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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

5 Racist Suspects [including 2 Cops] Charged in Murder of Black man Tortured & Hung on a Power Line in GA in 1983 

From [HERE] and [HERE] Five white people in Georgia have been arrested in connection with a "racially motivated" murder that occurred more than 30 years ago, authorities said.

The victim, Timothy Coggins, was found dead in Sunnyside, Georgia, on Oct. 9, 1983, the Spalding County Sheriff's Office said in a press release Friday. Coggins' body was found on a power line in Sunnyside Georgia after he was "brutally murdered" and abandoned, officials said.

Coggins died as a result multiple forms of trauma, according to the sheriff's office.

After his death, investigators began conducting interviews and gathering evidence in their search for Coggins' killer, but the search "went cold" until March of this year, when the new evidence came to light, causing the sheriff's office and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation to re-examine the case, authorities said.

In July, investigators met with Coggins' family to brief them on the new leads. Shortly after the meeting, authorities decided to release information on the reopened case to the public to generate new leads. Original witnesses were re-interviewed, which led to the finding of new information as well.

Many of the witnesses stated that they had been "living with this information since Coggins' death but had been afraid to come forward or had not spoken of it until now," police said.

On Friday, more than 34 years after Coggins was killed, authorities arrested five people in connection with his murder. Two of the five suspects face murder charges.

The Griffin Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office has charged Frankie Gebhardt, 59, and Bill Moore Sr., 58, with murder, felony murder, aggravated assault, aggravated battery and concealing the death of another.

Sandra Bunn, 58, Lamar Bunn, 32, and Gregory Huffman, 47 were charged with obstruction. Huffman, a detention officer with the sheriff's office, has also been charged with violation of oath of office, according to authorities.

Sandra Bunn and Lamar Bunn, who works for the Milner Police Department, are mother and son, Spalding County Capt. Dwayne Jones told ABC News.

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Latino Youth are 65% More Likely than White Youth to be Detained or Committed to Youth Jails

From [HERE] Latino youth are 65 percent more likely to be detained or committed than their white peers, according to data from the Department of Justice collected in October 2015 and recently released. While this disparity is concerning, the data represent a modest improvement from 2001, when Latino youth were 73 percent more likely to be in placement. The Latino disparity is smaller than that for African American youth, who are 500 percent more likely than white youth to be detained or committed.

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In Puerto Rico Only Cops Can Carry Machine Guns Yet Private, Heavily Armed, Masked Race Soldiers Roam the Streets w/No ID

On a Mission from Doggy to Make People "Feel Safe." 

Who do you work for?, the reporter asked the armed [white] man who was at Ciudadela.

“We work with the government,” he answered.

Which division?

“It’s a humanitarian mission, we’re helping Puerto Rico,” he said in broken Spanish.

And why the covered face?

“Because we want to,” he said, pulling the facemask up to his nose to cover himself better. He had a rifle in his hand: a silver shotgun. [MORE]

Gun Ban = Precurser to Servitude. From [HERE] and [HERE] Though Puerto Rican law prohibits ownership and bearing of most long-guns and especially semiautomatic weapons, the streets of the stricken US colony now throng with mercenaries in tactical gear bearing such arms, their faces masked. They wear no insignia or nametags and won't say who they work for, apart from vague statements in broken Spanish: "We work with the government. It’s a humanitarian mission, we’re helping Puerto Rico." [They all appear to be white.]

Individual citiznes may purchase and possess up to only 2 firearms to keep at home - they are prohbited from carry a firearm in public. The open carry law was recently struck down by an appellant court. Carrying a firearm without a license is considered prima facie evidence of intent to commit a crime. [MORE]

Rosa Emilia Rodríguez, head of Puerto Rico's Federal Prosecutor’s Office, initially dismissed reports of the mercenaries, then, after reporters from the Centro de Periodismo Investigativo pressed her she said she'd "check it out."

They asked her: 

Does the federal weapons law allow private security guards to carry long weapons?

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Death Toll in Puerto Rico Being Undercounted, Manipulated by Racist Suspects - at least 450 Dead

Members of Congress have requested a formal audit of the death toll in Puerto Rico, citing concerns about the “woefully underreported” number of people who had died in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. [MORE]

From [VOX] Death tolls are the primary way we understand the impact of a disaster. And for nearly two weeks after Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, as a humanitarian crisis was intensifying, the death toll was frozen at 16.

