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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Stupid Off Duty DC Cop Wore Racist Shirt to Court to Provide [in-credible] Testimony against Black Defendant

Thanks For Letting Us Know You Are Racist Vincent Altiere. Now we can respond accordingly. If a White person or cop is able to be a Racist (White Supremacist), he or she may be one and should be presumed to be Racist. [MORE] Nevertheless, a cop may not be racist or a racist cop may not be practicing racism when he is interacting with you. Racism is carried out through deception and/or violence. Racists seek to keep their racism concealed - it is more effective that way. Why do you think KKK wear hoods? or KKK become cops?

The victims of white supremacy cannot always tell who is racist and who is not. Unless non-racist white folks starting outing racists we may never know who is racist and who is not. This is not likely to happen because all white people benefit from the operating system of white supremacy. Racists do not practice racism all day, everyday and they take on many appearances -this is part of the deception. Also a racist cop wants his interaction with you to appear as normal or lawful as possible. He cannot do that if he outs himself as this jackass has done. How many arrests has he made of non-whites? Were the arrests motivated by racism? How many cases has this idiotic liar testified in? 

Racism is the Opposite of Justice. From [HERE] An on-duty white DC police officer is under investigation for allegedly wearing a 'racist' T-shirt emblazoned with a white supremacy symbol while in court testifying in a criminal case of a Black defendant. The white cop was observed wearing the same t-shirt at DC Superior Court outside of courtroom 301, a courtroom in which contested preliminary hearings are held. At such hearings officers provilde live testimony and are subject to cross examination to determine whether probable cause existed to uphold an arrest. Thereafter, release conditions are made.

The officer was assigned to desk duty Friday and ordered to have no contact with the public, pending an investigation.

In a photo, the officer is seen wearing a black shirt that shows the Grim Reaper holding a rifle under a District of Columbia flag.  Above the image is the word 'Powershift' with a cross embedded in the letter 'o'.  That image is a 'sun cross' or Celtic cross, which advocates say white supremacist groups use in their logos and imagery. 

Recently, in Ohio, white cop Ray Tensing murdered unarmed Black Sam Dubose while wearing a confederate flad t-shirt under his uniform. [MORE

Though the officer was not identified by the Metropolitan Police Department, Stop Police Terror Project DC identified the officer as Vincent Altiere in an online petition. 

Washington Post reporter Radley Balko said that there may be more officers who have worn the shirt.

The group Law 4 Black Lives DC filed a complaint against the officer and posted the petition demanding his firing. Though the officer was not identified by the Metropolitan Police Department, Stop Police Terror Project DC identified the officer as Vincent Altiere in an online petition.  Law 4 Black Lives DC officials wrote in the petition that there were three seperate occasions when Altiere allegedly wore the 'offensive, racist and threatening shirt'.

The groups says he was 'seen in the DC community and at the DC Superior Court, where he was present to testify in a criminal case' wearing the shirt.

The complaint states, "this t-shirt is symptomatic of a dangerous and insidious combination of racism and a crass abuse of power that has infiltrated the police department." 

Sun Cross Symbol

The cross found in the letter “O” of the word “Powershift” is a symbol adopted by the Ku Klux Klan and other white supremacist terrorist organizations.4 By including this imagery, the shirt explicitly promotes white supremacist ideologies and aligns these ideologies with MPD.5 The exact same symbol can be seen in the logo of “The Crusader,” a white supremacist publication sponsored by the Ku Klux Klan that brands itself as “the premier voice of the white resistance." Grim Reaper and an Assault Rifle

Under the word “Powershift” is an image of a Grim Reaper—the very personification of death— in front of the District of Columbia flag. In his right hand, the Grim Reaper is holding an assault rifle. In his left hand, the Grim Reaper is holding the MPD logo. This graphic, worn by armed officers, conveys the unequivocal threat of violence and death, alongside the official MPD logo. MPD itself becomes synonymous with the threat of death.

Reference to Ongoing Constitutional Violations

Below the Grim Reaper is the phrase “Let me see that waistband jo.” This phrase refers to MPD officers’ routine practice of demanding to see the waistbands of individuals, disproportionately young black men, often without reasonable suspicion that the individual is armed or involved in any criminal activity. It is a reminder that the officer—who has already been identified as the bearer of death--can harass, intimidate, and threaten members of that community at any time, in violation of the constitutional protections afforded by the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment.

