questioned by some American officials, listened attentively, resting his chin on his right hand. He did not react visibly as officials read various statements about him. The eye patch that in earlier photographs covered his left eye, injured at some point after his capture, hung from a strap around his neck. He wore one pair of glasses and switched to another pair to read a document.

Mr. Zubaydah, born in Saudi Arabia to a family of Palestinian background, became a sort of travel agent, camp administrator and facilitator for militant fighters in Afghanistan in the early 1990s, after the ragtag force of Islamic soldiers known as the mujahedeen forced the Soviet Army out of the country.

But when he was shot and taken into American custody six months after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, he was the first significant suspect captured in an increasingly desperate global C.I.A. manhunt. At the time, American intelligence officials wrongly concluded that he was a top-ranking leader of Al Qaeda who might have knowledge of forthcoming plots.

Flown to a secret jail set up in a hurry by the C.I.A. in Thailand, Mr. Zubaydah was first questioned by F.B.I. agents using traditional rapport-building methods. One of the agents, Ali Soufan, who spoke Arabic and was steeped in the history of Al Qaeda, later wrote that Mr. Zubaydah willingly provided valuable information, identifying Khalid Shaikh Mohammed as the main planner of the Sept. 11 attacks and naming Jose Padilla, an American recruited by Al Qaeda.

But because they believed Mr. Zubaydah was the No. 3 leader of Al Qaeda, C.I.A. leaders insisted that he must be holding back information. Over the protests of the F.B.I. agents, and advised by two military psychologists who had no experience conducting interrogations, C.I.A. officials decided that only extreme physical force would break him.

As soon as approval was received from the Justice Department, Mr. Zubaydah was subjected to waterboarding — 83 times water was poured over a cloth covering his mouth and nose to give him the feeling of drowning, records later showed. Distressed by his suffering, interrogators told C.I.A. supervisors that they thought he had no more information to offer — only to be ordered to continue the rough treatment.

The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on the C.I.A. interrogation program later quoted an observer at the scene who described him at one point as “completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth.”

At various times, he was subjected to the other so-called enhanced interrogation techniques: confined in a cramped box, kept awake for many days, exposed to cold, shackled in uncomfortable positions and slammed into a wall.

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Legos Michael Jackson Aint Bullshittin 



If You are Moved by Trump’s Negro Outreach to Whites You are a Slave [He is Standing for Whatever White Moderates Will Fall For]

Dear Mister Donald: Thanks for mentioning some of our problems in your speeches to your white republican fans. It meant so much to me to actually get a powerful white person's attention. Which is my goal. Our lives matter. That's all we wanted; your sympathy and respect. I'm glad we changed you. Now I can pretend that I have input, society is within my control and there are actually 2 people to choose from who are vying for my vote in this open competition. Oh yeah, loved how blacks were depicted on the Apprentice. Thanks again sir.   

'To react means you are acting unconsciously. White people are manipulating you. White people say something, do something, and you react. The real master of the situation is white people. White folks insult you or act shitty and you react, you become angry. A white person smiles at you, listens to you or praises you and you smile and you become happy. Both are the same. You are a slave and white people know how to push your buttons. You are behaving like a machine. You are a robot, not a human being yet. A plaything in the hands of white people.' [MORE] and [MORE]

Watch your mind, witness your own thoughts, how is it reacting to what white people are doing to you and around you?

Donald Trump, a gold medalist in racism, has a history (2 decades) of not doing shit for Black people. After months of racist statements and gestures he has started a ‘negro outreach’ primarily aimed at white folks. His speeches about Blacks to lilly white audiences are intended to make him appear less racist to undecided white moderates. Dr. Blynd has defined a political campaign as "an emotional orgy by the media’s owners to distract the moron majority from the real issues.” Here, Trump has simply decontextualized issues facing Black people - discussing the symptoms outside the context of the disease; racism/white supremacy – a white over black system of vast unequal power. With a long record of demeaning Black people, Trump's ideas about helping Blacks are a paper boat. A servant of his own appetite, this desperate politician will stand for anything you will fall for. 

Unfortunately, some Black folks are reactionarily indulging this simpleton and are emotionally caught up in this election hoax. Trump and elite white media have pushed their buttons. Mind is a motherfucker.

Black people “are in a continuous state of checkmate” - a “losing streak that is centuries long.” [MORE] Meanwhile, racists go on hyptnotizing Blacks like sheep - programming our minds continuously with new stories, beliefs, personalities and desires in support of white domination/control. We are ‘other directed.’ Like a salmon asking a bear for directions or an idiot looking for fire with a candle in his hand, this [racist] mind given to us by white society is programmed to unconsciously do things against its own interest and searching for change externally.

Similarly, Black people's ‘other directed’ struggle has led to "protest" actually in cooperation with and submission to white supremacy/racism. To what extent are we just appealing to their morality in order to influence or change white people’s behavior? This beggar politics is actually flattering to the racist's ego.

