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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

President at Your Cost: Racist Trump to Build a $9 Billion Dollar Wall [to Lock You In] & Restore His [In]Secure Communities Program 

From [HERE] and [HEREAs part of a series of executive orders aimed at attacking non-white immigrants and non-white immigrant communities, President Donald Trump announced on Wednesday that going forward, his administration will order the mandatory detention of all those apprehended or arrested by immigration enforcement officials.

The U.S. already spends more on all immigration enforcement — nearly $20 billion a year — than on all other federal law enforcement combined, and currently detains more immigrants each day — more than 42,000 — than ever before. Summary removals and mandatory detention are at an all-time high. And the focus on removals has come at the cost of due process, placing vulnerable populations like asylum seekers at risk. The number of asylum seekers held in detention increased threefold from 2010 to 2014.

Making detention mandatory will only exacerbate these issues.

It will also be expensive. The mandatory detention of all immigrants apprehended or arrested will cost the U.S. an additional $902 million each year, for a total of $9 billion in new federal spending over the next decade.

Here’s how we got that estimate: In FY 2016, DHS personnel apprehended and arrested 530,250 people, and booked 352,882 people into detention. Under Trump’s new policy, the additional 177,368 people who were not booked into detention last year would now be subject to mandatory detention.

Given that it costs, on average, $164 per day to detain someone in immigrant detention, and that the average number of days people spend in immigrant detention is 31, that means that the total new costs per year (177,368 x $164 x 31) comes out to $901,738, 912 per year.

And these estimates are by their nature conservative. They don’t take into account potentially lengthened stays in detention under this executive order, nor any costs to DHS for rapidly building or acquiring more detention facilities and bed space to meet new needs.

Construction on the wall will begin "in months," Trump said in an interview with ABC News, adding that planning for the wall is starting immediately. The president also said the U.S. will be "reimbursed at a later date" by Mexico for the costs of building the wall — an idea that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto flatly rejected earlier this month.

The border wall is included in an executive action titled Border Security and Immigration Enforcement Improvements. The action also calls for hiring more Border Patrol agents, expanding detention space and emphasizing prosecuting criminal offenses related to the Southern border. It will also expand detention space — a move that could increase the use of private for-profit prisons. 

The Justice Department had already beefed up border prosecutions under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The new action suggests law enforcement will be more empowered to prosecute and remove those in the country illegally for minor offenses.

A second executive action, titled Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States, will direct the departments of Homeland Security and Justice to withhold federal funds from so-called sanctuary cities.

Trump will also restore the Secure Communities Program — which had ceased to operate in 2014 after being used by both the Bush and Obama administrations to force state and local governments to share fingerprints and other data to help federal officials identify undocumented immigrants. Several states and cities sought to opt out of that system, which was also criticized for sometimes resulting in cases of mistaken detention of U.S. citizens. In late 2011 four native-born citizens — all Latino — were held for days at a time. In one such case, Antonio Montejano was arrested after shopping with his family at Sears. He spent $600 but forgot to pay for a $10 bottle of perfume his daughter had asked for. After he plead guilty to petty theft, a judge dropped the fine against him and told the police to let him go. Instead, authorities kept him locked in an L.A. county jail for two more days, because a federal database had flagged him as a possible illegal immigrant. Montejano said, when he told that to his jailors he was a natural born citizen, again and again, they didn't believe him. [MORE]

The executive actions also seek to force other countries to take back criminal aliens by using leverage such as withholding U.S. visas. And it would allow Immigration and Customs Enforcement to more aggressively arrest, detain and remove people from the U.S.

The actions are to be officially unveiled during Trump's visit to the Department of Homeland Security, slated for 1:25 p.m. ET. They come one day after the president tweeted, "Among many other things, we will build the wall."

Construction of a border wall was a keystone of Trump's presidential campaign.

A law already exists that experts believe give him the authority to start building that wall. It is the Secure Fence Act of 2006. It was bipartisan; it was overwhelmingly supported. That envisions both physical barriers and more of the high-tech stuff, like sensors and cameras.

The 2006 law mentions a two-layer fence — but that fence was never built and the legislation didn't include money to pay for one. Ten years later, the process could begin in earnest.


Genocidal Trump Might Invade Chicago Because He Really Wants to Help "the Blacks" [die in large numbers]


Federal Surveillance Cameras Are Everywhere in Seattle, Who is Watching the Feed? Councilmember wants them removed

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"There is nothing worse than believing you are being observed by a third party unnecessarily"  From [HERE] A Seattle City councilmember is fighting to have surveillance cameras monitored by the federal government removed.