This shirt demonstrates Officer Alteri’s disposition to commit unconstitutional pretextual stops and jump-outs demanding from citizens to “Let me see that waistband jo”. This message is offensive to all DC residents, regardless of racial or ethnic background.

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Racist Puppetians Pretend to Give a Fuck About Non-White Victims of Gang Violence in Non-White Communities 


Racist Suspect Fox News Host Hypnotizes Idiotic Viewers: "Police brutality is exaggerated by the media"

GREG GUTFELD (CO-HOST): The media attention is always about the periphery issues, but there is a bigger issue -- and I've always said this before, with Donald Trump, the bigger issue obliterates the little issues. You don't have to like him, you don't have to like the fact that he forgets about about things, or the fact that he doesn't see a child and doesn't shake the hand, and you think that's awful. You come up with all of the stupid stuff, when in fact when you look at the bigger issue, the bigger issue matters.

And this is my advice for Democrats, listen, the fact is he took law enforcement, terror, border, wrapped it up into this kind of cocoon of national security, and he beat the pants off you, because of this very issue. And what he did with law enforcement is he made it okay to appreciate law enforcement again.

Most of America appreciated it from the first place, but now you can do it openly, because we had a media that for the past six years -- that painted law enforcement as the problem. Police brutality was exaggerated. I believe it's exaggerated, it's time -- now the pendulum is swinging back to the point where we can say, "we're proud of what you do."

JUAN WILLIAMS (CO-HOST): Let me tell you, if you're black or brown in America, police brutality is not exaggerated.

GUTFELD: I saw that response coming.

WILLIAMS: And you know what else --

GUTFELD: I look at statistics.


Although Detroit is Surrounded by Lakes, Racist Government Has Made Water Scarce with Inhumane Water Shut Offs

State of Emergency. First their votes were not counted [Trump won the state by 10,704 votes. But – a record 75,355 ballots were not counted.The uncounted ballots came mostly from Detroit and Flint, majority-Black cities that vote Democratic] and now this. Although Detroit was founded on a river, draws its name from a French word for "strait," and lies between two of the Great Lakes, water has become scarce for some of its poorest, mostly Black residents. [MORE]

From [HERE] Activists are calling for officials to declare a state of emergency in Detroit following the release of a study connecting water shutoffs throughout the city to an uptick in illnesses.

Community organizers in Detroit brought experts together on Wednesday to discuss the research on a panel, while asserting that city health officials have not done enough to address the problem.

“Water-related diseases are now occurring in Detroit as the result of water shutoffs,” said Dr. Wendy Johnson, a clinical assistant professor at the University of Washington, according to Detroit News. “Access to clean and safe water is a basic human right that is essential from a public health standpoint to prevent infectious diseases. We have run out of time and solutions must be immediate.”

In a two-page abstract released in April by the People’s Water Board Coalition, researchers from Henry Ford’s Global Health Initiative (GHI) inspected the correlation between Detroit’s ongoing shutoffs and the health problems experienced by patients at the city’s Henry Ford Hospital. Analyzing patients living on blocks where water shutoffs occurred between January 2015 and February 2016, researchers noted a relationship forming — one that disproportionately impacted the city’s most vulnerable members.

“After accounting for vulnerability, the effect of living on a block that has been affected by shutoffs results in increased likelihood that patients will be diagnosed with water-associated illness,” researchers concluded. “Moreover, the data shows that patients diagnosed with water-associated illnesses are more likely to come from blocks affected by shutoffs than from blocks not affected by shutoffs, even when controlling for socioeconomic status.”

Skin and soft tissue diseases are among those being traced back to the water shutoffs. According to the study, patients with those ailments were 1.48 times more likely to live on blocks where shutoffs had occurred.

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Uncivilized Texas Murders Black Man whose Lawyer Relied on Wikipedia to Present his "Defense"

From [HERETaiChin Preyor, 46, died by lethal injection at the state's death chamber in Huntsville, a prisons official said.

The execution was delayed for more than three hours to allow the US Supreme Court time to hear an appeal from Preyor's lawyer to spare his life, which the court rejected.

The execution was the 543rd in Texas since the US Supreme Court reinstated the death penalty in 1976, the most of any state.

“First and foremost I’d like to say, ‘Justice has never advanced by taking a life’ by Coretta Scott King. Lastly, to my wife and to my kids, I love y’all forever and always. That’s it," Preyor was quoted as saying in his final statement by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Preyor’s guilt was never in much doubt, but according to his petition for clemency, the competence of the lawyers who had represented him should be. The Constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial and effective counsel but, his new lawyers assert, Preyor has received anything but.

