From [DailyKos] and [MORE] and [MORE] A fallacious, scurrilous "crosscheck" list of voters' names across states, dubbed "Interstate Crosscheck", flagged "suspected double voters" across state lines, by sending participating states the names of voters that were only partial matches. Screen shot of some of the matches is shown directly below. A much larger, clearer image of the name matches can be seen here at the reporter's website ( Note Greg Palast uncovered Crosscheck in a research project published by Al Jazeera America, which is no longer operating. The reporting is republished here [November 2014], and at his own website. It's clear to see, especially in the larger image, that these "Case #s" of 2 names are generally not of the same person. These are persons with common last and first names.
More than 2 dozen states participate in the "Interstate Crosscheck" program, run by Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach -- including Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina and Ohio.
Although the program claims to possess information on voters by entire full name, SSN and birth year and date, it is obvious just scanning the partial case lists that reporter Greg Palast reviewed, that all the matching info is not used.
A partial match will allege fraudulent potential double voters of distinct people. The list is obviously so flawed that Florida eventually opted out of Interstate Crosscheck. Oregon stopped participating as well because the "data we received was unreliable", according to the SoS office.
Phoney Phranchise & The Denial of Real News.This Thursday, at 8pm ET/5pm PT, the NAACP-National Voter Fund and Rainbow/PUSH will share the Facebook Live broadcast of Greg Palast's courageous documentary, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: A Tale of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits ––the film that exposes exactly how Trump and his cronies attacked the voting rights of a million non-white voters to steal the White House.
[MORE] and [MORE] on Interstate Crosscheck and uncounted votes cast by the Black, Latino & Asian votary and more from Dr. Blynd on the necessary illusion of the Spectacle and myth of participatory democracy in the US.
"Robin Good." The APR for 14-day $100 payday loan in Mississippi is 520%. From [HERE] and [MORE] and [MORE].
Dr. Blynd defines loanshark & LOBSTER as follows;
Loanshark - a parasite whose motto is: "Prey or Pay." 2) Preypal. The difference between loanshark and banker is class. A banker can create "money: out of thin air based on ones signature; a loanshark can only loan what has already been earned.
LOBSTER - Lower Order Behavior Systems Terrorizing Everyone's Rights. 2) Lower Order Bureaucratic Slaves Twisting Everyday Reality. A lobster is a low order behaving MOBSTER, i.e., a territorial gangster with a mindset of eat-or-be-eaten. Even if you put some lobsters on ice - they still come back to life. CRAB is centralized rogue authoritarian behavior. [MORE]
Who are the Real Criminals?
A payday loan is a relatively small, extraordinary high-cost loan, typically due in two weeks and made with a borrower’s post-dated check or access to the borrower’s bank account as collateral. Payday loans are designed to trap borrowers in debt. Due to the short term, most borrowers cannot afford to both repay the loan and pay their other important expenses. If the loan cannot be paid back in full at the end of the term, it has to be renewed, extended, or another loan taken out to cover the first loan. Fees are charged for each transaction. Lenders ask that borrowers agree to pre-authorized electronic withdrawals from a bank account, then make withdrawals that do not cover the full payment or that cover interest while leaving principal untouched.If the lender deposits a repayment check and there are insufficient funds in the borrower’s account, the borrower is hit with even more fees for insufficient funds in their accounts. The bounced amount causes any other automatic debits or payments from the account to also fail and accrue more overdraft fees - wreaking havoc on a person's bank account - thereby leading them to borrow more or disaster.
The annual percentage rates on payday loans are extremely high, typically around 400% to 800%. The loans are available to people unable to obtain credit from traditional lending institutions. They are a last resort taken by persons under extreme financial pressure usually during an emergency of some kind. Sounds like usury right? Not so in a crimeogenic system of white supremacy. Payday loans are the creation of Europeans. So-called white collar crime committed by white folks goes disproportionately unpunished.
So-called white-collar crime is ordinarily not even counted as crime even though its perpetrators are specifically known to criminal justice officials. Though corporate crime, which robs Americans of billions of dollars endangers the health and destroys the lives of millions of Americans and non-Americans, such activities are not often perceived as crime. While Whites commit the majority of crime in America, crime, particularly "crime in the streets," is seen as an African American monopoly. Ryan very pointedly reports that "out of the total spectrum of crime, very little is committed in the streets." The hue and cry in America for "law and order" is essentially a White American-coded plea for containment of alleged Black criminality — and ultimately a plea for the containment of the African American community.
The trouble with the official crime picture is that it has the effect of grossly distorting the average citizen's image of what crime is all about. It minimizes and deflects attention from one kind of crime (the common kind that one's neighbors commit) and exaggerates and spotlights another, less common, kind (the code name is "crime-in-the-street" which is presumably committed by "criminals").
Ryan asks:
Why does the American public respond so strongly to the issue of law and order?
There are at least two reasons. One is that the myopic view represented in the conventional wisdom about crime seems to provide at least some vague rationale for the tasks we set for our police; and it is comforting to keep the illusion that police are engaged in law enforcement. Another is that it permits us to keep believing that crime is fertilized by the slums and nurtured by low socio-economic status. We can then go on talking about some mythical separate group of criminals — most of whom, of course, are poor or black or both — dangerous and threatening to the life of the community. We do this through the device of defining as criminal only persons arrested by the police (Emphasis added).
... a set of studies show that there is no substantial relationship between social class and the commission of crimes, but that there is a very marked relationship between class and conviction for crime. . . . (Emphasis added).
The lesson of all this is plain: the fact that half or more of the persons arrested for crimes of personal violence, and that forty to fifty per cent of all prisoners in jails and penitentiaries are black says nothing at all about the criminality of black people. And that an even higher proportion of persons arrested are poor and imprisoned sheds no light whatever on the criminality of the poor. These facts only identify the objects of police and court activity. There are law violators and there are law violators; one kind gets arrested, the other kind is usually left alone.
