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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

20 Years in Jail b/c White Prosecutors Withheld Favorable Evidence: Murder Charges Dropped Against "East Cleveland 3"

From [HERE] and [HERE] The "East Cleveland Three," cleared in August in the 1995 murder of Clifton Hudson after spending nearly 20 years in prison, had a hearing Monday.

A judge ruled in May of 2016 that Eugene Johnson, Derrick Wheatt and Laurese Glover should have a new trial after a key witness became unsure of her identification of the men. A motion was filed in June to dismiss all charges. The judge granted the motion. 

At the hearing, prosecutors said that they will not dismiss the case without prejudice, which means that, if new evidence is found, the men can be tried again. The attorney for the three men is asking the prosecutor's office for expungement, but that will be ruled on at a later date.

The Black men, known as the "East Cleveland Three," were convicted in 1996 for the shooting of Clifton Hudson in East Cleveland.

Attorneys at the Ohio Innocence Project had discovered a trove of exculpatory evidence that had never been disclosed to the original defense counsel.  The judge in the case called the Brady violation “deliberate and malicious.”  It involved a notorious former chief prosecutor writing a letter to the East Cleveland police ordering them not to hand over evidence, including eyewitness statements that contradicted the state’s case.

In February of 1995, nineteen year-old Clifton Hudson was shot and killed on a street in East Cleveland.  In its case against Glover, Wheatt, and Johnson, the state produced one eyewitness, fifteen year-old Tamika Harris, who testified that she had seen Johnson shoot Hudson and then get into a van with two other black men in it.  In addition, they called two experts to testify on “gun residue” evidence obtained through an “Atomic Absorption Kit” (a now widely discredited forensic method).

The defense put on two eyewitnesses of their own.  Both testified that they had seen the shooter, and that he was taller than Johnson, and lighter skinned.  Assistant Prosecutor Michael Horn urged the jury to ignore these witnesses.  Further, in order to explain why the “gun residue” was found on Wheatt, despite the state’s eyewitness identifying Johnson as the shooter, Horn urged the jury to believe his “two shooter” theory, in which Wheatt had fired, missed, and then handed the gun to Johnson, who he claimed must have been wearing gloves found in the vehicle.  The jury took his urging and convicted all three men of murder.

By fits and starts, the case has been unraveling ever since.  Most pointedly, in 2004, Tamika Harris recanted her identification of Johnson, saying she had never seen the man’s face, only his clothing, and that her testimony to the contrary had been weighing on her conscience.  Based on her affidavit, a trial court granted Johnson a new trial.  The grant, however, was overturned by a state appellate court, which held, first, that Johnson had failed to appeal within 120 days of learning of Harris’ recantation, and second, that her changed testimony wouldn’t have made a difference to the outcome of the trial because she had been cross-examined on what she did and didn’t see.

“Vindictive, Unprofessional, and Outrageous”

The recantation of the lead witness being insufficient to warrant a new trial, the case eventually wound up at the Ohio Innocence Project, which reviewed the history of the post-conviction proceedings.  Back in 1998, the defendants had sought, through a public records request, to obtain the original investigative files of the East Cleveland Police.  We now know that those files contained the following:

  • Evidence that the victim, Clifton Hudson, had been threatened with deadly force the week before he was killed, and that his brother had been shot at, both by men other than the defendants.
  • Statements by two previously undisclosed eyewitnesses, the Petty brothers, who had unobstructed views of the shooting, and said the shots had come from a different direction than the state asserted.
  • A statement by Dante Petty that he personally knew the shooter he saw commit the murder, and that he was not one of the three defendants.

The First Assistant Prosecutor in Cuyahoga County at the time (later to become the Chief Prosecutor), was Carmen Marino (more on him in a minute).  In response to the defendants request for these files, Marino sent a letter to the East Cleveland Police:

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Targeting People by Appearance & Demanding ID: Trump's Immigration Order to Use Police State Tactics to Round Up & Detain Non-Whites

In Nazi Germany How Could Cops Tell Who Was Jewish & Who Was Not? During Nazi Gernamy Jews were identified by the outward marking of persons - as Jews six years or older could only appear in public when wearing the Jewish star on their clothing. [Identification papers are an importatnt part of any police state system as are restrictions on people's freedom of movement.] In a system of racism/white supremacy there is no need for any such star or outward marking because your skin color makes you their target.

