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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

After Purging Millions of Non-White Votes, Degenerate Thief Sworn in as US President

White Presumacy. The white population is rapidly declining in the U.S. and worldwide.  At the same time, Latino, Asian and Black populations are growing inexorably. White people's numerical inadequacy and vulnerability fuel the practice of racism here and abroad. [MORE] Racists must practice racism to survive - this includes rigging elections. 

Electionologist and investigative journalist Greg Palast, explains 'the GOP's white votary was not large enough to elect Donald Trump. That is, it is too small unless the GOP quietly builds a secret blacklist of millions of voters, especially voters of color, and systematically and quietly wipes out voter registrations.

In 2016 the voter erasing system was built and GOP operatives put it into action. Its name: Interstate Crosscheck. Crosscheck along with thousands of votes intentionally not counted in Black voting areas, such as Flint & Detroit chose the president and determined who controls Congress.' [MORE]

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Palast reveals that millions of Black, Latino & Asian voters were removed from voter rolls in swing states by Interstate Crosscheck, a so-called "voter fraud" program created by the GOP. Thirty (30) states participate in Interstate Crosscheck. Palast calls Crosscheck the "Great White Hope Machine."  

Interstate Crosscheck removed voters from the voter list if a voter's name appeared to be registered in more than one state. Around 7 million names were put on the list of “potential double voters” before the 2014 election. Crosscheck then compares each state’s list with lists from other states in the program. Specifically, according to Palast, the Crosscheck list contains 7,264,422 voters.

Although the Crosscheck program aims to prevent individuals from voting in more than one state in the same election, Crosscheck has been doing the exact opposite and is used to remove legitmate voters from voting rolls. Greg Palast has claimed that before a single vote was even cast, the election was already fixed by Trump operatives who eliminated millions of legitimate African American, Latino and Asian voters from the voter rolls in North Carolina, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

An investigation in Rolling Stone found that Crosscheck uses a biased and questionable methodology that puts voters with African-American, Latino, and Asian names in greater danger of being purged from the voter list and being falsely accused of double voting. Crosscheck supposedly matches first, middle and last name, plus birth date, and provides the last four digits of a Social Security number for additional verification.

However, in practice a quarter of the names on the list did not have a middle name match or were only partially the same name. The list contained thousands of errors. The system also neglected to take into account designations of Jr. and Sr., and did not include any Social Security numbers to croscheck whether the suspected voter is the same person. 

An overwhelmingly disproportionate number of non-whites have been removed who have typical Black, Latino and Asian last names and who reside in predominately minority zip codes. Names such as Jackson, Garcia and Wong in areas such as Detroit, Milwaukee and Philadelphia. U.S. Census data shows that minorities are overrepresented in 85 of 100 of the most common last names. “If your name is Washington, there’s an 89 percent chance you’re African-American,” says Palast. “If your last name is Hernandez, there’s a 94 percent chance you’re Hispanic.” Finding these common names the GOP targeted non-white voters and put them on the list and then stopped them from voting on election day. 

Now take a look at a couple of "double voters" on this Crosscheck list: 

This is typical of the Crosscheck "suspects." Above it says that James Elmer Barnes Jr. of the state of Georgia supposedly voted a second time in Virginia as James CROSS Barnes III.

In other words, the only evidence that these two names represent one criminal voting twice is that the first and last names match. That's all. Nothing more.

Look at the second "double voter": James Ratcliffe Barnes Jr. of Georgia is accused of voting a second time in the state of Virginia—even though the second voter has a different middle name (Anthony) and has no suffix added to his name.

While state government officials could not locate Mr. Barnes, the alleged double-voting criminal to arrest him, Palast had no trouble locating him. Mr. James Elmer Barnes Jr. told said he had never used the middle name "Cross," never been "III" (the "Third"), and never been to the state of Virginia, let alone voted there.

Georgia and Virginia officials wouldn't explain why these clearly different Mr. Barnes were still on the suspect list. Indeed, the Republican officials wouldn't talk to me at all.

Neither state arrested a Mr. Barnes for voting twice (that is, they did not arrest James Elmer Barnes Jr. nor James Cross Barnes, who are in fact two very different people). Rather, both states prepared to remove them from the voter rolls. Both Messrs. Barnes are about to lose their right to vote, that is, be removed from voter rolls.

How odd. If you rob a bank and get caught, the police don't close your bank account. They arrest you and send you to prison. Here, Mr. Barnes is accused of a crime punished the same as robbery, yet he is not arrested.

And that's because Mr. Barnes is innocent—both Mr. Barneses are innocent. Clearly. But, without a trial— indeed, without their even knowing it—both men could lose their right to vote.

Now, take a look at the longer list of suspects above. Everyone is named James Brown. That is, for example, James S. Brown is supposed to be the same voter as James Howe Brown Jr.

What is the evidence? Only that each voter has the first name "James" and the surname "Brown." Like the late soul singer.

According to Palast there are 27,456 people in the USA named James Brown. According to Crosscheck, they must be a criminally minded family. According to Crosscheck, thousands of people named James Brown are vorting twice. [MORE]

And the elite media has yet to even acknowledge Palast's findings. Such is the nature of the system of white supremacy/racism. 

