May 1st 2006 - Immigration General Strike Across the USA

The United States may see its first widespread general strike in decades as hundreds of thousands across the U.S. are organizing a strike on May 1st. Another round of massive demos for immigrants is scheduled for many cities. School walkouts are being organized. A general strike is being organized among dockworkers and truckers around the country.
According to Infoshop News [HERE], major retailers such as Wal-Mart are scrambling to move goods around in an effort to minimize disruption caused by the strike.
Los Angeles Port Truckers Call for May Day GENERAL STRIKE!
Flyer for Mayday
Dodge City, KS: Wildcat strike to protect undocumented workers
Los Angeles: May 1st: Reclaim the Streets
Other May Day events
What can you do to participate?
Stay home from work. Walk out of school.
Support and help organize the truckers strike. Attend their actions and demos. Help organize by passing out this flyer at truck stops.
Organize May Day protests, actions and events in your city or town.
Attend demonstrations for immigrant rights.
Protest right wing media station that broadcast racist garbage. [FROM INFOSHOP]
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