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Racist Suspect Watch

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Cress Welsing: The Definition of Racism White Supremacy

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Racism

Anon: What is Racism/White Supremacy?

Dr. Bobby Wright: The Psychopathic Racial Personality

The Cress Theory of Color-Confrontation and Racism (White Supremacy)

What is the First Step in Counter Racism?

Genocide: a system of white survival

The Creation of the Negro

The Mysteries of Melanin

'Racism is a behavioral system for survival'

Fear of annihilation drives white racism

Dr. Blynd: The Definition of Caucasian

Where are all the Black Jurors? 

The War Against Black Males: Black on Black Violence Caused by White Supremacy/Racism

Brazen Police Officers and the Forfeiture of Freedom

White Domination, Black Criminality

Fear of a Colored Planet Fuels Racism: Global White Population Shrinking, Less than 10%

Race is Not Real but Racism is

The True Size of Africa

What is a Nigger? 

MLK and Imaginary Freedom: Chains, Plantations, Segregation, No Longer Necessary ['Our Condition is Getting Worse']

Chomsky on "Reserving the Right to Bomb Niggers." 

A Goal of the Media is to Make White Dominance and Control Over Everything Seem Natural

"TV is reversing the evolution of the human brain." Propaganda: How You Are Being Mind Controlled And Don't Know It.

Spike Lee's Mike Tyson and Don King

"Zapsters" - Keeping what real? "Non-white People are Actors. The Most Unrealistic People on the Planet"

Black Power in a White Supremacy System

Neely Fuller Jr.: "If you don't understand racism/white supremacy, everything else that you think you understand will only confuse you"

The Image and the Christian Concept of God as a White Man

'In order for this system to work, We have to feel most free and independent when we are most enslaved, in fact we have to take our enslavement as the ultimate sign of freedom'

Why do White Americans need to criminalize significant segments of the African American population?

Who Told You that you were Black or Latino or Hispanic or Asian? White People Did

Malcolm X: "We Have a Common Enemy"


Deeper than Atlantis

Judge Won't Vacate Finding of Guilt for Arpaio's Willful Violations of the "Constitutional Rights" of Non-Whites

From [HERE] U.S. District Judge Susan Ritchie Bolton says that President Trump's pardon of former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio does not "revise the historical facts" of his case — and that she will not vacate her ruling that found Arpaio guilty of criminal contempt.

On Thursday, Bolton quoted Black's Law Dictionary to say that a pardon "releases the wrongdoer from punishment and restores the offender's civil rights without qualification." But she then added a further interpretation in her own words: "It does not erase a judgment of conviction, or its underlying legal and factual findings."

Citing legal precedents, Bolton said that while a pardon removes the threat of punishment, it does not "blot out guilt." Instead, she wrote in her decision, accepting a pardon implies a confession of guilt. Bolton also suggested that the timing of President Trump's pardon — when Arpaio had not appealed her verdict — played a role in her decision to preserve it.

Famous for his hard-line stance on non-white immigration, he was found guilty of criminal contempt after defying a judge’s order to stop racially profiling non-white immigrants in violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, according to the court decision The charge followed a 2011 court order by U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow forcing Arpaio to stop racial profiling people based on the color of their skin. Arpaio’s police department was found to routinely racially profile Latinos, by prolonging traffic stops to determine the immigration status of individuals. In violation of the 4th Amendment Officers stopped people merely on the belief that 'they looked illegal.' Bolton presided over a five-day trial; she found Arpaio guilty on July 31 and ordered him to be sentenced on Oct. 5 — but Trump intervened with a pardon in late August.

The court cited Arpaio’s willingness to “continue to keep doing what he had been doing” even though the 2012 preliminary injunction required that he stop pursuing the arrest or detention of people “merely based on the belief or suspicion, or reality, that they were here in this country illegally alone.” The court also indicated that Arpaio failed to follow up with his subordinates to see if the order was being complied with.

“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” the ruling pointed out. [MORE]

In her decision, Bolton notes that unlike in legal precedents where a new trial or appeal was ongoing, Arpaio's didn't have an appeal pending. The judge writes, "the only matter mooted by the pardon was Defendant's sentencing and entry of judgment, the hearing for which was duly vacated." She added, "With nothing left to vacate, dismissal with prejudice was all that remained to be ordered. Having already done so, the Court declines to order any further relief."

The situation could place Arpaio in a type of Catch-22, in which he's been saved from punishment by Trump's pardon but is unable to clear his name fully in the legal record.