The inherent racial bias in the Crosscheck database results in an astonishing one in six Hispanics, one in seven Asian-Americans and one in nine African-Americans landing on what Palast dubs “Trump’s hit list.” His investigators calculated 1.1 million non-white people, many spread over crucial swing states were deprived of their right to vote on election day. 

Trump victory margin in Michigan:                    13,107 

  • Michigan Crosscheck purge list:                       449,922

Trump victory margin in Arizona:                       85,257

  • Arizona Crosscheck purge list:                           270,824

Trump victory margin in North Carolina:        177,008

  • North Carolina Crosscheck purge list:              589,393 

Enough votes to swing the election away from the Hillary Clinton victory predicted in polls – explaining suspicious exit polls inconsistencies – and towards a "suprising" result for Trump and Republican victory in the Senate. [MORE] and [MORE]

Palast also provided evidence that thousands of votes were intentionally not counted in Black, Asian and Latino voting precincts in swing states, such as Flint & Detroit, Michigan. [MORE


Dirty Motherfucker Couldn’t Rig the Inauguration Turnout: National Park Service Photos Reveal Poor Showing

From [HERE] and [HERE] So much for his huge ratings draw. Despite the unseasonably warm weather, the crowds at Donald Trump’s inauguration ceremonies on Friday fell well short of expectations.

The record for inauguration attendance belongs to President Obama, who delivered his first inaugural address before an estimated 1.8 million people in 28-degree weather. His second inauguration was smaller, but still drew roughly one million people. Last month, Trump tweeted his intention to set a new attendance record.

Planners were less bullish, preparing for a Friday crowd of roughly 800,000 people. Early estimates aren’t in yet, but photos taken on the mall suggest even those estimates were wildly optimistic. Here are two crowd shots, one of President Obama’s 2009 inaugural, the other from shortly before Trump’s. [MORE

President Trump’s administration apparently hasn’t gotten its hands on the National Park Service Twitter account just yet, because the agency is retweeting some things that would likely hurt our new president’s feelings. [see top photo of tweet] 

As of 4:30pm ET today, the account’s retweets of two fairly anti-Trump tweets—found here and here—were still up on its page. 


How Years Of The Racist Right-Wing Media’s Obama Hatred Paved The Way For Trump

From [MediaMatters] At noon today, Donald Trump will swear the oath of office and become president of the United States. His ascent would not have been possible without the years of racist vitriol that the right-wing media directed at his predecessor.

That hatred of President Obama, and the related scorched-earth efforts to smother his agenda, prepared the way for Trump. Many Republican voters became, in the words of one conservative writer, “just increasingly divorced from reality” after spending years in the right-wing echo chamber.

In the first months after Obama’s election, as the president sought solutions for the most immense economic crisis in decades, conservative media became completely unhinged. Violent, doomsday rhetoric and overt appeals to feelings of anger and paranoia in their audience became regular features of commentary across the full spectrum of the right-wing press. While the level of demagoguery waxed and waned over the years, the hatred and fear that had been unleashed never dissipated.

The GOP establishment was all too willing to go along with “the rage and unreason of radio talkers” as long as they could keep them pointed at liberals. Then Trump came along, a candidate who had repeatedly questioned whether Obama was eligible to be president in the first place, and stole the base right out from under them.

And once Trump was a major party candidate, he had a pretty good shot of becoming president, especially after receiving a massive volume of coverage from a press that was unwilling or unable to properly contextualize his candidacy.

“I Hope He Fails” And Fox As “The Alamo”

Five days before Obama’s 2009 inauguration, the nation was in dire straights. A financial crisis had sent the economy into a tailspin, triggering massive job losses and a plummeting stock market. The banking system was still on the brink of failure. The auto industry was on the verge of collapse. Americans were rightly frightened of the immense economic insecurity, but broadly supportive of the new president who promised to right the ship.

But on January 16, 2009, Rush Limbaugh -- one of the most powerful voices in Republican politics -- told his millions of listeners that his “hope for the Obama presidency” was “I hope he fails.” In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity the day after Obama was sworn in, Limbaugh doubled down, saying: "We are being told that we have to hope he succeeds, that we have to bend over, grab the ankles, bend over forward, backward, whichever, because his father was black, because this is the first black president."

Over the next few months, Limbaugh would continue to state that he wanted Obama to fail. When other prominent Republicans offered criticism of the radio host, he would blast them on his show; his audience would flood their offices with calls until they were forced to apologize. In a sign of things to come, even the chairman of the Republican National Committee had to grovel before the man with the microphone.

That same month, Fox News Chairman Roger Ailes sat down with another right-wing radio host, Glenn Beck. After spending two years at HLN, Beck was about to debut his new Fox show, and he was worried that Ailes might not be willing to give him the leeway to go after the incoming administration. “I see this as the Alamo,” Ailes reportedly told Beck. “If I just had somebody who was willing to sit on the other side of the camera until the last shot is fired, we'd be fine.” A partnership was struck.

Fox executives later acknowledged that the network took “a hard right turn” after the election and become “the voice of opposition” to Obama.

As a presidential candidate, Obama had frequently been subject to a hefty dose of conservative media vitriol. Given that Obama was the first black major party nominee and had the middle name “Hussein,” a lot of that vitriol was racist or aimed at falsely suggesting he was a Muslim. The fearmongering took off as the election approached, with conservatives baselessly warning that he would be a dictator.