“Racism is a power group dynamic." Amos Wilson has explained, 'Power ultimately has to do with a relationship between people, and the white man’s so-called power, is to a great extent based upon the nature of the relationship he has with the Black man. We empower white people by the nature of our own behavior and attitudes as a people. White people cannot be what they are unless we are, what we are. To a good extent, the European is our creation. If we look at our behavior, we will see that to a good extent, it is our behavior, our values, our consciousness, the kind of personalities we’ve established in ourselves, our taste, our desires and needs; that maintains the European in its position. Changing our relationship with wihite people will change the nature of power in this sysyem. It depends on how we decide to relate to white people. They cannot have what they have - unless we are who we are. And that is why we do not have to spend a great deal of time always appealing to them and analyzing them. We can better appeal to our own sense of self and our own consciousness. We waste a lot of time trying to transform them when through transforming ourselves they will be transformed automatically. The power is in our hands. We are not destined to be the servants of white folks. No way.' [MORE]

What kind of consciousness is needed to respond [not react] to this white supremacy/racism grind? How can we unlearn or drop this mind with its programming and beliefs?


Osho explains “each individual has to become a meditator, a silent watcher, so that he can discover himself. And this discovery is going to change everything around him. And if we can change many people through meditation, we can create a new world. Many people have been hoping for centuries for a new world, but they had no idea how to create it. I am giving you the exact science how to create it.” [MORE]   

Meditation is defined in The Funktionary by Dr. Blynd PhF. as follows:

meditation - the mind-freeing (emptying) itself from the known, i.e., creating "no-mindedness." 2) the total dissolution of everything that the mind, thought, and time has accumulated. 3) conformation and confirmation of unification (oneness) of creation. 4) the music without sound-images. 5) deliberate daily exercise in discriminating between true and the false and the renunciation of the false. 6) a prescription for devotion. 7) freedom from the constraints of time (tick-tock) by creating the divine vastness (solitude) of inner space. 8) the summation of all energy. 9) a movement in stillness and a stillness among movement. 10) anti-dream efforts/techniques. 11) dream-negating activities/devices. 12) the path of how to drop the senses. (Meditation is like the breeze that comes in when you inadvertently leave your window open, and just like love—it cannot be pursued—one must simply be meditative.) 13) the path of how to drop the senses. 14) participation in the celebration of existence. 15) soul medication. 16) contemplation squared. 17) effortless awareness; developing the ability to flow in all directions simultaneously. 18) opening up all doors of one's being. 19) a state where you allow yourself to feel the pull of existence and trust the tug is real. 20) to be with yourself in your absolute aloneness in order that you may have a taste of your true Beingness. 21) an inward contemplation of divine realities. 22) action detached from the future and the past. 23) the bliss of being alone; the art of being alone. Meditation is not a trick of thought. It is the seeing of the futility of thought and the ways of the intellect. Meditation presupposes the deliberate action of the ego as the meditator, practicing meditation. Meditation is futile if one does by doing—meditativeness is anontological—the quality of non-Being, not the state of being, nor the action of doing—which is useless. Meditation is not something we do (if we do it), it is something that happens when we drop our judgments, ideations, notions, intentions (good or bad), and our attempts to manipulate and/or control. It is a condition of openness from which we are able to pierce into the onion core of reality where infinity is revealed—not the seed of "truth." Meditation happens when we observe without choice and without any wish to change (or think we have volitional power or control to change) what we observe. The question is not how to meditate, but what meditation is. Meditation is meeting each moment of life utterly afresh—totally anew. If we overstand this simple subtle insight, then the "how" becomes meaningless. Reality exists eternally in the moment, and meditation is the awareness of that moment. To master yourself is meditation—to master the joy in the way you have your way with yourself is masturbation. Meditation is the joy of being alone. Masturbation is being left alone in joy or the joys of being left alone. Most fundamentally, true meditation is to effortlessly turn the mind toward that energy which energizes the mind.) (See: Meditative, Unworldliness, Meditativeness, Consciousness, Self-Consciousness, Mind-Inversion, Divided Attention, Dreaming, Turiya, Magick, Solitude, Vidya, Avidya, Realization, Growth, Spiritual Unfoldment, Effort, Intellect, Mediator, Contemplation, Illumination, Practice, False Perceiving, True Perceiving, The Senses, "One Taste" & Mind Grenade)


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Trump Promises Cops He’ll Give Them Military Weapons If Elected

From [HERE] On Monday, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told Ohio police that, if elected, he would give them military weapons. He also told black and Latino voters that since they live in “war zones” they could only be safe by voting for him.

Trump met with the Akron chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police, a union that has not yet endorsed a presidential candidate. He reportedly vowed to be “a cheerleader” for police if elected president, and said he would supply them with military weapons currently unavailable to them.

After protests surrounding police violence in Ferguson, Missouri, last year, President Barack Obama banned battlefield equipment, including grenade launchers, high-caliber weapons and tracked armored vehicles. Trump said it was “ridiculous” that police didn’t have access to combat resources.

Addressing non-white voters at a small rally hours later, the controversial billionaire said, “You could go to war zones in countries that we’re fighting and it’s safer than living in some of our inner cities that are run by the Democrats,” repeating an appeal he made to black voters last week, “What do you have to lose?”

Trump made promises, including, “I’ll straighten it out.” He also declared, “I’ll bring jobs back, We’ll bring spirit back. I’ll get rid of the crime, so you’ll be able to walk down the street without getting shot. Right now, you walk down the street, you get shot.”

