Sam Greenlee: "Felony" - A Free Black mind is a concealed weapon!

Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy
Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism
Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?
Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality
The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)
What is the First Step in Counter Racism?
Genocide: a system of white survival
'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'
Fear of annihilation drives white racism
Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian
Where are all the Black Jurors?
The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism
Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom
White Domination, Black Criminality
Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%
Race is Not Real but Racism is
Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers."
A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural
Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King
Black Power in a White Supremacy System
The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man
Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?
Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did
From [HERE] The Army said Sunday that it will not approve an easement necessary to permit the controversial Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota, marking a monumental victory for the Native American tribes and thousands of others who have flocked in recent months to protest the oil pipeline.
“I’m happy as heck,” said Everett Iron Eyes, a retired director of natural resources for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and one of the organizers of a camp protesters set up near the pipeline site. “All our prayers have been answered.”
Officials in November had delayed the key decision, saying more discussion was necessary about the proposed crossing, given that it would pass very near the reservation of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, whose leaders have repeatedly expressed fears that a spill could threaten the water supplies of its people.
“Although we have had continuing discussion and exchanges of new information with the Standing Rock Sioux and Dakota Access, it’s clear that there’s more work to do,” Jo-Ellen Darcy, the Army’s assistant secretary for civil works, said in a statement Sunday. “The best way to complete that work responsibly and expeditiously is to explore alternate routes for the pipeline crossing.”
The decision averts a possible showdown on Monday, the date the Army Corps, which owns land on either side of the lake, had set for cutting off access to the protesters’ camp. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, worried about violence, had sent mediators to the area over the weekend.
The victory for the Standing Rock Sioux and its allies could be short-lived, though. President-elect Donald Trump has vowed to support pipelines such as this one. And Kelcy Warren, the chief executive of the pipeline company Energy Transfer Partners, has been a major contributor to the Republican Party and Trump’s campaign. Warren donated $103,000 to (President-Elect) Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. [MORE]
Trump, who owned a $500,000 and $1 million stake in Energy Transfer Partners, has sold the shares, his spokeswoman Hope Hicks said. His most recent disclosure says he still owns a similar size stake in Phillips 66, which owns 25 percent of the Dakota Access line.
Register Racists Not Guns From [HERE] and [HERE] Post-election fears, again, are driving gun purchases — this time less by those worried about losing their gun rights than losing their lives.
Since Donald Trump’s win last month, hate crimes nationwide have surged, and so has the number of people of color buying guns for protection. According to an NBC News report, some gun store owners have seen a four-fold increase in minorities inquiring about and purchasing firearms in recent weeks. Earl Curtis, an African-American and owner of Blue Ridge Arsenal in Virginia, told a reporter that many people of color believe “that racists now feel like they can attack . . . just because [Trump] is doing it.”
According to NBC News black gun groups are reporting double the normal number of attendees at their meetings since the election.
According to a 2014 Pew Research Center survey, gun ownership by blacks is less than half that of whites, 19 percent vs. 41 percent. Yet attitudes are also changing: 54 percent of blacks saw gun ownership as more likely to protect people than put them at risk; two years earlier, it was just 29 percent.
In 2014, 54 percent of blacks surveyed by Pew said gun ownership does more to protect people from crime than put people's safety at risk, versus 29 percent who said that in 2012, almost double. White attitudes also shifted more positively towards gun ownership during that time but not by as much, up 62 percent from 54 percent.
Michael Cargill, the owner of Central Texas Gun Works in Austin, told NBC News he had given up on advertising to African-Americans — but now he's seeing as many as 20 a month, and they're filling up his training classes; along with Muslim, Hispanic, and LGBT patrons with heightened worries about being targeted.
Black gun owner groups are seeing an uptick too, led by African-American women. They report receiving an increased number of emails from across the country from concerned minorities looking to learn more about gun safety, training, and firearm access.
Philip Smith, founder of the 14,000-member National African American Gun Association said his members are buying up every kind of gun, from Glock handguns to AR-15 rifles to AK-47 semi-automatic weapons — though most first-time buyers gravitate toward a nine-millimeter pistol or .38 revolver. He said that twice the usual attendees have RSVP'd for the next meeting of the Georgia chapter, which he heads.