But in the first 100 days of his administration, following the lead of Limbaugh, Ailes, and Beck, the floodgates opened.

One Hundred Days Of Hate

As the Obama administration took control of the reins of government and began trying to halt the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression, the right-wing media reviews rolled in.

The new president was a Marxist. And a fascist. And a Nazi. And a Maoist. And a Bolshevik. And a Trotskyite.

“Is this where we’re headed?” asked Beck over a montage of photos of Hitler, Stalin, and Lenin.

Obama’s aim was “destroying our economic system as we currently know it." His financial rescue plan was “Josef Stalin without the bloodshed.” It was also socialism. So was his economic recovery plan (unless that was really communism. Or fascism. It was definitely slavery). The auto industry rescue made him a mob boss. So did his labor proposal. His cabinet secretaries were Soviet commissars.

According to one CNBC host, the big debate was over whether Obama was “the New Economic Policy Lenin or the initial storm-the-Winter-Palace Lenin.” Obama’s party was trying to create a “political dictatorship.” Possible prosecutions of Bush administration officials who had aided the use of torture were “show trials” that would turn the nation into a “banana republic.”  

Obama was “enslaving” our children. His education plan was “Maoist.” He was striving to create “chaos and depression” among Americans. He was a vampire “going after the blood of our businesses.” His government was “a heroin pusher using smiley-faced fascism to grow the nanny state." He was “taking every tradition and institution that defined this country's greatness and trying to rip it to shreds.”

He was “more sympathetic with the long-term goals of world communism, and … Muslim terrorists, than with any legitimate American goals." He was embracing “the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood” and preparing to “sell us out” to the Islamic world.

He was trying to institute a one-world government by repealing the Declaration of Independence and taking the Constitution apart. “Those crazies in Montana who say, ‘We're going to kill ATF agents because the U.N.'s going to take over’” were “beginning to have a case.”

Obama was an “existential threat.” He “hates” America and was “raping” it. It was time to talk about impeachment because the president was a “dictator.”

After weeks of hearing that Obama was planning to destroy the country, right-wing media’s audience members were ready for action. They got their opportunity after CNBC contributor Rick Santelli’s denunciation of Obama’s housing plan from the floor of the Chicago Board of Trade went viral on February 19, 2009; Santelli’s rant culminated in a call for viewers to join him to protest at a “Chicago Tea Party” on the shores of Lake Michigan.

Within days, powerful national conservative organizations backed by corporate interests and wealthy right-wing donors started organizing a nationwide series of “Tax Day Tea Parties” to protest the Obama administration, leading up to and culminating on April 15.

Fox News -- the “voice of opposition,” Ailes’ “Alamo” -- became the focal point, megaphone, and chief promoter of the nascent tea party movement.

The network’s hosts and anchors championed the protests in dozens of segments and promos in the following weeks, hosting protest organizers for fawning interviews, providing their audience with protest dates, locations and website URLs, and encouraging viewers to join them at protests they were attending and covering. At times, these events were openly branded as “FNC Tax Day Tea Parties.” In turn, organizers used the scheduled appearance of Fox hosts to drum up more attendees.

Fox’s abject support for the tea parties was a crucial element in their success. As we noted at the time, “Dozens of articles about tea parties in various cities reported that Fox News and its hosts helped influence, start, or turn out participants to local protests. In numerous cases, these reports quoted local participants or organizers stating they were motivated to join or start protests because of Fox News.”

Again, this all happened in the first 100 days of Obama’s tenure.

The years to come would see right-wing media flirt with a host of absurd Obama conspiracies; claim over and over again that he intended to create “death panels”; and try to bury Obama’s nominees under an avalanche of false smears. Fox News went all-in as the research and communications arm of the GOP. Glenn Beck called Obama a racist, used his paranoid anti-Obama rants to become a conservative grass-roots leader, attacked a liberal foundation with such heat that one of his heavily armed fans tried to storm its offices, lost all his major advertisers, and eventually left Fox. The “end of America as you know it” was always just around the corner.

President Obama’s Marxist/communist/socialist/Leninist/Maoist/Trotskyite/Stalinist administration resulted in the longest streak of private sector job creation in our nation’s history, with more than 15 million private sector jobs created since the recession’s low point in 2010. Under his tenure, the stock market reached record highs, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average more than doubling since he was sworn into office.

A Birther In The White House

In the wake of Obama’s re-election, The Onion proposed that a “shrieking white-hot sphere of pure rage” would be the 2016 candidate “that would tap into Republicans' deep-seated, seething fury” after the GOP failed to oust Obama in 2012.

It was a very funny joke and we all had a good laugh and then the Republicans nominated Donald Trump and he was elected president.

Why Trump? Because, better than anyone else in the Republican field, he could appeal to the hatred of Obama that conservatives had spent years stoking.

Who could do better than someone who had prominently, and repeatedly, questioned whether Obama had been born in the United States?

Trump launched his recent political renaissance by hitching his wagon to the birther movement, a collection of fringe right-wing figures entranced by a racist conspiracy theory: Obama was not constitutionally eligible to be president because, in spite of all available evidence, he hadn’t really been born in this country. In this twisted worldview, Obama wasn’t just destroying the country -- he also had no right to its highest office in the first place.

