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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Eminem calls Trump "Orange" & says he has "No Nutz like an Empty Asylum" - Will Trump Pull His Rapping License?

The Federal Government does not license TV networks dumb motherfucker.  


"Neutral & Detached" White Judge Finds Neo-Nazi Credible: Issues Warrant for Black Man Beaten by Racists in Charlottesville

The Probable Cause is Racism. "The warrant process, it is said interposes an orderly procedure involving judicial impartiality whereby a neutral and detached magistrate can make informed and deliberate determinations on the issue of probable cause." Information from witnesses is said to be based on its credibility, reliability and veracity. [MORE] Yet another lie told by white folks about their system of de-mockery. If you believe enough of their lies you will be crazy and have a false consciousness -- programmed into you and controlled remotely. 

From [HERE] We can’t make this up: African-American school teacher DeAndre Harris, victim of a beating by neo-Nazis in Charlottesville, Virginia, in August, has been charged with assaulting the white supremacists who beat him with boards, iron rods, and brass knuckles in an apparent attempt to kill or permanently maim him.

That is correct. Harris, who was shown being beaten close to death in photos released by Truthout and carried worldwide, has now been charged with the same crime as his attackers: "unlawful wounding."

Harris, 20, was beaten with a metal pipe and wooden boards by at least six white men inside a parking garage on Aug. 12, and efforts to identify his assailants became a rallying cry on social media in the days after the “Unite the Right” rally. At least two men were identified, and they were charged with malicious wounding: Alex Michael Ramos, 33; and Daniel P. Borden, 18.

Several of Harris' attackers remain on the run -- and local and federal officials show little interest in going after them. Yet, the Charlottesville Magistrate issued a warrant to arrest Harris on October 9.

Harris is accused of taking a swing at a neo-Nazi who tried to stab a friend of Harris with the staff of a flag pole holding a Confederate flag. 

The charge of malicious wounding is a felony punishable by one to five years in prison. Mr. Harris will turn himself in to the authorities in the coming days, his lawyer, S. Lee Merritt, said on Tuesday.

Zach Roberts, for Truthout, spoke with Lee Merritt, Harris's attorney and a legal specialist on police brutality and corruption. Merritt stated, "This is probably the most extreme case I've seen. Not only is [the victim] charged with a crime but he's charged at the same level as the men who broke his bones, who caused serious bodily injuries, caused him to get 18 staples in his head … the men who beat him within an inch of his life. [Harris] is getting the same charge as [those] involved in a violent supremacist group who were involved in attacks, not only of DeAndre, but attacks of other people all weekend."

It should be noted that our photographer Roberts was also attacked with what appears to be a wooden flagstaff by a man identified as Dan Borden of Cincinnati, one of those charged in the attack on Harris.

White supremacist Borden, hours before attacking Harris, threw the metal-tipped wood at photographer Roberts' head. Roberts photographed the weapon as it whizzed by his head.

A magistrate judge, without talking to witness Roberts, issued a warrant, apparently on the complaint of lawyers for the white nationalists.

Charlottesville police have charged two of Harris's attackers, but only after a national campaign demanded they do so. One charged, Dan Borden, is shown beating Harris with a four-foot piece of lumber.

The other, Michael Ramos, who claims he acted in self-defense, is shown striking Harris with brass knuckles while Harris is crawling helpless on the ground.

On August 14, US Attorney General Sessions said that neo-Nazi brutality in Charlottesville was the Justice Department's top priority. "There's no bigger case right now we're working on."

So far, federal authorities have taken no action to identify the man holding what appears to be a 9mm Glock semi-automatic handgun threatening Harris, despite high-resolution photos supplied by Roberts to the FBI.

Crossing state lines with intent to cause harm is a federal offense. Nevertheless, direct pleas to FBI agents by this reporter have failed to get Justice Department action to charge Harris attackers and Roberts' assailant with these crimes.

Days after the attack, one FBI agent assigned to the investigation told Truthout he was "appalled" by the lack of immediate response to Roberts' offer of photos to identify Harris' attackers, but insisted the Department would act. As of today, two months on, there is no sign Sessions' Department has moved to identify nor apprehend Harris's attackers.