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To Stir More Dis-ease in the Minds of the Racist Votary, VA GOP Mailer Sells Fear of White Extinction/Replacement

You Will Not Replace Us.  Racists' worst and most basic fear still remains genetic annihilation in the form of the fear of the impending "Black Planet." How could this happen? Most white people consciously or subconsciously understand the following equation; White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored = White people are genetic recessive and can therefore be replaced through "intermingling" with another "race" - the others. [MORE]  

From [HERE] A mailer from the Virginia Republican Party that attacks the  candidacy of Democrat Courtney Lynch for Supervisor in the Brookland Magisterial District of Henrico County. This is a pure attack ad; it doesn’t even mention Lynch’s opponent, it simply urges that we vote against her. It accuses Lynch of three things:

1) Supposedly being “Levar Stoney’s Liberal Sidekick”;

2) Supposedly caring more about the city of Richmond than she does about Henrico County, where she lives;

3) Supposedly wanting to spend money on bus transportation that will only benefit residents of Richmond City.

As long as I’ve [Burt Berlin] lived in Virginia, Republicans have always accused Democrats of being crazed lefties (I know – eye roll) and wanting to waste their precious tax dollars. So, maybe this isn’t new.

BUT…why, of all people, did they choose to put Levar Stoney on their mailer? Why not Ralph Northam? Mark Herring? Why not the Republican’s ultimate demon — Nancy Pelosi? Nope, the mailer chooses Levar Stoney.


Is it, perhaps, because Levar Stoney is a man of color? Are the the photos in the mailer that show a white woman and a black man smiling at each other meant to raise a decades-old fear in a certain segment of the Republican base? And why did they specifically, consciously choose the City Of Richmond as the jurisdiction they claim Courtney Lynch really cares about? Could it be, just maybe, because Richmond is a majority black jurisdiction?

More broadly, is it possible that in the second decade of the 21st century, a major U.S. political party would still be riling up its “base” by sending out racist, or at least “dog-whistle”-style racist messaging? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, given that the former Party of Lincoln is now the Party of Trump, but still – do you people have no decency whatsoever?


Suit says White St. Paul Cops Hit Compliant Black Man in Face w/Shotgun & Stomped his Head Causing Brain Damage & Broken Bones in Face

In photo new St. Paul police chief Todd Axtell. White supremacy/racism is carried out primarily through deception - many many lies & false appearances. Axtell was not chief when the following episode unfolded.

From [HERE] A Black man is suing the city and several of its police officers alleging that they struck him in the head with a shotgun and “kicked or stomped” him so badly he suffered a traumatic brain injury and “massive facial trauma.”

Michael Fleming, 31, filed a suit in federal court against the city of St. Paul, police Sgt. Mike Dunaski and five unnamed officers who executed a search warrant at an apartment in the 900 block of Edgerton Street on Oct. 13, 2011. 

“He got his skull beat in for no valid reason, and someone should have to be held accountable for that,” said one of Fleming’s attorneys, Scott Swanson. Swanson said they filed the case six years later “so he could be heard” before the statute of limitations expires.

Fleming’s suit alleges that the officers violated his Fourth and 14th Amendment rights covering unreasonable search, seizure and excessive force. It also alleges that officers at the scene did not intervene.

Swanson said he will identify the other officers as litigation proceeds and more police documents are made available. Fleming declined to comment.

Fleming was never charged with a crime related to the search, and continues to suffer emotionally and mentally from the experience, Swanson said. The titanium used to rebuild his eye socket has made certain outdoor manual labor jobs difficult, Swanson said, because it gets cold in the wintertime and hot in the summertime.

According to the suit and Swanson: Fleming was at the apartment with 10-plus others who had gathered in the days following a funeral for Fleming’s godbrother. Fleming did not live there and was not the subject of the search warrant.

At approximately 7:46 pm that evening, the apartment was raided by several police oflicers, including Dunaski and John Doe's l-5. The officers were a part of or assisting the East District FORCE unit, which was executing a search warrant at  the address. 

When the officers burst in, Fleming, along with others, was in the kitchen. Fleming did not reach for a gun, and despite offering no resistance to the oflicers, either verbally of physically, he was struck in the head with a shotgun by Defendant Dunaski.

When he fell to the gmund after being hit on his head and still offering no resistance, Fleming was further assaulted by the officers, including Defendant Dunaski. In particular, his head was kicked or stomped by the officers, all of whom on information and belief wear steel -toed shoes, causing his  head to be further hit as it pounded into the metal cabinets that were attached to the counter.

While he was stilt on the ground, Fleming was further assaulted and stomped about his head and body by officers, including Defendant Dunaski; during that part of the assault, he was struck with a flashlight and,  at one point, was even tasered.

Despite the brutality of the oflicers' assault of him, Fleming continued to offer no verbal or physical resistance.

Fleming was seen to be bleeding everywhere from his face  as a result of the injuries hc sustained in his beating; in his injured and dazed state,  he was further  seen to spit up blood from his mouth. When that happened,  an officer kneed him in his  chest, exclaiming "are you seriously gonna fucking spit on my shoe!"

White still battered, bleeding and obviously injured, Fleming was handcuffed and taken out of the apartment. 