The birther movement would discredit itself again and again over the years, with adherents suggesting that they had uncovered Obama’s “real father,” claiming that the Certificate of Live Birth Obama produced during the 2008 presidential campaign was forged, releasing an obviously fake Kenyan birth certificate for Obama, and declaring that Obama was hiding his birth certificate because it revealed he was Muslim. But a big chunk of Republican voters, including a contingent of GOP members of Congress, still bought into the myth.

Those conservatives were overjoyed when Trump came forward and became the leading voice of the birther movement, raising questions about Obama’s birth certificate in a series of 2011 interviews. Fox News promoted Trump’s claims in dozens of segments, and several of the network’s hosts joined in, suggesting that Obama’s birthplace was in doubt.

Obama released his long-form birth certificate later that year. But Trump never backed down. He immediately suggested the document was fake, and he spent years promoting birther conspiracies in interviews and on Twitter.

After years of listening to anti-Obama vitriol from right-wing talk radio and television hosts, conservatives wanted someone who could match that hate. They found him.

And today, he’s the president.


DC Cops Clashing with Protesters Outside Trump event [Beware: Bodycams Are Turned Off for the Inauguration]

From [HERE] and [HERE] and [MORED.C. police officers working Friday’s inauguration and Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington will have their body cameras turned off but must switch them on if they witness criminal behavior or interact with the public, according to already established department directives. [sounds like a liar cop's paradise]. 

The reiteration of the policy by a department spokesman on Thursday eased some concerns on both sides of the lenses: among civil rights groups worried that cameras would be used to surveil demonstrators and among police who saw inaccurate reports that officers had been ordered to keep their body cameras turned off at all times.

In anticipation of demonstrations, several Washington law groups on Thursday said they will offer free legal assistance to demonstrators arrested during the events. Organizations including the National Lawyers Guild, the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, D.C. Law Students in Court, and Law for Black Lives, D.C., plan to have lawyers, paralegals and other staff members on call and have established a hotline.

“We are going by what our policy says,” said Dustin Sternbeck, chief D.C. police spokesman, said about the use of body cameras. “We’re not running around to capture demonstrators on tape. We're not going around doing surveillance of demonstrations.”

Monica Hopkins-Maxwell, executive director of the ACLU of the Nation’s Capital, said earlier confusion about the directives had her concerned about a “dragnet-type of surveillance.” But after Sternbeck’s comments, she said it appears her group and the police are in agreement.

The ACLU and other groups are encouraging demonstrators to record police. Hopkins-Maxwell said there is no contradiction. “On one side, we have a government actor who has surveillance tools but has restrictions on their use. On the other side, we have citizens who have First Amendment rights to record police.”

[so-called civil liberties are mostly conceptual things to white folks - who love the theoretical speech protections of the 1st Amendment. The ACLU wanted bodycams off to prevent cops from creating a database of images of protestors. As opposed to non-whites who are more concerned with practical, reality based supposed Constitutional protections such as the the 4th Amendment rights to be free from cops putting their hands on you, freedom from unlawful detentions, seizures and searches. In reality these "rights" are just words on paper. Bodycams also provide theoretical protections from cops.  Awareness is the only "tool" for dealing with a maniac cop.] 


Black Man May Have Been Tortured by Lethal Injection Prior to Virginia Execution [Government Murder]

From [HERE] After another abnormally long execution using the controversial sedative midazolam — this one taking place in Virginia — the deceased inmate’s attorneys are calling for an independent inquiry.

Late Wednesday, Virginia executed Ricky Gray for the 2006 murders of Bryan and Kathryn Harvey and their two daughters, 9-year-old Stella and 4-year-old Ruby. Higher than the national rate, Virginia's death row is disproportionately 42% Black. [MORE

Executioners took more than 30 minutes behind closed curtains to set IV lines in Gray.

“This is far longer than typical, and VDOC has been able to provide no plausible explanation for failure to insert the IV for such a delayed period of time,” attorneys Rob Lee and Elizabeth Peiffer said in a statement. They added that Gray had no history of intravenous drug use.

Problems with IV access are not uncommon in executions. In 2014, Oklahoma officials misplaced an IV, resulting in a badly botched execution that lasted for 45 minutes with the inmate writhing on the gurney. Last year, BuzzFeed News examined Georgia’s internal lethal injection timelines and found that executioners struggled to set IV lines — struggling for nearly an hour before one execution.

Once they were able to set the IV line, executioners started the lethal injection. After the inmate is injected with the sedative, the department of corrections pinches him to see if he responds to pain. If the inmate is awake or capable of feeling pain, the next two drugs, a paralytic and a drug that stops the heart, would be incredibly painful.

“Mr. Gray was observed turning his head from side to side a minute or more after the VDOC’s ‘pinch test,’” the attorneys said.

They said it could indicate he was reacting to suffocating, or it could show “that he was roused to consciousness by the introduction of a ‘noxious stimuli.’”

“If Mr. Gray were conscious during the administration of either of the second two drugs, he would have suffered excruciating pain,” they noted.

In a statement, Virginia Department of Corrections spokesperson Lisa Kinney said that the execution “was carried out in accordance with” the protocol, and that the “time needed to find a vein for IV insertion varies from person to person.”