“Sixteen people certified,” Trump said on October 3 during his visit to the island, repeating a figure confirmed by the territory’s governor. "Everybody watching can really be very proud of what's taken place in Puerto Rico."

It was a moment that crystallized two conflicting narratives about the Puerto Rico disaster. The first one, from the federal government and Puerto Rico’s governor, is of a disaster that’s been managed well, with lives being saved and hospitals getting back up and running.

Lives surely have been saved in the response. But images and reports from the ground tell a story of people, cut off from basic supplies and health care, dying. They tell of hospitals running out of medication and fuel for their generators and struggling to keep up with the “avalanche of patients that came after the hurricane,” as one journalist put it.

The death toll from the hurricane is now up to 45, according to Gov. Ricardo Rosselló. But 90 percent of the 3.4 million American citizens on the island still don’t have power, and 35 percent still don’t have water to drink or bathe in. And given how deadly power outages can be, 45 deaths seems low, according to disaster experts.

At Vox, we decided to compare what the government has been saying with other reports of deaths from the ground. We searched Google News for reports of deaths in English and Spanish media from Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria. We found reports of a total of 81 deaths linked directly or indirectly to the hurricane. Of those, 45 were the deaths certified by the government. The remaining 36 deaths were confirmed by local public officials or funeral directors, according to the reports. We also found another 450 reported deaths, most of causes still unknown, and reports of at least 69 people still missing.

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FEMA Meals in Puerto Rico Consist of 1 Can of Vienna sausages, a granola bar & Tropical Skittles

[MORE] and [MORE]


Racist Suspect Republican Rep Scott Perry Infers Puerto Rico Disaster is Make Believe

“If half the country didn’t have food or water, those people would be dying, and they’re not,” Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) said on CNN’s New Day, as first reported by the Hill.

On September 6, 2017, Puerto Rico was hit by Irma, a massive category 5 hurricane that was on of the strongest storms ever recorded in the Atlantic. Two weeks later, on September 20, hurricane Maria passed directly over the island with even more devastating effects. Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rossello called Maria "the biggest and potentially most catastrophic hurricane to hit Puerto Rico in a century."

According to AIR Worldwide (AW), insurance industry losses in the Caribbean due to hurricane Maria will be between $40 Billion and $85 Billion, of which 85% account for losses in Puerto Rico. RMS estimated a more conservative figure of $15 Billion to $30 Billion for all the affected islands in the Caribbean. RMS points out that while Puerto Rico has an overall exposure of over $500 Billion, because the insurance penetration rate is only about 60%, the burden on insurers and reinsurers will be significantly less. So, private citizens and local businesses stand to bear a large part of the financial burden resulting from these hurricanes. [MORE]


US De-Mockery: Trump's Neuropeon Base Hates Non-White People, So Catastrophe in Puerto Rico Worsens

Mob Rule aka Demockery - a spectacle of the true nature of democracy. What each political party wants is not justice but its own idea of what is just (for themselves and their special interests)." "The worst possible form of government because the majority rules whether they be good, evil or mislead by a minority." - Dr. Blynd from FUNKTIONARY

From [HERE] Three weeks after Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico, many sick people across the island remain in mortal peril. The government’s announcements each morning about the recovery effort are often upbeat, but beyond them are hidden emergencies. Seriously ill dialysis patients across Puerto Rico have seen their treatment hours reduced by 25 percent because the centers still lack a steady supply of diesel to run their generators. Less than half of Puerto Rico’s medical employees have reported to work in the weeks since the storm, federal health officials said.

Hospitals are running low on medicine and high on patients, as they take in the infirm from medical centers where generators failed. A hospital in Humacao had to evacuate 29 patients last Wednesday — including seven in the intensive care unit and a few on the operating table — to an American military medical ship off the coast of Puerto Rico when a generator broke down.

FEMA Handing Out Skittles - For Real. 10 days after the hurricane FEMA provided meals consisting of one can of Vienna sausages, a granola bar and skittles. [MORE]

There are urgent attempts to help. The federal government has sent 10 Disaster Medical Assistance Teams of civilian doctors, nurses, paramedics and others to the island. Four mobile hospitals have been set up in hospital parking lots, and the Comfort, a medical treatment ship, is on the scene. A 44-bed hospital will soon open in badly wrecked Humacao, in the southeast.