The beleaguered Republican candidate then claimed that murders are “up all over the place no matter where you look”, even though FBI crime statistics show that homicides dropped to a 41-year low in 2014.

Trump’s recent overtures to non-white voters are the result of extremely low polling numbers, with one poll showing him earning only 1% support from African Americans. Despite this, the reality television star boasted last week that he would “get over 95% of the African-American vote” by 2020, a claim that made even his running mate, Indiana governor Mike Pence, laugh.


FEC Seeks to Blackball Deez Nuts/Onya Chin & Other "Unlawfully False" Candidates Not Apart of the Approved Illusion [Balls-less Trump Statutes also Removed From Reality]

From [HERE] It would appear that the Federal Election Commission [the dream police] wants to discourage the political future of the likes of any more "Deez Nuts," "Butt Stuff," "Master Alexander Soy Sauce and Taters Gordh First" or feline candidate "Limberbutt McCubbins."

"The Commission has authorized staff to send verification letters to filers listing fictional characters, obscene language, sexual references, celebrities (where there is no indication that the named celebrity submitted the filing), animals, or similarly implausible entries as the name or contact information of the candidate or committee," the agency announced Thursday.

The FEC said that the change in policy came after an increase in filing of registrations and statements of candidacy from applicants who "appear to be unlawfully false or fictitious."

Staff will now send letters to questionable applications to verify their identities and notify the applicants of potential fines and related procedures, while the FEC said it has instructed a "working group" to come up with recommendations for the 2017-2018 election cycle.

"Deez Nutz" – aka a 15-year-old white boy named Brody Olson and his running mate Onya Chin have the support from a staggering 5 percent of the country according to a survey released by Public Policy Polling. Consequently, he has two times the support of Green Party nominee Jill Stein, who polled at 2%. [MORE]

Over the weekend naked Trump statues popped up overnight in 5 US cities. The statutes of Trump, a major player in the official illusion [election hoax 2016] depict him with no balls. No one is running against Clinton in this election hoax

Dr. Blynd PhF explains the following in the Funktionary;

Elections - the advanced auction of stolen goods. 2) rituals where periodically citizen-subjects are called upon to "participate" in the staged-hoax ratification of one group of state managers or another, which provides the comforting illusion of "democracy" where none exists. 3) Dumbocracy in action; stage prop to enable the puppeteer and his puppeticians to pull the strings of you and me. 4) show and shell games. 5) the orchestration and preservation of the illusion of choice and open competition. 

voting - a pacification (sucker) process which allows the votary to make choices provided to her/him, not decisions. 2) a “privilege” of U.S. citizens to do it behind a curtain-as long as they do it alone. 3) political masturbation exercises for those who can’t cop real power. 4) a habitually accepted imposition that gives the votary-vassal-suckers an illusion of inclusion or participation, 5) an act of self-abuse (See: Voting Booth, Elections, Politicians, Politics, Voting Hoax & Ho Reps)

voting hoax - “Help Slave America.” (See: Freedom Technology, Ph.F. Degree, NWO & University of Chocolate City)


Reverse Whitenology: Trying to Look a Little Less Racist to Appeal to White Moderates, Trump asks for the Black Vote in Front of a Lilly White Audience - Fuck Trump 

Nothing From Nothing Leaves Nothing. Like this racist idiot gives a fuck about Black people. Fuck Trump. Dumb mf gave speech in Dimondale, Michigan, not Flint. Dimondale is classified as a "village" in Eaton County with a population of 1,234. It is overwhelmingly white - 93%. And the crowd at his pep rally was 100% white. Of course the Democratic Party is also a white party. And 2 plus 2 equals four but what does that have to do with voting for him? What kind of service can you provide to people you have contempt for? This is really more like Dolemite's run for President, "You aint getting nothing no way, so you might as well get nothing from me!" Like the "Latinos for Trump" or ‘roaches for raid’ nonsense this cunning clown is looking for suckers and people who want to be dominated.

Here, he attempts to calm (lull back to sleep) the non-white votary that he previously ignited with months of racist statements and gesturing. Folks who probably would otherwise be asleep during an HRC run against a rational, adult, republican candidate and under such a circumstance who would have stayed away from the polls on election day (low turnout always only helps the GOP). Most importantly, he also is trying to appear less racist to white moderates who are uncomfortable associating with and voting for an extroverted racist - even Klansman wear masks, – the operating system (os) of white supremacy should run quietly in the background.

The system White supremacy/racism is primarily carried out through deception. It rests upon the master-servant relationship between whites and Blacks. This relationship depends upon your belief in the many lies that are told by racists. Mixing truth with lies, racists are masterful liars and are always looking for believers who want to be deceived.

All belief is dangerous. Bhagwan explained, 'the mind which believes is always vulnerable and always provides an opportunity to be exploited by cheaters. Because of your beliefs you can be deceived.' And only persons who want to be deceived could take this man and this hoax election seriously. The problem is really not with Trump or any other racists for that matter - the problem is really with the believer's mind! “It is not necessary that somebody should deceive you. You can deceive yourself. You are a self deceiver."