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New Docs Show CIA Tortured "Subjects" [all non-whites] by confining them in coffinlike boxes & Slamming Heads Into Walls

From [HERE] When C.I.A. interrogators in a Thailand prison sent a cable to agency headquarters recounting that they had been slamming Abu Zubaydah, a captured terrorism suspect, against a wall, they emphasized that they were obeying instructions to take steps to prevent his injury, like putting a rolled-up towel behind his neck, and described the practice in detached terms.

“Subject was walled with the question, ‘What is it that you do not want us to know?’” reported a cable from Aug. 5, 2002, part of a trove of newly disclosed documents about the agency’s now-defunct “enhanced interrogation” program. “Subject continued to deny that he had any information.”

From the perspective of Mr. Zubaydah — whom interrogators eventually conceded had no additional information, contrary to their suspicions at the time — the experience felt far different.

“He kept banging me against the wall,” Mr. Zubaydah told his lawyer in 2008, in a narrative that has now been declassified. “Given the intensity of the banging that was strongly hitting my head I fell down on the floor with each banging. I felt for few instants that I was unable to see anything, let alone the short chains that prevented me from standing tall. And every time I fell he would drag me with the towel which caused bleeding in my neck.”

Zubaydah is a Saudi Arabian citizen currently held by the U.S. in the Guantanamo Bay detention camps, in Cuba. He is held under the authority of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF).

Zubaydah was arrested in Pakistan in March 2002 and has been in United States custody ever since, including four-and-a-half years in the secret prison network of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He was transferred among prisons in various countries as part of United States rendition program. Captured in Pakistan in 2002, Abu Zubaydah was the first person subjected to a CIA torture regimen devised by contractor psychologists James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen, who currently face a federal lawsuit brought by subsequent CIA torture victims. Initially thought to possess vital information on al-Qaida and its plots, and hardened by resistance to interrogation, Abu Zubaydah was waterboarded 83 times, stuffed into a wooden box not much bigger than a coffin, held naked, kept awake for extensive periods and had his body painfully contorted. He has never been charged for a crime by YOUR gangster government. [MORE]

Batches of newly disclosed documents about the Central Intelligence Agency’s defunct torture program are providing new details about its practices of slamming terrorism suspects into walls, confining them in coffinlike boxes and subjecting them to waterboarding — as well as internal disputes over whether two racist suspect psychologists who designed the program were competent.

The release of the newly available primary documents, which include information not discussed in a 500-page executive summary of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation into the C.I.A. torture program that was released in 2014, comes at the same time as an urgent legal battle is unfolding over the potential fate of the still-classified, 6,700-page full version of that report.

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Trump's 40% favorable is about half of Obama's 78% pre-inauguration rating

Gallup & Gallup

President-elect Donald Trump approaches Inauguration Day with a significantly lower favorable rating than his three immediate predecessors received when they were presidents-elect. Trump's 40% favorable rating is roughly half of what Barack Obama enjoyed before his inauguration in 2009 (78%) and is much lower than the pre-inaugural ratings for George W. Bush (62%) and Bill Clinton (66%).

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Labor Department discrimination lawsuit says Oracle Pays White Employees More than Black Employees for the Same Job 

From [HERE] The US Department of Labor [official website] filed a lawsuit [complaint, PDF] against Oracle America, Inc. on Tuesday alleging the leading technology company has a systemic practice of paying Caucasian male workers more than their counterparts in the same job title, leading to pay discrimination against female, African American and Asian employees. An additional allegation also claims that the company favors hiring Asian workers in its product development and other technical roles, resulting to discrimination against non-Asian applicants. The suit, brought by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) [official website] is a result of Oracle refusing to cooperate with an OFCCP compliance review of their equal employment opportunity practices. OFCCP Acting Director Thomas M. Dowd [official profile] stated in a press release [text], "Federal contractors are required to comply with all applicable anti-discrimination laws. ... We filed this lawsuit to enforce those requirements."

The Secret Service [JURIST report] has also faced employment discrimination allegations and in January agreed to a $24 million settlement with 10 black agents who accused the agency of racial discrimination in a 2000 federal lawsuit. The Labor Department has recently faced issues with the new overtime pay rule and had to file a notice of appeal when a federal judge decided to block [JURIST report] its implementation. In January the department filed a lawsuit against Google [JURIST report] for the company's refusal to provide requested items related to their compensation policies.


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Trump Votary Unconcerned About the "Hottest Year Ever" & Environmental Catastrophe b/c White Jesus Coming Back Shortly

Time for endependence. As explained by Dr. Cress Welsing, a substantial number of white people are predominantly occupied with the destruction of the universe. Neely Fuller says that most white people have made racism/white supremacy their religion and have made themselves the God of that religion.  Above, a black pastor sprays bug spray on his flock on behalf of Jesus, son of the white daddy god. This is the opposite of Christ Consciousness. 

From [HERENASA and NOAA reported Wednesday that 2016 beat the record for hottest year ever — a record set only in 2015, which itself had crushed the record set in 2014.

“The fact that we’re punching at the ceiling every year now, that is the real indicator that we’re undergoing big changes,” said Deke Arndt, NOAA’s chief of global climate monitoring.