Councilmember Kshama Sawant said the cameras are positioned on Seattle City Light poles, but she isn’t sure what, or who, they’re monitoring.

Last week, U.S. District Court Judge Richard A. Jones barred the City of Seattle from releasing information about the cameras to the media or to a privacy advocate. Seattle had planned to release details to both parties as part of a public records request.

In June, the federal government sued the city and City Light in an effort to block the records release. According to the lawsuit, “sensitive” and “confidential” FBI information could be compromised. The suit said the cameras are associated with specific investigations.

“We don’t know what those cameras are doing. We don’t know where they exist. We don’t know who they’re collecting information about.” Sawant said.

Sawant invited the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Phil Mocek, the privacy advocate who attempted to get the records, to speak at the council’s Energy and Environment Committee meeting on Tuesday.

“Such unaccounted for, warrantless cameras that are spying on people are of concern in general. That should be very clear,” Sawant said. “But I think that concern is heightened in the light of Trump being in the White House.”

Sawant has not introduced any legislation forbidding the cameras from being in the city, but she said she wants the cameras removed.

During the committee hearing, Shankar Narayan, legislative director for the ACLU of Washington, said the cameras are likely recording people not suspected of wrongdoing.

“The danger is that these surveillance cameras not only have the potential to surveil the targets of that investigation, but thousands of people not suspects of crimes,” Narayan said.

An FBI spokeswoman declined to comment Tuesday. A Seattle City Light official said during the committee meeting that the feds don’t tell them when they’re installing the cameras, nor do they have any say in whether the devices are attached to utility poles.

Phil Mocek, the privacy advocate who sought disclosure of the camera footage, told the committee that he has a reasonable expectation to privacy.

“It’s reasonable for me to expect that I can walk down the street with a friend, having a quiet conversation, and there’s not a microphone mounted on the roof recording us,” Mocek said.


ACLU seeks copy of proposed changes to voter registration law in document Kobach held in photo with Trump

From [HERE] The American Civil Liberties Union asked a federal court to force Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to turn over proposed changes to the nation’s voter registration law that the conservative Republican was photographed bringing to a meeting in November with Donald Trump.

That draft document — which is partially obscured by Kobach’s left arm and hand in the photograph taken by The Associated Press — is being sought as part of the ACLU’s lawsuit challenging Kansas’ restrictive voter registration law. The ALCU filed its request for the proposed amendments late Monday.

Kobach has championed Kansas’ proof-of-citizenship requirement as an anti-fraud measure that keeps noncitizens from voting, including immigrants living in the U.S. illegally. Critics argue such requirements suppress voter turnout, particularly among young and minority voters, and that there have been few cases of fraud.

The ACLU contends the photographed document is relevant to its lawsuit because lobbying by Kobach to change the central provisions of the National Voter Registration Act may show that there’s no problem with noncitizen registration in the state.

The ACLU argued that the proposal could provide “key evidence” that Kobach cannot rebut the presumption that existing federal law that requires people registering to vote to attest under penalty of law that they’re citizens is enough. Kansas requires people to provide documents, such as a birth certificate, naturalization certificate or U.S. passport.

Kobach’s attorney argued in a Jan. 20 email to the ACLU that the document is subject to “executive privilege” because “it was created and is maintained in Kobach’s capacity as a Trump advisor.”

“Additionally, to the extent you are now asking about the document seen in that photo, it is clear that the request is designed to harass, as opposed to actually obtain documents relevant to a claim or defense in this case,” wrote Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Garrett Roe.

The ACLU argued in its court filing that executive privilege would not apply because Trump was not the president when the document was photographed and Kobach is not a member of the executive branch. It also contended that any “conceivable privilege” would be waived because Kobach permitted the document to be photographed by the media.

The Capital-Journal’s open-records request for the document was denied by the Secretary of State’s Office.


House Republicans Protect Racist Suspect Governor & Block Subpoena for Documents in Flint Water Crisis Investigation

In photo Gov. Rick Snyder. The Same Racist suspect that made sure Detroit & Flint votes went uncounted on Broken Voting Machines 

From [HERE] Republicans on the U.S. House committee that investigated the Flint water crisis on Tuesday blocked an amendment proposed by a Michigan Democrat to subpoena Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder for documents he hasn’t provided to the committee regarding Flint.