"Most folks are pretty nervous about what kind of America we're going to see over the next 5-10 years," he said. That includes members apprehensive about protests against Trump becoming unruly, as well as an "apocalyptic end result where there's anarchy, jobs are gone, the economy is tipped in the wrong direction and everyone has to fend for themselves." They don't know who might be busting down their door at 2 a.m.
Racial tension was already at a high during the election, with a spate of videoed shootings and deaths of black men by police officers followed by ardent protests. From Ferguson to Chicago to Baltimore, African-Americans feel targeted and angry, sending marchers into the streets and communities on edge.
And Donald J. Trump's surprise victory in November has done nothing to abate the racial violence — it even seems to have encouraged more open displays of hatred. More than 700 instances have already been reported to the Southern Poverty Law Center just since November 8, and LGBT hotlines are seeing an "all-time peak" in calls from people reporting harassment.
Swastikas have been found spray-painted on churches, playgrounds, and college walls. White Texas high school students chanted "Build that wall" during a volleyball game with a predominantly Hispanic rival school.
The post-election gathering in Washington, D.C., of the National Policy Institute, an "alt-right" white supremacist organization ended darkly. Attendees gave the Nazi salute as the final speaker called out "Hail Trump!" and "Hail Victory!" It was an English translation of the Nazi "Sieg Heil!" cry.
"It's best that I be proactive," said Scott, a fiery 49-year-old financial analyst. "I know where I live."
Now desperately trying to join the ranks of "Showcase Blacks" and hoping for the Devil to "please promote me", Stephen A. Smith continues to Shadowbox Colin Kapernick in service of white domination. Aint the devil happy. Always remember, Showcase Blacks are not showcasing themselves, they are being showcased by white supremacists. [MORE])
(Racial Shadow Boxing occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE]
Please remove your mouth from their privates. Voting is a necessary illusion of the white supremacy system. Under the present circumstances voting is just symbolic token participation in democracy. Amos Wilson explained "to Democrats and Republicans (White Party) Black people and their welfare are not the end of the electoral process but merely the means for winning. For both parties electioneering is more of a social device for selling to the public, for shaping its opinion than for standing to account for past behavior and receiving instructions from the public regarding governance and policy decisions." [MORE] Here, Trump used white people's fear and hatred of Blacks to launch himself into the Blight House. What risks did HRC take for you?
Voting is not power.
Always endeavoring to undeceive Amos Wilson explains, 'politicians and the media strive strenuously to convince the Black votary that every conceivable problem which confronts it can be resolved through voting heavily for Black and friendly White politicians. The establishment is ever quick to remind the Black electorate of the historical struggles necessary to achieve their right to vote. It indicts the community for any perceived electoral apathy and seeks to evoke guilt feelings in those who do not participate in the electoral process — making such ritualistic participation emblematic of democracy and first-class citizenship.
This is of special interest when it is realized that very few, if any, of the major political, economic and social goals achieved by Black America, including the Voting Rights Act, were accomplished through Black voting prowess. The ballot box has been a relatively impotent weapon in the achievement of major victories by the Black community. Suddenly vigorous protest and direct-action legal suits and extralegal processes such as boycotts, sit-ins, and the like, which were used so effectively by the community to achieve its sociopolitical ends and to fight injustice and oppression, have fallen far behind the election of Black and friendly White politicians to achieve the same ends. Politicians who in no way are interested in developing a program for the economic emancipation and empowerment of the Black community, and who are not committed to neutralizing White supremacy.' [MORE]
'Any act or attitude on the part of Black males which appears to White Americans to defy White American authority, control or dominance is a problem to white folks.' [MORE] Elite whites will now begin to officially filter out (dissapear) Mr. Kaepernick.