Black people create their own deceivers with the beliefs they carry in their minds. Most Black people would like to believe there is no system of white supremacy and believe this election is an open competition between distinct political parties in an actual democracy that they can participate in by the act of voting. All deception. Listen to Stephen A. Smith in video - he is captivated by Trump's speech – really just captivated by his own imagination and beliefs. Desperately wanting to believe in it all and desiring to feel necessary for Trump's domination and that his input is somehow taken into account. 

"You cannot do anything about the deceivers, so don't be worried, let them be themselves. But you can do something about yourself, that is the point." This programmed mind given to you by this racist society must be dropped. No revolution is necessary - just your mental rebellion. We have made them Kings with our beliefs [MORE]. The deceivers will have to sell something else if no one is buying their product. The only way to cleanse your consciousness of beliefs, concepts, theories, ideas, theologies, philosophies, doctrines, scriptures is through meditation or alertness. [MORE] Meditation is unlearning. And the inner awareness produced has nothing to do with the acquisition of knowledge or information.


Weaponizing Space: In case you missed it, U.S. launched a military operation in outer space

From [HERE] You probably slept through it, but early this morning, the United States expanded the War on Terror to outer space.

The Air Force on Friday launched two spy satellites the military calls a “neighborhood watch” program in orbit.

Officially, the Air Force says its two Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program satellites will deter our enemies from conducting "hostile operations in space as an extension of the terrestrial battlefield,” Air Force spokeswoman Sarah Burnett told USA Today.

The military says its latest spy satellites will merely observe our existing satellites to make sure they don’t get hit by space junk or enemy missiles like the kind the Chinese and Russians are already developing.

Or as the pro-military Air Force Times put it, “So should a U.S. satellite mysteriously go offline, Air Force leaders could ... tell if it was a malfunction or an enemy attack that disabled the satellite.”

Forgive me if I feel less, not more, safe. For all the recently declassified talk of protecting our valuable space efforts, there’s one thing the Air Force won’t declassify: What devices are on these “neighborhood watch” satellites or even, as USA Today put it, “what they are up to.”

“The U.S. is not seeking to weaponize space,” Burnett said, unconvincingly. “Our goal is to work with all responsible space-faring nations to ensure a safe, secure, sustainable, and stable space environment."

The Air Force is spending about $10 billion on space operations — much of it in classified budgets. 

The goal is to speak loudly so that everyone knows America is carrying the big stick.

“We need to monitor what happens 22,000 miles above the Earth, and we want to make sure that everyone knows we can do so,” U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Space Policy Douglas Loverro told Congress in 2014, when some details of the Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program were declassified.

Space is the latest example of the ultimate American character flaw: we’re just not comfortable with foreign countries unless we can oversee what they’re doing and benefit from it somehow.

So maybe we’re not weaponizing space, but we certainly hope to Americanize it. One pending Congressional bill — called the “American Space Renaissance Act” — claims that action is needed “to permanently secure the United States of America as the preeminent spacefaring nation.”

The goal, of course, is to make sure we’re the top dog everywhere — even in zero gravity.

“Space has become a ubiquitous element of everything ... and leadership of the free world relies on,” retired Lt. Gen. David Deptula told the Air Force Times. “It’s very important to be on the leading edge of capitalizing on new technologies to keep us ahead of potential adversary moves.”

That includes Friday’s launch, as well as the Air Force's unmanned X-37B space plane, which has been in orbit for more than a year, yet whose mission has not been declassified. The military denies that its payloads include weaponry, but if the X-37B is on a peaceful mission, why is the Air Force running the program, not NASA? [MORE]


Thin Skinned Detroit Cops Beg Prosecutors to Criminalize Blacks who Criticize Murderous White Cops on Internet

Too Many Bored Cops. From [HERE] and  [HEREDetroit police say they’re “furious” Wayne County prosecutors have not charged four Black men more than a month after they were arrested for allegedly threatening white police officers on Facebook. 

Police arrested the four African-American Detroit residents in early July in separate incidents, after they allegedly posted threats that included: “All lives can’t matter until black lives matter. Kill all white cops,” and “It’s time to wage war and shoot the police first.” The men were arrested on outstanding traffic warrants and later released. Police on July 11 submitted warrant requests to prosecutors seeking charges of using a computer to make threats, a two-year felony.

Detroit Police Officers Association President Mark Diaz, a racist suspect, said he is “disgusted” that Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy has yet to charge the four men.

“It’s absolutely despicable that Kym Worthy is sitting on these warrants, and it’s very telling of her opinion of police officers,” Diaz said. “We are furious about this. We have officers out there protecting citizens; cops are being killed across the country; some (expletives) say they want to kill cops, and she sits on the warrants for a whole month?

“What kind of message is our prosecutor sending by waiting so long to charge these guys? I know what message I’m getting from it: People can make all the threats they want, and Kym Worthy won’t do anything about it.”

Detroit Police Chief James Craig, an ambitiously programmed Black probot who serves his white masters well, said officers ask him daily about the status of the warrant requests.

“Not a day goes by where I don’t get asked what’s happening with the case; I just talked about it at roll call morning,” he said. “Police officers are not happy about the lack of movement in the case, and I’m not happy." 

Diaz said police met recently with Eastern District U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade to discuss how to possibly file federal charges against Black people making threats against white cops on Facebook, “since we in the law enforcement community have zero confidence in Kym Worthy’s willingness to address these terrorist threats against our protectors.”