Snyder’s office has said it provided the oversight committee with hundreds of thousands of pages of records and complied “fully” with committee requests, saying the Democrats’ demands amount to partisan attacks. The state’s Department of Environmental Quality didn’t insist that Flint officials add anti-corrosion additives to its drinking supply when the city switched to the Flint River from the Detroit water system, leading to lead contamination of the water.

“Mr. Chairman, you personally went to Flint and made public promises that this committee would get the answers. ... But here we are today — one year later — still waiting for documents,” U.S. Rep. Brenda Lawrence, D-Southfield, said at a meeting of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“Is this committee going to let him get away with that? I offered this amendment because the committee must decide that question. Let’s work together to complete this investigation properly — with answers to the men and women and children of the City of Flint.”

Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, responded to Lawrence.

“I appreciate the gentlewoman’s passion and commitment. I know it is sincere and deep and thorough,” Chaffetz said, adding that the Flint hearings were among the committee’s most important accomplishments of the last session of Congress.

“I think they have made great progress (in Flint). ... There are prosecutions in place. The attorney general is heavily involved in Michigan. But I stand opposed to this amendment.”

Democrats on the oversight panel in recent weeks renewed their call for a subpoena for Snyder’s records and criticized Chaffetz for “prematurely” closing the committee’s Flint probe.

Maryland Rep. Elijah Cummings, the committee’s ranking Democrat, said last week that the committee should reopen the investigation with a renewed focus on Snyder and three emergency financial managers he appointed in Flint — two of which are facing criminal charges in Michigan.

In a December letter, Cummings said Snyder has refused to provide or search for key documents requested by the committee, and that the Snyder administration has obstructed the panel’s work by refusing to even search for documents and purposefully causing delays. TAttached to the letter were six pages of requests from Congress to Snyder's office for communication surrounding the water crisis, including:

  • Documents between Jan. 6, and Feb. 26, 2016.
  • Documents relating to response to health crisis.
  • Documents without redactions.
  • Daily briefings after switch to Flint River.
  • Information relating to "the governor's destruction of email records."
  • Detailed descriptions of 130 documents withheld for attorney-client privilege.

Lawrence said Tuesday that the records sought include “key documents” about how the Snyder administration addressed the water crisis, and that Snyder’s attorneys responded that it would cost too much to produce the records.

“Would we accept an excuse like this from any other government agency? We have not, and I don’t think we should now,” Lawrence told Chaffetz. “The people of Flint can still not drink the water coming from their faucets because it’s still not safe.”

At Tuesday’s meeting, Chaffetz said it’s “highly unacceptable” that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has taken so long to revise the outdated Lead and Copper Rule, which regulates lead levels in drinking water.

“We’re disappointed that didn’t happen in the Obama administration. We call upon the Trump administration to accelerate that time line,” Chaffetz said, referring to the agency’s estimated 2018 date for final revisions.


Spicer is Wrong. Trump KNOWS [not believes] there was widespread voter fraud [Thief Purged 1 Million Black, Latino & Asian Votes]

In photo racist Trump with racist Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State and the designer of Interstate Crosscheck, a system created to counter voter fraud through so-called "double voting." Crosscheck purged approximately 1.1 million Black, Latino & Asian voters from voter rolls in swing states prior to election day. [MORE]

From [HERE] At Tuesday’s White House press conference, questions advanced from the administration’s lie about inauguration turnout to President Trump’s false claim that 3–5 million people voted illegally, which he reiterated in a meeting with congressional leaders on Monday.

Press Secretary Sean Spicer defended Trump for maintaining this belief, dismissing questions about its truthfulness.

“The president does believe that. He has stated that before,” Spicer responded. “I think he has stated his concerns of voter fraud and people voting illegally during the campaign. And he continues to maintain that belief based on studies and evidence that people have first have presented to him.”

It was pointed out to Spicer that House Speaker Paul Ryan (R), who had been in the meeting with Trump, said earlier on Tuesday that he knew of “no evidence” to support the claim of massive voter fraud. Additional questions pressed Spicer as to what “studies and evidence” Trump was relying on. [MORE]

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Electionologist and investigative journalist Greg Palast, explains 'the GOP's white votary was not large enough to elect Donald Trump. That is, it is too small unless the GOP quietly builds a secret blacklist of millions of voters, especially voters of color, and systematically and quietly wipes out voter registrations.