How Will Cops Know Who is Undocumented & Who is Not? From [LA Times] and [HERE] When President Trump ordered a vast overhaul of immigration law enforcement during his first week in office, he stripped away most restrictions on who should be deported, opening the door for roundups and detentions on a scale not seen in nearly a decade.

Up to 8 million people in the country illegally could be considered priorities for deportation, according to calculations by the Los Angeles Times. They were based on interviews with experts who studied the order and two internal documents that signal immigration officials are taking an expansive view of Trump’s directive.

Far from targeting only “bad hombres,” as Trump has said repeatedly, his new order allows immigration agents to detain nearly anyone they come in contact with who has crossed the border illegally. People could be booked into custody for using food stamps or if their child receives free school lunches.

The deportation targets are a much larger group than those swept up in the travel bans that sowed chaos at airports and seized public attention over the past week. Fewer than 1 million people came to the U.S. over the past decade from the seven countries from which most visitors are temporarily blocked. 

Deportations of this scale, which has not been publicly totaled before, could have widely felt consequences: Families would be separated. Businesses catering to immigrant customers may be shuttered. Crops could be left to rot, unpicked, as agricultural and other industries that rely on immigrant workforces face labor shortages. U.S. relations could be strained with countries that stand to receive an influx of deported people, particularly in Latin America. Even the Social Security system, which many immigrants working illegally pay into under fake identification numbers, would take a hit.

The new instructions represent a wide expansion of President Obama’s focus on deporting only recent arrivals, repeat immigration violators and people with multiple criminal violations. Under the Obama administration, only about 1.4 million people were considered priorities for removal.

“We are going back to enforcement chaos — they are going to give lip service to going after criminals, but they really are going to round up everybody they can get their hands on,” said David Leopold, a former president of the American Immigration Lawyers Assn. and an immigration lawyer for more than two decades.

Trump's orders instruct officers to deport not only those convicted of crimes, but also those who aren’t charged but are believed to have committed "acts that constitute a chargeable criminal offense."

That category applies to the 6 million people believed to have entered the U.S. without passing through an official border crossing. The rest of the 11.1 million people in the country illegally, according to a study by the Pew Research Center, are believed to have entered on a valid visa and stayed past its expiration date.

Also among those 11.1 million are about 8 million jobholders, Pew found. The vast majority have worked in violation of the law by stating on federal employment forms that they were legally allowed to work. Trump’s order calls for targeting anyone who lied on the forms.

Trump’s deportation priorities also include smaller groups whose totals remain elusive: people in the country illegally who are charged with crimes that have not yet been adjudicated and those who receive an improper welfare benefit, used a fake identity card, were found driving without a license or received federal food assistance.

An additional executive order under consideration would block entry to anyone the U.S. believes may use benefit programs such as Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program, according two Trump administration officials who have seen the draft order.             

The changes reflect an effort to deter illegal migration by increasing the threat of deportation and cutting off access to social services and work opportunities, an approach that 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney called “self-deportation.” 

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Returning to the scene of the crime, Election Criminal Trump Repeats Idiotic Voter Fraud Claims in O’Reilly Interview

Thieves Cry the Loudest. "There is an old Sufi saying that if there has been a robbery and somebody has stolen something and people start crying for the thief, if the thief is there also, he cries the loudest: Where is the thief? Who has stolen this? This is bad, immoral! Catch hold of him, run and find him! He cries the loudest, that is his protection, because how could you think that a man who has been stealing, or who has just stolen something right now, could be so against the thief? But always remember that whenever a man is crying very loudly, catch him immediately, he is the thief. Whenever a man justifies, shows his guilt, he knows that he needs justification." [OSHO] Trump speaks on "the fraud" at 4:23.


html5 video converter by v3.9.1

From [Politico] President Trump in a new interview seemingly defends his baseless claims of widespread voter fraud in the 2016 election, maintaining that illegal [non-white] immigrants and "dead people" around the U.S. were registered to vote.

"Well, many people have come out and said I am right, you know that," Trump told Fox News's Bill O’Reilly in an interview slated to air Sunday.

When O’Reilly notes that Trump needs data to back up his claim that three million illegal immigrants voted in the election, Trump insisted "a bad situation" exists regarding voter fraud.