... that the major determinant of police action is not so much the commission of a crime as the identity of the supposed criminal.
We must judge why we hire the policemen by the evidence. Presumably we hire them to do what they, in fact, do: arrest black people and poor people. In functional terms, it would be hard to evade the conclusion that the major task we give to our police is to control potentially disruptive or troublesome groups in the population.
Ryan further intimates that White America's perception of "crime" as a "Black thing" and that the control or psychopolitical, socioeconomic ostracism of the Black community is based on the belief that crime is far more prevalent in that community than in the White community. This belief is further supported by the oft-projected belief that the criminality of the poor (read: Black) reflects the warping of their character and behavior by the negative social conditions under which they live (i.e., it is not acknowledged that the social conditions under which they live are created and maintained by White America and if the character of a segment of the Black community is criminalized by its living conditions, then White America must ultimately accept its responsibility for creating "Black crime"). Related beliefs include the generally accepted ideas that lower class criminals (read: "Black") form a distinct subculture in the general population and that the overriding purpose of the police is to "quarantine" this subgroup in order to control and suppress its criminal activity.
This set of [beliefs] is an extremely plausible and acceptable version of Blaming the Victim, perhaps the most plausible of all formulations I have discussed. It is also the most outrageous collection of non-facts [unsubstantiated beliefs] imaginable. But the speciousness of the argumentation is not easy to detect. It is difficult, in the first place, to think of the person we call a criminal as a victim at all. In what way is the mugger, the purse-snatcher, the thug who beats up our neighbor in Central Park, a victim? How can the processes of criminal justice, in any sense, be defined as Blaming the Victim?
The real truth is that arrest, trial and punishment of persons accused of breaking the law is very tenuously related to the enforcement of law and the deterrence of crime, and has only a remote relationship with any abstract entity as justice* (*Emphasis added). As J. Edgar Hoover once said in a moment of perhaps unintentional candor, "Justice is incidental to law and order."
Criminality, both alleged and actual, in the African American community indicts White American-dominated society and culture. However, while those who dominate this society and culture are quick to take credit and responsibility for their exaggerated positive characteristics and productivity, they are loathe to take credit and responsibility for one of its outstanding negative characteristics — the oppressive criminalization of the African American community.
Non-violence has made Black people just like butter – you just cut into them with your knife, and there is no response just reaction with no repercussions. And millions can be killed and demeaned without any resistance, because resistance would be violence. [MORE] and [MORE]
It is a tradition every year in mid-January that officials, determined to tear down the edifices Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. built in life, try to claim his mantle on Martin Luther King Day. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) praised King for reaching “out to people of different backgrounds, races, and creeds” and imploring “them to find the basic aspects of humanity that unite us all.” President-elect Donald Trump got an early start on King-appropriation last August, when he celebrated the 53rd anniversary of the March on Washington by calling upon “today’s leaders” to “work to ensure that all of our people can live in safety, prosperity, equality and peace.”
But these men have not honored King’s life work. They threaten the voting rights King marched to secure, as well as rights such as health care and economic security that King cherished. They praise his legacy, then actively fight to dismantle it.
“Give us the ballot,” King demanded in 1957, and African Americans will have the tool they need to protect their own interests in a democracy. Though King is remembered for his comprehensive assault on racial injustice, he viewed the franchise as the single most important component of this fight. “Our most urgent request to the president of the United States and every member of Congress,” King proclaimed, “is to give us the right to vote.”
Dr. King wept tears of joy during President Lyndon Johnson’s “We Shall Overcome” speech announcing the Voting Rights Act. He endured beatings and threats and assassination attempts to win the right to vote.
In the sanitized version of King offered by men like Ryan, Dr. King was a unifying figure who paved over a racial divide that is now largely healed. But King was the arch-nemesis of Ryanism.
King saw that the battle for racial equality was inseparable from the fight for economic justice. “I am mindful that debilitating and grinding poverty afflicts my people and chains them to the lowest rung of the economic ladder,” King lamented in his speech accepting the Nobel Peace Prize. And he demanded not just civil rights but also a guaranteed income for all Americans.
And yet the Republican Party’s budget proposals, many of them authored by Speaker Ryan, may be the greatest rollback in assistance for the poor and the downtrodden since the federal government abandoned its commitment to reconstructing the South after the Civil War. It combines severe cuts to health care, education, and food assistance for the poor with major tax cuts for the rich. It is the very thing Dr. King marched against.
Republicans now prepare to dismantle much of America’s health care safety net. Repealing Obamacare threatens 20 million people’s health insurance. Without access to care, about 27,000 of these individuals are likely to die every year.
King viewed poverty as not just a tragedy, but a barbarism. “It is socially as cruel and blind as the practice of cannibalism at the dawn of civilization, when men ate each other because they had not yet learned to take food from the soil or to consume the abundant animal life around them.”
Never, since President Johnson signed the legislation creating Medicare and Medicaid, has such a comprehensive plan to foster injustice in health care been so close to becoming law.
King is remembered for his soaring moral rhetoric, but he was also unafraid to do battle with wonks. He proposed a minimum income in his 1967 book Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?, after warning that traditional antipoverty programs focusing on education, housing, or “fragile family relationships” too often operate in haphazard ways.
Housing measures have fluctuated at the whims of legislative bodies. They have been piecemeal and pygmy. Educational reforms have been even more sluggish and entangled in bureaucratic stalling and economy-dominated decisions. Family assistance stagnated in neglect and then suddenly was discovered to be the central issue on the basis of hasty and superficial studies. At no time has a total, coordinated and fully adequate program been conceived. As a consequence, fragmentary and spasmodic reforms have failed to reach down to the profoundest needs of the poor.