Third Neo-Nazi Arrested in Charlottesville Garage Beating, Attempted Murder of a Black man

From [HERE] A third white supremacist accused of participating in a brutal attack on a black man at the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville has been arrested, an Arkansas law enforcement official said Wednesday.

Jacob Scott Goodwin, 22, of Ward, Ark., is allegedly one of at least five men who can be seen in online video footage pummeling DeAndre Harris, a 20-year-old former special-education instruction assistant, in a parking garage after the Aug. 12 rally. The footage shows a man identified by police as Goodwin, wearing a tactical military helmet and carrying a large plastic shield, kicking Harris, who was on the ground. At one point, the man appears to hit Harris with his shield.

The attack on Harris, viewed tens of thousands of times on YouTube, has become a symbol of the violence and racial enmity that engulfed Charlottesville when white supremacists, Klan members and neo-Nazis clashed with counterprotesters. One counterprotester, Heather Heyer, 32, was killed when a Dodge Challenger allegedly driven by James Alex Fields Jr., a Nazi sympathizer, plowed into her and several others.

But the confrontation at the parking garage — next to the Charlottesville police headquarters — became a bigger flash point this week after Harris was charged with a crime in connection with the brawl. [see story above]

A local magistrate issued an arrest warrant Monday for Harris on a felony charge of unlawful wounding, based on a complaint by Harold Ray Crews, a lawyer and self-described “Southern nationalist,” who alleges that Harris injured him by hitting him with a flashlight just before the garage brawl. The charge against Harris, who suffered a spinal injury and a head laceration that required 10 stitches, outraged Black Lives Matter activists but delighted white supremacists.

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Racists as an Auxiliary Police Force: ICE Lost Data on People who Called the [Non-White] Immigrant Snitch Hotline

A Brown Watch. During Nazi Germany, Germans who classified themselves as white or pure white functioned as an auxiliary police force; monitoring, arresting and watching Jews (German Jews were classified as 'not pure white' -  the Jews were not considered to be white people or aryans [MORE]), This "watch" of the Jews enabled Nazi control because Jews vastly outnumbered them and their police/soldier forces. Sound familiar? 

From [HERE] Daniel Rivero and Brendan O'Connor of Splinter recently acquired documents pertaining to ICE's snitch program -- a "see something, say something" but for suspected undocumented aliens. What's contained in these documents is nasty, petty abuse of a crime victim hotline by Americans who don't mind turning the government into their own personal army.

This is part of new program started by the Trump Administration -- one presumably meant to pump up numbers for its weekly "Two Minutes Hate" reports, which document the criminal acts of people roaming the county without the proper papers.

Splinter didn't find much evidence backing up the administration's fervent belief that "undocumented" equals "hardened criminal." What it did find was Americans using the VOICE tip line to engage in a low-level variant on SWATting: sending ICE to round up people they just don't like.

In April, the Trump Administration launched what it called the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE) hotline, with a stated mission to “provide proactive, timely, adequate, and professional services to victims of crimes committed by removable aliens.” But internal logs of calls to VOICE obtained by Splinter show that hundreds of Americans seized on the hotline to lodge secret accusations against acquaintances, neighbors, or even their own family members, often to advance petty personal grievances.

Together, the logs are a grim running diary of a country where people eagerly report their fellow residents to the authorities, or seek to bring the power of the immigration police to bear on family disputes.

One man called to report his stepson, who he didn't like parking near his house. Another caller reported some in-laws. One claimed his ex-wife was undocumented. This is the sort of "intelligence" being gathered by the VOICE program. Unbelievably, those reports may be some of the better ones.

In the first two weeks of the program, from April 26 to May 10, the logs show that the call center handled 1,940 calls from across the country. Most were pranks, or in the bureaucratic words of the record keepers, “concerned citizens,” who unleashed streams of profanity or talked about green aliens until the operator hung up.