"Let me just tell you – when you see illegals, people that are not citizens and they are on registration rolls ... look, Bill, we can be babies, but you take a look at the registration, you have illegals, you have dead people, you have this, it's really a bad situation. It's really bad." [MORE]

White GOP Votary Too Small. From [HERE] and [HERE] Electionologist and investigative journalist Greg Palast, explains 'that the GOP's Trump white votary was not large enough to elect Donald Trump. That is, there were not enough white republican voters to carry a victory for Trump unless the GOP was able to systematically wipe out voter registrations of voters of color.

In 2016 GOP built and put into action a voter erasing system called Interstate Crosscheck. Crosscheck along with thousands of votes intentionally not counted in Black voting areas, such as Flint & Detroit chose the president and determined who controls Congress.' [MORE]

Palast's undisputed findings reveal that millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by Interstate Crosscheck, a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. Thirty (30) states participate in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast calls Crosscheck the "Great White Hope Machine."  

Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if a voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.

Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Palast reveals that millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by Interstate Crosscheck, a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. Thirty (30) states participate in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast calls Crosscheck the "Great White Hope Machine."  

Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if a voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.

Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Now take a look at a couple of "double voters" on this Crosscheck list: 

This is typical of the Crosscheck "suspects." Above it says that James Elmer Barnes Jr. of the state of Georgia supposedly voted a second time in Virginia as James CROSS Barnes III.

In other words, the only evidence that these two names represent one criminal voting twice is that the first and last names match. That's all. Nothing more.

Look at the second "double voter": James Ratcliffe Barnes Jr. of Georgia is accused of voting a second time in the state of Virginia—even though the second voter has a different middle name (Anthony) and has no suffix added to his name.

While state government officials could not locate Mr. Barnes, the alleged double-voting criminal to arrest him, Palast had no trouble locating him. Mr. James Elmer Barnes Jr. told said he had never used the middle name "Cross," never been "III" (the "Third"), and never been to the state of Virginia, let alone voted there.

Georgia and Virginia officials wouldn't explain why these clearly different Mr. Barnes were still on the suspect list. Indeed, the Republican officials wouldn't talk to Palast at all.

Neither state arrested a Mr. Barnes for voting twice (that is, they did not arrest James Elmer Barnes Jr. nor James Cross Barnes, who are in fact two very different people). Rather, both states prepared to remove them from the voter rolls. Both Messrs. Barnes are about to lose their right to vote, that is, be removed from voter rolls.

How odd. If you rob a bank and get caught, the police don't close your bank account. They arrest you and send you to prison. Here, Mr. Barnes is accused of a crime punished the same as robbery, yet he is not arrested.

And that's because Mr. Barnes is innocent—both Mr. Barneses are innocent. Clearly. But, without a trial— indeed, without their even knowing it—both men could lose their right to vote.

Now, take a look at the longer list of suspects above. Everyone is named James Brown. That is, for example, James S. Brown is supposed to be the same voter as James Howe Brown Jr.

What is the evidence? Only that each voter has the first name "James" and the surname "Brown." Like the late soul singer.

According to Palast there are 27,456 people in the USA named James Brown. According to Crosscheck, they must be a criminally minded family. According to Crosscheck, thousands of people named James Brown are vorting twice. [MORE]

The inherent racial bias in the Crosscheck database results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans landing on what Palast dubs “Trump’s hit list.” His investigators calculated 1.1 million non-white people, many spread over crucial swing states were deprived of their right to vote on election day. 

Trump victory margin in Michigan:                    13,107 

  • Michigan Crosscheck purge list:                       449,922

Trump victory margin in Arizona:                       85,257

  • Arizona Crosscheck purge list:                           270,824

Trump victory margin in North Carolina:        177,008

  • North Carolina Crosscheck purge list:              589,393 

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Federal appeals court declines to reinstate unlawful immigration order

From [HERE] The US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [official website] on Saturday denied [order, PDF] the Trump administration's motion to reinstate immigration restrictions until the case could be heard by the court. The emergency motion [text, PDF] to reinstate the immigration restrictions was filed by the Trump administration on Friday, arguing that only the president can decide who can enter the US and that the district court had "overreached" by second guessing the president's decision in a matter of national security. Saturday's ruling means that the restrictions will be suspended until arguments have been heard by the court. The court gave the two states challenging the executive order, Minnesota and Washington, and the Trump administration utnil Monday to file further briefs. The restraining order [text, PDF] was granted by a judge for the US District Court for the Western District of Washington [official website] on Friday following a hearing [video].