Having watched policymakers grope about in this way, King wrote that he was “now convinced that the simplest approach will prove to be the most effective — the solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income.”
Uncontested Facts in Accord with the Appetite of the Listener, Not With the Realities of Life.A mind that is filled with belief is a mind which can project anything according to that belief.'
From [HERE] Dylann S. Roof, whom the NY Times describes as "the impenitent and inscrutable white supremacist who killed nine African-American churchgoers" in a brazenly racial assault almost 19 months ago, shocking the world over the persistence of extremist hatred "in dark corners of the American South" [as opposed to the global system of white supremacy/racism in which most of teh world's white people participate in], was condemned to death by a federal jury last Tuesday. [MORE] No surprise after an uncontested trial and sentencing. Due to the contrived nature of the evidence (unauthenticated handwritten journal, jail writings, online manifesto [which was never updated and appears to be written by multiple authors], photoshopped pics, full confession, crisis actors, booty police chase, off and on play lawyer with no strategy etc, many think this episode was false - yes, the Government kills Black people. [MORE] More on photoshop tricks [HERE]
Racists like to use word tricks or confuse with language. The terms "racist" and "racists" and racism are used interchangeably or confusingly by racists with what is really bigotry or just name calling.
In reality, to be a racist is to be an "upholder, supporter and perpetrator of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic in a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism.)"
There is no system of Black supremacy.Nelly Fuller has observed that there is only one functioning form of racism in the known world- White supremacy. He challenges his readers to identify and then to demonstrate the superiority or functional supremacy of any of the world's "non-white" peoples over anyone. Concluding that since there is no operational supremacy of any "colored" people, Fuller reveals that the only valid operational definition of racism is white supremacy. He observes that in spite of any and all statements the world's "non-white" peoples may make about themselves having economic and/or political independence and the like, in the final analysis, they are all victims of the white supremacy process. He places major emphasis on the present realities of the world that can be verified and tested, rather than on what one could imagine to be the case (such as a black or yellow supremacy). He further emphasizes that, instead of focusing on individual cases or on specific locations, a perspective that examines the patterns of relationships between whites and "non-whites" worldwide must be developed. [MORE]
Racism is white supremacy and white supremacy is racism. 'Everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. This extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability is rarely questioned by African Americans (90% of the world is non-white)'. [MORE]
A: Because this describes exactly WHO is practicing racism. For one group to practice racism that group must have MORE POWER than another group. Since whites control ALL the major areas of human activity in America — housing, education, health, entertainment, economics, politics, law, and religion — it is accurate to define all “racism” as “white supremacy.” We must be accurate so the victims of racism do not become confused.
Q: Isn’t all racism the same, regardless of who is practicing it?
A: There is only ONE kind of racism: white supremacy. White people are the only group in America with the POWER to discriminate (deprive or punish other ethnic groups), and the systems and institutions to maintain the imbalance of power.
For example, rich people are more powerful than poor people. Rich people have the POWER to discriminate against poor people by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so.
In America, whites have the POWER to discriminate against blacks (and other non-whites) by depriving them of income, promotions, jobs, housing, land, justice, and any other rights – if they choose to do so. It doesn’t matter that some whites are poorer than some blacks.
In all things and in all places in America, whites are collectively more powerful than blacks are collectively. This imbalance of (white) power creates the opportunity and the ability to practice racism against non-whites. Racism is not empty rhetoric (words) or mindless emotion. Racism is economic, political, institutional, and systematic POWER. Since whites control all the institutions and systems of power in America, only whites have the power to practice racism. [MORE]
bigot - one who manifests and expresses self hatred and self inferiority. Not to be confused with racism.
Bigotry - manfestation of the self-alien(h)ated and self hatred projected towards others, especially those of a different so-called race. Bigotry is personal, whereas white supremacy racism is an institutionalized group power dynamic and impersonal.
Racism White Supremacy- 1) psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD.
In a system of white supremacy/racism non-whites cannot be racist to whites b/c they have no power to do so. It is a white over Black system of vast unequal power by design.
Black Kids Calling a White Guy "Bitch Ass Nigger" is an example of name calling bigotry not racism. The "brutalized" victim was treated at a hospital and released the same day with no serious physical injuries.[MORE]
"Q: Are you saying blacks cannot be racist toward whites?
A: That’s correct. Of course, all people can be hateful or prejudiced. Those terms describe individual behaviors, not systematic power. Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism.
If a poor man robs a rich man at gunpoint that doesn’t mean the poor man is more powerful (economically and politically) than the rich man. The poor man is an individual who committed a crime of opportunity. There are no powerful institutions or systems that support his right to rob the rich man, but there are institutions and systems that allow the rich man to rob the poor man - which is why he doesn’t need a gun to do it.
A black person who mistreats a white person doesn’t mean black people are more powerful (economically and politically) than white people. Never confuse the actions of a black individual (or a group of black individuals) that mistreats someone white as proof that black racism exists. Their “power” is limited ONLY to what they can do as individuals. There are NO black institutions or systems that support, defend, or finance the right of blacks to mistreat whites.
There are NO black individuals or black organizations that have the power to strip whites of their collective right to live where they want, work where they want, get an education wherever they want, or control what white people do collectively in ANY area of human activity. There are NO black institutions that are more powerful than white institutions. Therefore, blacks do not have the COLLECTIVE POWER to diminish the quality of life for the white collective.
Q: What is collective power?
A: Collective power is the institutions and systems that benefit one group at the expense of another group, and allow one group to dominate another group in all areas of human activity.