In 2016 the voter erasing system was built and GOP operatives put it into action. Its name: Interstate Crosscheck. Crosscheck along with thousands of votes intentionally not counted in Black voting areas, such as Flint & Detroit chose the president and determined who controls Congress.' [MORE]

Palast reveals that millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by Interstate Crosscheck, a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. Thirty (30) states participate in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast calls Crosscheck the "Great White Hope Machine."  

Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if a voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.

Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

An investigation in Rolling Stone found that Crosscheck uses a biased and questionable methodology that puts voters with African-American, Latino, and Asian names in greater danger of being purged from the voter list and being falsely accused of double voting. Crosscheck supposedly matches first, middle and last name, plus birth date, and provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification.

However, in practice a quarter of the names on the list did not have a middle name match or were only partially the same name. The list contained thousands of errors. The system also neglected to take into account designations of Jr. and Sr., and did not include any Social Security numbers to croscheck whether the suspected voter is the same person. 

An overwhelmingly disproportionate number of non-whites have been removed who have typical Black, Latino and Asian last names and who reside in predominately minority zip codes. Names such as Jackson, Garcia and Wong in areas such as Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. U.S. Census data shows that minorities are overrepresented in 85 of 100 of the most common last names. “If your name is Washington, there’s an 89 percent chance you’re African-American,” says Palast. “If your last name is Hernandez, there’s a 94 percent chance you’re Hispanic.” Finding these common names the GOP targeted non-white voters and put them on the list and then stopped them from voting on election day. 

Now take a look at a couple of "double voters" on this Crosscheck list: 

This is typical of the Crosscheck "suspects." Above it says that James Elmer Barnes Jr. of the state of Georgia supposedly voted a second time in Virginia as James CROSS Barnes III.

In other words, the only evidence that these two names represent one criminal voting twice is that the first and last names match. That's all. Nothing more.

Look at the second "double voter": James Ratcliffe Barnes Jr. of Georgia is accused of voting a second time in the state of Virginia—even though the second voter has a different middle name (Anthony) and has no suffix added to his name.

While state government officials could not locate Mr. Barnes, the alleged double-voting criminal to arrest him, Palast had no trouble locating him. Mr. James Elmer Barnes Jr. told said he had never used the middle name "Cross," never been "III" (the "Third"), and never been to the state of Virginia, let alone voted there.

Georgia and Virginia officials wouldn't explain why these clearly different Mr. Barnes were still on the suspect list. Indeed, the Republican officials wouldn't talk to Palast at all.

Neither state arrested a Mr. Barnes for voting twice (that is, they did not arrest James Elmer Barnes Jr. nor James Cross Barnes, who are in fact two very different people). Rather, both states prepared to remove them from the voter rolls. Both Messrs. Barnes are about to lose their right to vote, that is, be removed from voter rolls.

How odd. If you rob a bank and get caught, the police don't close your bank account. They arrest you and send you to prison. Here, Mr. Barnes is accused of a crime punished the same as robbery, yet he is not arrested.

And that's because Mr. Barnes is innocent—both Mr. Barneses are innocent. Clearly. But, without a trial— indeed, without their even knowing it—both men could lose their right to vote.

Now, take a look at the longer list of suspects above. Everyone is named James Brown. That is, for example, James S. Brown is supposed to be the same voter as James Howe Brown Jr.

What is the evidence? Only that each voter has the first name "James" and the surname "Brown." Like the late soul singer.

According to Palast there are 27,456 people in the USA named James Brown. According to Crosscheck, they must be a criminally minded family. According to Crosscheck, thousands of people named James Brown are vorting twice. [MORE]

Thus far Palast's findings have not been disproved. See his movie [HERE] for free until Thursday.  Such is the nature of the system of white supremacy/racism. 

The inherent racial bias in the Crosscheck database results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans landing on what Palast dubs “Trump’s hit list.” His investigators calculated 1.1 million non-white people, many spread over crucial swing states were deprived of their right to vote on election day. 

Trump victory margin in Michigan:                    13,107 

  • Michigan Crosscheck purge list:                       449,922

Trump victory margin in Arizona:                       85,257

  • Arizona Crosscheck purge list:                           270,824

Trump victory margin in North Carolina:        177,008

  • North Carolina Crosscheck purge list:              589,393 

Enough votes to swing the election away from the Hillary Clinton victory predicted in polls – explaining suspicious exit polls inconsistencies – and towards a "suprising" result for Trump and Republican victory in the Senate.