Trump signed the executive order [JURIST op-ed] in late January. Only a day later, a judge for the Eastern District of New York issued an emergency stay [JURIST report], temporarily preventing execution of the law, until the question of whether it applied to valid visa holders could be resolved. That issue was resolved by a district judge in Michigan, who ordered [JURIST report] that the travel ban could not be applied to legal citizens, including those holding visas.


Black Women Substantially Impacted If Obamacare Is Repealed

From [HERE] Black women stand to lose the most if the Affordable Care Act is repealed. This demographic is more susceptible to diabetes, uterine fibroids, obesity, high-blood pressure, domestic abuse and sexual assault than any other. Many black women also have children who depend on them for their health care, since black women are more likely to be sole providers for their household

Obamacare reduced coverage disparities for a number of black women, allowing them to access routine health care treatment and check-ups with a primary care physician. The preventive care clause in the ACA has been life-changing for many black women: It gives them better access to early cancer screenings. Black women are twice as likely as white women to die of cervical cancer and twice as likely to be diagnosed in the later stages of breast cancer.

Historically, the government has paid attention to black women’s health only when it’s convenient, said Joan Faber McAlister, an associate professor at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa.

“Black women’s health has been pretty much the lowest priority, almost has been completely invisible,” McAlister said. “The only time we see a lot of attention to black women’s health is when it’s being misrepresented to undermine social programs that don’t even primarily benefit black women.”

As of Jan. 1, 32 states had expanded Medicaid to include most low-income Americans. If President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans move forward with their plans to repeal Obamacare, that coverage will go away. So will the tax credits that help lower- and middle-class families afford insurance. Many of the people hit hardest will be black women. [MORE]


More Lies Told by Your Government: U.S. military touted 10-year-old videos from Yemen terror raid

From [HERE] The video clips that the U.S. military said were evidence of the success of last week’s raid on an Al Qaeda compound in Yemen have one major problem, the Pentagon acknowledged Friday: They have been on the internet for a decade.

The U.S. Central Command, which posted the video clips, pulled them from the Pentagon’s video website after it was discovered they had been posted in 2007 and were still online on the SITE Intelligence Group website.

The videos and the accompanying CENTCOM statement — which stated the clips were “a small sample of the sort of intelligence information that was obtained in the site exploitation mission” — were the latest effort from the Trump administration to defend the raid on Al Qaeda's Yemen offshoot in which one Navy SEAL was killed and civilian casualties were reported.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer went through a detailed explanation of the approval process for the raid on Thursday, emphasizing that the Obama administration had signed off on the mission before President Donald Trump ultimately gave it the green light.

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Trump to focus counter-extremism efforts solely on Islam - White extremists to be eliminated from domestic terror program

From [HEREOnline neo-Nazi and white supremacist forums have been unmistakably jubilant lately, as web chatter moved from celebrating President Donald Trump’s electoral victory to celebrating individual cabinet appointments and policy proposals.

On Thursday, internet racists celebrated another perceived victory: Reports that President Trump will soon remove white nationalist groups from a federal effort to study and neutralize extremist radicalization, and rebrand the program to focus solely on groups associating themselves with Islam.

Reuters reports today that the new administration will revamp the “Countering Violent Extremism” program to “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,” and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States. It cites unnamed sources.

The Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program partners government agencies with community organizations in hopes of preventing people from being radicalized into various types of terror and hate groups. Its primary focus has always been in Muslim communities, but the Obama administration designed it to also encompass the American far-right groups that propagandize to people like Dylann Roof.

News of Trump’s plan to reverse that symbolic recognition of right-wing threats prompted a wave of celebration in white nationalist circles.

“Donald Trump wants to remove us from undue federal scrutiny by removing ‘white supremacists’ from the definition of ‘extremism,’” the founder and editor of the neo-Nazi website The Daily Stormer (which takes its name from a Nazi propaganda publication) wrote in a post on the site. “Yes, this is real life. Our memes are all real life. Donald Trump is setting us free.”