For example, when a white policeman shoots an unarmed black man (50 times), his fellow officers, the police chief, internal affairs, the union, the media, the prosecutor, the judge, and the jury will support, defend, and finance that white police officer’s “right” to shoot (murder) an unarmed black person. That is white collective power. [MORE]
Fuck That. The Power of Refusal. Stop Supporting White Supremacy.Dairy Queen and Crichton “received money from this community. I think those days are gone where businesses and business owners can mistreat people and just say ‘I’m sorry.’ ”
From [HERE] The Dairy Queen owner shouting the n-word at Deianeira Ford told her he could say whatever he wanted at his fast-food restaurant — that any accusations and complaints she uttered would fall on deaf ears.
Ford was vindicated two days later, when her Facebook post about the incident provoked outrage so strong that the Dairy Queen in Zion, Ill., didn’t open for business.
But her victory was tempered by something even more troubling that she heard at a protest: Although she was the most vocal victim of the owner’s racism, she was not the first.
On Wednesday, Ford had taken her two children to visit their grandmother — and, because they were well-behaved, she stopped by the Dairy Queen on the way home. She ordered a $5 box, but part of the order was wrong, and another part was missing.
So she asked the owner to fix the order, and when he balked, she asked for a refund. That’s when things spiraled.
The owner, James “Jim” Crichton, returned her $5, but gave her a mouthful, according to Ford and the police in Zion, 50 miles north of Chicago.
“He called me and my children nigger; he said I can go back to where I came from,” Ford told The Washington Post.
“He took out his flip phone and he said he would take a picture and put it on Facebook because he wants to show the world what kind of nigger he has to deal with. Then he shut the window and walked away.”
“My daughter is 3. She’s a little sponge; she repeats everything,” said Ford, 21. “She asked me: ‘Mommy, we niggers?’ ” [The answer is Yes. Niggermeans a non-white person who is subject to the system of white supremacy.]
An officer found her sitting in the parking lot in tears. She told him what happened, and he went to talk to Crichton, the DQ owner.
The officer later detailed what Crichton told him in a police report. He said Crichton was angry. He was shaking and pacing the floor.
But he did not deny what Ford had said:
“Crichton boastfully told me he would be happy to go to jail over the issue and proudly admitted to calling Ford a nigger. He added that he is ‘fed up with black people,’ ” and described an incident in which two “of them” were in his restaurant squirting ketchup all over the floor, according to the officer’s report.
“During the course of my conversation with Crichton, he used the word ‘nigger‘ freely to describe black people,” the officer continued.
Still, there was little police could do.
In a statement, Zion Police Chief Steve Dumyahn told The Post that “while this alleged activity is deplorable, it is not criminal.”
So Ford took to Facebook.
She wrote a post describing what had happened. She described how she had asked for the owner’s name after recovering from her shock so she could report him to Dairy Queen’s corporate office. He replied “Bill Clinton then said better yet I’m Donald Trump,” Ford posted.
She included the phone number and address of the Dairy Queen. She also called Dairy Queen’s corporate headquarters.
A few hours after she wrote the post, it had been shared by several thousand people. Some called the restaurant. One man went by Crichton’s store, sparking another call to police. At some point, the post was seen by the people at Dairy Queen’s corporate office.
On Thursday, the company released a statement saying Crichton’s actions “are inexcusable, reprehensible and unacceptable. We do not in any way condone his behavior or language.”
Dairy Queen also released a statement from Crichton, which said he and his employees would undergo sensitivity training.
“I would like to sincerely and humbly apologize for my recent words and actions,” his statement said. “I have let my family, friends, employees, our system and this community down with what I have done.”
But it was too late. On Friday, Dairy Queen announced that it was closing the location in Zion, Ill., and that it was terminating Crichton’s franchise rights.
Crichton could not be reached for comment on Sunday.
A Saturday protest organized by local activists and Black Lives Matter demonstrators turned into a celebration of sorts.
Powerless Class. From [HERE] One of my favorite New Yorker cartoons showed a judge looking down at a defendant and asking, “So – just how much justice can you afford?” Judges never say things like that, or at least I hope not. But the system sort of does, whether we admit it or not.
If you doubt that, consider this: Let’s say some state agency went after Dick and Betsy DeVos and accused them of defrauding the taxpayers out of money. They were not only ordered to pay it back; they were then assessed a fine four times the size of what they got…
Plus interest. If they didn’t pay all that immediately, their assets would be seized and their paychecks garnisheed. Let’s say all that happened, and then the state said, “Hey, you know what? That was just a dumb computer error. I guess we’ll give you your money back.”
Let’s say that same agency did the same to another 21,000 rich people. How long do you think that would have been tolerated? What do you think would have happened to the head of that agency? Do you suppose she would have kept her job?
Well, guess what. That scenario actually did happen. Not to the DeVoses, but to 21,000 other Michiganders, over at least a two-year time period. But there was a difference. By and large, these were poor people who filed for unemployment insurance.
The state turned things over to a computer system called MIDAS to determine who was committing fraud, and then went after those the computer identified as having done so. Assets were seized, and wages garnisheed. But in 93 percent of the cases, the computers were wrong. Sure, some lawsuits were filed.
But most of the victims were relatively poor and not especially well connected. Folks like that often feel helpless against the system. Still, it should have been clear something was radically wrong. Luke Shaefer, an associate professor who heads the University of Michigan’s Poverty Solutions initiative, told me “they’ve had evidence that this was a major problem for a long time. I don’t understand why it took so long.” With that, I suddenly got a sharp sense of déjà vu.
This seemed like Flint all over again. Then as now, the Snyder administration [racist suspect in photo] was reluctant to admit error, and more reluctant to take action against those responsible. It took months after the governor finally admitted there was lead in the water before he fired the head of the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
In both cases, the governor seemed to have curious deficiencies, a lack of recognition of the magnitude of the problem and a lack of empathy for those affected.