At approximately 8:45 pm in October  13, 201l, Fleming arrived at Regions Hospital via EMS, where  he was hospitalized for three  days to diagnose  and treat the injuries he suffered during the police beating he endured earlier that evening. He presented at the hospital with very large swelling over the left side of his face and  eye, so much so that it was difficult to open the eyelids, as welt as bleeding from the nose and oropharynx' After being assessed, it was noted that, among other things, he had massive facial trauma with orbital swelling," which included various left orbital wall fracture orbital bruising, a left hyphema likely lacrimal canaliculi injury, and a probable nasal fracture. He was also admitted for TBI (traumatic brain injury) and acute respiratory failure.

On December 14  2011, Fleming returned  to Regions Hospital, accompanied by two St. Paul police officers. He complained of symptoms that included double vision numbness in his left cheek, and headaches. The assessment noted the significant trauma to his left  eye, suffered on October 13,  20 I I , including the "large orbital floor blowout fracture and  a medial wall fracturc." Further surgery was recommended.

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White St. Louis Cops & White DA Withheld Video & DNA Evidence to Get Lower Settlement in Anthony Lamar Smith Case

'I Wanted to Save the Black Man Not Murder Him' & Other Solid Gold Nonsense.   From [HERE] An investigator hired by Missouri's attorney general isn't the only one looking into allegations officials withheld evidence from the family of Anthony Lamar Smith during wrongful death lawsuit negotiations in 2013.

Deputy St. Louis City Counselor Nancy Kistler is as well, she said Friday.

A St. Louis police officer shot and killed Smith after a high-speed pursuit in 2011. A judge acquitted Jason Stockley, the police officer, of first-degree murder charges in September, sparking ongoing protests throughout the region.

But in 2013, attorneys for Smith's family were negotiating a wrongful death settlement with the state, which, at the time, oversaw the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department.

Albert Watkins, an attorney representing Smith's daughter, has said officials improperly withheld lab reports showing Stockley's DNA was the only DNA found on a revolver recovered from Smith's car, and cellphone footage filmed by an onlooker after the shooting.

He has said the evidence would have helped the family — which agreed to a $900,000 wrongful death settlement in 2013 — negotiate a higher amount.

Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley, a Republican, announced on Sept. 25 that an independent investigator would probe Watkins' allegations. On Oct. 4, City Counselor Julian Bush wrote to Watkins saying his office would, too.

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Anthony Jones Case Revived by Court - Two White Vegas Cops Tasered Black Man to Death 19X in 90 Seconds 

From [HERE] A federal appeals court has breathed new life into a wrongful death lawsuit filed against Las Vegas police by the family of a man who died in custody after he was stunned by a Taser a dozen times over a 2-minute span.

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals granted an appeal Friday filed by the family of 44-year-old Anthony Jones.

Court records show one of the officers deployed his Taser 10 times in 90 seconds, even as Jones was being handcuffed after he tried to flee a traffic stop in 2010. At the same another white officer also was tasing Jones. [MORE]

The appellate judges overturned most of an earlier, lower-court ruling that dismissed the case partly because the name of Jones' estate was incorrectly listed as a plaintiff.

The case now returns to federal court in Las Vegas for a new trial to determine whether the officers' acted unreasonably.

In the Jones family lawsuit, four officers were named as defendants. The lawsuit alleges unreasonable search and seizure, excessive force, false arrest, battery and negligence. The lawsuit says Tasers were used on Jones for more than 100 seconds. It says that before the encounter got physical, Jones was detained without probable cause and without reasonable suspicion. [MORE] Taser International Inc., the manufacturer, also was named as a defendant. 

The lawsuits claim police also failed to provide prompt medical care.

Because of this incident, the department changed its Taser policy to stop multiple officers from using the weapon on someone at the same time. Also, policy was changed to restrict Tasers from being used for more than three five-second cycles.


Allegedly Drunk White Chicago Cops Called Black Couple "Niggers" in City Hall Elevator & Assaulted Them

"Nigger" is what is being done to You. From [HERE] A Black man claims three intoxicated, on-duty Chicago cops made racist comments and attacked him and his fiancée in a City Hall elevator, landing the man in jail on what was supposed to be his wedding day.

“On what should have been one of the happiest days of his life, plaintiff Joseph Baskins was instead subjected to a nightmare that would last three years,” according to a complaint filed Thursday in Chicago federal court by attorney Josh Loevy of Loevy & Loevy.

Baskins, his fiancée, and two friends, one of whom brought his baby, drove downtown to Chicago City Hall on Oct. 30, 2014 for the Baskinses to get married. All four are African-American.

When they arrived, the marriage office was closed for lunch, so they boarded the elevator to the parking garage along with three on-duty white Chicago police officers, the complaint states.

The officers were reportedly in the building to meet with city attorneys about a civil rights suit, and prior to that had been at a nearby bar where a receipt showed they drank eight beers and six vodkas, Baskins claims.