“He has never had capable counsel make the best argument available,” says Cate Stetson, one of Preyor’s new court-appointed lawyers who joined the case in May. 

During his first trial in 2005, Preyor’s court-appointed lawyers failed to investigate his troubled childhood, which might been a mitigating factor in persuading the jury to forgo capital punishment. Then, during the appeals process, one of the private attorneys hired by Preyor’s mother allegedly had no experience in defending death penalty clients while the other one had been disbarred 17 years before. Preyor’s new lawyers allege that both lawyers defrauded the court.

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Oklahoma Prisoners Argue State's Application of the Death Penalty Is Racially Biased, Unconstitutional

From [HERE] Newly available evidence shows that Oklahoma's death penalty unconstitutionally discriminates on the basis of race, according to petitions filed by lawyers seeking to overturn the death sentences imposed on two African-American defendants, Julius Darius Jones (pictured) and Tremane Wood. Jones—a high school athlete and honor student who did not fit the description of the shooter and who has continuously maintained his innocence—and Wood were convicted and sentenced to death for killing white male victims in separate cases. Both men's claims are based on data from a study of race and the death penalty that was released as part of the April 2017 report of the Oklahoma Death Penalty Review Commission showing that, for the period 1990-2012, Oklahoma defendants convicted of killing white victims were more than twice as likely to be sentenced to death as those convicted of killing victims of color. For cases like Jones's and Wood's that involved only white male victims, defendants were nearly three times more likely to be sentenced to death. The study also showed that defendants of color were nearly three times more likely to be sentenced to death if convicted of killing a white victim than a victim of color and nearly twice as likely as a white defendant to be condemned for killing a white victim. Jones's petition argues that his death sentence violates the state and federal constitutions because he "faced a greater risk of execution by the mere happenstance that the victim who he was accused and convicted of killing was white.” Both Jones and Wood were capitally charged in Oklahoma County, one of the 2% of American counties responsible for more than half of all prisoners on the nation's death rows. 54 men and women were sent to death row during the 21-year administration of District Attorney “Cowboy” Bob Macy, who retired in 2001. The judge who presided over Wood's trial has made openly racist remarks, saying in 2011 that Mexicans are “nothing but filthy animals.”  Jones was sentenced to death by a nearly all-white jury, following what his current lawyers describe as “pervasive and highly racialized pre-trial media coverage” and “racialized remarks made by prosecutors and at least one juror” during his trial. Jones has also filed a motion with the Oklahoma County court seeking DNA testing on a red bandana that an eyewitness said the shooter was wearing over his face at the time of the murder. His lawyers say the bandana may contain DNA evidence that would identify the shooter and exonerate Jones.

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Federal judge: Trump voting commission data request [to Purge the Non-White Votary] is allowed 

From [HERE] A federal district judge on Monday allowed [opinion, PDF] President Donald Trump's election commission to move forward by dismissing the need for a prior privacy impact assessment before collecting voter data. US District Court Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly [official profile] denied a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction requested [JURIST report] by Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) against the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity (PACEI). Kollar-Kotelly determined that only agencies must go through a privacy impact assessment required by E-Government Act, § 208(b) [DOJ background]. "The record presently before the Court is insufficient to demonstrate that the Commission is an 'agency' for purposes of the APA. First, the Executive Order indicates that the Commission is purely advisory in nature, and that it shall disband shortly after it delivers a report to the President."

Trump established PACEI in May via executive order [text] . Earlier this month PACEI Vice Chair and Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach sent out a letter [text, PDF] requesting voter information from all 50 states. A majority of the states rejected that request. Like EPIC, the ACLU also filed suit [JURIST report] earlier this month.


GOP Map Maker Behind NC's Illegal Jim Crow Districts Will Help Redraw The Map

From [HERE] It's been nearly eight weeks since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that 28 state legislative districts in North Carolina were illegal racial gerrymanders. The political maps, the court said, must be redrawn.  

On Wednesday, a select group of state senators and representatives sat down to officially begin that process.

And politicians can do a lot in two months. Or very little. So the big question just before the Select Joint Committee on Redistricting was gaveled to order was this: have Republican lawmakers used that time to already produce possible new maps for House and Senate seats?


"As you are aware, the General Assembly will be redrawing legislative districts this year to comply with a court order," said Representative David Lewis, co-chair of the committee. But he quickly added, "As we await further guidance from the court on how to proceed and how this process should be conducted, we wanted to convene today's meeting for organizational and informational purposes."