ICE should have expected this. While the tip line was supposed to be used to find assistance for victims of criminal acts by undocumented immigrants, it became a clearinghouse for BS complaints from "tipsters" hoping to have the government solve their personal problems.

But there's more to this story than the low-grade ugliness of certain Americans. ICE somehow managed to expose a whole lot of personal data while compiling the spreadsheets it turned over to Splinter. The information left out in the open contained details about callers and who those callers were reporting.

[A]fter conducting Google searches for some data in that spreadsheet, including local police report numbers provided by callers, we were able to find a second spreadsheet, covering April to mid-August, hosted on the ICE web site. That spreadsheet appears to have been partially redacted to prepare it for release under the FOIA, but two columns containing intimate personal details—names, cell phone numbers, alleged crimes, addresses, and Social Security numbers—of both callers and the alleged undocumented immigrants they were calling about remained completely unredacted and publicly available. In several cases, the details would make it possible for people to figure out who informed on them.

Why ICE moved a work-in-progress document into a publicly-accessible space is something ICE has yet to explain. The agency has refused to directly respond to queries about the exposed spreadsheet. Nor was it particularly interested in ensuring this personal data remained out of the public's hands. Splinter gave ICE three days' notice before publishing, but the document wasn't removed until several hours after the Splinter article went live.

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Global System of White Supremacy: Non-Whites in the UK are Twice as likely to be Unemployed than Whites

From [HERE] Deep-seated racial inequality in the UK has been laid bare in a new report exposing "entrenched" disparities between different ethnic communities.

Significant differences in the life outcomes of British ethnic minority and white people revealed in the Government’s racial disparity audit have prompted Theresa May to urge institutions to help ensure race is never a barrier.

A considerably higher unemployment rate among black, Asian and minority ethnic people than white British adults and lower home ownership among Bangladeshis and black people are among the findings to come out of the report.

British white groups also fall behind in some instances, with white British pupils on school meals less likely to reach the expected standard at Key Stage 2 than any other ethnic group and white teenagers more likely to be smokers than black teenagers.

The audit has been published on a new Ethnicity Facts and Figures website, breaking down how people of different races are treated in areas including health, education, employment and the criminal justice system.

Among the findings are:

  •  Ethnic minorities are under-represented at senior levels across the public sector
  • Black Caribbean pupils were permanently excluded at three times the rate (0.29 per cent) of white British pupils (0.1 per cent)
  • The unemployment rate for black, Asian and minority ethnic people (8 per cent) is nearly double that of white British adults (4.6 per cent), with a larger gap in the North (13.6 per cent) than the South (9 per cent)
  • White people, Indians and Pakistanis are more likely to own their own home than Bangladeshis and black people, and there are disparities in home ownership even after taking account of age, geography, income and socio-economic group
  • White teenagers are four times more likely to be smokers than black teenagers
  • Chinese and Asian secondary school pupils perform better than white and black children, particularly those eligible for free school meals, although Pakistani pupils consistently fall behind, and Gypsy, Roma and Traveller children do significantly worse
  • Among children aged between seven and 11 (Key Stage 2), 71 per cent of Chinese children met the expected standard for reading, writing and maths, compared with 54 per cent of white British pupils and 13% of white Gypsy and Roma pupils
  • Less than a third (32 per cent) of white British pupils on free school meals reached the expected standard at Key Stage 2 - worse than any other ethnic group
  • A high percentage of people of all ethnicities feel they “belong to Britain”, with little variation between groups (white 85 per cent, Asian 84 per cent, black 81 per cent)
  • Across primary, special and secondary school education, Irish heritage Traveller children and Gypsy/Roma pupils had the highest rate of permanent exclusions - 0.49 per cent and 0.33 per cent respectively

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Harvard Business Study: Blacks Have Faced the Same Amount of Employment Discrimination for the Past 25 years

From [HERE] Race is often at the forefront of American conversation. It has lately emerged with new urgency around discussions of policing, immigration, First Amendment rights, and even professional football. And yet even as we are confronted with dramatic examples of ongoing racial tensions, most white Americans remain convinced that race is no longer central to one’s opportunities in life. Polling data shows that many believe these lingering conflicts represent the actions of a few bad apples and aren’t in sync with the larger trend toward systemic racial equality.