“After boarding the elevator, one of the defendant officers said words to Baskins to the effect of ‘you are on the wrong elevator,’ and referred to a ‘black nigger squad,’ and made other racist statements,” the complaint states.

Baskins claims Officer Patrick Gilmore then punched him in the mouth with provocation, and pulled a gun on him in the ensuing fight.

“Baskins next heard his friend scream words to the effect of, ‘it’s a gun! It’s a gun!’ Baskins’ friend then kicked the gun away from Defendant Gilmore,” Thursday’s 16-page complaint alleges. “Baskins looked down and saw the gun. Fearing for the lives of his family and friends if his assailants recovered the gun, he picked it up along with the baby and ran.”

Baskins later turned himself in, and was charged with aggravated robbery and aggravated assault on an officer. He says he was detained for two weeks.

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Judge Concerned about 'the prevalence of NYPD lying & whether false arrests are carried out to generate overtime'

From [HERE] On Tuesday, Judge Jack B. Weinstein of Federal District Court in Brooklyn issued a decision in which he announced a potential hearing to examine the extent to which New York City police lie in criminal cases. The New York Times wrote an article about the case that prompted Judge Weinstein’s decision and whether his proposed hearing could spur broad reform in how the New York Police Department discipline officers who give false testimony.

According to the New York Times, Weinstein’s decision was issued in the case of 59-year-old Hector Cordero, a bodega cashier who has sued two New York police officers who, he says, falsely charged him with dealing drugs on October 24, 2014. In his lawsuit, Cordero claims that the officers arrested him not because they had solid evidence against him but because they wanted to earn the overtime pay from booking a case at the end of their shift.

The police testified that they saw a man leave the store, sell drugs to a person on the street and then walk back inside the store. According to the police officers’ own account, however, they went into the store to arrest the suspect, but couldn’t find the man who they’d seen sell the drugs, so they left the store. It wasn’t until later that they returned to the store and arrested Cordero.

The charges against Cordero were eventually dropped. There was no evidence linking him to the crime. A strip search turned up no evidence of drugs on Cordero. And, another store employee testified that Cordero was, in fact, working inside the store at the time that the officers claim the drug deal happened on the street.

In his decision, Weinstein verified that officers indeed earned 22 hours of overtime pay for Cordero’s case. The judge also noted that one of the police officers on the case had previously been suspended form the job for nearly two months and had been ordered to pay back more than $1,200 in overtime hours that he’d claimed to work but, in reality, had not.

Judge Weinstein decided that he’ll hear Cordero’s case next year. If Cordero is able to prove his case, said Weinstein in his opinion, he’ll hold a second hearing to examine “the prevalence of police lying and whether false arrests were being carried out to generate overtime,” wrote the Times. The hearing would also look in to whether the New York Police Department has policies in place to keep officers from giving false testimony.

The Times wrote that one of Cordero’s attorneys said that “Judge Weinstein’s opinion could set the stage for the biggest challenge to unconstitutional policing practices in New York City since a trial in 2013 over the department’s overreliance on stop-and-frisk tactics.”


'There was never a bulge, that's a story made up after the fact by Cops' for an all white jury to believe: Leon Ford Retrial Set

An experienced trial attorney will tell you that it is very difficult to get a white juror to believe a white cop is lying, especially if the client is Black.  Reality or anything too real (such as racism) in court is simply unbelievable to judges and jurors in the fake world created in court. Many cops are sophisticated, masterful liars who are taught how to testify and create persuasive, detailed police reports. Mixing actual facts with nonsense sounds & looks real in court. White DA's, judges and the white media are also eager and programmed to believe anything foul cops say about Blacks. In a case involving a "bulge in the pants" and no video or white civilian witnesses, like this one, the evidence simply consisted of a credibility contest between a sworn white police officer and a Black man.

In this case, a white jury believed it was reasonable for a white cop to believe a gun existed - though it did not. Why would a cop make it up? Because they will believe it. The racist suspect cop presents facts in accord with the appetite of the racist suspect listener, not in accord with the realities of life. 

 'A mind that is filled with belief is a mind which can project anything according to that belief.' And most whites believe Black men are inherently criminal. Dr. Amos Wilson explains that the criminalization of the Black male is a necessity to justify white domination in an unequal system of power and conditions. 

As explained by Wilson, "in the context of White American domination there is no innocent Black male, just Black male criminals who have not yet been detected, apprehended or convicted. Their mere presence inspires in White Americans, fears of being assaulted, raped, robbed, or some other indefinable dread of being criminally victimized." [MORE]

Did the white cops see a bulge in Leon Ford's pants that they thought was a gun or did they make up the story to justify shooting and paralyzing an unarmed man?

That was the central question to an all white federal jury in Mr. Ford's civil case against two white Pittsburgh police detectives, David Derbish and Andrew Miller.