Translation, no real work has been done. At least not by the Republican leaders of the General Assembly.

But there were new maps presented at the meeting, drawn by the advocacy group Common Cause. Of which Lewis said, "In full disclosure that organization is currently involved as plaintiffs in litigation that has been filed against the General Assembly."

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Tech company workers agree to have microchips implanted in their hands

From [HERE] Some workers at a company in Wisconsin will soon be getting microchips in order to enter the office, log into computers and even buy a snack or two with just a swipe of a hand.

Todd Westby, the CEO of tech company Three Square Market, told ABC News today that of the 80 employees at the company's River Falls headquarters, more than 50 agreed to get implants. He said that participation was not required.

The microchip uses radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and was approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2004. The chip is the size of a grain of rice and will be placed between a thumb and forefinger.

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A Look at How a Racial Theorist Tied to Mussolini & Hitler Influenced Steve Bannon


Although Europeans Were Also Slaves, Elite Whites Continue to Propagandize Image of Only Blacks as Slaves

Fuck HBO. Stop Supporting White Supremacy. From [HEREMany fiction writers have tried, to varying degrees of success, to reimagine slavery or create alternate histories where the Civil War never happened or never ended, or the Confederacy won.

Most recently, in the novel “Underground Airlines,” Ben H. Winters created an alternate history where slavery still exists in four states, there was no Civil War and segregation is the order of the day throughout the United States. I suppose it’s an interesting premise, but as is often the case with interesting premises, at what cost?

It has been more than 150 years since the Civil War ended, but it often feels like some people are still living in the antebellum era. In parts of the United States and, as evidenced by Donald Trump’s visit to Poland recently, the world, the Confederate flag is still proudly flown. This month, Ku Klux Klansmen marched in Charlottesville, Va., to protest the removal of a Robert E. Lee statue from a city park. They were not the first nor will they be the last to resist acknowledging that the Confederacy lost the Civil War.

At the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, in May, a noose was found in an exhibition about segregation. That was one of three nooses found in the city within a few months. There was a noose found hanging from a tree in Philadelphia. There have also been noose-related incidents in Maryland, Louisiana, North Carolina and Florida — quiet, insidious acts of violence, reminders that racial hatred is alive and well.

Each time I see a reimagining of the Civil War that largely replicates what actually happened, I wonder why people are expending the energy to imagine that slavery continues to thrive when we are still dealing with the vestiges of slavery in very tangible ways. Those vestiges are visible in incarceration rates for black people, a wildly segregated country, disparities in pay and mortality rates and the ever-precarious nature of black life in a world where it can often seem as if police officers take those lives with impunity.

HBO last week announced it was willing to expend this energy with a series from the “Game of Thrones” creators David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. In the show, “Confederate,” the South does, indeed, secede from the Union, the Mason-Dixon line is a demilitarized zone and slavery is the law of the land below it. Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman, black television writers and producers, are also attached to the project. They have an incredible body of work behind them and will no doubt bring their considerable expertise to this show.

When I first read about “Confederate,” however, I felt exhausted, simply because I have long been exhausted by slavery narratives. That’s a personal preference, not a metric by which art should or should not be created. There are works that do capture my interest, that make me think, that remind me of why there are still stories from that era to be told. Octavia E. Butler’s “Kindred” and Colson Whitehead’s “The Underground Railroadcome to mind. It is probably no accident that these are novels by black writers who found a way to reimagine history in speculative fiction without making slavery into an intellectual exercise rather than plainly showing it as the grossly oppressive institution it was.

My exhaustion with the idea of “Confederate” is multiplied by the realization that this show is the brainchild of two white men who oversee a show that has few people of color to speak of and where sexual violence is often gratuitous and treated as no big deal. I shudder to imagine the enslaved black body in their creative hands. And when I think about the number of people who gave this project the green light, the number of people who thought this was a great idea, my weariness grows exponentially.

This show’s premise highlights the limits of the imagination in a world where oppression thrives. These creators can imagine a world where the Confederacy won the Civil War and black people are still enslaved, but they can’t or aren’t interested in imagining a world where, say, things went in a completely different direction after the Civil War and, say, white people are enslaved. Or a world where slavery never happened at all. What would happen in a show where American Indians won the conflicts in which they were embroiled as the British and French and other European nations colonized this country? What would happen if Mexicans won the Mexican-American War and Texas and California were still part of Mexico?