But even as the Army Corps of Engineers is installing dozens of generators at medical facilities, and utility crews work to restore power to 36 hospitals, medical workers and patients say that an intense medical crisis persists and that communications and electrical difficulties have obscured the true number of fatalities directly related to the hurricane. [MORE]

Some 24 days after the storm made landfall, 91 percent of people on the island still do not have power and 37 percent have not had their municipal water services restored. Hospitals have limited fuel to run generators. While FEMA, the military, and other relief agencies are distributing millions of meals and bottles of water, reports suggest the supplies are not matching the need.

The New York Times on Thursday described Puerto Ricans desperately hunting for bottled water in the capital of San Juan. The Environmental Protection Agency has said that some have been resorting to drinking water from contaminated Superfund sites. And the Guardian cited FEMA officials who said that they had a shortfall of nearly 2 million meals a day to meet the food needs on the island. [MORE]

Gone Water Gone. Three weeks after Hurricane Maria tore through Puerto Rico, the challenge of finding enough water to drink and cook with remains enormous across the island, even in its largest city. People here engage in a perpetual game of cat and mouse, scouring the city for any hints of places with water to sell.

People are so desperate that on Wednesday the Environmental Protection Agency cited reports of residents trying to obtain drinking water from wells at hazardous Superfund sites. “E.P.A. advises against tampering with sealed and locked wells or drinking from these wells, as it may be dangerous to people’s health,’’ the agency said.

The demand has skyrocketed, according to grocery store managers, distributors and supply companies, because safe, drinkable tap water is still largely unavailable, and deliveries of water from the outside have not kept up with demand. Even Puerto Ricans who have been told that their local water is safe to drink are avoiding it because of reports that infectious diseases are spreading on the island.

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Provoking Others to be Violent Against you is Called Sado-Masochism Not Protest: Suit to Stop Nazis Return Filed in Charlottesville

html5 video converter by v3.9.1

Whitenology Lesson 23. White scholars "warn that suppressing racist speech leads us down a slippery slope towards totalitarianism, vesting in the government a censorship power over unpopular ideas which is inconsistent with the First Amendment and the most basic precepts of a democratic society." White judges have almost unanimously accepted this nonsense in the system of racism//white supremacy. Such courts ignore the right of non-whites to equal protection of the law-a right which is sacrificed by oppressive hate speech. Racist speech, more than any other extremist speech, subjects its already-weakened victim to humiliation, isolation, and self-hate. [MORE]

Going to Where You Are Unwanted to Provoke Violence is Not "Non-Violent" Activity. From [HERE] Georgetown Law School's Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection [advocacy site] on Thursday filed a lawsuit [complaint, pdf] in the Circuit Court for the City of Charlottesville [official site] seeking to prevent armed organizations from returning to Charlottesville. 

The lawsuit was filed in response to the organizations' leadership calling on their members to keep returning to the city. The suit claims groups associated with the August 12 Unite the Right [JURIST report] rally are a threat to public safety and create a public nuisance

Several white-nationalist organizations came to Charlottesville to fight. Applying techniques developed well in advance, affiliated bands of alt-right warriors used clubs, flagpoles, and shields to batter their ideological opponents. Sporting matching uniforms and weaponry—and with command structures to coordinate their actions—they functioned as paramilitary units. These paramilitary organizations and their leaders (the Alt-Right Defendants) wielded their weapons on August 12 not “as individuals” exercising their Second Amendment rights to self-defense, but “as members of a fighting force.”

The suit further alleges that the violent rhetoric and action present an immediate threat for the local citizens, noting that "key organizers and leaders of the Unite the Right rally" visited Charlottesville five days ago "reappearing at Emancipation Park in a torchlit procession designed to intimidate local residents." 

Additionally, the suit accused the groups of violating established law by using paramilitary techniques and identification tactics, arguing that court intervention is necessary because, "as through centuries of American tradition, the government alone retains a monopoly on the organized use of force."

