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Monday, August 2, 2004 at 04:15AM
COULD be that the world's oldest democracy is also the
most complacent. Gauged by at least one key statistic, the percentage
of eligible voters who actually vote, we're hardly a beacon to the
world anymore; in fact, we're in 139th place. In the 26 national
elections since 1945, the United States has had a participation rate
among its voting-age population of an anemic 48.3 percent, according to
the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.
This ranks it well behind not only the rest of the First World (Italy,
92.5 percent participation for the same time period; New Zealand, 86.2
percent; Austria, 85.1 percent; Germany, 80.6 percent), but also behind
such struggling, tentative democracies as Bosnia (82.8 percent),
Namibia (80.4 percent), Bulgaria (77.5 percent), Belize (72.1 percent),
Togo (69.3 percent), Grenada (64.8 percent), Nicaragua (62.0 percent)
the list goes on. And on. [more]