Detective Derbish shot Mr. Ford five times in the chest after a traffic stop in November 2012 in Highland Park.

He jumped into Mr. Ford's car just as it sped away. He said Mr. Ford put his hand on his chest as if to shove him out of the car, and he had to shoot because he feared for his life.

"He said, 'I thought I was going to die,'" Paul Krepps, a lawyer representing the officers, told the jury.

He said Detective Derbish, standing near the passenger side door, said he saw a bulge in Mr. Ford's pants. He said he thought it might be a gun. He motioned to Detective Miller, who was on the driver's side of the car, of his suspicions.

As a dashcam video shows, Detective Miller grabs Mr. Ford to pull him out of the car, Detective Derbish jumps in and seconds later five shots are heard as the vehicle speeds down the street and crashes.

It turned out Mr. Ford didn't have a gun, but Mr. Krepps said Detective Derbish and Detective Miller thought he did.

"Are they making this up now?" Mr. Krepps asked. "Or did they have a valid concern?"

Mr. Ford's lawyer, Fred Rabner, said they were making it up. He said they had mixed up Leon Ford with a gang member with a similar name and face and proceeded on that assumption until the shooting occurred.

"There was never a bulge," he said. "That's a story that was made up after the fact."

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4 Star Moron John Kelly "Stunned" Black Woman Had Speakerphone on her Phone: 'We Hate Patriotic Niggers Too'

The White House itself is full of white supremacists” - Rep. Frederica Wilson.

According to FUNKTIONARY:

racists - upholders, supporters and perpetrators of the institution of the White Supremacy Dynamic. An often misunderstood term confusing bigotry (personal dislike of a clan of men and women) with that of a system of oppression (structured and perpetuated injustice—racism) by merchants and slavers (Corporate State and their bastard, equally fictitious but deadly offspring, megacorporations). (See: Bigot, Corporate State, Corporations & Person).

Racism White Supremacy - psychopathic degeneracy. 2) "The local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth—a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people." -Dr. Francis Cress Welsing, MD. Hate and oppression can never reign. Only love is supreme.

Racism -  White Degeneracy wrongly cast as Supremacy. Racism—a psycho-socio-economic reality based on a pseudo-scientific biological myth—is a power group dynamic, i.e., a defined group cooperatively via legacy institutions exerting structured and enforced institutionalized and systemic injustice, oppression and power over another group. Racism is not individualistic, but institutional, cultural, economic, political, linguistic, self-perpetuating and systematic. Racism is economic discrimination by one group over and against another for the purposes of subjugation and/or maintaining the imbalance of power through cooperative control, misinformation, indoctrination, genocide and oppression. Racism is the socioeconomic and cultural bequest of colonialism, neo-colonialism and the vestiges of the transatlantic trafficking of enslaved Afrikans and their descendants. Racism has its bio-physiological origins in the immune response of primitive life-forms to foreign matter and has its geo-psychological roots in the response of primitive humans encountering more intelligent ones based on the meme of scarcity and the fear of genetic annihilation through genetic assimilation. "Racism destroys men—and women—as much by what it denies them as by what it metes out to them." -Isaiah Thomas. "It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting moral suasion on a people who have no ethics or morality where race is a variable." -Bobby Wright.

Racism White Supremacy is a virus in the mind, a malignant meme that has both the host of the virus and the whole society sick. White Supremacy (Degeneracy) is socially engineering Black Consciousness and/or also responsible for the falsification of Black consciousness. "If you don't understand racism white supremacy, everything else you think you know will only confuse you." -Neelly Fuller, Jr. (See: White Supremacy, Yurugu, Park Day, Declaration of Endependece, Ma'afa & Caucasion). 

From [HERE] and [HERE] and [HERE] Video of a 2015 speech delivered by Representative Frederica S. Wilson revealed Friday that John F. Kelly, the White House chief of staff, misrepresented her remarks when he accused her of bragging about securing $20 million for a South Florida F.B.I. building and twisting President Barack Obama’s arm.

Ms. Wilson, in an interview on Friday, called Mr. Kelly a liar and hinted strongly that the altercation, prompted by a call from President Trump to the widow of a fallen black soldier, was racially charged.

“The White House itself is full of white supremacists,” she said.

Mr. Kelly, escalating a feud between Mr. Trump and Ms. Wilson, had cast the congresswoman on Thursday as a publicity-seeking opportunist. However, the video, released by The Sun Sentinel, a newspaper in South Florida, showed that during her nine-minute speech, Ms. Wilson never took credit for getting the money for the building, only for helping pass legislation naming the building after two fallen federal agents.

She never mentioned pleading with Mr. Obama, and she acknowledged the help of several Republicans, including John A. Boehner, then the House speaker; Representatives Mario Diaz-Balart and Carlos Curbelo; and Senator Marco Rubio. In fact she praised the FBI over and over and over. 

