May 1st 2006 - Immigration General Strike Across the USA
Monday, April 24, 2006 at 06:58PM

The United States may see its first widespread general strike in decades as hundreds of thousands across the U.S. are organizing a strike on May 1st. Another round of massive demos for immigrants is scheduled for many cities. School walkouts are being organized. A general strike is being organized among dockworkers and truckers around the country.

According to Infoshop News [HERE], major retailers such as Wal-Mart are scrambling to move goods around in an effort to minimize disruption caused by the strike.

*Los Angeles Port Truckers Call for May Day GENERAL STRIKE!
*Flyer for Mayday
*Dodge City, KS: Wildcat strike to protect undocumented workers
*Los Angeles: May 1st: Reclaim the Streets
*Other May Day events

What can you do to participate?

*Stay home from work. Walk out of school.
*Support and help organize the truckers strike. Attend their actions and demos. Help organize by passing out this flyer at truck stops.
*Organize May Day protests, actions and events in your city or town.
*Attend demonstrations for immigrant rights.
*Protest right wing media station that broadcast racist garbage. [FROM INFOSHOP]

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