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On CNN, Prof. Brian Schaffner Explains How Liar Trump Distorted His Data To Invent False Voter Fraud Claims

From [Media Matters] WOLF BLITZER (HOST): Let's get some more with Brian Shaffner, he's a political science professor and a coordinator of the study the White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer was apparently referring to when asked about proof that the president has in making this assertion. Professor Schaffner, thanks very much for joining us.

BRIAN SCHAFFNER: Thanks for having me on.

BLITZER: You were involved in collecting the data used in one of the studies President Trump has cited to back up his false claim that millions voted illegally. That 2014 study found 14 percent of non-citizens said they were eligible to vote. Why do you think that study's conclusion, based on your data, is not reliable?

SCHAFFNER: Well, what the authors did was essentially use a question on our survey that asked people whether or not they were a citizen. What we did was actually go back and ask those people again whether or not they were a citizen, and a lot of people had just basically erroneously clicked on the wrong button, and the people who we could actually confirm were actually noncitizens, they were basically no voters among that group.

BLITZER: Either -- so, what you're saying, that no non-citizens voted as far as your study, your data was concerned, in those elections?

SCHAFFNER: That's right. We could find -- of the people who we were sure were noncitizens, we could not find any who had actually cast a vote.

BLITZER: So, when the president says in the most recent election 3 million to 5 million illegal voters actually participated, and that's why he lost the popular vote, when you hear that, and the suggestion is it's based on some of your data, what's your reaction?

SCHAFFNER: Well, it's very frustrating, as I -- I'm sure you can imagine. The data certainly do not show that. We published a study basically showing that the study that the data -- that uses our data to say that, is wrong. That study has been widely cited by news outlets to basically say what the administration is saying is false.

And the notion that millions of people could vote illegally and no one would have any data to be able to show this is the case is just absurd. It's absurd that millions of people, millions of noncitizens, would have voted in 2016. It's just -- it's just not even plausible.


Texas Set to Execute [Legalized Murder] Black Man- All White Jury Relied on Faulty Forensic Evidence from Shady Prosecutor 

From [SLATE] Unless the courts or Gov. Greg Abbott step in to stop it, Texas will execute Terry Edwards on Thursday. This would be a reprehensible miscarriage of justice. Edwards’ conviction for capital murder was won at least in part due to a faulty forensic argument pushed by the prosecution and what appears to be a racially biased and likely unconstitutional jury-selection process. If this execution proceeds as planned, it would be an irrevocable stain on a state justice system that leads the nation in wrongful convictions.

Terry Edwards is not a saint. He and his cousin Kirk Edwards were responsible for the 2002 homicides of Tommy Walker and Mickell Goodwin. But while Terry Edwards took part in the burglary that led to the murder of two of his former co-workers at a Subway restaurant in the Dallas suburbs, it’s less clear that he was the triggerman. In a series of filings earlier this month, Edwards’ attorneys requested that his execution be stayed and a new writ of habeas corpus be considered. It will be up to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals to decide whether new evidence ought to be considered at the federal level, while the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals is also considering whether to stay the execution.

The appeal makes for damning reading, dismantling key portions of the case against Terry Edwards. The principal evidentiary problem with Edwards’ case surrounds the use of forensic testimony about gunshot residue. Despite the shooting having occurred at point-blank range, Edwards had no blood on his body, no gunshot residue on his hands, and none of the victim’s DNA on his person when he was picked up by police immediately after the crime occurred. He was tested for gunshot residue within an hour of his arrest, according to the appeal.

A state forensic analyst named Vicki Hall tested Edwards’ hands for gunshot residue and found it wasn’t there. Given that negative result, the defense called Hall to testify at Edwards’ trial; she was the defense’s only witness during the guilt-innocence phase. On cross-examination, though, Hall explained away her test results, testifying that Edwards might have either sweated away or wiped off “some of that residue.” Hall had also indicated in her forensics report that one of the three elements that would have been found in the gunshot residue was present on Edwards. In closing arguments, prosecutor Thomas D’Amore used Hall’s testimony to argue that the presence of that one element—the relatively commonplace barium—proved that gunshot residue had been present, and that Edwards had somehow wiped off the other two chemicals.

In Edwards’ appeal, a former FBI agent writes that this wipe theory is “scientifically unsupportable”:

The three chemicals, barium, antimony, and lead, exist in the same particle, or in particles that contain two of the three. If you remove any of the components they would be removed linearly. It does not occur that just one of the components is removed; the components all increase or decrease together. It is not possible that a defendant who had gunshot residue on his hands could simply wipe two of the three components off of his hands and not the third.