This interpretation overstates the scope of Reuter’s report somewhat. The meme-filled Daily Stormer post alleges that changing the CVE program and renaming it to focus solely on “Islamic extremism,” as Trump puts it, would also extend to to calling off FBI scrutiny and taking white supremacists and neo-Nazis off of extremist databases. That would actually require separate action from Trump.

But in Trump’s move to take even some measure of scrutiny off of far-right extremism, The Daily Stormer sees a direct parroting of their own writing and a reward for the far-right’s role in getting Trump elected.

“It’s fair to say that if the Trump team is not listening to us directly (I assume they are), they are thinking along very similar lines. We helped get Trump get [sic] elected, and the fact of the matter is, without Alt-Right meme magick, it simply wouldn’t have happened,” the post continues. “This is absolutely a signal of favor to us.”

Another neo-Nazi site that associates itself with the so-called “alt-right,” Infostormer, celebrated the news and took it as a sign of support. “We may truly have underestimated President Trump’s covert support of our Cause (at least in some form), but after this proposal, I am fully ready to offer myself in service of this glorious regime” the post reads.

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Trump’s Supreme Court Pick Described a Barbaric Execution of a Black Man as an 'Innocent Misadventure' [legalized murder]

From [HERE] and [HERE] Judge Neil Gorsuch has been front and center as Oklahoma’s death penalty process has been repeatedly called into question in recent years, hearing key cases at the US Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit over the state’s handling of executions — and siding with the government.

Just a few months ago, Gorsuch — now President Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court — ruled against the estate of a man who was executed in one of the worst botched lethal injections in US history. Gorsuch and two other judges ruled that it was an “innocent misadventure” or an “isolated mishap,” but not cruel and unusual punishment.

In that case, Clayton Lockett’s estate sued the state of Oklahoma for constitutional violations in his 43-minute execution. Lockett was given a controversial sedative called midazolam, then two drugs that cause immense pain: a paralytic and a drug to stop the heart.

After he was injected with the drugs, Lockett raised himself on the gurney and said, “Shit is fucking with me.” Executioners had thought he was already dead.

Members of the state’s execution team examined his IV, which was set up near his groin and covered by a blanket. When they moved the blanket, they discovered the IV had infiltrated, creating swelling the size of between a golf ball and a tennis ball. The drugs weren’t going into his veins like they were supposed to.

The prison warden called it a “bloody mess.” The state attempted to call off the execution 30 minutes in, but Lockett died anyway 10 minutes later.

“Everyone acknowledges that Lockett suffered during his execution,” Judge Gregory Phillips wrote in a ruling against his estate, which Gorsuch signed on to.

“Here, the Amended Complaint describes exactly the sort of ‘innocent misadventure’ or ‘isolated mishap’ that” a prior Supreme Court case “excuses from the definition of cruel and unusual punishment,” the court wrote. “Thus, Lockett’s suffering did not run afoul of the Eighth Amendment.”

The judges ruled that Oklahoma was not “deliberately indifferent” in the execution.

“Simply put, the Eighth Amendment does not require ‘the avoidance of all risk of pain in carrying out executions.’”

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Another Travel Ban [Locking You In]: IRS Moves To Revoke Passports For Unpaid Taxes

From [Forbes] President Trump's executive order on travel may be generating big protests, but an IRS missive on travel and passports may not go down too well either. More than a year ago, in H.R.22, Congress gave the IRS a new weapon to collect taxes. Tax code Section 7345 is labeled, “Revocation or Denial of Passport in Case of Certain Tax Delinquencies.” The law isn't limited to criminal tax cases, or even cases where the IRS thinks you are trying to flee. The idea of the law is to use travel as a way to enforce tax collections. It was proposed and rejected in 2012. But by late 2015, Congress passed it and President Obama signed it.

Now, over a year later, the IRS has finally released new details on its website. If you have seriously delinquent tax debt, IRS can notify the State Department. The State Department generally will not issue or renew a passport after receiving certification from the IRS. The IRS has not yet started certifying tax debt to the State Department. The IRS says certifications will begin in early 2017, and the IRS website will be updated to indicate when this process has been implemented.


