Trump Tells White Zombies: Undocumented [Non-White] Immigrants are Animals Who Torture [Animal] Teen Girls

From [HERE] Trump held a rally at Youngstown, Ohio on Tuesday and delivered a 2020 campaign speech where he claimed, “With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office.” Jumping from praises for “liberating our citizens from this Obamacare nightmare” to praises for the Second Amendment, the speech could’ve just been another stream-of-consciousness terror, but a fear-mongering rant on undocumented immigrants took the speech to another level of dangerous, violent, and racist. Which is saying something, considering how low the standard has fallen and how far we have fallen from any form of decency.
Here’s the excerpt about immigrants which is making headlines:
“And you’ve seen the stories about some of these animals. They don’t want to use guns, because it’s too fast and it’s not painful enough. So they’ll take a young, beautiful girl—16, 15 and others—and they slice them and dice them with a knife because they want them to go through excruciating pain before they die. And these are the animals that we’ve been protecting for so long. Well, they’re not being protected anymore, folks.”
Here, Trump is likely referring to the vicious murder of Nisa Mickens and Kayla Cuevas who were victims of the MS-13 gang. While an absolute tragedy, using their deaths to justify his xenophobic and racist hate is nothing short of abhorrent. Using the crimes of a select few to justify discrimination and call an entire group of people animals and gang members is nothing short of racist.
Trump’s rhetoric here is textbook xenophobic fear-mongering. Dehumanizing undocumented immigrants as “animals” has it’s roots in painting people of color as more savage, less evolved, and aggressively prone to violence. It evokes a traditional of scientific racism and state violence that defended itself by establishing the white population as civilizers and protectors. [MORE]
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