[Trump is Not Pandering to White Folks?] A goddamm shame. Coin-Operated Black Pastor Massa'bator Not Ashamed to be Called "Trump Surrogate"
Tuesday, August 30, 2016 at 02:51AM

Hey Pastor. Fuck Trump. From [HERE] Pastor Mark Burns, an African-American supporter of [Democract puppet] Donald Trump who has been defending the candidate's recent outreach to minority voters in the media, tweeted a cartoon Monday of Hillary Clinton in black face, mocking her outreach to black voters.

Black Americans, THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES and letting me use you again..See you again in 4 years. pic.twitter.com/c4BOc6Tgkt

— Pastor Mark Burns (@pastormarkburns) August 29, 2016

In the cartoon, Clinton is standing at a podium holding a sign reading, "#@!* the police" and "I ain't no ways tired of pandering to African-Americans."

Meanwhile 60 days out and Trump wants props for actually giving his first (1st) campaign speech to niggers in the mostly nigger motor city, Detroit. Will he will be escorted by SWAT cops and tanks and speak behind bullet proof glass? [MORE] Fuck Trump. [photo from Wonkette

Burns apologized for the tweet Monday night in a video. "Obviously many people were offended by my tweet and it was not at all my intention ... I really am a shepherd to God's people and the last thing I would want to do is offend people." The tweet, he continued, was intended to shed light on how the Democratic Party has "been pandering and using black people just for their votes." 

Like that, in Blackface? The only 'simple minded darkie singing and dancing for white folks' seems to be old Pastor Massa'bator here. Wish Clinton would say "fuck the police." [note that both candidates/white media are using the terms "racist" and "racists" confusingly as bigotry or as name calling - as opposed to racists as "upholders, supporters and perpetrators of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic "in a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism"- hat tip to Colin Kaepernick. In this way perpetrators and participants in the system of racism can pretend they have nothing to do with it. It is also ironic here because the Republican party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... as white people [MORE]). This mf is a lunchbox. Why the fuck would any Black man want to be called a "surrogate" for a racist suspect puppetician like Trump or Clinton anyway? Money, love of being dominated, a buttery biscuit, what could it be alleged brah?

Always endeavoring to undeceive Dr. Blynd PhF offers the following explanation in the Funktionary (copyright Chocolate City Press). 

coin-operated - the apt name for greedy folk who only act if there is money, power or fame in the game (endeavor-typically and consciously undertaken underhandedly at another's expense. 2) anyone with a sell-out-slot that doubles as a mouth or who easily bends south. 3) the subsumable drive for money, prestige and power. The living-larger sell-outs have to use the cracks of their arse as a discredit card swiper—since the stakes are higher and call for more drastic measures and high-volume transfers (the booty of sell-out treasures) can only be accessed in the form of plastic pleasures.  They call them token Negroes because they are coin-operated.   If you put money in them they will dispense (espew—espouse and spew) the view, vision, wishes, ideas, thoughtforms, ideology, hopes and dreams of the customer.   (See: Piece-Activists, Sniggers, Massa'bators, BOHICANs, Greedy, Ho-Reps, Selfishness, NSA Position & Racism White Supremacy)

massa'bating - the practice of a native Black American "coming" to terms with his or her Negrohood—or sell-out status—by mechanically stroking the pulsating ego of the massa' and then jacking into the Matrix for his sole gratification, i.e., the continuance of global racism white supremacy. Just imagine taking off from Airstrip One flying around the world on Air Force One drinking some Victory gin with a buck-dancing massa'bator with a grimace that doubles for a grin. A male massa'bator cannot possibly be self-respecting as long as he is self-erecting the edifice of oppression through the self-protection of historical amnesia—forgetting where he has "come" from. Massa'bators give auto-eroticism a bad reputation by word association at the angle of incidence. Massa'bators always jump to get their Party members off—the hook that is, by taking the heat when political friction gets too hot for their masters as they vacillate back-and-forth. The one thing a massa'bator never comes to—is the conclusion that he or she is one.

Article originally appeared on (http://brownwatch.com/).
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