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MF DOOM vs "Dr. Doom": Swiss Investment Adviser Marc Faber Acknowledges that Neuropeans are Genetic Recessive 

Gloomy About the Future of the White "Race." From [CNN] Faber, who is well known for his market pessimism and often referred to as "Dr. Doom," said in the October edition of his "Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" that it's a good thing white people colonized America.

"Thank God white people populated America, and not the blacks," he wrote. "Otherwise, the US would look like Zimbabwe, which it might look like one day anyway, but at least America enjoyed 200 years in the economic and political sun under a white majority."

Faber continued on to say that he's "not a racist," and that he just wanted to highlight "the reality -- no matter how politically incorrect."

The report is dated Oct. 3, but Faber's racist commentary only attracted attention this week. [MORE]

When he says "thank God" he really means himself - worshipping themselves, racists have made white supremacy/racism their religon. What is funny is that this silly simpleton is from Europe, "a thawed out ice box", more accurately described as northwest Asia, that was named after "Europa," an African woman, the daughter of Belus, and the sister of Phineus, the Nubian. Dr. Blynd further reveals the following: 

European - a political euphemism for northwest Asian, i.e., the last branch of the hue-man family to emerge into the arena called civilization; holding the distinction of destroying more cultures and ravishing more civilizations than they have built.

European psychology - the pathological notion that: "If you can't understand it, fabricate it, identify with it, compete with it. discredit it, or assimilate it, then destroy it." (See: Yurugu & Weiteko Disease) [MORE]

Neuropeans - (Neurotic Europeans) - neurotic, ignorant, narcissistic and self-deluded white supremacist Caucasians operating at the mythic and rational levels of consciousness only. 2) Fascists. (See Weitko Disease, White Supremacy and Yurungu.)

Neuropeons - neurotic, stupid and self deluded poor white trash. 2) skin heads 3) Nazis, neo-Nazis and Theo-nazis (See KKK, WOTAN, Weitko Disease, Fasxism, Racism White Supremacy, Stupidity, Ku Klux Klan & Yurungu).  

Race is "a totally artificial theologically-driven, biologically-based, and scientifically-invalid "European" ideology of human genetic evolution and classification coinciding with the emergence of colonialism and the rise of the transatlantic slave trade."

The only purpose of race is to practice racism. [MORE]

Yes Mr. Faber, persons who are classified as white are indeed replaceable. As articulated Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, most white people consciously or subconsciously understand the following;

  • White plus Black equals Colored.
  • White plus Brown equals Colored.
  • White plus Yellow equals Colored.

White people are genetic recessive. In general, this means they cannot reproduce a white child when they have sexual relations with non-whites. The white "race" can be replaced or "genetically annihilated" through such assimilation or social intermingling with non-whites. As white populations have been consistently declining, Black and Brown populations are surging. And this scares racists to death. [MORE] In fact, according to the Census Bureau, whites remain the only segment of the U.S. population where deaths outpace births 

Persons who classify themselves as Whites make up less than 10% of the world's population. That is, 90% of the world's population of 7 billion people are non-white. If anything, this suggests white skin is an anomaly. 

The "fear of replacement" or fear of losing control over non-whites fuels the system of white supremacy/racism and causes racists to act genocidally towards non-whites in a perceived "survival game" they are engaged in with "us" (an imagined "other" species. Remember white people "believe" they are another "race" and "other" to non-whites. Suffering from the disease of constant comparison racists and their make believe beliefs, [imagining themselves to be a part of a hierarchy where persons unable to produce color & lacking melanin are supreme; imagining themselves to be higher than what they imagine you to be] are in a state of non-reality, a play world they have projected from their imagination into existence. ) - in all areas of people activity. Welsing calls this fear "numerical inadequacy." 

Welsing explained that [among other things] numerical inadequacy drives white folks to practice racism - to survive and to maintain control of non-whites. [MORE]. Her color confrontation theory explained that the more the white population shrinks, the worse its conduct toward non-whites will get.

For instance, this great fear of replacement or intermingling logically justifies the murder of Blacks, particularly Black males. "Within the historic framework of Western civilization and culture (the civilization and culture organized to prevent white genetic annihilation), all white peoples have the spoken or unspoken mandate to participate actively in their collective struggle for global white genetic survival. This specifically means, of necessity, the murder and slaughter of Black and other non-white males whenever it is felt within the white collective to be necessary and, therefore, justified. [MORE] She states, 'A major strategy in the war against the Black collective is the killing of Black males. Black males are being killed daily, in ever-increasing numbers, across the country by whites. Other non-white males also are being killed in ever-increasing numbers.' [MORE

The fear of replacement is rarely talked about by whites in the company of non-whites. In fact, non-whites are programmed to believe they are outnumbered by whites worldwide. White people are vastly outnumbered. 