Or, as one of Edwards’ current attorneys John Mills put it to me, “It is scientifically impossible to remove trace elements of two chemicals and not one.”

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Native American Advocates Call for Mass Resistance Against Racist Trump’s Orders to Revive Oil Pipelines

Just like his voters wanted. 

From [HERE] Idiot Donald Trump [official website] on Tuesday signed presidential memoranda to progress construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipeline [memoranda]. The memoranda, which have the legal force of executive orders, also require that materials used in their construction be made in the United States. The Trump Administration argues that the pipeline projects will increase job growth and aid the economy. This decision has raised significant controversy [Reuters report], given former President Obama's stances against the pipelines, the fact that Trump owned stock in ETP, the company building the Dakota Access Pipeline, until at least mid-2016 and because its chief executive donated $100,000 to his campaign.

The Dakota Access Pipeline [informational website], is a partially constructed oil pipeline that would transport more than 470,000 barrels of oil per day over its 1,172 mile length through North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois. Last month the US Army Corps of Engineers announced [JURIST report] that an alternate route will be investigated for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The controversy surrounding the project is connected with its proposed proximity to multiple large bodies of water that could become irreparably contaminated should the pipeline fail. Protesters have made camp at the site since early summer and are led in part by the Indigenous Environmental Network [advocacy website] and the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe [official website]. Conflict between protesters and police has been condemned by both the UN and the American Civil Liberties Union. In November the ACLU reported that police at the Standing Rock site in North Dakota used life-threatening weapons to control protesters [JURIST report]. Earlier that month a UN rights group released a statement expressing concerns that the US government is ignoring treaty rights, as well as human rights [JURIST report] of Native Americans and others that are protesting the DAPL.


The [White Supremacy] Business of Keeping Small Towns Alive with Jails Filled with Blacks & Latinos

From [ATTN] The private prison industry is expected to see an economic boom with Donald Trump in the White House, as suggested by investors rushing to buy stock in for-profit detention companies like GEO and CoreCivic. But privately owned prisons aren’t the only ones profiting from mass incarceration. Public jails across the country are also lucrative sources of income.

There are three main ways small towns make money off jails: renting space to overcrowded state or federal prisons; reaping commissions from jail services provided by private companies; and charging non-convicted residents awaiting trial court fees, fines, and exorbitant bail. This trio has encouraged the growth of small county jails across the United States.

“It’s been part of the whole economic strategy,” said Marc Mauer, executive director of The Sentencing Project, a criminal justice reform advocacy group. “Louisiana is probably the most extreme example," he told ATTN:.

"They aren’t privatized, they are still small public jails," Mauer said. Still, while it's not for profit, there's still an incentive to increase business. "The money goes directly into the budget of the local sheriffs departments. It’s been very lucrative.”

According to the Prison Policy Initiative’s most recent data, over 75 percent of Louisiana jail cells were being “rented out” to the state, a stark example of a nationwide trend. In Oklahoma, where PPI estimated 25 percent of public jail cells are rented for long-term inmates, Oklahoma’s Own reported the income from this made up around 7 percent of local county budgets.

“A lot of local jails are operating like private prisons,” Aleks Kajstura, legal director at PPI, told ATTN:.

When it comes to controversial programs like video visitation, which charges inmates to chat with loved ones online and frequently replaces in-person visitation, public county jails are less likely to face resistance from regulators than state or federal prisons. PPI reported that by 2014 over 500 facilities used video visitation systems. In places like Baldwin County, Alabama, where a private service provider agreed to give the county more than 84 percent of profits, local jails are expected to make around $55 a month per inmate — just in calls. 

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This Is How Media Botched Obamacare Headlines Again - NO Changes to Obamacare were Made by Dummy Trump

From [Media Matters] News outlets rushed to report on President Donald Trump’s executive order on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without knowing what exactly it entailed, resulting in botched headlines that uncritically repeated the false claims made by the Trump Administration.

Late on Friday night, Press Secretary Sean Spicer announced that Trump had signed his first executive order on the ACA claiming that it would “ease the burden of Obamacare as we transition from repeal and replace.” Even before the official text of the executive order was released, reporters rushed to file stories with wildly inaccurate headlines such as Politico’s “Trump signs sweeping order that could gut Obamacare” and The Washington Post’s “Trump signs executive order that could effectively gut Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.” Others just uncritically repeated Spicer’s framing, like NPR’s headline “Trump Signs Executive Order To 'Ease The Burdens Of Obamacare'.”