Even the usually staid New York Times warned of significant risks. “Temperatures are heading toward levels that many experts believe will pose a profound threat to both the natural world and to human civilization,” the paper says.

A staggering number of countries set their all-time record this past year, according to a reanalysis of world temperature data released this week by the Koch-backed Berkeley Earth.

Especially worrisome is that carbon pollution has made the North Pole so warm that once-in-1,000-year heatwaves are becoming commonplace.

Here’s a polar view of the warming from Berkeley Earth lead scientist Robert Rohde, showing that parts of the Arctic averaged as much as 12°C (21.6°F)— warmer than normal last year.

It bears repeating that what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic. As Arctic warming speeds up sea ice loss, it causes more extreme weather in North America, while accelerating the melting of both the Greenland ice sheet (which speeds up sea level rise) and permafrost (which releases CO2 and methane that speed up warming).

Only dramatic cuts in CO2 can avoid the Dust-Bowlification of America’s breadbasket and the inundation of our major coastal cities.

Yet while human-caused warming is now as undeniable as the health dangers from smoking, and although the entire world desperately banded together in one last ditch effort to avoid catastrophe in 2015, we are hours away from the inauguration of the most science-denying administration in U.S. history, one dedicated to stopping U.S. and global action.


Black Lives Dont Matter to Racist Judges & Prosecutors: After Shooting Black Teen in Head White Lady Released Same Day [like Zimmerman]

If They Come Back Again I Will Shoot Them. From [HERE] and [HEREVernon Markus Jr. was walking down Bloomfield Drive on Monday night with a group of friends when a woman shot at the boys and hit him.

Elisabeth Cannon, 47,  told 41NBC that the boys had been throwing rocks at her home which led her to shoot Markus Jr.  She added that for several days prior to the shooting, the boys would walk by her home and throw rocks at her husband’s car and the house.

Bibb County sheriff’s deputies said Marcus was with some friends when they heard several shots.

Then they noticed he had been shot in the head.

Marcus fell on the sidewalk, about 30 feet from Cannon’s circular driveway on Bloomfield Drive in south Macon. He was rushed to Medical Center, Navicent Health, in critical condition.

The Psychopathic Racial Personality

It is not clear whether the gun was fired from inside or outside the house or whether. Apparently there was no face to face confrontation and no unavoidable danger was present. The teen(s) was allegedly at the edge of her property. The white woman did not appear to be in any imminent danger of bodily harm as she had not been hit by a rock and the teen[s] were not trying to gain entry. Cannon was not injured and her attorney did not describe how she was under any specific, immediate threat from Markus. Apparently no windows were broken and the outside of the house was not otherwise damaged - self defense seems to be inapplicable. None of the teens were charged with crimes. 

After 8pm Cannon was arrested on a $12,400 bond and although she appeared to be dangerous to the community [black people] she was released later that evening by a white judge with few conditions. Her release was unopposed. Despite the egregious circumstances of shooting a teen in the head while she appeared to be under no imminent attack, prosecutors (apparently also white) only charged her with two counts of aggravated assault - as opposed to attempted murder or manslaughter. However, those charges could be upgraded if the teen dies. 

A witness to the alleged shooting said Elisabeth Cannon, accused of wounding Marcus, had in the past used racial slurs when confronting people outside her house. Monday night's shooting happened at the edge of Cannon's property on Bloomfield Drive in south Macon after Cannon reportedly called the police about people throwing rocks at her house just north of Rocky Creek Road.

In speaking to The Telegraph four years ago, Cannon, a former nurse who is white, was asked what frustrates her about Macon and what concerns she has about her neighborhood.

“I have some really good black neighbors,” Cannon said.

Marcus, who is black, is believed to live nearby, said a young woman who lives a couple doors down and heard several gunshots Monday night.

In her 2013 interview with The Telegraph, Cannon went on to say: “But the good blacks won’t get onto the bad blacks. You try not to profile, but at the same time 99.9 percent of the crime is gonna be, most often, a black male. ... The good blacks are too busy. They walk by your house, they won’t give it a second look. ... You can tell if they’re just out walking for exercise or going to the store or whether they’re up to something.”

The NAACP is stunned that she’s been released so soon.

“I don’t think she should be out. I don’t think at this point…not in the critical stage that this young man is in. Especially her bond should not have been that low,” said NAACP President Gwenette Westbrooks.

Westbrooks is calling on Judge Randall to revisit the matter. She says just wants to ensure that the case is being handled fairly.

“People have aggravated assault charges that are still incarcerated from 2015. Bond is set so high where they can’t get out, so that’s a concern to me,” she explained.

Westbrooks told 41NBC that she and many others also have questions about whether Cannon’s bond was originally set at $12, 400 or reduced by the judge. She added that the NAACP is working on plans for how to approach the matter moving forward.


Dr. Blynd: PRISON [People Residing In State Orchestrated Neverland] and prisons 


Resonated & Orchestrated by Dr. Blynd, Ph.F.