Late last year, when it was becoming clear what the Unemployment Insurance Agency had done, the governor told the Detroit Free Press
“It’s not a good thing. The system didn’t work well,” and aide characterized it as a “customer service problem.”
My guess is that those who had their meager assets wrongly confiscated might use another term. Nor has the governor fired anyone over this scandal. Sharon Moffett-Massey, who was in charge of the agency, was only “reassigned,” presumably at full salary.
There’s something wrong with this picture, something involving cold indifference, incompetence, and justice that some people, sadly, apparently are too poor to afford.
"Once You Get Excited the Mind Has Sold You Something." [White Lives Matter More to White Media]. As with so-called “black on black crime,” Racists think this story is important because they believe it is saying something foul about all black people [the imagined other] and saying something reassuringly flattering about themselves. Media coverage of the alleged kidnapped & "tortured" white teen ["disabled," "Trump supporter"] has already eclipsed the glancing coverage given to the many Black murder victims in Chicago - their stories pop up & vanish by Tuesday. (And did those murder victims' killers support Black Lives Matter? Because protesting against unlawful governmental violence makes you violent. Did the media even see that Israeli murder video [manslaughter] or provide the same coverage when whites do this to each other?? White media also sells terror to racists.
Like the media promotion of “black on black crime” and promotion of the murder rate in Chicago while crime is overwhelmingly down everywhere else, overblown coverage of this incident is also a tool to promote the product of white supremacy/racism.
[Dr. Blynd explains, so-called "Black on Black crime is a psycho-political euphemism, unwittingly used and abused by African-Americans and deliberately by Caucasians, describing demographic criminal activity in general, as people commit violent crimes on people who live in closest proximity to them, and the violence mostly occurs by those and to those who are held hostage under chronic and cyclical economically disadvantaged circumstances and environments. Do you ever hear of the slogan "White-on-White" crime? Most violent crimes (by number and by percentage of population) take place by Caucasians against Caucasians. Where's the associated terminology?" [MORE]
White supremacy/racism is a power group dynamic. This "group dynamic" involves a relationship between whites and Blacks that is based on vast unequal power. It also concerns the roles that are played by whites & blacks in this system and the conditionings necessary to maintain this relationship. No one can play master without servants - it is a two way relationship. Deluded racists with their imaginary beliefs empower themselves with paranoia over nonsense like this video. The "white American paranoia" behind this incident is a tremendous ego boost to the full boat or racist's ego.
As explained by Amos Wilson,
"To look at the world or a segment of it with a rigid, hyper-alert, and all-consuming expectation — to search reality repetitively only for confirmation of one's suspicions while ignoring aspects of that reality which disconfirm those suspicions; to pay no attention to opposing rational arguments, cogent, well-founded evidence, except to find in them only those features that seem to confirm one's original views; to examine reality with extraordinary prejudice, rejecting facts, information and alternative possibilities while seizing on and exaggerating any scintilla of often irrelevant evidence that supports one's original expectations — denotes a driven need: a psychoneurotic, psychopathological need to defend an ego perilously in danger of disintegration and to defend it regardless of cost to oneself and others. Such a suspicious and paranoid orientation speaks to the need to rigidly construct and control reality so as to maintain self-control, to empower the ego and to gainfully exploit a relevant situation. This rigidity of attention, stereotypical viewing of the world; this chronic condition of hyper-alertness, hypersensitivity; this need to create the world according to one's own deluded images, to subject others to one's paranoid views, to exploitatively have them serve that need, bespeaks the greater need to gain ego satisfaction and enhancement, self-definition and material gain through manipulating the behavior and consciousness over others. Paradoxically, this greater need bespeaks a fundamental dependency on a world and others and simultaneously, of a protest against and denial of that dependency. It expresses an ego vulnerability which must remain defensively hidden, an ego weakness which must appear to itself and others as strength, an extremely tense, unstable ego whose tenuous equilibrium can only be maintained by projecting that tension and vulnerability into the world and others. Thus the keeper of law comes to need the outlaw. And needing him, creates him. The keeper of the disturbs the peace by projecting hallucinated hostile threats where they do not exist.
That the White American must see virtually every Black male as criminal or as a potential criminal regardless of facts to the contrary, bespeaks an intense psychic need of White America to perceive him as such.
What does White America have to gain from choosing to perceive Black males as stereotypically criminal? By socio-psychologically inducing Black males into criminality?" [MORE]
Four young people accused of torturing a Chicago special-needs teen and broadcasting the incident on Facebook Live were ordered held without bail Friday afternoon.
The suspects who appeared to be high in the video, face hate crime, kidnapping, unlawful restraint and battery charges in their alleged role in the attack.
"I'm wondering where was the sense of decency that each of you should have had?" Cook County Judge Maria Kuriakos Ciesil asked the suspects. "When the mom reached out asking about his child ... Where was it? I don't see it."
The decision to deny them bail brought cheers in the courtroom. [don't worry white folks there is no system of Black Supremacy; there will be no drama about whether charges will be filed, whether a jury will convict and whether punishment will be imposed. And there is no mainstream Black media to normalize or humanize the defendants or to otherwise disturb your beliefs]
After the hearing, Assistant State's Attorney Erin Antonetti told reporters the 18-year-old victim suffers from schizophrenia and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. He was friends with one of the suspects, Jordan Hill, and was spending time with him, starting on New Year's Eve, she said.
The attacks started in the back of a stolen van after Hill apparently became angry because the victim's mother called and asked about her son's location, Antonetti said.
Hill took the teen to a third-floor apartment in Chicago, where he was bound and gagged, beaten over several days by the two male and two female suspects and allegedly forced to drink toilet water, with some of the attacks broadcast on Facebook Live, she said.
"During the course of the attack, defendant Hill communicated with the victim's mother and demanded $300 ransom in exchange for getting her son back," Antonetti said.