It is curious that time and again, when people create alternate histories, they are largely replicating a history we already know, and intimately. They are replicating histories where whiteness thrives and people of color remain oppressed.

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Like Trump, Dana White, Floyd & Conor McGregor Hope to Use White People's Hatred of Blacks to Sell Nonsense to Suckers 

From [HERE


Trump Tells White Zombies: Undocumented [Non-White] Immigrants are Animals Who Torture [Animal] Teen Girls 

From [HERE] Trump held a rally at Youngstown, Ohio on Tuesday and delivered a 2020 campaign speech where he claimed, “With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office.” Jumping from praises for “liberating our citizens from this Obamacare nightmare” to praises for the Second Amendment, the speech could’ve just been another stream-of-consciousness terror, but a fear-mongering rant on undocumented immigrants took the speech to another level of dangerous, violent, and racist. Which is saying something, considering how low the standard has fallen and how far we have fallen from any form of decency.

Here’s the excerpt about immigrants which is making headlines:

“And you’ve seen the stories about some of these animals. They don’t want to use guns, because it’s too fast and it’s not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl—16, 15 and others—and they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die. And these are the animals that we’ve been protecting for so long. Well, they’re not being protected anymore, folks.”

Here, Trump is likely referring to the vicious murder of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas who were victims of the MS-13 gang. While an absolute tragedy, using their deaths to justify his xenophobic and racist hate is nothing short of abhorrent. Using the crimes of a select few to justify discrimination and call an entire group of people animals and gang members is nothing short of racist.

Trump’s rhetoric here is textbook xenophobic fear-mongering. Dehumanizing undocumented immigrants as “animals” has it’s roots in painting people of color as more savage, less evolved, and aggressively prone to violence. It evokes a traditional of scientific racism and state violence that defended itself by establishing the white population as civilizers and protectors. [MORE]


PEW Poll: US Muslims Face Violence But [like Jews in Nazi Germany] Believe They are Fully Integrated Americans

Racism/white supremacy is carried out by deception and/or violence. From [NPR] and [HERE] A newly-released poll from the Pew Research Center finds Muslims in the U.S. are facing increased discrimination but are optimistic about being both Muslim and American. 

Nearly three in four Muslim Americans believe President Donald Trump is “unfriendly toward Muslims,” according to a new Pew Research survey released Wednesday.

The survey captured a significant drop in Muslim Americans’ satisfaction with the nation’s direction over the last few years and two presidencies. In 2011 under former President Barack Obama, only 38 percent of Muslims said were dissatisfied with the country’s direction compared to 64 percent under Trump.

Additionally, 68 percent said Trump caused them feel generally worried, with another 45 percent reporting that he makes them feel angry. Only 26 percent said the president made them feel hopeful, with 17 percent saying he made them happy.

In the third iteration of the survey, Pew evaluated responses from 1,001 Muslim adults living the in U.S., the vast majority of whom are citizens (82 percent) and represent 75 countries.

Despite concern over the president’s policies, Muslim Americans are overwhelmingly proud of their nationality and are optimistic about their lives. According to Pew, 92 percent are “proud to be an American,” while 70 percent believe they can grab hold of the American dream and “get ahead with hard work.” Muslim women were more concerned with their place in American society than men.

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Blacks Comprise Majority of Defendants Wrongfully Convicted of Crimes Who are Later Exonerated

From [HERE] African-Americans comprise the majority of defendants wrongfully convicted of murder, sexual assault and drug crimes who are later exonerated, according to a study released by the National Registry of Wrongful Convictions.

The report titled “Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States” reported that African-Americans constituted 47 percent of the 1,900 exonerations listed in the National Registry of Exonerations as of October 2016, and a great majority of more than 1,800 additional innocent defendants who were framed and convicted of crimes in 15 large-scale police scandals and later cleared in “group” exonerations.

The report examined racial disparities for the major crime categories of murder, sexual assault and drug crimes, three crimes that produce the largest number of exonerations.

African Americans who were convicted of murder are about 50% more likely to be innocent than other convicted murderers, the report stated.

“A major cause of the high number of black murder exonerations is the high homicide rate in the black community—a tragedy that kills many African-Americans and sends many others to prison,” the report stated.

Blacks imprisoned for murder are more likely to be innocent if they were convicted of killing white victims. Only about 15 percent of murders by African- Americans involve White victims, but 31 percent of innocent African-American murder exonerees were convicted of killing White people.

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