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"Black Conservative" Tim Scott Wants to Integrate Racism & Preserve White Over Black System of Unequal Conditions & Power

As explained by Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY:

Black Conservative: a lost sheep in master's clothing. A black conservative typically has nothing of his own to conserve with the exception of his or her own double-conscoiusness. So-called "Black Conservatives" dodge the reality of their folly and posit that what they truly are conserving is traditional "values" as if values ever had anything whatsoever to do with morality or ethics. A black conservative unknowlignly preserves the differeential power-relations and dynamics between those of African descent and their bosses, the overruling overclass elite. A black coservative is a turncoat made of whooly hair with no one to turn to becaue when it comes to empowering his own people, his master will turn to him and say: "Get your hat, your robe and coat and leave-you're still just a nigger Clarence!" (See Sambo, Nigger, Somnamnesiac, Values, Status Quo, Strawboss, Double Consciusness, Overclass, Uncle Tom, Status-Quoticians & Assimilationalism).

The Black Stage Hand. From[HERE] Republican Sens. James Lankford (Okla.) and Tim Scott (S.C.) are continuing their efforts break down racial barriers within the United States by encouraging American households to share a Sunday meal with a family of a different race -- an effort they dubbed "Solution Sundays."

“[I]t was a very simple idea of how to interact with race because I see that as a barrier in America that we still have to be able to cross into that friendship area and to be develop ongoing open conversations,” Lankford said in a new video released first to The Hill. This man is in deep sleep. 

"Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." Neely Fuller. 

Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] Racists are obsessed with skin color and their inability to produce color. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and control of non-whites. Racism cannot be integrated. it can only be practiced or not practiced. 

The Republican lawmakers first posed the challenge of “Solution Sundays” to their constituents in 2016, arguing that sharing a meal is a simple step that could go a long way bridging the divide between those who come from different backgrounds.

Scott, an African American senator from South Carolina, argued that Americans need to pop the “homogenous” bubbles they grow up in.

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Was Las Vegas Shooter Stephen Paddock Spotted Chilling at an Atlantic City Casino Last Friday?

'State-terrorist sponsored false flag operations of mass-killings will escalate (as planned) until like fish we are totally hooked in an ocean of gun-grabbing legislation while they wash the sand out of hair with lather-like lies and mind control techniques.' Doc Blynd


Keep the Piece - 'No Law Would’ve Stopped Vegas Gunman'

"gun ban - the precursor to servitude." "Those who use guns to "break" (violate) the law will have no problem breaking the law to get guns (to commit violent crimes against you)." Dr. Blynd, FUNKTIONARY

"no law would’ve prevented Paddock" from carrying out his deadly plan. - Senator Feinstein. From [HERE] Four days after the NRA revealed its tentative support for a ban on “bump stocks” – a product that nobody had heard of until last week when Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock used them to convert semi-automatic rifles to fully auto – California Senator and vocal gun-control advocate Dianne Feinstein made a stunning admission on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when she said that "no law would’ve prevented Paddock" from carrying out his deadly plan. [MORE]


Should Only Cops Have Guns? Since 2016 Cops have Killed 3x More People than 4 Decades of Mass Shootings COMBINED

From [FreeThoughtProject] As Hillary Clinton calls for repealing the second amendment & moron Trump devotes his presidency to genocidal conduct toward all non-whites, this behind the scenes deep state puppet master epitomizes what those in favor of gun control really want — only the government can have guns.

Every time a lunatic, who is usually on some form mind-altering pharmaceutical, goes on a shooting rampage, the do-gooders in Washington, with the aid of their citizen flocks, take to the TV and the internet to call for disarming the American people.

The citizens who call for themselves and their neighbors to be disarmed, likely think no deeper than the shallow speeches given by the political blowhards, designed to appeal to emotion only. They do not think of what happens during and after the government attempts to remove guns from society. They also completely ignore the fact that criminals do not obey laws and making guns illegal would have zero effect on criminals possessing guns.