Racism/white supremacy was not on the agenda in any election. Its not a complicated issue - just Cause and Effect. White Supremacy/Racism is the cause of problems such as poverty, economic inequality, lack of economic development, unemployment, drug addiction, infant mortality, AIDS, chronic welfare dependency, lack of affordable housing, homelessness, servant education, the unequal administration of justice, police brutality, jim crow like incarceration, voter suppression and disenfranchisement and much more. Yet no candidates talked about racism/white supremacy and neutralizing or challenging white power. When its all said and done both political parties function to service the interests of the ruling white corporate wealthy elite.
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained, "Black people throughout the world, live under the power of the white supremacy system of total oppression and domination, implying the absence of any true power to determine ultimately what happens to their individual and collective lives. This is the major and only problem facing Black and all other non-white peoples throughout the world. [MORE]
Dr. Blynd explains in Funktionary:
Jesusize - to believe in something (or someone—real, mythologized or imagined) or even worship it, based on little (scant and sketchy) to no evidence in support of it (single-source propaganda), and uncorroborated accounts that fly in the face of knows history, facts and science. 2) to turn fiction or fictional accounts into fact and history through propaganda, indoctrination coercion and violence. Just because a man called "Jesus" did not exist in history does not mean that you cannot become the Christ you are awakening in (or at least to) the Divine Mystery. (See: Jesus Seminar & Christ Consciousness)
From [Greg Palast] The ballots in the electoral “dumpster.” The nasty little secret of US elections, is that we don't count all the votes.
In Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania—and all over America—there were a massive number of votes that were simply rejected, invalidated, and spoiled. They were simply, not counted. Officially, in a typical presidential election, at least three million votes end up rejected, often for picayune, absurd reasons.
The rejects fall into three big categories: provisional ballots rejected, absentee and mail-in ballots invalidated and in-precinct votes “spoiled,” spit out by a machine or thrown out by a human reader as unreadable or mis-marked.
So, as Robert Fitrakis, lead lawyer for the recount tells me, their first job is to pull the votes out of the electoral dumpster—and, one by one, make the case for counting a rejected provisional, absentee or “spoiled” ballot.
Spoiled: over-votes and under-votes
How does a vote spoil? Most fall in the categories of “over-votes” and “under-votes.”
In Michigan, the Green team has found a whole lot of people who voted for TWO candidates for President. These are the “over-vote”—votes that will count for neither candidate.
How odd. While the schools in Detroit are not stellar, its graduates do know that they can only have one president.
Then, some folks didn’t vote at all. They are the “under-voter.”
But, Fitrakis and team suspect, many of these under- and over-voters meant to vote for a candidate but the robot reader couldn’t understand their choice.
Here’s how it happens. Voters in Michigan and Wisconsin fill in bubbles next to their choice. The cards, filled up with darkened bubbles for each race, are gathered and fed through an “optical scanner.” These robotic eyeballs mess up all the time.
This is what Fitrakis, an old hand at vote-machine failures (both deliberate and benign), calls “the calibration problem.”
Are machines calibrated with a Republican or Democratic bias? No, that's not how it works. But just as poor areas get the worst schools and hospitals, they also get the worst voting machines.
The key is an ugly statistic not taught in third grade civics class: According to the US Civil Rights Commission, the chance your vote will be disqualified as “spoiled” is 900% more likely if you’re Black than if you’re white.
Silence of The Vote Scams Again. It's called voter suppression, and it's widespread, very widespread. Trump was right: The election was rigged. But it was rigged in his favor, by his own party.
It all comes down to demographics. The non-white population is growing faster than the white population, and young people coming of voting age are more tolerant of just about everything — race, religion, ethnicity, gays, lesbians, marriage equality, transgender rights, pot, drugs in general — things Republicans are largely opposed to. The older, less tolerant population is simply dying off. Republicans know this, and they know that the only way they can win against this demographics tsunami is through voter suppression.
There's voter caging, in which Republicans send cards to registered voters, and if the cards are returned as undeliverable, the voters are simply tossed off voter rolls. There's no appeal. They're not even notified. Goodbye.
This was banned under the Civil Rights Act, which the then Republican Supreme Court tossed out on the grounds that our election system is now just peachy and no longer needs the act's voter protections. Right.
In Texas, Republicans have made it so hard to conduct voter registration drives that many groups have given up on it, under threat of state criminal charges. (Meanwhile Oregon, a solid blue state, automatically registers all who get driver licenses.)