Muslim Countries Where Trump Does Business Were Not Affected by His Unlawful Travel Ban 


Federal judge Orders National Halt on Trump's Unlawful Immigration Restrictions

From [JURIST] A judge for the US District Court for the Western District of Washington ruled Friday in favor of Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson [official websites] in issuing a stay [text, PDF] of President Donald Trump's controversial immigration restrictions. The nationwide temporary retraining order forbids government employees from carrying out Trump's executive order [text] barring immigration from certain states, based on the irreparable economic damage the states would incur from such a ban. Judge James Robart stated, "[t]he executive order adversely affects the state's residents in areas of employment, education, business, family relations and freedom to travel," and added that "[t]hese harms are significant and ongoing." The Trump administration responded, with the president tweeting, "[t]he opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!" and the White House releasing a statement,

[a]t the earliest possible time, the Department of Justice intends to file an emergency stay of this outrageous order and defend the executive order of the President, which we believe is lawful and appropriate. The president's order is intended to protect the homeland and he has the constitutional authority and responsibility to protect the American people.

Robart's temporary restraining order will stand until the parties have an opportunity to fully litigate the issue or an emergency stay overrules it. 

Trump signed the executive order [JURIST op-ed] in late January. Only a day later, a judge for the Eastern District of New York issued an emergency stay [JURIST report], temporarily preventing execution of the law, until the question of whether it applied to valid visa holders could be resolved. The issue was resolved by a district judge in Michigan, who ordered [JURIST report] that the travel ban could not be applied to legal citizens, including those holding visas.


Fear of Losing Control & Being Replaced by Non-Whites Fuels Trump White House & the Global System of White Supremacy 

Racists Practice Racism to Survive. White people are the vanishing majority in the U.S. The white population in the U.S. is shrinking and white folks have a growing fear of "numerial inadequacy." The U.S. Census Bureau has reported that by 2047 non-white persons will be the majority of the US population. Since 2013, census figures have also showed that for the first time in U.S. history, the majority of babies are non-white.  Since 2013 more white people have died in the United States than were born. Furthermore, the Census Bureau says that the ranks of white Americans will likely drop with every passing year. No other group showed a similar falloff. [MORE

Additionally white people are genetic recessive. In general, this means they cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. The white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites;

White plus Black equals Colored.

White plus Brown equals Colored.

White plus Yellow equals Colored.

As whites have been consistently declining, Black and Brown populations are surging.[MORE] and [MORE] and [MORE]. 


White Judge Rules No Evidence of Racism After Alabama Republican Legislature Blocked Birmingham Minimum Wage Increase

From [HERE] and [HERE] A lawsuit that sought to allow Birmingham to raise its minimum wage to $10.10 an hour despite a state law that forbade it was dismissed Wednesday.

U.S. District Judge R. David Proctor ruled that the plaintiffs couldn't link the state's motivations with race as the suit claimed it did. 

The Birmingham City Council voted in 2015 to raise the city's minimum wage to $10.10 per hour through incremental raises. Subsequently, the Republican super majorities in the legislature's House and Senate put a bill to void the increase on the fast track, prompting the council to expedite Birmingham's raise, but the law ultimately voided the ordinance.

In April 2016, the Alabama NAACP and Greater Birmingham Ministries filed a suit that claimed HB 174 is tainted "with racial animus" and that is violates the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution. In June, they amended the complaint to claim the law violated the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by transferring control over minimum wages from Birmingham's officials - who were voted in by Birmingham's majority black electorate - to state officials, who were elected by a majority white electorate.

Proctor wrote in his opinion that allegations of racial motivations are "nothing more than conclusory allegations, not supported by any alleged factual information," in part because the economic policy is uniform throughout the state.

Alabama Attorney General Luther Strange [racist suspect in photo] praised the decision, saying the state had clear authority to make the law under the Constitution. 

"It was wrong and unfair to accuse the Legislature of racism when similar minimum-wage laws have been enacted by some 16 other States, are supported by empirical social-science research, and previously have been upheld by other courts," Strange said in a press release.

The scathing federal lawsuit was filed on behalf of organizations such as the NAACP and the Greater Birmingham Ministries, and alleges that Alabama's white legislative majorities thwarted Birmingham's efforts last year to increase the minimum wage within the city's limits to $10.10 an hour. The increase would have affected 40,000 people.