In contrast to headlines suggesting an immediate, dramatic change to the ACA, the text of the executive order reveals that it amounts to a symbolic gesture indicating the dedication of the Trump Administration to dismantling the health care law -- a commitment already known, and one that Trump’s appointees could act on even without the order. These inaccurate headlines are the newest episode in a repeated pattern of news organizations failing to report the truth when covering Trump’s false and self-serving talking points.In the health care context, this pattern is particularly problematic given the massive impact of repealing the law and the degree to which Americans are uninformed about health care.

These headlines falsely inflated the actual impact of the executive order even as the substance of many of these articles emphasized that the vague wording of the action cast doubt on its actual effects. For example, that same NPR article noted “it's not clear what kind of relief the executive order envisions.” The flawed Politico article emphasized “the order changes nothing immediately and doesn't spell out exactly what Trump would like his government to do,” an important piece of information that was left out of the article's headline.

Numerous health care policy experts called out the news outlets for their flawed analyses, and underscored that this executive order caused no immediate policy changes and instead reflected “recycled campaign talking points” that amounted to a symbolic gesture until further action is taken. For example, Larry Levitt, vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation, said “this order doesn’t in and of itself do anything tangible” but it sends “a signal that the Trump Administration is not waiting for Congress” on dismantling the ACA. Tim Jost, health law expert and law professor at Washington and Lee College, emphasized that law “doesn’t allow [Trump] to repeal the Affordable Care Act unilaterally” and noted that no action was likely “until the heads of HHS, Treasury, and probably Labor, as well as the CMS Administration and IRS Commissioner are in place.” Five Thirty Eight’s Anna Maria Barry-Jester explained that the executive action “does very little because it doesn’t grant the administration any powers that it didn’t already have” but that it did telegraph “that change is coming.”

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Fuck Popeyes. Stop Supporting White Supremacy. Coin Operated Negro Jerry Rice Does Another SNiggerlicious Commercial for Heart Attack Chicken Place

Among other things a SNigger is a traitor. [MORE] Non-white people are also customers & consumers of white supremacy. As a tool of white supremacists, the media degrades, dehumanizes and programs non-whites to believe they are inferior to whites. This programming is "normal" in the mainstream media. It has helped to make Black people crazy.

As stated by Amos Wilson, "it is not so much that the European says we are inferior, and that we are this and that, and that the European maligns our character, et cetera: It is the belief on our part that what he says is true that makes us crazy. It is a crazy reaction to what he says, an insane and unthinking kind of approach to dealing with what he says about us, that maintains the craziness. [MORE

[Above a new sambo character to compliment Annie the Chicken Queen, who loves cooning for us hunny with that stoopid ass music in the background. The Fat, Sassy and happy mammy minstrel. A grinning negro is a safe negro. Fuck Popeyes. Stop shopping there. 


Trump Also Trying to Rig Inauguration Turnout: Speaking to his Believers, Press Secretary Says Empty Spaces Weren't Empty 

[who is he talking to?] Believers Create their Own Deceivers. Trump is looking for suckers; people who want to be deceived and who want to be dominated by him & feel necessary to his domination. In being dominated they feel important [egos elevated] because his domination depends on them. Without them where would he be? "The mind which believes is always vulnerable & always provides an opportunity to be exploited." Racism white supremacy is psychopathic degeneracy, a virus in the mind. [MORE] It is based on make believe nonsense; an imaginary hierarchy. Racists might believe damn near anything so long as it satisfies their appetite.

Dr. Blynd explains in FUNKTIONARYbeliever - one who accepts that which has no basis in reality. 2) a person who enjoys being deceived. A believer does not seek—just accepts theologies and/or ideologies. 3) one who is addicted to vanity and/or chained to convention with conviction. 4) one who lives in a cloud of illusions, confounded by language and its deceptions. Believers are people who make their lives subjective slaves to a mere belief—engineered my limited and fragmented understanding and fostered by erroneous conclusions based solely on effects and appearances. A true believer would rather believe in something and be wrong than not believe in it and be right. [MORE]

Like the Moon, No One Was There. [This overhead shot was taken shortly before Trump’s swearing-in ceremony. CREDIT: ABC News] From [HERE] In a surreal turn, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer tonight denied reality, lashed out at the press for its supposed “shameful and wrong” coverage of the size of the crowd that attended President Trump’s January 20 inaugural festivities, instructed the White House press corps on what they “should be writing and covering,” declared that the administration intended to “hold the press accountable,” and left the briefing room without taking questions.