We are the only country in the world that votes on a workday. So black churches in some states have “Souls to the Polls” early voting Sundays. Republican secretaries of state have fought tooth and nail to stop this, but have failed in the courts, so in the key swing state of Ohio, Republican Secretary of State John Husted — one man — ordered there be only one Souls to the Polls Sunday polling station per county. There are 400,000 blacks in Cuyahoga County (Cleveland) — one polling station.
Husted also ordered turned off security devices that photograph every electronic ballot cast — and this was upheld by, yes, a Republican judge.
Then there's the mother of all voter suppression techniques: Crosscheck. Thirty states participate in this ballot thuggery. With Crosscheck, Republicans scour voter rolls for Asian, Latino and common African-American names, match them to similar — not even necessarily identical — names in other states, and then toss duplicates from the rolls. They don't even use middle names. Again, no appeal, no notification. There are 32,000 Maria Garcias in the United States. Good luck voting, Maria.
About one million voters were rejected by Crosscheck. That's more than five times Trump's total, combined victory margin in Florida and Pennsylvania, two states that would have, together, spelled a Clinton victory.
One would think Hillary Clinton and the national Democratic Party would be howling about all this. One would be wrong. Not a peep from Hillary, who is too busy blaming FBI Director James Comey.
Nor was there a peep from Al Gore or John Kerry when their presidencies were stolen in 2000 and 2004. [Kerry in photo sipping Arabic coffee in old Damascus on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2005, the day after the election challenge by a small band of House Democrats who challenged voting irregularities in Ohio - He did not participate even though they needed at least one senator to temporarily stop the process and force the House and Senate to formally debate their complaint. For his own presidency.]
Here we see the true colors of these three Democratic nominees. In 2004, John Kerry said he wouldn't give up until every Ohio vote was counted, and then a few hours later, in the wee hours, he dispatched his vice-presidential candidate, John Edwards, to throw in the towel — well before the last Ohio vote was in fact counted.
Ultimately none of these three Democratic nominees cared a whit about Maria Garcia's right to vote. All that mattered to them was their election, their presidency, and protecting the facade of the rotting, withering corpse of U.S. democracy. The moment they were declared the loser, they tucked their tails between their legs and limped off the stage, leaving the Maria Garcias of the world to live and deal with the train wreck that is our elections system.
From [HERE] In the wake of President-elect Donald Trump appointing white nationalist Steve Bannon as his “chief strategist and senior counselor” earlier this month, both the Washington Post and New York Times penned editorials denouncing him.
The Post’s editorial board referred to the movement Bannon spearheaded in his role as executive chairman of Breitbart News as “deeply reactionary, rooted in a kind of white chauvinism, with disturbing overtones of anti-Semitism.” And the Times called Bannon’s “toxic ideology” an “ominous sign of what the Trump presidency will actually look like.”
But last year, both the Post and Times partnered with Bannon’s Government Accountability Institute (GAI) to disseminate opposition research on Hillary Clinton published in Clinton Cash, a book by Breitbart contributor Peter Schweizer.
In April 2015, Politico reported that the “New York Times, The Washington Post and Fox News have made exclusive agreements with a conservative author for early access to his opposition research on Hillary Clinton, a move that has confounded members of the Clinton campaign and some reporters.”
As ThinkProgress detailed last year, Clinton Cash cited a fake press release and relied on circumstantial evidence to make a case that the Clinton State Department traded favors for donations to the Clinton Foundation and speaking fees for Bill Clinton. Other outlets highlighted a number of additional errors in the book ranging from Schweizer falsely inflating Bill Clinton’s speaking fees to overstating the power then-Secretary Hillary Clinton had to prevent Russia from buying a company with uranium mining operations in the United States. Margaret Sullivan, then the public editor of the Times, questioned her paper’s arrangement with GAI in a April 2015 blog post, writing that even though there was no financial arrangement with Schweizer, “I still don’t like the way it looked.”