Hard debate about Alabama's minimum wage, which mirrors the federal rate of $7.25 an hour, could also resurface in the halls of power in Montgomery. 

For now, some key lawmakers, including Senate President Pro Tempore Del Marsh, don't anticipate a minimum wage increase gaining much traction this session.

Alabama is one of five states, all concentrated in the South, that do not have a minimum wage law. As a result, Alabama's minimum wage follows the federal wage of $7.25 an hour, an amount that civil rights groups have long criticized as being too low and one that purposely deflates wages among black workers.

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“There would be no Uber without [non-white] immigrants." Drivers urge Uber CEO to leave Trump advisory council after travel ban

From [HERE] Drivers in New York City are urging Uber CEO Travis Kalanick to step down from President Trump’s advisory council following the administration’s new immigration and refugee restrictions.

The Independent Drivers Guild, a union that represents over 45,000 for-hire vehicle drivers in the city, launched a petition on Thursday asking Kalanick to leave the council immediately in protest of the temporary travel ban.

The petition is also calling on Uber to donate to nonprofit organizations that are fighting the restrictions, as well as assure drivers that they will not be punished for protesting the executive action.

“There would be no Uber without immigrants. Nine in ten Uber drivers in New York City are immigrants,” said the group’s founder, Jim Conigliaro, Jr. “As a company whose success is built on a foundation of hard work by immigrant workers, Uber can and should do better to stand up for immigrants and their workers.”

After Trump issued an executive order halting U.S. refugee resettlement for four months — and Syrian refugee resettlement indefinitely — as well as banning immigrants from seven majority-Muslim countries for 90 days, the New York Taxi Workers Alliance stopped picking up fares from John F. Kennedy International Airport in a show of solidarity for those affected. 

Uber came under fire for sending drivers to the airport and not charging surge prices, which some said undermined the taxi strike. Meanwhile, its rival Lyft donated $1 million to the American Civil Liberties Union, prompting a surge of users to delete Uber and instead download Lyft.

But Kalanick outlined how he would help affected drivers in a Facebook post on Sunday.

He wrote that the “ban will impact many innocent people,” noting that many drivers from countries affected by the visa ban may be traveling outside of the U.S. and unable to re-enter and earn an income for at least three months. 

“We are working out a process to identify these drivers and compensate them pro bono during the next three months to help mitigate some of the financial stress and complications with supporting their families and putting food on the table,” Kalanick said.

Kalanick said he would mention the issue on Friday at Trump’s first business advisory group meeting.

Giving up his seat on the advisory council, however, would mean that Uber would be in less of a position to represent the interests of the company or relay the concerns of its employees to the new administration.


Racist Suspect Texas Governor Blocks Funding b/c Travis County Sheriff Refuses to Hold Non-White Immigrants for Feds 

From [HERE] Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) has cut funding to Travis County, the home of the city of Austin, following through on a threat to block state grants over a new sheriff's refusal to cooperate with federal immigration authorities. Travis County is the fifth-most populous county in Texas. Its county seat is Austin. It is  30% Latino. [MORE]

Abbott's office said Monday it would cancel $1.8 million in grants to law enforcement programs in the county, the state capital and the University of Texas's flagship campus. The governor said he is asking state agencies to identify other grants to the county that he could also block.

The cuts come as Travis County Sheriff Sally Hernandez, newly elected in November, begins implementing a new policy blocking deputies from asking anyone they apprehend about their immigration status. Hernandez has also said her office will not hold undocumented immigrants in county jails after they complete sentences for minor crimes, even if asked by federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials.

The so-called sanctuary policy enraged Abbott, who threatened to cut state funding if Hernandez went ahead with plans to implement the policy beginning Wednesday. In a letter to Hernandez last week, Abbott called the policy "dangerous," "shortsighted," "reckless" and "frivolous."

Abbott's cut comes as President Trump has moved to pull federal funding from "sanctuary" cities and counties.

Hernandez defended the sanctuary policy as necessary to building healthy relations with immigrant communities in and around Austin.

"I will not allow fear and misinformation to be my guiding principles as a leader sworn to protect this community," Hernandez said in a statement. "I am following all state and federal laws, and upholding constitutional rights to due process for all in our criminal justice system. Our community is safer when people can report crimes without fear of deportation."

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