PRISON - People Residing In State Orchestrated Neverland. Once convicted (wrongfully or accurately) of either non-crimes or real crimes (inflicting actual injury to another) you are no longer treated as just an animal—but less than one.

prisons - U.S. Bureau of Gender Annihilation and Family Destruction. Prisons are indicative of society's sickness, the political repression of the State and a corrupt—if not bankrupt—economic system. There is a myth supported by Corporate media that prisons function to keep criminals away from society. This is patently false as most crimes are non-violent and actually go unreported. Most "criminals" operate and remain within agencies and boardrooms—though not in prison, making life for others a living hell. Prisons are but reflections of society's infractions—refracted in the form of deformed grins and shadowed sins— missing the mark is the mark of the missing and exploited, the lost, oppressed, despised and compromised, left with only vices as their bootstrap devices in a misbegotten world gone astray. A place where the multitudes (have-nots) scrap amongst each other in order to taste the morsel of just another still-bom day that brings the hope unborn aborted in the muffled moans of yesterday. The ghetto groans in the birth of a new dawn accompanied by the same old sirens serenading the pangs of hunger, souls murmur and pre-mumble the pre-amble to be free; free from the oppression of the OCTOCON and its emissaries. I've seen the whites of eyes, clear and teary—hold on my people, don't get weary. We must all leam to discern and honor the sacredness of life—the life you deserve is the one you preserve, and the life you help save may help you save your own. (See: The OCTOCON, Penal Code, DL Brothers, Buck Rodgers Time, BOP & Homo Tiempos)


New Study Shows Mass Incarceration Pushes Black Children Further Behind in School 

Ransom calls the prison system the "black lost and found." Dr. Blynd defines prisons as "U.S. Bureau of Gender Annihilation and Family Destruction."

From [TheAtlantic] In the summer of 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered the closing remarks at the March on Washington. More than 200,000 people gathered to cast a national spotlight on and mobilize resistance to Jim Crow, racist laws and policies that disenfranchised black Americans and mandated segregated housing, schools, and employment. Today, more than 50 years later, remnants of Jim Crow segregation persist in the form of mass incarceration—the imprisonment of millions of Americans, overwhelmingly and disproportionately black adults, in local, state, and federal prisons.

The U.S. incarceration rate is more than five times higher than that in most of the world’s nations, despite a crime rate that’s comparable to other politically stable, industrialized countries. And among the swelling number of incarcerated men and women is a vast number of parents. In 2015, The Atlantic’s Alia Wong highlighted a study from Child Trends that found that one in nine black children has had a parent in jail or prison, about twice as high as that for white children. For black adolescents ages 12 through 17, it’s nearly one in seven. Predictably, this has implications for America’s classrooms.

In a new report, researchers from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) argue that mass incarceration is a chief contributor to the racial gaps in academic performance between black and white students. The study outlines a wide array of adverse effects for children of incarcerated parents and underscores how criminal-justice policy and education policy are linked.

“Education policymakers and many educators continue to insist that in order to narrow the achievement gap, we must tinker with what is happening in the classroom … improve the way schools are functioning,” said the EPI research associate Leila Morsy, the report’s co-author and a lecturer at the University of New South Wales. “[Yet] making changes to criminal-justice policy can make as much, if not more, of a difference [for children].”

Acknowledging that a significant body of research already exists on the discriminatory system that incarcerates black men at six times the rate of white men, and about 2.5 times the rate of Hispanic men, Morsy and her colleague trained their sights on “the disparate impact that this has on children, and how African American children suffer disproportionately.” Morsy said the EPI study is the first of its kind to compile all of the harms children of imprisoned parents suffer—academic, behavioral, and health impediments—and to draw a direct link between parental incarceration and children doing worse in school.

The report shows that having an incarcerated parent translates to a range of learning obstacles and health challenges. After a parent is imprisoned, children’s grade-point averages fall, as the likelihood of dropping out of school rises. Compared to children of non-incarcerated parents, these youth show a higher incidence of anxiety (51 percent more likely) and depression (43 percent), and are considerably more likely to be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (72 percent), attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (48 percent), and behavioral issues (43 percent).

The analysis also finds that incarcerating parents leads to intergenerational trauma. Children of incarcerated adults are at greater risk for economic instability due to the loss of their family’s main income provider, and as a result more often end up in foster care or homeless—both of which are significantly correlated to academic underperformance. The children of incarcerated parents are also more likely to find themselves incarcerated eventually, repeating the cycle.

Importantly, Morsy said, the report’s data takes socioeconomic and demographic characteristics into account that could be used to mitigate the findings—including race, age, gender, parents’ educational attainment, and poverty status. “We reviewed studies across a number of different disciplines [like] epidemiology and sociology,” she said, adding that because the studies carefully control for factors that might contribute to poor outcomes “it suggests that it's parental incarceration itself that's the cause … and not the qualities of the children themselves or the children's families.”

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Black people are 13% of the U.S but are 42% of death row & 35% of those Executed [Murdered by the Government]

From [NAACPThe death penalty is plagued with racial disparities. In states across the country, African Americans are disproportionately represented on death row and among those who have been executed.  Black people make up 13 percent of the population, but they make up 42 percent of death row and 35 percent of those executed. [i]   In addition, many studies have found the race of the victim to affect who receives the death penalty, with homicides of white victims more likely to result in the death penalty.[ii]

Federal death row is no different.  There are 62 people on federal death row, and 37 are people of color.  Twenty-seven of these individuals are black.[iii]  Several reviews of the federal death penalty have found troubling racial disparities in charging, plea bargaining, sentencing, and executions.[iv]  For example, a review conducted by the United States Department of Justice found that 48 percent of White defendants were able to receive a sentence less than death through plea bargaining.  Yet, only 25 percent of Black defendants and 28 percent of Hispanic defendants were able to plead guilty in exchange for life sentences.[v]

Innocent people have been sentenced to death and executed.