From [HERE] The Dakota Access Pipeline or Bakken pipeline is a 1,172-mile-long (1,886 km) underground oil pipeline project in the United States. The pipeline is currently under construction by Dakota Access, LLC, a subsidiary of the Dallas, Texas corporation Energy Transfer Partners, L.P. The route begins in the Bakken oil fields in northwest North Dakota and travels in a more or less straight line south-east, through South Dakota and Iowa, and ends at the oil tank farm near Patoka, Illinois. The project was planned for delivery by January 1, 2017. As of November 26, 2016, the project was reported to be 87% completed.
The $3.7 billion project was announced to the public in July 2014, and informational hearings for landowners took place between August 2014 and January 2015. Dakota Access submitted its plan to the Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) on October 29, 2014, and applied for a permit in January 2015. The IUB was the last of the four state regulators to grant the permit in March 2016, including the use of eminent domain, after some public controversy. As of March 2016, Dakota Access had secured voluntary easements on 82 percent of Iowa land.
The pipeline has been controversial regarding its necessity, and potential impact on the environment. A number of Native Americans in Iowa and the Dakotas have opposed the pipeline, including the Meskwaki and several Sioux tribal nations. In August 2016, ReZpect Our Water, a group organized on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, brought a petition to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, D.C. and the tribe sued for an injunction. A protest at the pipeline site in North Dakota near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation has drawn international attention. Thousands of people have been protesting the pipeline construction, with confrontations between some groups of protesters and law enforcement, along with disputes over the facts.
Kelcy Lee Warren, a racist suspect businessman, is the chairman and chief executive officer of Energy Transfer Partners. He donated $103,000 to (President-Elect) Donald Trump's 2016 campaign. [MORE]
President-elect Donald Trump holds stock in Energy Transfer Partners,, and pipeline opponents warn that Trump's investments could affect any decision he makes on the $3.8 billion project as president.
Trump's most recent federal disclosure forms, filed in May, show he owned between $15,000 and $50,000 in stock in Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners. That's down from between $500,000 and $1 million a year earlier.
Trump also owns between $100,000 and $250,000 in Phillips 66, which has a one-quarter share of Dakota Access.
Concern about Trump's possible conflicts comes amid protests that unfold daily along the proposed pipeline route. The dispute over the route has intensified in recent weeks, with total arrests since August rising to 528. [MORE]
Dr. Frances Cress Welsing explained that a substantial number of white people are predominantly occupied with the destruction of the universe'
Bhagwan Rajineesh asked "what is the need of nations? The whole earth is one. Only on the maps do you go on drawing lines, and over those lines you go on fighting and killing and murdering. It is such a stupid game that unless the whole of humanity is mad, it is impossible to think how it goes on continuing. What is the need of nations? What is the need of passports and visas and boundaries? This whole earth belongs to us: wherever one wants to be, one has the right to be. The sun is nobody’s property, the earth is nobody’s property, the moon is nobody’s property; the wind, the clouds, the rain – nothing is anybody’s property. Why do you draw these lines?"
CNN says since man first explored space, it has been a largely peaceful environment. But now US adversaries are deploying weapons beyond Earth's atmosphere, leading the US military to prepare for the frightening prospect of war in space.
"As [white] humans go out there, there has always been conflict. Conflict in the Wild West as we move in the West ... conflict twice in Europe for its horrible world wars," Gen. John Hyten, head of US Strategic Command, told CNN. "So, every time humans actually physically move into that, there's conflict, and in that case, we'll have to be prepared for that."
Today, the US depends on space more than any other nation. [MORE] and [MORE]
From [NY Times] and [WashPost] Voting machine truther, Donald J. Trump said on Sunday that he had fallen short in the popular vote in the general election only because millions of people had voted illegally, leveling the baseless claim as part of a daylong storm of Twitter posts voicing anger about a three-state recount push.
“In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally,” Mr. Trump wrote Sunday afternoon.
Late on Sunday, again without providing evidence, he referred in a Twitter post to “serious voter fraud in Virginia, New Hampshire and California.”
A day earlier, Mr. Trump’s transition team ridiculed the idea that recounts were needed. “This is a scam by the Green Party for an election that has already been conceded,” it said in a statement, “and the results of this election should be respected instead of being challenged and abused.”