McQuade replied in a written statement: “Prosecutors and investigators met to discuss the legal standards under state and federal law regarding the prosecution of threats. We want to uphold First Amendment rights and prosecute cases that cross the line into criminal behavior.

“While not every hateful expression amounts to a true threat under the law, we take seriously all expressions of intent to commit acts of violence, and we will do all that we can to protect police officers or any group or individual from harm,” she said. She should check out HBO, any night. 

 “I know this is a new issue, but I want these people charged with crimes,” said Detroit Police Chief James Craig. 

It is "despicable" that a judge signed these idiotic warrant requests. White folks talk shit about doing this and that to Obama and Muslims all day and night. White folks protect hate speech against non-whites at all costs [MORE]. 

In general cops in many urban environments are bored to death - too many cops, low crime - nothing to do but patrol the internet and aggressively enforce traffic violations against Black people. If most crime occurs at night, what is the crime rate between 6AM and 7PM? And what are all these extra government servants doing during the daytime? Although Detroit had its lowest number of criminal homicides in 40 years in 2016, it's crime rate is still higher than most places. You would think this proxymoronic police chief would use his discretionary power more efficiently if he was truly concerned about community safety -  as opposed to re-assuring his white masters that they are safe from niggers

Five police officers were killed in the Dallas shootings, constituting the highest number of police casualties in an attack since September 11 [was Dallas also an inside job?]. And as a result, law enforcement officials everywhere are suddenly much more sensitive to threats against their lives. 

But one result has been that several police departments across the country have arrested individuals for posts on social media accounts, often from [white] citizen tips — raising concerns among free speech advocates.

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[full boat] Colliding with 90% of the World's Population Maniac Trump Seeks New Slaves to Board his Overloaded Sinking Slaveship [his ego] 

"A Campaign in the Ass." No matter what the votary believes about HRC or Trump and their one party politics, it is clear that Trump (or the character he is portraying in election hoax 2016) is what Chuang Tzo would call a Full Boat; filled with an endless supply of opinions, judging the world like it was his beauty pageant, drawing distinctions among people by the second and on an aggressive hunt for others who want to be dominated and who enjoy feeling necessary to his domination. His boat is much too much - it's more like an overloaded bumper car - purposely crashing into most of the world inhabitants on a hurried pace along an ambitiously manipulated route to many planned really, really important destinations. In what ways is your boat like Trumps or his supporters? 

The following is by Osho Rajineesh. From [HERE] and [HERE]

The Empty Boat


















































You have come to me. You have taken a dangerous step. It is a risk because near me you can be lost forever. To come closer will mean death and cannot mean anything else. I am just like an abyss. Come closer to me and you will fall into me. For this, the invitation has been given to you. You have heard it and you have come.

Be aware that through me you are not going to gain anything. Through me you can only lose all -because unless you are lost, the divine cannot happen; unless you disappear totally, the real cannot arise. You are the barrier.

And you are so much, so stubbornly much, you are so filled with yourself that nothing can penetrate you. Your doors are closed. When you disappear, when you are not, the doors open. Then you become just like the vast, infinite sky.

And that is your nature. That is Tao.

Before I enter into Chuang Tzu's beautiful parable of The Empty Boat, I would like to tell you one other story, because that will set the trend for this meditation camp which you are entering.

I have heard that it happened once, in some ancient time, in some unknown country, that a prince suddenly went mad. The king was desperate - the prince was the only son, the only heir to the kingdom. All the magicians were called, miracle makers, medical men were summoned, every effort was made, but in vain. Nobody could help the young prince, he remained mad.

The day he went crazy he threw off his clothes, became naked, and started to live under a big table. He thought that he had become a rooster. Ultimately the king had to accept the fact that the prince could not be reclaimed. He had gone insane permanently; all the experts had failed.

But one day again hope dawned. A sage - a Sufi, a mystic - knocked on the palace door, and said, "Give me one opportunity to cure the prince."

But the king felt suspicious, because this man looked crazy himself, more crazy than the prince. But the mystic said, "Only I can cure him. To cure a madman a greater madman is needed. And your somebodies, your miracle makers, your medical experts, all have failed because they don't know the abc of madness. They have never traveled the path."

It seemed logical, and the king thought, "There is no harm in it, why not try?" So the opportunity was given to him.

The moment the king said, "Okay, you try," this mystic threw off his clothes, jumped under the table and crowed like a rooster.

The prince became suspicious, and he said, "Who are you? And what do you think you are doing?"

The old man said, "I am a rooster, more experienced than you. You are nothing, you are just a newcomer, at the most an apprentice."

The prince said, "Then it is okay if you are also a rooster, but you look like a human being."

The old man said, "Don't go on appearances, look at my spirit, at my soul. I am a rooster like you."

They became friends. They promised each other that they would always live together and that this whole world was against them.

A few days passed. One day the old man suddenly started dressing. He put on his shirt. The prince said, "What are you doing, have you gone crazy, a rooster trying to put on human dress?"

The old man said, "I am just trying to deceive these fools, these human beings. And remember that even if I am dressed, nothing is changed. My roosterness remains, nobody can change it. Just by dressing like a human being do you think I am changed?" The prince had to concede.