In the perfect statist world in which only the government has guns, we’re told that crime rates would plummet, people wouldn’t be murdered, gun violence would be brought to its knees, and a disarmed heaven on Earth would ensue. But how effective would disarming the citizens actually be at preventing gun violence, while at the same time keeping guns in the hands of government?

One simple way to determine the outcome would be to compare mass shootings in America with those killed by police. It is entirely too easy to compare all senseless murders carried out by the state to those carried out by citizens, so we will zoom in with a microscope.

However, just as a point of reference, in the 20th Century alone, governments were responsible for 260,000,000 deaths worldwide. That number is greater than all deaths from illicit drug use, STD’s, Homicides, and Traffic Accidents — combined.

Now, on to the micro-comparison.

According to a comprehensive database of all American mass shootings that have taken place since 1982, constructed by Mother Jones, there have been exactly 700 deaths attributed to mass shootings that have taken place on American soil.

As Mother Jones notes, in their database, they exclude shootings stemming from more conventional crimes such as armed robbery or gang violence. Other news outlets and researchers have published larger tallies that include a wide range of gun crimes in which four or more people have been either wounded or killed. While those larger datasets of multiple-victim shootings may be useful for studying the broader problem of gun violence, our investigation provides an in-depth look at the distinct phenomenon of mass shootings—from the firearms used to mental health factors and the growing copycat problem.

If we were to compare the 700 citizens killed in mass shootings to citizens killed by police in the same time frame, the comparison would be off the charts. So, for the sake of simplicity, we will compare all of the mass shooting deaths in the last 35 years, to the number of citizens killed by police this year.

The total number of people killed by police in America this year, as of Oct 7, 2017, is 926. This number is set to increase by one, on average, every 8 hours. 

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White Euclid Cops Wake Up Black Man in Legally Parked Car, Unlawfully Detain & Shoot Him to Death as he fled -Suit Filed

From [HERE] The family of Luke Stewart filed a federal lawsuit today against the city of Euclid and the two police officers who were directly involved in his March 2017 shooting death — including Matthew Rhodes, the officer who "entered into Luke’s car and beat, tased, and shot Luke multiple times, killing him." 

In August, a Cuyahoga County grand jury declined to indict Rhodes for his role in Stewart's death.

The lawsuit comes seven months after the shooting, the details of which remained rather murky during an ongoing state investigation. The state admitted early, however, that Stewart was unarmed when he was shot and killed. He was not accused of committing a crime that day, when officers approached him while he slept in his car in Euclid. A brief chase ensued before Rhodes climbed into Stewart's car and shot him.  

Rhodes and Officer Louis Catalani found Stewart asleep just before 7 a.m. in the driver’s seat of a Honda Accord. The officers spotted a small amount of marijuana in the car and discovered it was registered to an older man, the BCI's investigative report says. hmmm. Not reported stolen and not illegal to drive someone else's car. Where was this "marijuana?" How did they know it was weed? Did it say so on the outside of the package?? Could they smell it through the window? 

The officers determined Stewart might be intoxicated and decided to pull him out of the car. [ho. determined he was intoxicated while he asleep? what incredible training and skill thye must have to detect alcohol intoxication by method of sleeping! No need for "standardized" field sobriety tests or roadside breath tests in Euclid! Good journalism here too.] Catalani parked behind Stewart, and Rhodes parked in front of him to block him in [guess that didn't work].

The officers woke Stewart, who sat up and tried to put the car in gear. Both officers reached into the car and struggled with Stewart as the car started moving, the report says.

The car struck the back of a police cruiser before it swerved left toward Catalani. Rhodes, who reached into the passenger-side door, jumped into the car.

“I couldn't get out of the vehicle because it was moving and I didn't want to get smashed between my vehicle and the passenger door,” Rhodes told investigators.

Rhodes and Stewart struggled as the car careened along West 222nd Street. Rhodes kept putting the car in neutral and Stewart kept putting in gear. Rhodes punched Stewart, who responded by asking why he was in the car, Rhodes told investigators.