That message runs counter to the one Mr. Trump sent on Sunday with his fraud claims — if millions of people voted illegally, presumably officials across the country would want to pursue large-scale ballot recounts and fraud investigations. Barely a month ago Trump said he would not concede until the election results were verified. [MORE]
Since election day the elite white media has simply ignored evidence of non-white voters being systematically denied their right to vote and instead covered every idiotic tweet by Trump. The elite white media controls the domain of discourse by controlling what you think about.
No One Wants to Talk About "Crosscheck." Dummy Trump's claims about "millions" of fraudulent votes must have been a reference to the GOP created Crosscheck program. As Neely Fuller explains, 'racists are masterful liars.' Trump has it backwards.
According to investigative journalist Greg Palast millions of non-white voters were purged by a program known as The Interstate Crosscheck. Crosscheck has nothing to do with electronic voting. The program, launched in 2005 by racist suspect, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, was designed as a method to counter voter fraud through double voting. Interstate Crosscheck removes a voter from the voter list if the individual’s name appears to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program (30 states participate). The program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election - upon no factual basis the GOP has claimed that double voting is a rampant problem.
Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
An investigation in Rolling Stone found that Crosscheck uses a biased and questionable methodology that puts voters with African-American, Latino, and Asian names in greater danger of being purged from the voter list and being falsely accused of double voting. Crosscheck supposedly matches first, middle and last name, plus birth date, and provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification.
However, in practice a quarter of the names on the list did not have a middle name match. The system also neglected to take into account designations of Jr. and Sr., and the lists obtained by Palast did not include any Social Security numbers. Consequently, an overwhelmingly disproportionate number of non-whites have been removed who have typical Black, Latino and Asian last names and who reside in predominately minority zip codes. Names such as Jackson, Garcia and Wong in areas such as Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. For instance, if the common name "Jose Garcia" appears on voter rolls in Wisconsin and Michigan it was removed from the rolls in both states without any cross referencing for middle name or social security number. When "Jose Garcia" appeared to vote on election day he would be given a provisional ballot -which would never get counted.
U.S. Census data shows that minorities are overrepresented in 85 of 100 of the most common last names. “If your name is Washington, there’s an 89 percent chance you’re African-American,” says Palast. “If your last name is Hernandez, there’s a 94 percent chance you’re Hispanic.” Finding these common names the GOP targeted non-white voters and put them on the list.
This inherent bias results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans in Crosscheck states landing on what Palast dubs “Trump’s hit list.” It was a racial hit list as white voters were disproportinately underrepresented in Crosscheck. His investigators calculated 1.1 million non-white people, many spread over crucial swing states were deprived of their right to vote on election day. Thus far, Palast's claims have not been refuted.
According to the exit polls, 88% of black voters voted for Hillary Clinton, as well as 65% of hispanic and asian American voters.
“The list is loaded overwhelmingly with voters of color and the poor,” says Palast. “Many didn’t discover that their vote was stolen until they turned up last Tuesday and found their name missing. In the US they are given something called a provisional ballot, but if your name is not on the voter roll, you can fill out all the provisional votes you like they’re not going to count your vote. – They can’t even if you’re wrongly removed.
Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107
Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257
Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008
Enough votes to swing the election away from the Hillary Clinton victory predicted in polls – explaining suspicious exit polls inconsistencies – and towards a shock result for Trump and Republican victory in the Senate. [MORE]
Despite the list of 7 million suspects, there have only been four arrests and no prosecutions.
From [HERE] and [HERE] The government refused a plea offer from accused racist suspect Dylann Roof on Friday. Roof, the man charged with killing nine black church members attending Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, offered to plead guilty in exchange for a sentence of life in prison. Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced her decision in May to pursue the death penalty. "The nature of the alleged crime and the resulting harm compelled this decision," said Ms. Lynch. The critics for the Justice Department's decision have several arguments, including the efficacy and morality of the death penalty. William N. Nettles, previous United States attorney for South Carolina, says that a federal death penalty trial would be duplicative as the state is "both willing and able to address the issue." Roof is also facing a trial for capital crimes in state court beginning in January.