If innocent people can be convicted, sentenced to death, and executed, the criminal justice system cannot be trusted to reliably separate the innocent from the guilty. Between 1973 and 2016, 156 people who had been sentenced to death were subsequently determined to be innocent.[vi]  During the same period, 1,142 people have been executed.[vii]  This means that for every ten people executed, more than one person has been exonerated.  This number does not include the people who were executed despite compelling evidence of innocence, or for whom evidence of innocence was found after execution.[viii]  As Troy Davis’s case demonstrates, innocence does not protect people from execution.[ix]

The death penalty consumes an enormous amount of resources without improving safety. [commiting a crime to prevent a crime]

There is no reliable evidence that the death penalty deters people from committing crime.[x]  In fact, murder rates are higher in states that have capital punishment than they are in states without it.[xi]  At the same time, the death penalty drains resources from the legal system, prisons, and law enforcement.[xii]  Contrary to popular belief, the death penalty is much more expensive than a sentence of life without parole.  Before Maryland abolished the death penalty, a detailed study showed that the average death penalty case cost $2 million more than a death-eligible case in which prosecutors decided not to pursue the death penalty.

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Tucker Carlson Trots Out "Former Black Panther" [SNAG = a Snitch-ass Negro Aiding Government] To Shadowbox John Lewis

A SNAG engaged in shenaniggerens for his master. 

SNAGs - $nitch-ass Negroes Aiding Governments. 2) COINTEL-BROs. 3) Smile Negro And Grin - while I put it in. 'SNAGs are coin-operated, sniggering negroes on the stroll  who support the psychopathological dominant minority elite European global racist-supremacist mindset and Agenda along with its narcissistic projections and population control objectives (genocide and eugenics). Dr. Blynd asks, "It's easy to heckle and hyde, but why do we seem to always let self-hating sucker-perpetrating- Negroes electric slide? '[MORE]

TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Well, Congressman John Lewis of Georgia is being cast as the undisputed champion of black America, standing in opposition to Donald Trump on behalf of all African-Americans. But Lewis does not speak for all African-Americans. Mason Weaver used to be a Black Panther, for example. He now says Lewis is a, quote, "Civil rights turncoat who is collaborating with the Democratic Party to oppress black America."

Mr. Weaver joins us now to explain what he means. Mr. Weaver, thanks for joining us tonight.

MASON WEAVER: My pleasure. My pleasure.

CARLSON: So what did you mean by that?

WEAVER: Well, you know, in the early '70s and late '60s, we were demonstrating and protesting for the right to compete as adult citizens in America. We were not demonstrating to be taken care of after. Now, Congressman Lewis, he crossed Pettus Bridge, and they beat him and ran over him. But those were Democrats. It was Democrat George Wallace, stood at his school house yard. It was Democrats, Bull Connors, that oppressed folks. It was Democrats that voted for the litmus test called the literacy test and the poll tax.

He was fighting Democrats, but after they beat his behind on that bridge and ran over him and stomped him on the ground, he got up and turned and joined them. He joined the oppressors and became a stooge for them, where he was now sitting and presided over the destruction of the black community, the destruction of the black man, the destruction of the black woman with drugs and gangs.

He has presided over the worst school system in the world where black people are learning only to be gang-prepped. So I'm just -- I'm outraged that the demonstration that he had early in his life has turned to a subjugation of his rights and authority as a black leader.

CARLSON: So, when you say he's presided over, are you speaking of his congressional district?

WEAVER: Not just his congressional district but the congressional communist black caucus that has every district they own and control is a ghetto hell-hole. It's a place that no one wants to go to. They're in control of every inner-city school system, every inner-city police, every inner-city jail. They have produced nothing but drugs and misery. Black-owned businesses, black-owned housing has been reduced. They have presided over the destruction of black people. They should be ashamed of themselves. And I don't understand why any black person could be a Democrat.

CARLSON: Huh, interesting. So when -- so you believe that John Lewis, when he gets up and says anything, is already discredited because of what he's failed to do since the civil rights era?

WEAVER: He has done nothing. John Lewis, bless his heart. You know, it took courage to do what he did in his early life. But what he has done now, he has turned himself to his enemy, like a little girl being beaten by daddy and joins daddy. Like an abused woman beaten by her husband, she joins the husband. He has joined the enemy. He has joined the oppressor, and what he should do -- if you are of real man, John Lewis, if you are a real, real hero, you stand up tomorrow morning and you look at the American people and you apologize. You have led them through decades of hell. You should apologize saying you made a mistake, saying he tried to work with them. But the Democratic Party has always been the party of abuse, always been the party of the Klan, the party that went to war to keep slaves, the party that’s always been the destruction of black people. Mr. Lewis, you have presided over the destruction of black America and you owe us an apology. A matter of fact, you are more concerned -- he is more concerned about Trump being the illegitimate president, but John Lewis is the illegitimate congressman.