The lawsuit is seeking injunctive and declaratory relief "to prevent Defendants from returning to Virginia organized as military units and engaging in paramilitary activity. Without such relief, Charlottesville will be forced to relive the frightful spectacle of August 12: an invasion of roving paramilitary bands and unaccountable vigilante peacekeepers." [MORE]

White Victimhood. For insight into the dysfunctional racist mind Dr. Frances Cress Welsing stated; "An additional psychological defense maneuver utilized by whites has been that of projection. Feeling extreme hostility and hate towards non-whites, whites began the pattern of stating that non-whites hated them. In many instances, this mechanism has served to mitigate the guilt whites occasionally experience for their impulse to aggress against Blacks and other people of color." [MORE]

Tyranny of Racist Majority. For more legal insight professor Derrick Bell explained;

"While the First Amendment may be "the Constitution's most majestic guarantee," it is nonetheless a limited guarantee. Defamation, obscenity, and speech which threaten the social order, bomb threats, incitements to riot, and "fighting words" - are all limited by law. In the world of business, false advertisements, insider information, and suggestions that prices be fixed, are also off-limits. Yet hate speech-expressions which abuse, insult, or belittle a person because of his or her race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or physical abilities-is still tolerated and even protected" in the system of racism/white supremacy. [MORE

Turn His Other Cheek & Hit Him Harder. At any rate, provoking and encouraging others to be violent against you is called sado-masochism. It is not non-violence. 

For more insight into reality Osho Rajineesh offers the following: 

Non-violence just for the sake of it, is just stupid ideology taken out of its proper historical context. Osho Rajineesh explained that non-violence should simply be a consequence of having a reverence for life. "Non-violence simply says don't kill others. Do you think that is enough? It is only a negative statement: don't kill others, don't harm others. Is that enough?" He said, 

"I will say respect life, yours included.

In fact, you are first to be respectful towards yourself, then only can you be respectful towards anybody else.

Be loving towards yourself, then you will be able to love others too.

Reverence for life will not allow any provocation to violence. It will not start violence, but if anybody starts it, it will stop it immediately.

Jesus says, "If somebody hits you on one of your cheeks, turn the other cheek." I say, "Okay, turn his other cheek - and hit him harder. Give him a lesson! Make it clear to him that it is not so easy to hit somebody on the cheek- that it comes back, and comes back harder.

And if you are capable, hit both his cheeks at the same time. Why give him the chance to turn the other cheek and become a saint? Hit him and tell him simultaneously,'! do not believe in violence, hence I have to stop it at the first chance. And remember that you cannot just be violent without being prevented.'" [MORE]


White Cop Body Slammed & Used Full Weight on 66 yr old Black Woman in Hospital Causing Death - Settlement Amount Paid by Huntington Released

From [HERE] The city of Huntington and Cabell County 911 have agreed to pay a Black woman's estate more than $370,000 in settling a lawsuit alleging her wrongful death, according to federal court documents filed Monday. The lawsuit alleged Nield used excessive force and caused the death of 66-year-old Annie Earle at St. Mary's Medical Center in January 2014.

The gross amount of the settlement reached in September was $372,500, and court documents show that Earle's estate has asked that legal fees in the amount of $179,699.46 be deducted from that amount.

Annie Earle, 66, died Jan. 11, 2014, when Officer Josh Nield, as identified in the lawsuit, held her face down on the hospital floor, according to the lawsuit against Nield.

Naturally, a Cabell County grand jury [all white?] put together by a white prosecutor chose not to indict the white cop and cleared him of any wrongdoing in relation to Earle's death, and a civil lawsuit was later filed by Michigan attorney Clifford Paskel and local attorneys from Weston Robertson Law. 

Nield was fired in light of an internal investigation involving sexual assault allegations made against Nield by two college-aged women in an incident that occurred 14 months after the death of Annie Earle. [MORE]

The lawsuit describes Earle as putting forth minimal resistance. It further states Nield grabbed Earle and lifted her into the air, eventually laying his full weight on her body. The slam fractured her ribs and compressed her thorax resulting in a punctured heart and her death.

In addition to false imprisonment, the lawsuit accused Nield of unlawful search and seizure, excessive force, as well as assault and battery. The plaintiffs accused the city of failure to train and supervise, negligent hiring, deliberate indifference, as well as various state constitutional violations also levied against Nield, but Chambers disagreed and dismissed claims against the city.