During a prayer service he is alleged to have killed nine African Americans, including senior pastor and state senator Clementa C. Pinckney, and injured one other person. After several people identified Roof as the main suspect, he became the center of a manhunt that ended the morning after the shooting with his arrest in Shelby, North Carolina. He later confessed that he committed the shooting in hopes of igniting a race war.
Three days after the shooting, a website titled The Last Rhodesian was discovered and later confirmed by officials to be owned by Roof. The website contained photos of Roof posing with symbols of white supremacy and neo-Nazism, along with a manifesto in which he outlined his views towards blacks, among other peoples. He also claimed in the manifesto to have developed his racist views after reading about the 2012 shooting of Trayvon Martin and "black-on-white crime." [MORE]
Some believe the entire episode was a hoax.[MORE] However, unlike other events suspected as "false flag" operations, an actual criminal trial may answer lingering questions. According to the government, Roof visited slave plantations, cemeteries of his racist heroes and took various photos posing with confederate flags and such [see photo above]. [MORE]
Jury selection for the trail is scheduled to resume on Monday after the delay due to a request for a competency hearing. US District Judge Richard Gergel released an order [PDF, text] that found Roof to be competent to stand trial. The closed competency hearing included the testimony of Dr. James C. Ballenger, one of the nation's "most renowned and respected psychologists." Last year Roof entered a temporary plea of not guilty. He faces 33 charges including federal hate crimes and firearms charges for killing and attempting to kill African-Americans based on race and in an effort to interfere with the victims right to exercise their religious beliefs.
From [HERE] U.S. Senator Cory Booker is calling on the Department of Justice to open an investigation into the tactics used by police against peaceful water protectors at the protest site in North Dakota.
Senator Booker penned a letter to A.G. Loretta Lynch and her deputy Vanita Gupta, in which he called on the federal government to pay attention and take action.
Booker called the actions by police “inappropriate,” and urged the government to send federal monitors which would allow the protesters to safely demonstrate as is their constitutional right.
Booker also raised questions about how arrested protesters were treated, and questioned whether the police were violating human rights and “unconstitutional conditions of confinement.” [MORE]
Racists deceive and confuse by using words with various meanings.[MORE]
RACISM (white supremacy), is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth – a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people.”
Fuck Him Too. Wisconsin Rep. Sean Duffy, a racist suspect, compared Black Lives Matter to the alt-right during his appearance on CNN’s “The Lead” on Tuesday. This unconscious white man's mind is filled with smoke as there is nothing"radical" about protesting against the use of excessive force by public servants [cops] and depriving people of their Constitutional rights. Such conduct by police is already unlawful. It is make believe fantasy to compare persons asking a government to be held accountable with persons who seek to maintain a system of injustice based on skin color. Duffy is a proxymoron - a moron who speaks on behalf of a gang of morons. Don't get caught up in their unreality. "You cannot do anything about the deceivers, so don't be worried, let them be themselves. But you can do something about yourself, that is the point." [MORE]
Minority becomes majority in US [did you know that over 90% of the world is non-white? [MORE]
Today, non-whites make up about 38 percent of the general population, a share that is expected to surpass 50 percent in 2044, according to projections. The voting-eligible population is predicted to follow closely behind.
The minority share of the electorate — those capable of voting — is predicted to rise to 50 percent in 2052 from 31 percent today. But the change will be uneven, according to the analysis.
By 2060, minorities are projected to make up about 75 percent or more of the electorate in three states: California, New Mexico and Hawaii, which has never had a white majority. In Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, on the other hand, minorities will still not have broached 15 percent of the electorate, according to the projections.
Over that time, the electorate will change drastically. In five states, the minority share of the voting-eligible population will grow by 25 percentage points or more. They are Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Nevada and New Jersey.
Nationally, the white share of the electorate is predicted to fall to 46 percent in 2060 from 69 percent this year.
The Hispanic share is predicted to rise to 27 percent from 13 percent; the black share is expected to rise one point to 13 percent from 12 percent; and the share that is Asian or “other” is expected to double to 14 percent from 7 percent.