The youth finally escaped Tuesday when police came to the apartment because the suspects argued with second-floor residents who'd complained about the noise, she said. The victim was treated at a hospital and released the same day. [MORE] and [MORE]
Election Hoax & Black Jokes Told by White Folks & "the tricks of the elect". A challenge by several African American House Democrats to Donald Trump’s election on Friday collapsed when they failed to persuade a single Democratic senator to join their protest. Cory Booker, who is the only current democrat Black U.S. Senator, did not support the protest.
The short-lived effort — spearheaded by Reps. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas and Barbara Lee of California — came during a joint meeting of the House and Senate to certify Trump’s Electoral College victory. Without sufficient support from one single U.S. Senator to challenge Trump’s victory, the Republican-led Congress moved ahead with an easy confirmation of Trump’s presidency.
The only remaining step is for him to take the oath of office on Jan. 20.
“It is over,” said Vice President Joe Biden, presiding over the meeting, after three Democratic House members lodged objections but failed to secure required support from any senator. His comment drew a standing ovation and cheers from the assembled Republicans in the room.
Proxymoron Racist Suspect Paul Ryan insisted Friday that President-elect Donald Trump’s White House win remains legitimate
The joint session of Congress is a legally required — and typically ceremonial — event to ratify the results of the presidential election. But members are permitted to challenge the validity of electoral votes, and for just the fourth time since 1877, they did so. The last time such a challenge was made was 2004 after Bush blatantly stole an election from John Kerry by voter disenfranchisement & suppression fraud in Ohio. Although, Kerry, who was a U.S. Senator at the time, could have made such a challenge he failed to do so. Kerry was not present for the challenge and was spotted drinking Arabic coffee in the ancient Omayyad Mosque in old Damascus on Saturday, Jan. 8, 2005, the day after the election challenge. [MORE] Apparently Senator Booker was not present and it is unknown how he likes his coffee.
Congresswoman Lee said, “during this presidential election cycle, hundreds of thousands of minority voters were disenfranchised before and on Election Day. It’s unconscionable that more than 50 years after the signing of the Voting Rights Act, people of color are still denied their constitutional right to cast a ballot.
The use of malfunctioning voting machines, the restriction of provisional ballots, the improper purging of voter rolls, and the widely reported incidents of intimidation and misinformation at the polls amount to widespread efforts to disenfranchise and suppress voters across the country." [MORE]
Although Congresswoman Lee and others made a strong showing here it was nevertheless only superficial - as no Black lawmakers have apparently sought hearings concerning voter suppression, uncounted Black ballots & disenfrachisement [see below]. Black congressional members have basically remained silent and have not challenged the legitimacy of the election. But that's not why the racists were smirking.
According to electionologist and investigative journalist Greg Palast millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by Interstate Crosscheck, a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. 30 states participate in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast also provided evidence that thousands of votes were intentionally not counted in Black, Asian and Latino voting precincts in swing states, such as Flint & Detroit, Michigan. [MORE]
Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if the voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.
Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.
An investigation in Rolling Stone found that Crosscheck uses a biased and questionable methodology that puts voters with African-American, Latino, and Asian names in greater danger of being purged from the voter list and being falsely accused of double voting. Crosscheck supposedly matches first, middle and last name, plus birth date, and provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification.
However, in practice a quarter of the names on the list did not have a middle name match or were only partially the same name. The list contained thousands of errors. The system also neglected to take into account designations of Jr. and Sr., and did not include any Social Security numbers to croscheck whether the suspected voter is the same person.
An overwhelmingly disproportionate number of non-whites have been removed who have typical Black, Latino and Asian last names and who reside in predominately minority zip codes. Names such as Jackson, Garcia and Wong in areas such as Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. U.S. Census data shows that minorities are overrepresented in 85 of 100 of the most common last names. “If your name is Washington, there’s an 89 percent chance you’re African-American,” says Palast. “If your last name is Hernandez, there’s a 94 percent chance you’re Hispanic.” Finding these common names the GOP targeted non-white voters and put them on the list and then stopped them from voting on election day.
For instance, if the common name "Jose Garcia" appears on voter rolls in Wisconsin and Michigan it was removed from the rolls in both states without any cross referencing for middle name or social security number. When "Jose Garcia" appeared to vote on election day he would be given a provisional ballot -which would never get counted.
This inherent bias in the Crosscheck database results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans landing on what Palast dubs “Trump’s hit list.” His investigators calculated 1.1 million non-white people, many spread over crucial swing states were deprived of their right to vote on election day.
Trump victory margin in Michigan: 13,107
Michigan Crosscheck purge list: 449,922
Trump victory margin in Arizona: 85,257
Arizona Crosscheck purge list: 270,824
Trump victory margin in North Carolina: 177,008
North Carolina Crosscheck purge list: 589,393
Thus far, Palast's claims have not been refuted. The elite white media, WSJ, WashPost, NY Times, CNN, NBC, FOX etc. have only focused on the officially recognized hoax of Russian manipultation. The elite white media and servant puppeticians [including Mr. Obama] have simply ignored Crosscheck. [The Green Party's recount effort was not taken seriously until human eye ballot verfication was requested]
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, a racist suspect, couldn’t hide his smile when Vice President Joe Biden repeatedly told protesting Democrats to sit down.
On Thursday, after days of speculation that the college administration might bow to the pressure and remove the band from the parade roster, the president of Talladega College, Billy Hawkins, issued a statement confirming the participation of the band, the Marching Tornadoes.
“We respect and appreciate how our students and alumni feel about our participation in this parade,” Hawkins said. “As many of those who chose to participate in the parade have said, we feel the inauguration of a new president is not a political event but a civil ceremony celebrating the transfer of power.” [MORE]
1949Vet - "Obama's an American citizen? Not enough evidence. Global climate change? There's not enough evidence. Russian hacking? There's not enough evidence. This attack? They're black, so it's BLM. That's enough evidence."
