Keep the Piece - 'No Law Would’ve Stopped Vegas Gunman'

"gun ban - the precursor to servitude." "Those who use guns to "break" (violate) the law will have no problem breaking the law to get guns (to commit violent crimes against you)." Dr. Blynd, FUNKTIONARY.
"no law would’ve prevented Paddock" from carrying out his deadly plan. - Senator Feinstein. From [HERE] Four days after the NRA revealed its tentative support for a ban on “bump stocks” – a product that nobody had heard of until last week when Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock used them to convert semi-automatic rifles to fully auto – California Senator and vocal gun-control advocate Dianne Feinstein made a stunning admission on CBS’s “Face the Nation” when she said that "no law would’ve prevented Paddock" from carrying out his deadly plan. [MORE]
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