A few days afterwards the old man persuaded the prince to dress because winter was approaching and it was becoming so cold.

Then one day suddenly he ordered food from the palace. The prince became very alert and said, "Wretch, what are you doing? Are you going to eat like those human beings, like them? We are roosters and we have to eat like roosters."

The old man said, "Nothing makes any difference as far as this roos-ter is concerned. You can eat anything and you can enjoy everything. You can live like a human being and remain true to your roosterness.”

By and by the old man persuaded the prince to come back to the world of humanity. He became absolutely normal.

The same is the case with you and me. And remember you are just initiates, beginners. You may think that you are a rooster but you are just learning the alphabet. I am an old hand, and only I can help you. All the experts have failed, that's why you are here. You have knocked on many doors, for many lives you have been in search - nothing has been of help to you.

But I say I can help you because I am not an expert, I am not an outsider. I have traveled the same path, the same insanity, the same madness. I have passed through the same - the same misery, the anguish, the same nightmares. And whatsoever I do is nothing but to persuade - to persuade you to come out of your madness.

To think oneself a rooster is crazy; to think oneself a body is also crazy, even crazier. To think oneself a rooster is madness; to think oneself a human being is a greater madness, because you don't belong to any form. Whether the form is that of a rooster or of a human being is irrelevant -you belong to the formless, you belong to the total, the whole. So whatsoever form you think you are, you are mad. You are formless. You don't belong to any body, you don't belong to any caste, religion, creed; you don't belong to any name. And unless you become formless, nameless, you will never be sane.

Sanity means coming to that which is natural, coming to that which is ultimate in you, coming to that which is hidden behind you. Much effort is needed because to cut form, to drop, eliminate form, is very difficult. You have become so attached and identified with it.

This Samadhi Sadhana Shibir, this meditation camp, is nothing but to persuade you towards the formless - how not to be in the form. Every form means the ego: even a rooster has its ego, and man has his own. Every form is centered in the ego. The formless means egolessness; then you are not centered in the ego, then your center is everywhere or nowhere. This is possible, this which looks almost impossible is possible, because this has happened to me. And when I speak, I speak through experience.

Wherever you are, I was, and wherever I am, you can be. Look at me as deeply as possible and feel me as deeply as possible, because I am your future, I am your possibility.

Whenever I say surrender to me, I mean surrender to this possibility. You can be cured, because your illness is just a thought. The prince went mad because he became identified with the thought that he was a rooster. Everybody is mad unless he comes to understand that he is not identified with any form - only then, sanity.

So a sane person will not be anybody in particular. He cannot be. Only an insane person can be somebody in particular - whether a rooster or a man, a prime minister or a president, or anybody whatsoever. A sane person comes to feel the nobodiness. This is the danger....

You have come to me as somebody, and if you allow me, if you give me the opportunity, this somebodiness can disappear and you can become a nobody. This is the whole effort - to make you a nobody. But why? Why this effort to become a nobody? Because unless you become nobody you cannot be blissful; unless you become nobody you cannot be ecstatic; unless you become nobody the benediction is not for you - you go on missing life.

Really you are not alive, you simply drag, you simply carry yourself like a burden. Much anguish happens, much despair, much sorrow, but not a single ray of bliss - it cannot. If you are somebody, you are like a solid block of stone, nothing can penetrate you. When you are nobody you start to become porous. When you are nobody, really you are an emptiness, transparent, everything can pass through you. There is no hindrance, there is no barrier, no resistance. You become a passivity, a door.

Right now you are like a wall; a wall means somebody. When you become a door you become nobody. A door is just an emptiness, anybody can pass, there is no resistance, no barrier. are mad; will become sane for the first time.

But the whole society, education, civilization, culture, all cultivate you and help you to become somebodies. That is why I say: religion is against civilization, religion is against education, religion is against culture - because religion is for nature, for Tao.

All civilizations are against nature, because they want to make you somebody in particular. And the more you are crystallized as somebody, the less and less the divine can penetrate into you.

You go to the temples, to the churches, to the priests, but there too you are searching for a way to become somebody in the other world, for a way to attain something, for a way to succeed. The achieving mind follows you like a shadow. Wherever you go, you go with the idea of profit, achievement, success, attainment. If somebody has come here with this idea he should leave as soon as possible, run as fast as possible from me, because I cannot help you to become somebody. [MORE]


Guantánamo population Reduced to 61 [100% non-white prison]

From [HERE] The largest single transfer of Guantánamo detainees during the Obama administration reduces total population to 61.

The Pentagon disclosed Monday that it had sent 15 detainees from Guantánamo to the United Arab Emirates this weekend, part of an ongoing, dramatic downsizing that could see the prison population dip to fewer than 50 war prisoners in Cuba by summer’s end.

A single U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo plane whisked the 15 captives from the remote outpost Saturday night, administration sources said, in the largest single transfer of the Obama administration. It reduced the detainee population to 61.

Now, 20 of Guantánamo’s last 61 detainees await resettlement or repatriation through agreements that satisfy Secretary of Defense Ash Carter — and the so-called State Department “closer” predicted that most of those 20 will be gone soon.