Rhodes used his Taser six times on Stewart, but it had little effect, the report says. Rhodes struck Stewart in the face with the Taser, the report says.

“I knew if I deployed pepper spray, I was going to become overcome with the pepper spray exposure and he would have been driving blind. So I knew not to pepper spray him, so I struck him several time in the side of the face with the Taser,” Rhodes said. [good plan buddy]

BCI investigators confirmed the Taser was fired six times, and medical examiners found Taser marks on Stewart's body during an autopsy.

Rhodes told investigators that he decided to shoot Stewart because the car jumped a curb and was headed toward several telephone poles.

“I thought we were going to hit a pole and I was going to go through that windshield,” Rhodes said. “I knew if that didn't kill me, he probably would have then ran me over...but my thought was I am going through this windshield and I am going to die." [sounds like solid gold bullshit from a liar racist suspect cop. But white prosecutors will believe anything they say - so will white jurors & judges.]

Rhodes shot Stewart in the chest, and Stewart responded by taking a swing at him, Rhodes told investigators. Rhodes avoided the punch and shot Stewart again in the neck, he said.

He shot Stewart five times, an autopsy showed.

Rhodes holstered his gun when the both Stewart and the car stopped moving, he said.

There is no dashboard camera video of the struggle that led to the shooting because neither Rhodes nor Catalani turned on his police cruiser’s overhead lights which activates the dashboard cameras, according to the report.

Body camera video released in the weeks after the shooting shows paramedics helping Stewart into an ambulance. The video came from the body camera of a police supervisor who arrived at the scene after the shooting. The department does not distribute body cameras to all of its officers, a police spokesman said earlier this year. [MORE]

The family seeks compensatory and punitive damages, as well as certain reforms from the Euclid Police Department that target the "policies, practices, and customs shown to encourage the use of excessive and unreasonable force and the extrajudicial shooting of civilians, particularly African-Americans ..."

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White Minneapolis Cop convicted of Felony Assault for Kicking Black Man in the Face While On His Hands & Knees

From [HERE] and [HERE]  - A former Minneapolis police officer has been found guilty of using excessive force while responding to a domestic violence call.

After 90-minutes of deliberation, a jury found 36-year-old Christopher Michael Reiter's use of force was unjustified in connection with the incident. He was charged with third-degree assault.

"I don’t believe there are many police officers in Minneapolis or elsewhere that support Officer Reiter’s kicking somebody in the face, that’s beyond the pale," Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman told KARE, noting that it's rare to gain a conviction of an officer for use of force while on duty.

Reiter was among four white officers responding to the call on May 30, 2016. They confronted the suspect, Mohammed Abdi Osman, a Black man, who complied with the officers' orders.

When they arrived, officers found the suspect, Mohamed Osman, sitting in a vehicle parked outside the building. They ordered him to get out of the vehicle and lie down on the ground.

Osman complied with the officers’ commands, but Reiter walked up and kicked Osman in the face while he was on his hands and knees. Reiter is white and Osman is a Somali American. 

The incident was captured on surveillance video, and three other white officers at the scene said they did not feel it necessary to kick him in the face, according to charges.

A jury believed Reiter kicked Osman in the face with deadly force, breaking his nasal cavity and causing a traumatic brain injury. The brain injury still prevents Osman from working and caring for his children.

The video shows Domek and two other officers running out of the building with their guns drawn and toward a silver SUV where Osman was sitting. Osman got out of the car with his hands up and knelt on the ground. Domek then kicked Osman in his midsection. Immediately after, Reiter, dressed in a darker uniform, kicked Osman in the head.

According to the criminal charge, Reiter's kick caused Osman to collapse to the ground "unconscious and bleeding."

In reports they filed after the incident, Domek wrote that as he approached Osman, he ordered him to get on the ground. Domek then wrote that he moved toward Osman "in an effort to push him to the ground to get him in handcuff position. While doing so, I felt resistance from the male, causing me to believe that he was going to attempt to fight as he had just been involved in a violent assault."

The video does not show Osman either resisting or pushing off the ground.

