Passenger says Danroy Henry was Shot for No Reason: Black College Student Killed by Mt. Pleasant Police

From [HERE] Mt. Pleasant Police Officer Hess fired at Mr. Henry’s car as he drove away from a disturbance that spilled out of a bar in Thornwood after Pace’s homecoming game. Officer Hess was cleared of criminal wrongdoing by a grand jury.
Sometime after 1 a.m., a police officer from the nearby village of Pleasantville noticed an unruly crowd in the parking lot outside of Finnegan’s Grill and requested help from the Mount Pleasant Police Department, according to a statement released by the Mount Pleasant police. As officers arrived and tried to subdue the crowd, one of the officers approached Mr. Henry's car that was parked in the fire lane.
At a press conference today, Mr. Cox's father said that 'a police officer had asked Henry to move his car. As he drove away a police officer jumped in front of the car with his weapon drawn and pointed at the car and then started shooting into the car. Then the officer jumped onto the car and fired more shots through the windshield.'
"When you think about it this is America. That kind of thing shouldn't happen here. And to handcuff DJ, after he's been shot. And to lay him on the ground face down without giving him any medical treatment. And to be left there like some while wounded animal. On the side of the road. Without medical attention. That just shouldn't happen. That shouldn't happen. I was shocked DJ was shocked. His last words to Brandon were -they shot me they shot me they shot."
"You've heard accounts of the brawl in a bar. They had nothing to do it that. They were sitting outside in the car waiting for friends to come out. They get in the car and they were leaving. A police officer tapped on the window. They were asked to move the car because they were parked in a fire lane."
Several eyewitnesses say the police overreacted and that Henry was trying to move his car out of the fire lane when the police opened fire.
"The path of the bullet shows that as D.J. tried to move and get out of the vehicle, the officer shot directly at him," said Michael Sussman, an attorney for the Henry family, who disputes the police account of the incident.
His father stated ,"We do know that we live in America and -- wehave a system of laws. And that we hope that justice will prevail.
Mr. Cox said 'we are fortunate to still have Brandon.He was tograzed by a bullet he was shot -- us you can call it grazed if you want to. He was hit on his left shoulder -- inches from his heart. The hole is about an inch and a half long. Is very deep. If it weren't for all I him curling up and trying to move towards the window, two people would be dead.'
Advised not to speak about the facts of the case Bradon Cox said, "I am heartbroken. And we will we won't rest until we have justice. My friends life was taken for no reason."
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