Saturday, April 22, 2006 at 12:00AM

- The Largest Profit of any Company in History: Last year Exxon Mobil earned one billion dollars a day and amassed 36 billion dollars in profits, a 42.6 percent increase from 2004. This was due largely to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita [MORE]. This is the highest profit of any company in history. Retiring Exxon chairman, Lee Raymond, is collecting "one of the most generous retirement packages in history," nearly $400 million. Royal Dutch Shell collected $23 billion in profits last year, a record amount for a British company. [MORE]
- 2,552 US Dead in Bush Inc. Wars for OIL [MORE]
- Impeach this Motherfucker Now [MORE]
- Just as aproval ratings dip to a new low, administration stalwarts like Rumsfeld and Cheney are being hounded, and anti-war sentiment reaches new heights in the US, the old "enemy" rears his head again [MORE]
- Osama bin Laden is probably dead [MORE]
- Border Guardians Leader Calls for Violence Against Immigrants [MORE]
- CNN's "Brown People" Problem: Is Redneck Lou Dobbs' Anti-Immigration Coverage the exception—or the rule? [MORE]
- May 1st 2006 - Immigration General Strike Across the USA [MORE]
- Justice for Jude Rally [MORE]
- Media E-Mail addresses [MORE]
- US Government and Organized Crime Cooperated in the Killing of JFK MLK and RFK [MORE]
- Nagin, Landrieu to be in New Orleans Bogus Runoff Election [MORE]
- Weather Control [MORE]
- Wounded Cincinnati black activist dies [MORE]
- CIA Secret Marshall Plan for the Mind [MORE]
- Oba to be buried next to Owensby [MORE]
- Black Panthers celebrate first member's life: Participants find the positive in efforts of 'Little' Bobby Hutton, a self-taught Oakland revolutionary [MORE]
- Fueled by belligerent tactics and attention-getting publicity stunts, the number of hate groups in America rose 5% in 2005, capping a 33% rise over five years.

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