“We expect to substantially complete our mandate to repatriate or resettle all approved-for-transfer detainees in the coming weeks,” said Ambassador Lee Wolosky, soon after the Defense Department disclosed the release.

In Congress, Republican Rep. Ed Royce of California criticized the release even before the Pentagon announced it. “In its race to close Gitmo, the Obama administration is doubling down on policies that put American lives at risk. Once again, hardened terrorists are being released to foreign countries, where they will be a threat,” said Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Four of the Yemenis, including the oldest, Mohammed Khusruf, 66, were represented by human rights attorney David Remes, who said “they were never a threat to the United States and that the U.S. should never have held them.

“The U.S. took 14 of the best years of their lives from them without cause,” Remes added. “I am confident that they will restart their lives and put Guantánamo behind them.” [MORE]


'It looked barbaric to me. I can't believe this is legal.' In Philadelphia the Government Uses Solitary Confinement Against Children even in pretrial situations

Suicide is the top cause of death among incarcerated juveniles, and a U.S. Department of Justice study found half those suicides take place in solitary confinement. Psychologists say isolation also can inflict lasting damage on developing brains and trigger or exacerbate mental illness.

In January, President Obama announced that children in federal custody would no longer be held in solitary confinement. He cited the suicide of 22-year-old Kalief Browder, who at 16 had been arrested on robbery charges and never recovered from spending two years in solitary on Rikers Island in New York. In May, advocates launched a "Stop Solitary for Kids" campaign, targeting county and state institutions nationwide.

But for children from Philadelphia, it is not unusual to end up in isolation. In 2015, juveniles at PICC were placed in punitive segregation 41 times, for an average of 32 days. And, while state law bans seclusion for youths in juvenile placements, advocates say a loophole allows facilities to isolate them for weeks or months.

"The national conversation about solitary is happening on a level that isn't consistent with what's often happening on the ground," said Joanna Visser Adjoian, of the nonprofit Youth Sentencing & Reentry Project. "In Philadelphia, solitary confinement is used against children even in pretrial situations, where they have not been convicted of anything."

But Shawn Hawes, a spokeswoman for Philadelphia jails, said, "No one is actually held in solitary." Rather, Hawes said, they are held in punitive or administrative segregation.

In a punitive case, a juvenile found to have violated a rule can be punished with a fixed term of segregation. Juveniles segregated for administrative reasons do not face set terms and are reviewed about weekly, Hawes said. In either setting, a juvenile is alone in a cell at least 22 hours a day.

The issue made news in New Jersey in 2010, when the Philadelphia-based Juvenile Law Center (JLC) sued on behalf of a teenager who came out of seven months in solitary with severe self-mutilation. A subsequent law limited solitary confinement for children in New Jersey, and a bill passed by the state Senate in June would end juvenile solitary altogether.

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[Self-Hating Like Bill Cosby] Proxymoronic Black Sheriff Blames Milwaukee Uprising on 'Father-Absent Homes' [He Should Recall What His Masters Did to Cosby] 

According to the Funktionary, a probot is a propagandizing programmed robot. (An official  representative from an organization, agency or institution whose assignment is to make prepared statements and answer "cooked"  (prepared)  questions at news conferences, briefings and the like. A probot is a proxymoron who conveys programmed disinformation in computerized language and bureaucratese jargon. A probot is one who disseminates lies, distortions and convenient mass truths composed by a superior overruling elite. A Black probot, mechanically efficient but with no awareness, is a robot who has been programmed in service of white domination.  

Dr. Blynd explains, a proxymoron is one moron who speaks on behalf of another moron or a whole gang of morons. [MORE]

 Ignoring the Social Context of White Supremacy to Blame the Victim & View Blacks as Innately Criminal. From [HERE] Following the shooting death of 23-year-old African-American man Sylville Smith at the hands of a member of the Milwaukee Police Department on August 13, the city’s residents flooded the streets in protest. Yesterday, proxymoronic Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, a Black probot, popped up again on FOX Business Network’s “Varney & Co.” to speak on behalf of a gang of morons (elite racists) and share his thoughts on the uprising, which he labeled a riot by "cop haters" and creeps" engaged in "tribal behavior." Individuals who look just like his mother. 

Like his white masters, Clarke mixed truths with lies to deceive. He said, “what causes riots are failed liberal urban policies in these ghettos like Milwaukee,” starts Clarke, who is Black. “Milwaukee has inescapable poverty, we’re like the sixth poorest city in America. They have failing public schools. The K-12 public school system here—there’s only two school systems that are worse, Cleveland and Detroit. You have massive Black unemployment, I think the Black unemployment rate in Milwaukee is 32 percent. You have dysfunctional families, you have father-absent homes, you have questionable lifestyle choices. Those are the ingredients for a riot,” he continues. “And then a police shooting comes along, and it just acts as an igniter to an already volatile situation.”

Clarke when on to call protestors “creeps” and “cop haters” who have nothing to say about four unrelated deaths suffered in the city over the weekend. He concluded by saying activists were looking for an opportunity to steal. [MORE] Naturally he did not mention that actual cause of said problems - the system of white supremacy/racism.