What is Belief? From [HERE] Conservatives are baselessly blaming the Black Lives Matter movement after a white man was kidnapped and attacked in Chicago. Four black teenagers were arrested on January 4 after a Facebook Live video surfaced of a young white man with special needs being tied up, assaulted, and threatened. In the video, one of the assailants said, “Fuck Donald Trump, fuck white people.” The teens claim they are in a gang.
Chicago police have filed hate crime and battery charges against the four suspects.
Several conservatives and “alt-right” figures blamed the attack on the Black Lives Matter movement and used the social media hashtag #BLMKidnapping in discussions about the event. Yet the video does not reference Black Lives Matter and no connection between the assailants and Black Lives Matter has been established. CNN reported “police said they have not been able to make any connection to the Black Lives Matter activist group, contrary to some reports circulating on social media.” [For what reason would they be looking? BLM and millions of other persons protest against public servants who use unlawful applications of force and deprive people of their Constitutional rights based on their skin color. This is not radical conduct.]
Paul Joseph Watson, editor-at-large for conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump ally Alex Jones’ website Infowars, was among the first to tie the attack to Black Lives Matter, with a Twitter post instructing others, “#BLMKidnapping is the hashtag to get this story trending.” Watson’s own write-up of the story on Infowars, which he linked to in his tweet, makes no mention of Black Lives Matter or a connection between the attack and the movement.
Watson later described the victim of the attack as “the BLM torture victim” on Twitter.
Rape apologist and “alt-right” figure Mike Cernovich wrote, “#BlackLivesMatter activists in custody after filming kidnapping video,” then used Watson’s hashtag to write, “#BLMKidnapping suspects are in custody.” He also described one of the suspects as a “#BLMKidnapping ring leader.” On his blog, Cernovich made the same assertion, without evidence to back it up.
Lee Stranahan, a Breitbart contributor, questioned Cernovich’s assertions, particularly his claim that the attackers were Black Lives Matters supporters. Stranahan also pointed out that mainstream media reports on the attack had not mentioned Cernovich’s claims.
In contrast to Stranahan, fellow Breitbart contributor Katie McHugh referenced “the victim of the Chicago #BLMkidnapping.”
Fake news promoter and “alt-right” figure Jack Posobiec recorded a Periscope video about the attack with the #BLMKidnapping hashtag and claimed that the attackers were “members of Black Lives Matter in Chicago.”
Trump supporter Bill Mitchell described the attack as a “#BLM atrocity” that “proves that given enough time, evil always shows its true nature.”
Michael Flynn Jr., son of incoming Trump national security adviser Michael Flynn, also labeled the event with the #BLMKidnapping in several tweets. Flynn was removed from the presidential transition team after it was reported that he helped to spread several fake news stories and conspiracy theories.
Gavin McInnes, who has a history of making racist commentary, also used the hashtag.
Conservative Steven Crowder wrote, “#BLMKidnapping and the media's reaction is proof positive that the left doesn't care about racism.”
Conservatives have frequently, without evidence, blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for violence. Radio host Rush Limbaugh called them “a terrorist group committing hate crimes,” while frequent Fox News guest David Clarke called them a “subversive movement” attempting to “overthrow” the government. Fox host Sean Hannity compared Black Lives Matter to the Ku Klux Klan, Bill O’Reilly compared them to Nazis, and a Fox News graphic described it as a “murder movement.”
These beliefs might be best described as "White American Paranoia" As explained by Amos Wilson,
"To look at the world or a segment of it with a rigid, hyper-alert, and all-consuming expectation — to search reality repetitively only for confirmation of one's suspicions while ignoring aspects of that reality which disconfirm those suspicions; to pay no attention to opposing rational arguments, cogent, well-founded evidence, except to find in them only those features that seem to confirm one's original views; to examine reality with extraordinary prejudice, rejecting facts, information and alternative possibilities while seizing on and exaggerating any scintilla of often irrelevant evidence that supports one's original expectations — denotes a driven need: a psychoneurotic, psychopathological need to defend an ego perilously in danger of disintegration and to defend it regardless of cost to oneself and others. Such a suspicious and paranoid orientation speaks to the need to rigidly construct and control reality so as to maintain self-control, to empower the ego and to gainfully exploit a relevant situation. This rigidity of attention, stereotypical viewing of the world; this chronic condition of hyper-alertness, hypersensitivity; this need to create the world according to one's own deluded images, to subject others to one's paranoid views, to exploitatively have them serve that need, bespeaks the greater need to gain ego satisfaction and enhancement, self-definition and material gain through manipulating the behavior and consciousness over others. Paradoxically, this greater need bespeaks a fundamental dependency on a world and others and simultaneously, of a protest against and denial of that dependency. It expresses an ego vulnerability which must remain defensively hidden, an ego weakness which must appear to itself and others as strength, an extremely tense, unstable ego whose tenuous equilibrium can only be maintained by projecting that tension and vulnerability into the world and others. Thus the keeper of law comes to need the outlaw. And needing him, creates him. The keeper of the disturbs the peace by projecting hallucinated hostile threats where they do not exist.
That the White American must see virtually every Black male as criminal or as a potential criminal regardless of facts to the contrary, bespeaks an intense psychic need of White America to perceive him as such.
What does White America have to gain from choosing to perceive Black males as stereotypically criminal? By socio-psychologically inducing Black males into criminality? [MORE]
What is Belief and Do You Suffer From it? From [HERE] and [HERE] Seeming to abdicate one of his last chances to save his own life, the convicted killer Dylann S. Roof stood on Wednesday before the jurors who will decide his fate and offered no apology, no explanation and no remorse for massacring nine black churchgoers during a Bible study session in June 2015.