Spicer said that “this was the largest audience to ever witness an inauguration, period -- both in person and around the globe.” He is lying.

Obama in 08 on the right. [MORE]

In remarks to the CIA earlier in the day, Trump falsely claimed it “looked like a million, million and a half people” attended his inauguration. An estimated 1.8 million attended President Obama’s 2008 inauguration, while The Washington Post reports Trump's crowd was "somewhere closer to 600,000."

Spicer also went after a Time magazine journalist for a mistake he made in a tweet about a bust of Martin Luther King, Jr. that sits in the Oval Office.

In the latest sign that the Trump administration plans to wage war on reality, Spicer refused to accept that attendance for Trump’s inauguration was smaller than for President Obama’s in 2009.

He blamed “floor coverings [that] were used to protect the grass on the mall” for making it look like there was lots of empty space. In fact, there was just lots of empty space.

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Fuck Trump: Over Two Million in the Streets Protesting Racist Idiot

From [HERE] and [HERE] More than 2.5 million people worldwide are demonstrating against the inauguration of President Donald Trump according to an informal protester tally on the official website of the Women’s March on Washington. Protesters in Washington, D.C. are reportedly being joined by 673 “sister” marches taking place on seven continents — including Antarctica.

In the United States, hundreds of thousands of people turned out at hundreds of rallies in all 50 states. In Washington, D.C. alone, the anti-Trump protest is estimated to be double the size of Trump’s inauguration, which took place the previous day.

The Associated Press also reported that so many people have crowded the rally in Washington, D.C. that organizers are unable to march to the White House. Organizers later said that they would still march after the rally, but pointed out that it would “take some time” for so many people to make it. [MORE]


Black Man on Death Row for 6 Years Released After Acquittal - Suspended White Prosecutor Lied to the Jury & Demeaned Him in Court 

From [HERE] and [HERE] Isaiah McCoy, a Black death row prisoner for years, walked out of the Howard R. Young Correctional Institution in Wilmington a free man Thursday night after a judge found him not guilty of murder in his second trial. 

Isaiah McCoy, a death row prisoner for years, walked out of the Howard R. Young Correctional Institution in Wilmington and into his young daughters' embraces on Thursday night just hours after a judge found him not guilty of murder in his second trial.

Outside the prison's barbed wire fence and heavy doors, McCoy, 29, became emotional as he reunited with his girls and with the team of attorneys and an investigator who helped get him acquitted of the 2010 killing of 30-year-old James Munford.

"I just want to say to all those out there going through the same thing I'm going through 'keep faith, keep fighting," McCoy said. "Two years ago, I was on death row. At 25, I was given a death sentence – and I am today alive and well and kicking and a free man."

A spokesman for the Department of Justice said prosecutors were disappointed by the verdict from Kent County Superior Court Judge Robert B. Young.

“While we are disappointed with the outcome of this case, we respect the decision of this court. This was a difficult case and the court indicated the basis for its decision at the time of the verdict," spokesman Carl Kanefsky said.

The path to McCoy's acquittal has been long.

He was accused of shooting Munford to death during a drug deal in the rear parking lot of the Rodney Village Bowling Alley on May 4, 2010. The deal was supposed to be for 200 ecstasy pills and crack cocaine, but during the transaction, McCoy pulled out a gun and shot Munford, according to prosecutors.

A jury found McCoy guilty in June 2012, but the Delaware Supreme Court later overturned his conviction and death sentence.

The court did so because former Deputy Attorney General R. David Favata demeaned McCoy in front of the jury and lied to a judge during the death penalty trial, the court said. Favata was suspended from practicing law in Delaware as a result. However, Favata had already retired from the state in March of that year.

Favata’s conduct at the trial led the state Supreme Court to overturn the conviction and death sentence for the 28-year-old defendant, Isaiah McCoy, earlier this year.

Favata made demeaning comments such as “start acting like a man.” In another conversation about McCoy’s court attire [wearing a suit in court], Favata said: “I don’t care. You can dress him up. He’s still a murderer.”

Favata also, while in the presence of McCoy during a court recess, spoke about "Omerta," an Italian mafia code of silence. Favata said he would put a detective back on the stand to tell everyone that McCoy was a snitch and added that McCoy could have trouble back in prison after the other inmates learn he is a snitch, the documents said.

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