Welsing explained,"whites are vulnerable to their sense of numerical inadequacy. This is viewed as a funda­mental behavioral response of whites to their own minority status. The white "race" has structured and manipulated their own thought processes and conceptual patterns, as well as those of the entire non-white world majority, so that the real numerical minority (whites) illusionally feels and represents itself as the world's majority, while the true numerical majority (non-whites) illusionally feels and views itself as the minority.[MORE] Toward that end, a major goal of elite whites is to make white dominance and control over everything seem natural. [MORE]

Really Mr. Dr. Doom has little to worry about. Whites have always been outnumbered. Psy-ops on non-whites has been highly effective on Blacks, as 'everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Ferguson, Mo. or Zimbabwe, the whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every known statistical law of probability.' [MORE]

Amos Wilson explains, "[Blacks] must question how is it that a minority people [whites], a very small percentage of mankind, a people who are essentially resourceless in terms of their natural resources, maintain the power they have. Why is it that the peoples whose lands contain the wealth of the earth are the poorest people? Why is it that Afrika with some twenty (20) or thirty (30) strategic metals that make the space age possible — why is it that the image of Afrika is projected at us time and time again as that of starving children, as societies in disorder, as societies on the verge of disaster? This implies that there must exist a political, social situation wherein the mental orientation of our people must be so structured that the power and the ability of the Europeans to rule this earth are continually maintained.' [MORE]


Def Dum & Blind: HRC, Kerry & Gore Did Nothing After GOP Disappeared Black & Latino Votes to Steal Hoax Elections

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Election Hoax & "The Tricks of the Elect." It Looks & Feels Like You are Participating in Democracy But You’re Not.  From [HERE] by Harvey Wasserman. Amidst the hellish chaos of the Donald Trump catastrophe, it’s more essential than ever to understand how he got into the White House and who put him there. Then we need to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

In her recent blame-everybody-else-while-doing-nothing screed, “What Happened,” Hillary Clinton fingers James Comey, the Russians and Bernie Sanders.

But, in fact, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore and John Kerry put this madman in office.

This trio of multi-millionaire corporate Democrats won the presidential races of 2000, 2004 and 2016. Then they lay down, said hardly a word and did even less as they let George W. Bush and Donald J. Trump rule the land.

All three presidencies were stolen by stripping large numbers of black, Hispanic, Asian-American and young citizens from the voter rolls, and then electronically flipping the vote count. In 2000 and 2016, the thefts were finalized by the Electoral College.

Along the way, the United States House, Senate and a thousand state, federal and local offices also have been flipped. The Supreme Court has come along for the ride.

The impacts—eight years of George W. Bush and an eternity of Donald Trump—have been somewhere between catastrophic and apocalyptic.

We will recover only if we do what the corporate Democrats have not: Face up to how our entire electoral system has been become a sham and then change it.

Let’s start with Al Gore and Florida 2000.

In 2000, Gore was duly elected president of the United States. He won the popular vote nationwide by more than 500,000 ballots. Later, independent assessments showed he rightfully won Florida, which would have given him a majority in the Electoral College.

Officially, Gore lost Florida by 537 votes. In its infamous 5-4 Bush v. Gore decision, the Supreme Court stopped the recount that might have given Gore the presidency. The deciding vote was cast by Clarence Thomas. Gore, as a U.S. senator, had voted to put him on the bench.

But then-Gov. Jeb Bush, George’s brother and son of the former head of the Central Intelligence Agency, actually prevented the legitimate citizen votes that would have won Gore the presidency. In shifting Florida from Gore to George W. Bush, Jeb Bush used a wide array of strategies perfected by their father at the CIA for overthrowing Third World regimes that American corporate interests deemed inconvenient. Florida 2000 was the logical follow-up.

As Greg Palast reported, Jeb used the ChoicePoint computer program to strip some 90,000 mostly black and Hispanic citizens from the voter rolls. As reported by activist Bev Harris, some 20,000 votes were electronically bounced around in Volusia County and elsewhere. At critical points on election night, they kept Bush2’s chances alive.

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Terrorism In Africa - But Nobody Says A Word

Sunday Morning shows virtually ignored the truck bombing in Somalia, one of the world’s most deadly terror attacks in recent years. From [HERE] On Saturday, at least 300 people were killed and several hundreds more were injured after a truck bombing occurred in Somalia’s capital, Mogadishu. The attack, which the Somali government believes was carried out by the Al Qaeda-linked group al-Shabab, has been called “one of the most lethal terrorist acts anywhere in the world for many years.” Al-Shabab has not yet claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Somali capital has been a frequent target for the group for a decade.