A second federal lawsuit against Nield alleging a false arrest that resulted in alleged sexual assault and battery remains ongoing.


'Stop Blocking My Fists w/Your Head': Video Catches Gang of White Cops Beating Obedient Black Man Lying Down in Pinellas County

From [HERE] Dash cam video from the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office appears to show deputies beating and choking a man.

The sheriff's office is now investigating the arrest of the 25-year-old in the footage.

The man's lawyer says the videotape clearly shows excessive force. Attorney Michele Rayner calls the video disturbing and says her client, Jimarez Reed did nothing to provoke or deserve being treated this way by the group of deputies.

The sheriff's office would only confirm there's an open and active internal affairs investigation into the incident.

The footage from 11:30 p.m. May 25 starts with a cruiser speeding to a Pinellas Park home.

A group of people were hanging out at a house and someone called the authorities on Jimarez Reed, telling officials he had a gun.

In the video, Reed ducks behind a car, seemingly panicked as deputies arrive.

"Get on the ground!" one of the deputies yells.

For the next five minutes, the audio is muted but the camera captured the struggle.

Reed lays flat and puts both hands out. A deputy gets on top of him and punches him seven times on his head.

“Don't kill me please.  Let me go, let me go, bro," Reed yells.

The deputy then pulls Reed’s head up by his hair.

Other deputies join in as well as man Rayner says is a bystander. They pile on and continue hitting Reed.

"You see the video, you see the officer, the first thing he does he jumps on him and just starts wailing on him," Rayner describes.

When the audio comes back on, moaning can be heard. Rayner says it’s coming from Reed.

Witnesses tell FOX 13 Reed's face was cut and bleeding. He was taken to the hospital and needed stitches.

Rayner maintains her client didn't resist the deputies, saying he followed every command.

The 25-year-old was charged with battery of an officer and resisting with and without violence.

"It's just really interesting to me how, out of that situation, all of these charges have happened and he didn't do anything.  He literally was standing there," Rayner said.

After Reed was cuffed, the footage shows the five deputies searching for the gun they thought he had.

"You physically saw a gun?” one deputy says.

“Yes, sir,” a deputy replies.

“He ain't got no gun," a deputy says.

"They have standard operating procedures to deal with people who may be armed and I don't think that was their standard operating procedure," Rayner said.

Rayner says she wants Reed's charges dropped and answers about why he was treated like this. She believes the incident was racially motivated.

"He was obviously compliant. They didn't have to do all those things that they did," she said.

Rayner says a gun was finally discovered locked in Reed's car.

According to online court records, Reed was arrested earlier this week in Hillsborough County for drug charges and resisting officers and also faces a battery on law enforcement charge in Pinellas County. Message to white media: The cops did not have any of that information prior to the traffic stop. Such information does not act as a waiver to his so-called 4th Amendment "rights." 


Border Patrol Race Soldiers Using New Helium Balloon to Surveil Non-White Immigrants

From [HERE] The U.S. Border Patrol is considering another type of surveillance balloon that can be quickly moved to spot illegal activity, part of an effort to see if more eyes in the sky translate to fewer illegal crossings.

Agents in Texas recently finished a 30-day trial of the camera-toting, helium-filled balloon made by Drone Aviation Holding Corp., a small startup that named former Border Patrol chief David Aguilar to its board of directors in January. The 3-year-old, money-losing company gave Aguilar stock options that may prove lucrative if it gets more orders for its proprietary model.

The trial comes as agents test hand-launched drones, which are relatively inexpensive but hampered by short battery life and weight limits. The Border Patrol has also used six large tethered balloons in Texas since 2012, acquired from the Defense Department.

President Trump has pledged to add 5,000 Border Patrol agents, but hiring has been slow. If drones and balloons are deployed more widely, fewer agents may be needed. [MORE]


Racists Play Deaf to Freddie Gray Screaming During his Arrest: "Fair" but Secret Punishment for Public Execution by Cops


They Still Can't Hear That? Although all police and media investigation mostly focused on what happened or did not happen inside the police van, eyewitness accounts suggested that the white cops involved used  unnecessary force against Gray during the arrest outside the van—a claim naturally denied by all officers involved [would you expect them to admit to crimes?]. [MORE] and [MORE] and [MORE]. Witnesses said the arresting cops, who were white, "folded him" and had "their knees in his back." Despite video evidence of the Gray arrest showing that he was struggling to walk and that his legs appear to be limp, racist suspect media and cops just don't see it.  Gray's screams however are unavoidable.

