"Black Conservative" Tim Scott Wants to Integrate Racism & Preserve White Over Black System of Unequal Conditions & Power

As explained by Dr. Blynd in FUNKTIONARY:
Black Conservative: a lost sheep in master's clothing. A black conservative typically has nothing of his own to conserve with the exception of his or her own double-conscoiusness. So-called "Black Conservatives" dodge the reality of their folly and posit that what they truly are conserving is traditional "values" as if values ever had anything whatsoever to do with morality or ethics. A black conservative unknowlignly preserves the differeential power-relations and dynamics between those of African descent and their bosses, the overruling overclass elite. A black coservative is a turncoat made of whooly hair with no one to turn to becaue when it comes to empowering his own people, his master will turn to him and say: "Get your hat, your robe and coat and leave-you're still just a nigger Clarence!" (See Sambo, Nigger, Somnamnesiac, Values, Status Quo, Strawboss, Double Consciusness, Overclass, Uncle Tom, Status-Quoticians & Assimilationalism).
The Black Stage Hand. From[HERE] Republican Sens. James Lankford (Okla.) and Tim Scott (S.C.) are continuing their efforts break down racial barriers within the United States by encouraging American households to share a Sunday meal with a family of a different race -- an effort they dubbed "Solution Sundays."
“[I]t was a very simple idea of how to interact with race because I see that as a barrier in America that we still have to be able to cross into that friendship area and to be develop ongoing open conversations,” Lankford said in a new video released first to The Hill. This man is in deep sleep.
"Most white people hate Black people. The reason that most white people hate Black people is because whites are not Black people. If you know this about white people, you need know little else. If you do not know this about white people, virtually all else that you know about them will only confuse you." Neely Fuller.
Race is not real but racism is. [MORE] Racists are obsessed with skin color and their inability to produce color. The only purpose of race is to practice racism. Having little biological validity, the term "race" is better translated to mean organization. The sole purpose of such organization is to maintain white domination and control of non-whites. Racism cannot be integrated. it can only be practiced or not practiced.
The Republican lawmakers first posed the challenge of “Solution Sundays” to their constituents in 2016, arguing that sharing a meal is a simple step that could go a long way bridging the divide between those who come from different backgrounds.
Scott, an African American senator from South Carolina, argued that Americans need to pop the “homogenous” bubbles they grow up in.
“What this asks is for those folks who come from that homogenous pool to take a step out of it and venture into someone else’s territory and learn as much as you possibly can about someone else,” Scott says in the video, which is slated to be released Wednesday.
Lankford said he decided to act when he noticed the national dialogue about race relations usually came up after “there’s racial tension or when there was a law enforcement shooting of someone that’s an African American male.”
The Oklahoma lawmaker approached Scott to team up and come up with an idea that can begin to chip away at any such barriers.
“Honestly my first thought as wow, here’s a white guy from Oklahoma who cares enough to address an incredibly important issue to America that is oftentimes seen simply through a lens that happens to black,” Scott said.
Lankford dismissed the need for a star-studded national figure to share a message of unity, instead advocating for a a local, grassroots-like approach that aims to pull the community together.
The video comes not long after a white nationalist rally held in Charlottesville, Va., in August, which took a violent turn as fights broke out between demonstrators and counterprotesters in the college town.
As lawmakers across the aisle resolutely denounced the events in Charlottesville, Lankford also renewed his calls for individuals to "engage each other."
Although the senators say their meal challenge is not a result of President Trump or his administration, pointing out that it started before he took office, Lankford previously told CNN in March that Trump's "rhetoric is not artful to say the least."
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