Undeceiver Amos Wilson offers the following:

Well-meaning sociologists and criminologists would have us think that it is unemployment, lack of adequate education job skills, broken homes, drug addiction, learning disabilities, lack of government commitment, Black male irresponsibility, capitalism, which are among the major causes of Black criminality and Black-on-Black violence. The American community would have us think that increased police surveillance, apprehension and punishment, increased investment in police weaponry and manpower, increased prison construction, longer and harsher sentences, containment of the Black community, "just say no to drugs." war on drugs," "a war on poverty," and the like, would curtail or prevent self-destructive violence, criminality, and social deterioration so prevalent in the African American community. Time and experience have amply demonstrated that such approaches are overworked, ineffective and bankrupt. Moreover, such approaches have not attacked the primary causal factor in Black criminality and violence — White supremacy.

White supremacy by its very nature and intent requires the continuing oppression and subordination of African peoples and, in time, may require their very lives. Subordination of a people requires that that people in some way or ways be violated, dehumanized, humiliated, and that some type of violence be perpetrated against them. The violently oppressed react violently to their oppression. When their reactionary violence, their retaliatory or defensive violence, cannot be effectively directed at their oppressors or effectively applied to their self-liberation, it then will be directed at and applied destructively to themselves. This is the essence of Black-on-Black violence. Oppressive violence is both pro-active and re-active, directed and misdirected. Black men kill each other because they have not yet chosen to challenge and neutralize on every front the widespread power of White men to rule over their lives.

The bane of the African community is the exploitative White American community which projects a so-called civilized, fraternal, egalitarian, liberal face while concurrently seeking to maintain White supremacy. This means that the White American community must maintain African subordination while not appearing to do so. It must cannibalistically sacrifice the vitality, autonomy, and if need be, the life of the African American community while posing as its benefactor and savior. It pleads innocence while washing its hands of the blood of African people. This duplicitous task can only be accomplished by making it appear that the African community is dying of natural causes, not of an ingenious attempt on the part of the White American community to strangle it to death. This means that African American hands must be used to plunge White American-manufactured daggers into the hearts of African American citizens. This is the assigned role of the Black-on-Black violent criminal. How this role is played out will be delineated in the chapters that follow.

To explain the problem of African subordination in terms of racism, racial hatred, and the like, is to misdirect and mislead the African community down the irrational and destructive path of seeking to overcome "racism" (as if "racism" could exist without some race of people being empowered to practice it) while leaving the power (and need) to practice this behavior in White hands. The African American and worldwide African communities have chased phantom explanations and solutions to their detriment. While the explanations and solutions expressed in this book may or may not be accepted by the reader, he or she must accept the fact that new explanations and solutions must be found and applied full speed ahead!

At the center of any explanation of violence in the Black American community must exist a detailed description of the conscious and subliminal psychological/material means by which hostile White American hegemonic attitudes are violently acted-out in African American interpersonal relations. Central to any set of solutions to the problems of crime and violence must exist an effective program for curtailing and rendering ineffective the White American community's ability to practice White supremacy, and to continue its domination, benevolent or otherwise, of African American community life. Additionally, the African American community must so construct its psychopolitical consciousness, its socioeconomic relations, the socialization and education of its children, and its cultural values such that it will no longer permit certain of its segments to be unwittingly recruited to execute against its own body politic, White American death-wishes towards it.

We recognize that unemployment, underemployment, poverty, drugs, poor education, inadequate housing, overcrowding and the like, are tangibly related to Black-on-Black criminality and violence. We question their casual roles, however. They represent secondary effects. They reflect the fact that White Americans at this time possess an inordinate amount of power to defend and extend their economic, psychopolitical, and sociocultural advan­tages at the expense of African Americans. These advantages such as they are, can only be enhanced and maintained through racist policies and practices, the current White American pretense of accepting racial integration and assimilation notwithstanding. Instead of being a remnant from the past, the social hierarchy based on race is a critical component in the organization of modern American society. The subordination of people of color is functional to the operation of American society as we know it and the color of one's skin is a primary determinant of people's position in the social structure. Racism is the structural relation­ship based on the subordination of one racial group by another. Given this perspective, the determining feature of race relations is not prejudice towards blacks, but rather the superior position of whites and the institutions — ideological as well as structural — which maintain it.

White American power is utilized to spawn the pre-conditions and conditions of Black-on-Black violence. White American politicoeconomic power has been and is utilized to strip the African American community of its power to defend itself against the plagues of violence, drug abuse, crime, AIDS, and other social/biological ailments which so painfully afflict it. This disempowerment of the Black community, the primary purpose of which is to leave it fundamentally defenseless against White American socioeconomic incursion and exploitation, also leaves it defenseless against the other ills which threaten to totally undermine its health and well-being.

Thus, the conditions which are baneful to the African American community are those conditions which help to maintain White American power and domination over that community. These conditions are so subtly orchestrated that their orchestra­tion is often unnoticed by its intended victims, and are, more often than not, misperceived and misinterpreted by them as originating endemically from their own minds and characters. We argue herein that Black-on-Black criminality and violence play a crucial role in maintaining White American power in all of its manifestations.

A sense of powerlessness and interpersonal violence are inextricably intertwined. Absolute powerlessness as well as absolute power, corrupts. [MORE]

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