Mind Blocked [they still don't see that]Dr. Blynd explains that racism is a virus in the mind. The racist mind is blocked from seeing things as they are. Osho explains that "Your mind can manipulate your eyes, but your ears you cannot close. They are always open... The eyes can be manipulated more easily, the mind can play tricks with the eyes. With ears it is more difficult to play tricks."  -- "I Heard you twice the 1st time." [MORE] and [MORE]

From [HERE] Two white police officers involved in the fatal arrest of Freddie Gray have agreed to face modest internal discipline, bringing a quiet end to the proceedings against them two and a half years after Mr. Gray’s death in police custody prompted violent protests in Baltimore and fueled a national debate over the way the police treat minorities.

Officers Garrett E. Miller and Edward M. Nero agreed to face “minor disciplinary action,” according to Michael Davey, a lawyer for their police union, who would specify neither their punishment nor the allegations they faced. He said the move ensures they can “continue their careers with the Baltimore Police Department.”

Mr. Gray, a 25-year-old black man, died of a spinal cord injury after he was arrested, handcuffed and placed in a police wagon without a seatbelt, leading to nights of rioting, looting and arson in a city with a long-simmering distrust of the police. Prosecutors in Baltimore charged six officers in the arrest and death of Mr. Gray, which was seen as a watershed moment for activists demanding greater accountability from the police.

But criminal convictions proved elusive. After one mistrial and three acquittals in the first four officers’ trials, prosecutors dropped the remaining cases. Last month, the Justice Department announced it would not file federal charges against the police officers, saying the “evidence is insufficient” to show that they violated Mr. Gray’s civil rights.

Five of the officers were set to appear publicly before trial boards to face internal disciplinary proceedings, which experts say have a lower standard of evidence than criminal cases. The decision by Officers Miller and Nero, who faced up to a five-day suspension, according to The Baltimore Sun, means they will no longer need to appear for the public proceeding.

But Billy Murphy, a Baltimore lawyer who represents the family of Mr. Gray, called it a “secret deal.”

“Nobody can determine whether the disciplinary action against the police was fair,” Mr. Murphy said, adding, “It’s impossible for the public to know whether the post-trial proceedings constituted a just result.”

White Cops Folded Freddie Gray Like a Crab by dm_50cc04a88acf2

Mr. Gray was walking in the Sandtown neighborhood on an April morning in 2015 when he made eye contact with a police officer and fled on foot. After officers pursued Mr. Gray, he was then arrested and loaded into a police van, in handcuffs and without a seatbelt, and driven through the neighborhood. He was later found unresponsive and not breathing in the back of the van, and died of a spinal cord injury.

In legal words, the cops stopped him for no valid reason when they caught Mr. Gray in violation of his 4th Amendment Rights. They also unlawfully searched him after their initial unlawful seizure. At least in regards to white citizens, without more, flight or running from the presence of cops is not a basis for arrest and does not establish probable cause. [MORE


Baltimore Cop Pleads Guilty to Drug Conspiracy with Gang of Other Cops to Rob & Terrorize Black Residents


Norfolk "Sidesteps" Trial & Agrees to $1.5 Mil: Murderous White Cop Claimed Motionless Black Man Moved Toward Him Placing Him in "Fear"

Took a Step Without Moving His Feet - Only White Prosecutors Would Believe Bullshit Like That. From [HERE] City leaders on Tuesday agreed to pay $1.5 million – one of Norfolk’s largest payouts ever – because a white police officer shot and killed a knife-wielding, mentally ill Black man to death three years ago.

Audrey and Glennis Latham had sued Officer Michael Edington Jr. for $25 million after the three-year veteran shot their 35-year-old son, David Latham, on the front porch of their Park Place house. The case was scheduled to go to trial next month.

“No amount of money can bring David back, but the family was determined to make the city ... say that David’s life mattered,” family spokesman Michael Muhammad said in a text.

“Now the family wants to know why Michael Edington Jr. is still employed as a Norfolk police officer,” Muhammad added.