Instead, in a strikingly brief opening statement in the sentencing phase of his federal death penalty trial, Mr. Roof repeatedly assured the jury that he was not mentally ill — undercutting one of the few mitigating factors that could work in his favor — and left it at that.
“Other than the fact that I trust people that I shouldn’t and the fact that I’m probably better at constantly embarrassing myself than anyone who’s ever existed, there’s nothing wrong with me psychologically,” Mr. Roof, who is representing himself, told the jury, which found him guilty last month of the killings at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church.
Three minutes after walking to the lectern, Mr. Roof returned to the defense table, exhaling deeply.
Any prospects for mercy by the jury had perhaps already been drained by the prosecution’s disclosure, in its opening statement, of a white supremacist manifesto written by Mr. Roof in the Charleston County jail sometime in the six weeks after his arrest.
“I would like to make it crystal clear I do not regret what I did,” he wrote in his distinctive scrawl. “I am not sorry. I have not shed a tear for the innocent people I killed.”
Mr. Roof, who was then 21, continued: “I do feel sorry for the innocent white children forced to live in this sick country and I do feel sorry for the innocent white people that are killed daily at the hands of the lower race. I have shed a tear of self-pity for myself. I feel pity that I had to do what I did in the first place. I feel pity that I had to give up my life because of a situation that should never have existed.”
As the government laid out its case for a death sentence, the prosecutor who read from the journal, Nathan S. Williams, an assistant United States attorney, told the jury of 10 women and two men that Mr. Roof’s deadly rampage was a premeditated act that had devastated the families of his victims.
Later, aided by a slide show, he described each of the victims and their lives, setting the stage for several days of gut-wrenching testimony by family members and friends of the victims. Mr. Williams emphasized that Mr. Roof was capable of remorse and regret, reminding jurors that he had left his mother a note of apology, but only for the pain he knew his actions would cause his own family.
The presentations were a startling beginning to the trial’s sentencing phase, which is expected to run into next week in Federal District Court. On Dec. 15, after six days of testimony in which defense lawyers did not contest his guilt, the jury found Mr. Roof guilty of 33 counts, including hate crimes, obstruction of religion resulting in death, and firearms charges.
Eighteen of those counts require the jury to decide whether to sentence Mr. Roof, now 22, to death or life in prison without the possibility of parole. To impose a death sentence, jurors must unanimously find that aggravating factors like premeditation and the number and vulnerability of the victims outweigh any mitigating factors, like the absence of prior violent behavior and demonstrations of redemption and remorse. Mr. Roof is also facing a death penalty trial in state court.
Right. As with several odd photoshopped photographs and "his" detailed unauthenticated handwritten journal and online manifesto, which was never updated and appears to be written by multiple authors [MORE], the unrepresented Mr. Roof did not make any objections to the admissibility of "his" so-called jail writings.
His so-called confession (done without counsel present) served as the centerpiece of the prosecution’s case. Prosecutors also introduced an array of uncontested technical evidence, such as phone records and GPS data, to demonstrate Mr. Roof’s premeditation and document his views on race. To recap, he waived an attorney for his confession, waived his right to attorney for trial but then after after jury selection said he wanted one for the trial but not for sentencing. (kind of like how cell phone service is made available & then unavailable to characters in horror movies nowadays)
Oh, did you see the cops high speed chase dramatic capture arrest of Roof? lol. The one where the cops approach the "armed & dangerous" "psycho killer" with their guns in the holsters? 4 thumbs down.
The trial featured six days of testimony from 30 prosecution witnesses and it painted a picture of a young man filled with racial hatred who spent months planning to murder black people. A very familiar narrative - like a Lifetime movie; easy to follow and one African American's might want to believe - but all beleifs are dangerous. [A believer- one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. MORE]
Much of the evidence was duplicative, rendundant and unnecessary. As Roof was not disputing any elements of any of the charges the volume of information was more prejudicial than probative and possibly could have been excluded by the defense. But Roof's attorney did not do much. No one testified on his behalf. Apparently, Mr. Roof's attorney did not make a single objection during the entire "trial." His attorney apparently also did not file any substantive pre-trial motions to exclude Roof's admissions.
During closing argument Roof's attorney argued Roof was a suicidal, impressionable loner who never grasped the gravity of what he did. However, if his defense attorney really wanted to mitigate or minimize Roof's criminal responsibility for the murders it could have offered expert testimony or other evidence to explain the undue influence older adults or racist materials had upon Roof. With no apparent defense strategy, Roof could have also changed his plea from "not guilty" to guilty prior to trial. That is, since his strategy was to do nothing during trial he could have plead guilty to the information (all the charges). The trial seem to serve no purpose for Roof. If he intended to do a "slow plea" in front of the jury then Roof could have testified to explain himself. But he didn't.
Defense attorney David Bruck even conceded in his closing argument that Roof killed the victims and praised the FBI investigation. Sounds like they were all on the same team. Quite a show.
Oops. With all the overwhelming info coming in the mainstream media forgot to mention thatRoofwore shoes to court this week that had racist symbols drawn on them, according to an FBI agent who testified Friday. During a search of his cell, guards found a pair of white slip-on sneakers emblazoned with hand-drawn Celtic crosses, emblems associated with white supremacy, and an “88” symbol, which is considered a numerical code for “Heil Hitler.” [MORE] No Objection Judge.
Due to the contrived nature of the evidence (immediate, volunteered full confession, murder plans journal, unauthenticated facebook page, a familiar, convenient narrative, immaculately planned murders without a get-away-plan, etc) many believe that the entire episode was a false flag operation conducted by the government. [hmmm, and why would Government public servants kill Black people?] This uncontested trial & its one sided sentencing will probably do little to dispel many of the false flag theories out there.