Despite the magnitude and death toll of the attack, Sunday political talk shows on ABC, CBS, Fox Broadcasting, CNN, and NBC failed to cover the attack entirely, and the Monday morning cable and broadcast shows spent a total of just over two minutes reporting on the attack in brief news updates, with the longest single report, just 28 seconds, airing on NBC’s Today. The Monday morning broadcast shows spent a combined one minute and 15 seconds on the attack, and the cable news shows spent a combined 52 seconds on the attack. MSNBC’s Morning Joe did not cover the bombing in Somalia at all. [MORE]


California Bans the Box: Law Significantly Restricts an Employer From Seeking a Job Applicant’s Criminal History

From [HERE] On October 14, 2017, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Assembly Bill 1008  a “Ban the Box” law that significantly restricts an employer’s ability to seek or obtain information about a job applicant’s criminal history.  The California law is similar to laws that have been adopted in other jurisdictions, including New York City and the City of Los Angeles. California’s new law amends the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (“FEHA”), adding a new section, Government Code Section 12952, which prohibits all California employers with five or more employees from:

  • Including on any employment application any question that seeks the disclosure of an applicant’s criminal conviction history; and
  • Inquiring into or considering an applicant’s conviction history before he or she receives a conditional offer of employment.

The new law also reiterates existing prohibitions on considering, distributing or disseminating information about any of the following while considering an application for employment: (1) an arrest that did not result in a conviction, subject to certain exceptions; (2) referral to or participation in a pretrial or postrial diversion program; and (3) convictions that have been sealed, dismissed, expunged or statutorily eradicated pursuant to law.

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Conyers & Jackson Lee Sponsoring a Bill Allowing Govt to Spy on Emails, Text Messages & Phone Calls w/o a Warrant

From [HERE] A new bill introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives on October 6 aims to both reform the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and extend it for another six years.

Joining several other cosponsors, House Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), his Ranking Member John Conyers (D-MI), Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) and Houston-area Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) put their names the legislation.

According to the text, the bill, known as the ‘USA Liberty Act,’ seeks to reauthorize FISA, which would otherwise expire at the end of this year; its reauthorizations would permit the continued collection of communications data on “non-U.S. persons,” though, according to some reports, this sometimes involves collecting data on U.S. citizens, as well.

Authors of the Liberty Act say Section 702 of FISA is of particular importance in regard to their bill; according to the House Judiciary Committee’s report on the Liberty Act, the specific section of the act providing U.S. government authorizations to collect data on non U.S. citizens outside the country is to enhance national security.

The bill would make changes to and extend the government’s spying powers under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which is set to expire at the end of the year. The government uses Section 702 to spy on the emails, text messages, and phone calls of Americans who are communicating with people overseas.

A broad coalition including the American Civil Liberties Union, the NAACP, and the Freedom of the Press Foundation sent a letter to the leaders of House Judiciary Committee last week saying that the groups cannot support the current version of a surveillance reform bill introduced last week.

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Facebook's Creepy "Mind Reading" Project in Doubt after Tech Executive Exits

From [HERE] Regina Dugan, a tech exec with roots in the government sector as the former director of DARPA, is leaving Facebook and her departure calls into question the status of one of the craziest things Facebook has been working on.

Fittingly, Dugan announced the departure in a post on Facebook today.

If you’re unfamiliar with Dugan herself you may be familiar with some of the skunkworks projects she oversaw while managing Google’s secretive Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group from 2012 to 2016. Those projects included Tango, a highly accurate augmented reality device packed into a phone, and Ara, the now scuttled modular phone that could have made your mobile hardware upgrades a whole lot cheaper.

In 2016 Dugan left Google for another huge company with little consumer gadget experience: Facebook. At Facebook she ran Building 8, another privately funded research and development group like ATAP.

The projects Dugan and her colleagues developed at Building 8 didn’t just include neat gadgets for the near future; they could have also led to enormous leaps forward in technology as a whole. The most noted project was one announced at F8, Facebook’s annual developer conference, in April. Called Silent Voice First, the project sought to allow computers to read your mind. Obviously that would make it easier to post to Facebook when your hands are busy, and it could be life altering for people with severe physical limitations, but it would also, you know, be a computer, run by Facebook, that READS YOUR MIND.

That is, they have "plans to use noninvasive sensors to detect brain signals associated with a person thinking a word, then use an algorithm to figure out what the intended word was, according to a report of the conference by STAT News. Artificial intelligence will also likely figure in, helping to determine which of several possible words is actually the one a user was thinking of. And the team is leaning towards using a technology called diffuse optimal tomography to pull all of this off, which would work by shining near-infrared light onto brain tissue, and deducing patterns of neurons based on how the light scatters.

Facebook is hardly the first to set out to make a working brain-computer interface. DARPA, which Dugan used to head, has invested heavily in brain-computer interface technologies to do things like treat mental illness, and restore memories to soldiers injured in war. More recently, Silicon Valley has been locked in an arms race to build a brain computer interface that allows us to communicate by thought. Earlier this year, Tesla and SpaceX head Elon Musk revealed a new machine-brain interface company, Neuralink. So did Silicon Valley entrepreneur Bryan Johnson (that one’s called Kernel) and Facebook alum Mary Louise Jepsen (Open Water).

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