After the trial, Edington said he wanted to keep working as a Norfolk police officer. He's still on administrative duty, assigned to the department's central records division, NPD spokeswoman Cpl. Melinda Wray said.

In settling, Edington didn’t admit to doing anything wrong, and neither did the city

Edington was acquitted of criminal charges after a trial last year, but the family claimed the Police Department “recklessly failed” to control an officer who had 11 excessive-force reports in the 14 months before he shot and killed Latham.

Last month, the city settled a claim similar to the Lathams': A $2.5 million suit against a Norfolk officer who, two days before Latham died, shot and killed Lawrence Faine, a 72-year-old mentally ill man armed with a knife.

Faine’s family settled for $90,000.

On June 6, 2014, after 911 calls reporting someone swinging a knife at relatives, Edington and two other officers came to the Lathams' house.

Police repeatedly yelled at Latham to drop the weapon. Officer Dennis Conley testified he heard Latham say, “I’m not going to drop this, so do what you’ve got to do.”

Conley and Officer Matthew Reichert testified they never saw Latham take a step, raise the knife or threaten anyone.

Edington testified he saw Latham take a small “sidestep,” which the officer took as a cue that Latham was about to charge. [ah, the sidestep nigger killer move] Edington fired five times, then followed as Latham ran into the house. The officer fired once more inside, saying later he was concerned Latham could hurt someone if he got out of sight.

“No one ever spoke about this side step, the officer never spoke about the step, the investigator, never. Any notes… it was never in any recorded statement,” Babineau said. “But at trial, he testified there was this step he believed was the act then he reacted thinking David was going, in his words, lunge at him, and that’s why he took the action he did.”

In closing arguments, Underwood denied that Latham took the step. He showed a video of a police interview in which Edington demonstrated Latham’s actions, but did not move his feet.

“The step didn’t happen,” Underwood said. He argued that the investigator who questioned Edington at the Police Operations Center following the shooting asked leading questions and was “spoon feeding” the defendant.

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Eric Holder begins Redistricting War Against Racist, Hoax Elections

From [HERE] As a conservative state legislator in Georgia, Rep. Brian Strickland of McDonough is no tea partier. But he isn't exactly a moderate either.

During his five years representing District 111 in Henry County, Strickland voted for an anti-LGBT "religious freedom" measure, a bill allowing people to carry weapons on college campuses and federal funding for unregulated "crisis pregnancy centers" that oppose abortions.

That conservative voting record wouldn't raise an eyebrow in many of Georgia's blood-red legislative districts.

But Strickland's agenda grew increasingly out of step with his rapidly changing constituency as more blacks, Hispanics and other minorities moved into his district as well as Henry County, a fast-growing, majority-minority exurb of Atlanta.As his district grew more diverse, sure enough, Strickland’s margin of victory shrank in the 2012 election and even more in 2014.

With Republican hopes for a legislative supermajority in jeopardy, Georgia’s GOP lawmakers passed HB 566 in 2015, which removed 946 black voters from Strickland’s district and implanted 590 new white voters. In his closest election yet, Strickland defeated Democratic challenger Darryl Payton by 946 votes in 2016.

Payton and 10 other African Americans are now plaintiffs in the first federal lawsuit by former Attorney General Eric Holder’s new group, the National Redistricting Foundation, which will challenge Republican reapportionment efforts it sees as overly partisan or racially motivated in the run-up to the 2018 elections.

The suit claims Strickland’s re-drawn district and another, Georgia House District 105, were illegal racial gerrymanders designed to dilute African American voting power and empower white incumbents in violation of the Voting Rights Act and the 14th and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

The foundation, which is backed by the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, will also challenge challenge questionable legislative and congressional maps drawn after the 2020 census.

Both groups hope to help Democrats exert more influence on the redistricting process after Republicans used sophisticated mapping technology to draw favorable electoral maps nationwide after the 2010 census. That effort, dubbed Operation REDMAP, helped Republicans capture more seats in Congress and in state-level races in 2012, 2014 and 2016.

The GOP now controls both state legislative chambers in 31 states, compared to 12 for Democrats.

The Democrats’ effort to constrain GOP redistricting won’t go unchallenged, however. The National Republican Redistricting Trust was recently formed to counter Holder’s efforts and fight similar battles in traditionally blue states where electoral maps have favored Democrats.

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