In charging Reiter with a felony, County Attorney Mike Freeman said, "in this case, a kick to the face is a use of deadly force, and simply not justified," Freeman said.

Domek was not charged.

Prosecutors argued Reiter assaulted Osman out of anger for what Osman did to his girlfriend.

"They saw her. They saw the injuries, and shortly thereafter they assaulted my client," Osman's attorney told KARE 11 in March.

Reiter was fired from the Minneapolis Police Department on January 11, 2017, although the administration would not confirm whether his dismissal was spurred by the case.

Sentencing for Reiter will be December 12. 

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Powerless Blacks Ask Racist Suspects at FBI to Probe Killing of Black man by White Utah Cops After Bicycle Stop

From [HERE] A Utah prosecutor asked the FBI on Tuesday to investigate a police shooting that left a black man dead when he ran from officers who stopped him after he rode his bike across six lanes of traffic and they noticed he didn't have a required rear light.

The request to the FBI came after an outcry from the family of Patrick Harmon and anti-police brutality groups about a decision last week not to file criminal charges.

Harmon's sister Antoinette Harmon said she appreciated the request for the FBI investigation but also wants Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill and Salt Lake City police Officer Clinton Fox removed from their posts. Fox shot Patrick Harmon.

"It's not enough," she said. "We are going to get justice for his death."

Dramatic body camera video of the Aug. 13 shooting appears to show Patrick Harmon, 50, being shot from behind after Fox, who is white, yelled, "I'll (expletive) shoot you."

Gill found that slowed-down video indicates that Harmon turned toward officers and that he was struck on the side of his body. Fox told investigators he was terrified after Harmon threatened him with a knife.

A knife isn't discernable in the video, but investigators say they found one at the scene.

The Bike Stop. Harmon was stopped after a Salt Lake City officer saw him ride his bicycle across a major downtown street and noticed that he didn't have the rear light.

Police say they started to arrest him on outstanding warrants when he broke into the run.

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After Drug Overdose Black Man Called 911 for Help. Columbus Cops "Accidentally" Killed Him During Brutal Beating - Suit Filed

From [HERE] andn [HERE] After Jaron Thomas died in police custody, his family is now filing a federal wrongful death lawsuit against the Columbus Division of Police. In a 23-page lawsuit filed Thursday, the family is seeking more than $1 million in punitive damages and more than $1 million in compensatory damages.

Jaron B. Thomas, 36, died Jan. 23 at Riverside Methodist Hospital. He had called police from a North Linden residence on Medina Avenue on Jan. 14 saying that he was afraid he was dying and he was hearing voices.

“I feel like I’m going to get shot. And I’m really paranoid because I was high. And it feels like I’m going to die or something,” Thomas told the dispatcher on a 911 call.

Sean Walton, the attorney representing his family, says Thomas had been hallucinating after ingesting cocaine when he called police on January 14. He knew that he needed help and had calmly asked for a medic on his 911 call 

“After his call for help - that call for help was very calm, very polite, very respectful - at some point the police responded," Walton says. "And instead of transferring him to NetCare, he ended up beaten.”

The complaint says police punched, body-slammed and kneed Thomas, causing him to lose consciousness. 

“He suffered several broken ribs, head and body contusion, blood-clotting in his sternum and other injuries,” Walton says. “So his injuries don't coincide with the Columbus Police statement that they used minimal force on him.”

Thomas was on the ground and began kicking while officers were waiting for an ambulance. One officer took Thomas’ legs and folded them in a maximum restraint position to keep him from kicking. Another officer said, “I think the guy stopped breathing,” according to reports. Officers detected a faint pulse. Medics arrived within seconds and chest compressions followed shortly after. Thomas died nine days later in the hospital.

The Franklin County Coroner’s Office ruled that Thomas’ death was accidental and his cause of death was due to a lack of oxygen to his brain that was caused by cardiac arrest and cocaine toxicity. Due to the coroner ruling an accidental death, the Franklin County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office declined to present the case to a grand jury, according to a case file from the police totaling more than 200 pages.

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