Trump Distracts Reactionaries with [fake news] Stupid Ass Tweet about a Meaningless Incident at "Hamilton" Play

To react means you are acting unconsciously. Somebody is manipulating you. Somebody says something, does something, and you react. The real master of the situation is somebody else. You are a slave and the other [Trump] knows how to push your buttons. [MORE]
From [HERE] As soon as Trump tweeted about “Hamilton,” interest in his other real scandals tanked.
On Friday night, Vice President-elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton. The hit broadway show notably features a diverse cast as America’s founding fathers, and celebrates the contributions of immigrants in American history.
The message of the show is thus deeply at odds with the divisive rhetoric employed by the Trump campaign. As Pence entered the theater, he was reportedly booed by some in the audience. After the show, the cast read out a statement in which they addressed Pence as “sir” and asked him to “uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.”
Pence reportedly listened to the statement from the hallway and left the theater smiling, without commenting. Saturday morning on Twitter, however, President-elect Trump tore into the musical.
Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!
On cue, the internet erupted.
Debates broke out on Twitter about whether the booing, and the statement, were brave dissent or a show of disrespect. #BoycottHamilton began trending. And immediately, the spat overshadowed the other negative news dogging the president-elect.
As soon as Trump tweeted, interest in the multi-million dollar fraud payout he agreed to the day before, his breathtaking financial conflicts of interest, and the white nationalist figures he selected for his administration receded into the background.
This is a Google Trends comparison of interest in Trump University compared to Trump and Hamilton in the past day: [HERE]
On Friday night, Vice President-elect Mike Pence attended a performance of Hamilton. The hit broadway show notably features a diverse cast as America’s founding fathers, and celebrates the contributions of immigrants in American history.
The message of the show is thus deeply at odds with the divisive rhetoric employed by the Trump campaign. As Pence entered the theater, he was reportedly booed by some in the audience. After the show, the cast read out a statement in which they addressed Pence as “sir” and asked him to “uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us.” [fuck all that beg shit anyway]
Trump’s overblown reaction to his VP’s Hamilton experience is indeed telling: Once again, the president-elect is applying a dubious version of freedom of speech that specifically casts constitutionally-protected dissent against himself and his team as out-of-line. He mischaracterized what happened. And an elected leader who hasn’t used his Twitter to decry the hundreds of acts of hate committed after his election, without irony, insisted that his elected running-mate deserves a safe space against booing.
But in setting both the traditional media and social media chasing after boos at a Hamilton performance, Trump is also distracting everyone from the damaging, substantive moves he has made since being elected.
Here is what happened just on Friday, immediately before Trump seized on the Hamilton moment: