Last month a court awarded a Black man's family $15 million after 30 White SWAT Cops responded to domestic call w/ tank, helicopter & snipers -even though there was no ongoing emergency and no hostage. A sniper murdered Leonard Thomas while holding his son & as he posed a threat to anyone. Cops rolled up to his house in a residential neighborhood in the above amored assault vehicle. [MORE]
Another Reminder from Trump that Blacks & Latinos "are simultaneously both enemies & slaves of the Corporate state - colonized, serveilled and patrolled" by Race Soldier Cops. From [HERE] The Trump administration is preparing to restore the flow of surplus military equipment to local law enforcement agencies under a program that had been sharply curtailed amid an outcry over police use of armored vehicles and other war-fighting gear to confront protesters.
Documents obtained by The Associated Press indicate President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order undoing an Obama administration directive that restricted police agencies’ access to the gear that includes grenade launchers, bullet-proof vests, riot shields, firearms and ammunition.
Trump’s order would fully restore the program under which “assets that would otherwise be scrapped can be repurposed to help state, local, and tribal law enforcement better protect public safety and reduce crime,” according to the documents.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions could outline the changes during a Monday speech to the national conference of the Fraternal Order of Police in Nashville, Tennessee, a person familiar with the matter said. The person insisted on anonymity to discuss the plan ahead of an official announcement.
The changes would be another way in which Trump and Sessions are enacting a law-and-order agenda that views federal support of local police as a way to drive down violent crime. However, the crime is already down. As Trump and Sessions insist to their moronic believers that crime is up despite double-digit percentage decreases in U.S. violent and property crime rates since 2008. [MORE] In other words this is more pre-text from Trump.
National police organizations have long been pushing Trump to hold his promise to once again make the equipment available to local and state police departments, many of which see it as needed to ensure officers aren’t put in danger when responding to active shooter calls and terrorist attacks. An armored vehicle played a key role in the police response to the December 2015 mass shooting in San Bernardino, California.
In 1990, Congress authorized the Pentagon to give surplus equipment to police to help fight drugs, which then gave way to the fight against terrorism. [the war on drugs is over now & crime is mad low].
Groups across the political spectrum have expressed concern about the militarization of police, arguing that the equipment encourages and escalates confrontations with officers. President Barack Obama issued an executive order in 2015 that severely limited the surplus program, partly triggered by public outrage over the use of military gear when during protests in Ferguson, Missouri, following the shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown. Police responded in riot gear and deployed tear gas, dogs and armored vehicles. At times they also pointed assault rifles at protesters.
Obama’s order prohibited the federal government from providing grenade launchers, bayonets, tracked armored vehicles, weaponized aircraft and vehicles, and firearms and ammunition of .50-caliber or greater to police. As of December, the agency overseeing the program had recalled at least 100 grenade launchers, more than 1,600 bayonets and 126 tracked vehicles — those that run on continuous, tank-like tracks instead of wheels — that were provided through the program.
During the video above ignorant Neo Nazi boss goes on & on about how Blacks are killing each other at will from coast coast. White peoples’ [especially racists] perceptions of crime continue to conflict with reality. The white votary's inability to see things as they really are with regard to crime [and so much more] has to do with the power of their belief in their fantasy of white supremacy/racism. [MORE] Despite double-digit percentage decreases in U.S. violent and property crime rates since 2008, most white voters say crime has gotten worse. [MORE] And Blacks & Latinos do all the "crimes."
Amos Wilson explains that alleged Black criminality plays a very important role in defining the collective White American ego and personality. [MORE] Racists project criminality upon Blacks in order to treat Blacks criminally and to simaultaneously feel good or moral about thermselves. Wilson states, such maneuvers are necessary in order to justify racist White American community's repression of African Americans and psychodynamically defend the collective White American ego complex. [MORE]
What's remarkable here is that Trump's moves are from an old war on drugs racist playbook. Which is really stupid in light of actual crime data, as the following article goes into [and see above article about Trump militarizing cops] and [MORE]. The racist mislead about rampant crime & Blacks back in the day at least provided a logical pre-text - because crime was actually high & open air drug markets existed. Now, Trump should really just say 'look yall, I really, really just hate niggers and spics.'
Wilson states;
'In its oppression of Black America, racist White America faces a major dilemma. The racist White ruling class seeks to project a self-image and public image which are liberal and nonviolent. It wishes to assume the appearance of being faithfully committed to protecting the constitutional and civil rights guarantees of all residents — regardless of race, color, creed, or condition of previous servitude — and to be perceived by them as inherently humane. At the same time the ruling class wishes to retain its power to rule, to maintain its tremendous wealth, power, hegemony and privileges. Thus it is confronted with a major contradiction: it cannot actualize its projected image and commitments without destroying the bases of its identity and power.[MORE]
Trump clearly blows the sheet off this cover image. Again, Trump is the opposite of what Neely Fuller calls the "refinement of white supremacy/racism." Your chains should be more visible now.
From [HERE] Throughout his campaign to become the next president of the United States, Donald Trump insisted that crime rates in the country were indeed skyrocketing. Painting a picture of a crime-ridden nation and vowing to fix it was no doubt part of Trump’s strategy to win the election. He spoke of how criminal activity and street crime, in particular, has stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential.
To further explain his point, Trump brought up violent crime and murder rates, which focuses on a one-year uptick but ignores the long-term trend. Data from the FBI demonstrated that overall violent crimes in the U.S. increased by almost four percent from 2014 to 2015, and murder and nonnegligent manslaughter went up by 10.8 percent. While the number went up in that one year, crime rates in America are still considerably lower than they have been in several years. Even criminology and statistics experts can’t discern a trend from such a small snapshot in time, basically saying that “the average person in an urban area is safer walking on the street today than he or she would have been at almost any time in the past 30 years.”
But Donald Trump basically used that one year to make his case, which is ridiculous because he is actually inheriting a country with a lower crime rate than the one Barack Obama took command of in 2009. Even nonviolent “property” crimes continued to decrease in the first half of 2016. Statistics show that in 2015, Americans were 23 percent less likely to be a victim of burglary, auto theft, or other property crimes than they were in 2008. And the number of property crimes only went decreased further in the first six months of last year.
From [HERE] and [HERE] Colbert, Oklahoma, interim police chief Bart Alsbrook is resigning after local news reporters linked him to two white supremacist organizations.
The websites for ISD Records and NS88 Videos, which both offer neo-Nazi materials, are registered to Alsbrook’s name and home address in internet domain records and public business records.
Alsbrook says he is not behind the pair of websites. Instead, he alleges that his name was used by members of the groups who bear him personal animus. But the just-appointed chief of the 1,140-person town is stepping down nonetheless.
“When we called him back to ask him about it, Alsbrook claimed a group of skinheads stole his wallet and began using his name after a fight at a heavy metal concert in the 1990s,” the KXII News 12 report said. The pair of websites were taken offline within two hours, after reporters called Alsbrook for comment, the report said.
There is no other person named Bart Alsbrook in the United States, the local news affiliate reported.
The former officer’s ties to white supremacist organizations date back to at least 2005, when the Southern Poverty Law Center identified him as the Texas state chapter leader for the race-hate group Blood And Honour.
Reporters from the Tulsa World “learned that Alsbrook’s name was also used to attempt to register the trademark ‘Blood Honour’ in 2005,” the paper wrote.
Colbert is a tiny community just north of the Texas border, but its civic life hasn’t exactly been sleepy in the past few years. Alsbrook’s predecessor atop the Colbert police force was fired in March over a dispute with other city leaders, who reportedly closed City Hall for the day once local journalists showed up asking questions about the termination. It was the second time in 18 months that Colbert’s elected leaders have ousted a police chief. Whenever Alsbrook’s replacement is named, he or she will be the fourth chief of police there in less than 2 years.
Colbert is a town with a population of 1,140. It is 17% Black and 4% Native American. [MORE]
Alsbrook’s scandal is atypical in that he appears to be the owner of two race-hate sites. But police officers have been caught tossing prejudiced and bigoted comments around on social media frequently, and racist internet activity has brought down cops repeatedly in recent years.
Felony Committed in Front of Cops. Arrested 2 Weeks Later in White Over Black System of Unequal Power. ACLU of VA released this video today from Charlottesville on Aug. 12. "We handed this video to law enforcement agencies and the man has been arrested and charged with a crime."
From [HERE] and [HERE] A white man attending the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, earlier this month fired his gun in the direction of a black counterprotester who was holding a torch, and police in their vicinity did not seem to respond. It was not in self defense.
Those events appear in a video filmed two weeks ago by a volunteer with the American Civil Liberties Union of Virginia and published by the civil rights group on Saturday.
As seen in the footage below, a man in a blue sleeveless shirt, a green vest and a bandana on his head pulls out a gun and aims it at a counterprotester, who is off camera and appears to be holding a makeshift lit torch. The first man appears to yell a "here nigger" or "hey nigger" at the black man, then fires the gun toward the ground in the direction of the counterprotesters.
The white shooter then leaves the scene by joining a line of white supremacist protesters and walking right past law enforcement officers, who were standing behind metal barricades about 10 feet away watching the entire time.
Police arrested Richard Wilson Preston, 52, in connection with the incident in the video above, the Daily Progress reported on Saturday. Wilson was charged with discharging a firearm within 1,000 feet of a school during the so-called “Unite The Right” rally on Aug. 12. He is in custody in Towson, Maryland.
Rosia Parker, a Charlottesville activist who was there when the man fired his gun, told the New York Times that police did nothing when the shooting occurred.
“We all heard it and ran ― I know damn well they heard it,” Parker told the Times, referencing the police who were standing behind the barricades. “They never moved.”
Corinne Geller, a white spokeswoman for the Virginia State Police, told the newspaper that troopers did not react to the shooting because they couldn’t hear the gun being fired over “the loud volume of the crowd yelling and chanting, drums and music.”
“Had any one of our troopers witnessed that incident they would have immediately acted just as they did for the other four arrests made during the weekend,” Geller told the Times. [MORE]
Videos Show Slow Police Response to Violent Protests in Charlottesville.
Rather than looking at the mirror, other neuropeons have simply denied that Charlottsville actually happened, claiming it was a staged hoax [MORE] and many neuropeans minimize what went on. [MORE]
Pledge of Allegiance- (to the Federal Flag)—did not exist until 1892. The pledge of allegiance was written by a flag manufacturer and merchant, Francis Bellamy, ostensibly for a boy's magazine entitled "'The Youth's Companion," as part of a promotion (to sell his wares) celebrating the fictitious Pirate's Day (Columbus Day). Next time someone wants you to pledge allegiance to the flag, better think about the God-given rights you are waiving instead of watching the flag waving. (See: National Flag, Citizen of the United States. Rights, Congress, Slavery, US. Citizen, Allegiance & Citizens)
Patriotism: the degree of voluntary servitude evinced.2) the result of one successful treason - until the next one is necessary. 3) re-inforced mindless symbolic conformism. (See U.S. citizen, Treason, USA, Corporate State, Nation, U.S. Senate, Country, Congress, Constitution & Human Resources).
The Tali-Ban Treatment. Dr. Amos Wilson explained, Any act or attitude on the part of Blacks which appears to White Americans to defy White American authority, control or dominance is a problem to racists.' [MORE]
From [HERE] In a message impliedly aimed at Colin Kapernick and anyone engaged in free thinking, Cowboys owner Jerry Jones emphasized the importance of his players respecting the flag.
"I just feel so strongly that the act of recognizing the flag is a salute to our country and all of the people that have sacrificed so that we can have the liberties we have," Jones said earlier this week on The Fan's Shan and RJ radio show, as reported by "I feel very strongly that everyone should save that moment for the recognition of the flag in a positive way, so I like the way the Cowboys do it."
Cowboys coach Jason Garrett expressed much of the same sentiment last week, as reported by, so the organization seems to be on the same page.
"The national anthem is sacred. The flag is sacred," he said. "And our team has demonstrated that." [MORE]
From [HERE] A civil rights attorney has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) alleging AT&T has discriminated against low-income communities by failing to provide access to its high-speed internet service, the Hill reported.
The complaint was filed by Daryl Parks—best known for representing the family of Trayvon Martin after he was fatally shot by George Zimmerman in 2012—on behalf of three black women in Cleveland who claim their neighborhoods have not been provided the same access to broadband services as surrounding areas.
While the FCC will determine the veracity of the claims, the women are backed by evidence of known disparities in internet access in the Cleveland area. A report published earlier this year by
The National Digital Inclusion Alliance (NDIA) and Connect Your Community (CYC) found what the groups called “clear evidence” of AT&T refusing to bring its fiber-enhanced broadband to neighborhoods with a high poverty rate.
The report found AT&T chose not to expand its high-speed internet infrastructure to a number of areas in Cleveland that had a poverty rate of above 35 percent. Those areas were instead saddled with a downgraded version of the AT&T Network that was only capable of achieving download speeds of 3Mbps or less—well below the threshold for broadband speeds of 25Mbps or more.
The three clients represented by Parks claim to pay for premium broadband internet but receive much slower speeds than advertised. One of the women said she spent $1,500 on an internet-connected security system for her home only to find it incapable of working because of the slow internet service from AT&T.
From [HERE] Pretty much everyone who spends any time examining the American system of secured cash bail comes away with the same conclusion: It’s unjust, expensive and ineffective, even counterproductive. People charged with crimes — all of whom are presumed innocent — get locked up for days, weeks or months not because they pose a risk of fleeing or endangering the public but simply because they’re too poor to buy their freedom.
The harm that even short-term detention can cause is profound. Jobs are lost, children are removed and lives fall apart, setting off even more of the instability that is itself a predictor of crime.
The growing consensus against cash bail cuts across party lines, and includes law enforcement leaders, prosecutors, defense lawyers, the courts and religious leaders.
The only defender of the system, it seems, is the industry that profits from it. States and localities around the country have begun imposing long overdue reforms to their bail systems. But the multibillion-dollar bail-bond industry, which charges defendants to guarantee their appearance in court, is pushing hard in the other direction. The Times reported Monday on two lawsuits filed in federal court in New Jersey over the summer challenging a new state law that essentially eliminates money bail. Another suit, in New Mexico, challenges that state’s Supreme Court’s new rules governing bail. The industry is also fighting federal bail reform legislation.
From [HERE] It's no secret there are ethnic and racial disparities in the U.S. prison system.
A study recently examined the large gap concerning drug sentencing in American prisons. The research, published by Recovery, an organization that connects people with resources to help them deal with substance abuse and behavioral disorders, used by data from the U.S. Sentencing Commission.
One of the largest racial disparity in drug sentencing for Latinos was related to meth convictions. Believe it or not, Hispanic offenders received almost twice as many months on average than white offenders. Interesting enough, a study conducted by the National Survey on Drug Use and Health back in 2015, showed that only 9.2% of Hispanic individuals had used illicit drugs in the past month, compared to 10.2% of white respondents.
The study also highlighted how Latinos accused of drug offenses were more likely to receive a prison sentence than White offenders. Just how much more, you ask? For Latinos, about 73% of the time there was a prison sentence, compared to just 36% for White defendants, and about 46% for Black defendants. That's nearly double the amount as White offenders, who were most likely to simply receive a fine.
Ku Klux Klan - the second most overwhelming and convincing argument against the theory of "white" racial superiority and albino domination, the first being melanin deficiency/recessive genes. The KKK comprise mostly low-IQ, low-life, semi-illiterate, irate unpaid voluntary mercenaries of the Xian God-All-Whitey within the ignorant sections of the in-bred lunchin' pale white trailer-trash white working class, who feel that its current version of the overruling elitist white supremacy racist power dynamic is too rigid, monolithic, inefficient and slow. (See: Weiteko Disease. Overruling Class & Yurugu) from FUNKTIONARY
From [HERE] A member of an Ohio-based white supremacist group affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan says his organization is recruiting members in Ohio and plans to hold a rally next month.
The Akron Beacon Journal reports Terry Greathouse of the Ohio realm of the East Coast Knights, a KKK-affiliated group, says his organization has been targeting eastern Ohio counties because of growing interest there and the area’s history of KKK involvement.
Flyers from the group have been found in and around Wooster, a city in Wayne County nearly 60 miles (97 kilometers) south of downtown Cleveland.
The local NAACP chapter and other organizations plan to hold a rally Sunday opposing racial hatred.
Police State [Open Season on Non-Whites]. From [HERE] As a powerful hurricane bore down on Texas, President Trump on Friday sneakily pardoned Joe Arpaio, the former Arizona sheriff whose aggressive efforts to hunt down and detain non-white undocumented immigrants made him a national symbol of the divisive politics of immigration and earned him a criminal contempt conviction.
In a two-paragraph statement, the White House said that Mr. Arpaio gave “years of admirable service to our nation” and called him a “worthy candidate for a presidential pardon.”
Arpaio’s abject treatment of incarcerated non-white immigrants and other detainees at the outdoors Tent City in triple-digit Arizona desert heat vaulted him to nationwide fame. He routinely disparaged Latinos using derogatory terms like “wetback,” “Mexican bitches,” “fucking Mexicans,” and “stupid Mexicans.” He has forced detainees to wear pink underwear and trotted them out in public to humiliate them. And his immigration raids were indiscriminate — children and pregnant women were among those detained and handcuffed. Arpaio also once promised to issue automatic weapons to his deputies to catch “illegal aliens attempting to escape.” [MORE]
In 2007 Arpaio went on the CNN Lou Dobbs show and said he considered a comparison between his department and the Ku Klux Klan to be "an honor." [MORE].
Arapio accepted the support of Neo-Nazis. In photo, with Neo-Nazi Vito Lombardi at a march in Phoenix. [MORE] and [MORE]
"With his pardon of Arpaio, Trump has chosen lawlessness over justice, division over unity, hurt over healing,” ACLU deputy legal director Cecillia Wang said in a statement.
“Once again, the president has acted in support of illegal, failed immigration enforcement practices that target people of color and have been struck down by the courts.”
“His pardon of Arpaio is a presidential endorsement of racism.” [MORE]
This pardon is another signal to racists in uniform and out of uniform that they have a green light to act genocidally toward non-whites. [MORE] As Doc Blynd explains, it is also a reminder that non-whites "are simultaneously both enemies and slaves of the Corporate state - colonized, serveilled and patrolled by the desensitized and lobotomized drones of the colonizers." [MORE]
Mr. Trump, a psychopathic moron, called Mr. Arpaio “an American patriot” in a tweet later Friday. “He kept Arizona safe!” the president said.
He was found guilty of criminal contempt after defying a judge’s order to stop racially profiling non-white immigrants in violation of the 4th Amendment of the Constitution, according to the court decision.
Skin Color was the Criteria. The charge followed a 2011 court order by U.S. District Court Judge Murray Snow forcing Arpaio to stop racial profiling people based on the color of their skin. Arpaio’s police department was found to routinely racially profile Latinos, by prolonging traffic stops to determine the immigration status of individuals. In violation of the 4th Amendment Officers stopped people merely on the belief that 'they looked illegal.'
The court cited Arpaio’s willingness to “continue to keep doing what he had been doing” even though the 2012 preliminary injunction required that he stop pursuing the arrest or detention of people “merely based on the belief or suspicion, or reality, that they were here in this country illegally alone.” The court also indicated that Arpaio failed to follow up with his subordinates to see if the order was being complied with.
“Not only did Defendant abdicate responsibility, he announced to the world and to his subordinates that he was going to continue business as usual no matter who said otherwise,” the ruling pointed out.
President of the Racists Abused His Power. This pardon was not done for the general welfare. Trump used his pardon power to block a federal judge’s effort to enforce the Constitutional rights of non-whites. Arpaio's failure to comply with the court order was not due to incompetence, misunderstanding, poor training or poor organization wthin his department. Rather, his failure to comply as an officer sworn to uphold the Constitution, was intentional - hence, his misdemeanor conviction for criminal contempt. With his pardon racist Trump is expressing contempt for Non-Whites and the Constitution.
Harvard law professor Noah Feldman explained on Bloomberg View. “His actions defied the Constitution itself, the bedrock of the entire system of government.” By saying Mr. Arpaio’s offense was forgivable, Professor Feldman added, Mr. Trump threatens “the very structure on which his right to pardon is based.” [MORE]
The question is how low will this dumb motherfucker go? Trump is obsessed with skin color. Dr. Blynd explains Racism white supremacy is psychopathic degeneracy. Suffering from the disease of constant comparison, racists & their cartoon beliefs [imagining themselves to be a part of a hierarchy wherein persons unable to produce color & lacking melanin are supreme; imagining themselves to be higher than whatever they imagine you to be and believing they are a separate human species or "other" to you] are in a state of non-reality, a play world. However, with the power to project their nonsense into reality racists like Trump are dangerous to the world. Indeed, Dr. Frances Cress Wesling explained that racists will do anything to attain their mindless goals and "their dominant occupation is the destruction of the universe." [MORE] and [MORE].
Stopping, Frisking & Demanding Identification from Non-whites for No Valid Reason.In order for the police to stop you the Supreme Court has ruled that the 4th Amendment requires police to have a reasonable articulable suspicion that there is criminal activity afoot and the person detained is involved in the activity. In order to frisk you the Supreme Court has ruled that police must have independent, reasonable articulable suspicion that the person is armed and dangerous before they may touch you (a cursory patdown of outer clothing for weapons). Police may not act on on the basis of an inchoate and unparticularized suspicion or a hunch - there must be some specific articulable facts along with reasonable inferences from those facts to justify the intrusion.[MORE] Clearly, these rules are only intended for white people. [MORE]
Targeted by Skin Color.In Nazi Germany , as part of the destruction process of the Jews, the Nazi's marked Jews with a star. Without the stars (and meticulous recordkeeping) there was no way to tell who was a semite and who was not. Nazi's created an elaborate system of movement restrictions and identification measures that included personal Jew identification cards, passports marked with a J, assignment of names and the outward marking of persons with a yellow star. Jews were only allowed to appear in public when wearing the Jewish star. [MORE]
According to Raul Hilberg: "the whole identification system, with its personal documents, specially assigned names, and conspicuous tagging in public, was a powerful weapon in the hands of the police. It was a control measure in that it enabled the police to pick up any Jew, anywhere, anytime. [MORE] Sound familiar?
In this system of racism/white supremacy there is no need for any such star - non-whites are targeted by skin color [MORE] and [MORE] and [HERE].
The elite media has labelled Arpaio's policy or "papers please" or "show me your papers" laws as anti-Hispanic. That is half truth. Certainly they affect Latinos [white immigrants are always exempt]. But these unconstitutional laws also target anyone else with Brown or Black skin who an officer subjectively believes might be illegal based on physical characteristics. Thus, Africans, Carribeans, Asians, Indians, Arabs and even African Americans can be stopped & detained if they subjectively appear to be undocumented to a cop [however that looks]. And this is where we say something like 'this is "arbitrary" and "repugnant to the Constitution" blah blah.' But, the system of racism is the context or reality we face and the 4th Amendment is just words on paper and it does not protect us.
From [MintPress] This week, President Donald Trump, just like Obama, promised to continue the utterly corrupt failure of a brutal occupation that is Afghanistan—despite running on a campaign to end it. For decades, the United States has been subsidizing—to the tune of billions of US tax dollars—failed projects, infrastructure, military, police, and yes, even terrorism. Yet Afghanistan is worse off today than they were before the government lied to Americans, claiming they were responsible for 9/11 instead of Saudi Arabia.
In a recent speech on the state of the Afghanistan quagmire, Congressman Thomas Massie (R) KY, exposed some hard truths that very few people in Washington are courageous enough to address.
According to Congressman Thomas Massie (R) KY, the US is protecting and funding the drug trade.
The US has spent $8 billion failing to eradicate the Afghan opium trade. Not only did the this massive amount of money not stop the opium trade and production but it doubled it!
Western profiteers are making a figurative killing off of heroin for the literal killing of people in Afghanistan.
It is also no secret that Afghanistan opium production has increased by 3,500 percent, from 185 tons in 2001 to 6,400 in 2015, since the US-led invasion.
Afghanistan's opium poppy production goes into more than 90% of heroin worldwide. Afghanistan has been the world's greatest illicit opium producer, ahead of Burma (Myanmar), the "Golden Triangle", and Latin America since 1992, excluding the year 2001. [MORE]
In the video above, Massie explains how he asked the inspector general why they don’t just spray herbicide on all the poppy fields to eradicate the plants. Massie was told they cannot eradicate the plants as the Taliban needs the money from opium production.
“By the way,” Massie explained, “The Taliban used to prevent people from growing poppy.”
If you think that Trump doesn’t know that a continued US occupation of Afghanistan will lead to a larger heroin epidemic, more innocent civilians killed, more troops needless dying, and more terrorism, think again. For years, Trump decried the war on Terror, pointing out the horrific nature of occupation.
As you listen to the speech below, remember, every single representative, senator, and adviser, all the way up to Trump, knows these facts, yet they choose to perpetuate them.
This is not only shameful—it’s criminal. Troops aren’t protecting your freedom in Afghanistan, they are being used to enrich a corrupt group of sadistic elites. Please share this article with your friends and family to show them the destructive, deadly, and criminal act of continuing a war in Afghanistan.
[MORE] and [MORE] Racism - White Degeneracy wrongly cast as Supremacy. [FUNKTIONARY]
Trump is the opposite of what Neely Fuller calls the "refinement of white supremacy." He is a regression who belongs to an older operating system (OS) of racism/white supremacy. Consequently, your chains should be more visible now!
From [THE INTERCEPT] Amid the deluge of scandal, incompetence, and bigotry emanating from the Trump White House, the relative calm of the Obama era seems like a far-off galaxy. The reality that Trump may not even finish a full term as president, either due to removal or resignation, means that the palace intrigue must be reported on thoroughly by the press. But a dangerous consequence of the overwhelming, obsessive focus on the daily Trump affairs is a virtual dearth of coverage on the permanent, unelected institutions of U.S. power, namely the military and the CIA.
Spend just a moment studying moves of the Pentagon and Langley during the Trump era, and you will find that very little has changed in their post-9/11 course. Covert operations continue unabated throughout the Arab world and, increasingly, in Somalia. The U.S. remains in Iraq and Afghanistan and is becoming entrenched more deeply in Syria. If anything, the military and CIA are less restrained and are in greater control of decisions — that arguably create policy rather than implement it — than they were under Obama. And civilians are being killed at a greater rate under Trump, particularly in Iraq and Syria. There are reports that Trump has delegated more unilateral authority to the commanders than his predecessor and has relaxed rules ostensibly put in place to minimize civilian deaths. He has surrounded himself with generals who have spent their lives studying and preparing for war and know how to marshal the resources needed for overt and covert campaigns. This — combined with Trump’s questionable sanity, his pathological addiction to television and Twitter, and his compulsive need to respond to random pundits and congressmen at all hours — removes a crucial component of civilian oversight of the world’s most lethal force.
Years from now, when honest historians and scholars examine the Trump moment, it is certain that among the greatest beneficiaries of his presidency will be the military and CIA. But it would be a mistake to attribute this exclusively to Trump. During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump, Hillary Clinton — and yes, even Bernie Sanders — all made clear that they supported and would continue the “targeted killing” program.
George W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld, and Dick Cheney used 9/11 to take the leash off the most unsavory forces in the military and CIA. They empowered the elite Joint Special Operations Command to wage a global, covert war replete with operations kept secret even from U.S. ambassadors and the State Department. The CIA set up black sites and conducted heinous acts of torture with the White House’s blessing.
While Barack Obama did roll back some of the most blatant activities enthusiastically endorsed by Bush and Cheney, he was also a careful manager of empire and in key ways, served as a launderer for operations of some of the most aggressive forces in the U.S. arsenal. He used his credibility among liberals — and the derision hurled at him by conservatives who characterized him as an Islamic-radical-friendly socialist — to legitimize assassination and covert offensive military actions as lawful, moral, and necessary. The patently false allegations from the right that Obama was somehow a dove only served to undermine the severity of military and paramilitary actions he authorized and expanded. In reality, Obama teed up the special operations forces and spooks for Trump to (inadvertently) guide to a new golden age.
Although much attention has been paid to the technology of remote killing, the focus on drones has been in many ways a distraction, a surrogate for what should be a broad examination of the state’s power over life and death. Whether extrajudicial killings are carried out by drones or manned aircraft or special forces operators on the ground, the result is the same. Drones are a tool, not a policy. The policy is assassination.
In the waning months of the Obama presidency, the administration slowly and inadequately revealed some details on the secret drone-based U.S. assassination program. It asserted that a small number of civilians had been killed, and that drone strikes were lawful and generally accurate. Yet by the time Trump took the oath as the 45th American president, the public still remained largely in the dark about the secret process used to decide whose name gets placed on the kill list and the standards used to determine if those people will receive the death penalty without even the pretense of a trial. There was no public accounting by the Obama administration for the countless special operations ground raids conducted across the globe. Those raids and the drone strikes continue, but Trump and his advisers have only been asked about it when U.S. personnel are killed.
The Obama administration boasted its efforts to create a “durable legal and policy framework to guide our counterterrorism actions,” yet it shrouded that framework in secrecy, precluding a full democratic debate over the government’s policy of remotely killing unarmed and unknown people. There is zero chance any such debate will happen under Trump, so the best information available to the public on how the assassination program functions is from the end of Obama’s time in office.
Stockpiling the Prisons. From [HERE] The brutal 2008 Postville, Iowa, immigration raid that resulted in the arrests of nearly 400 immigrant workers remains one of the largest—and cruelest—raids in U.S. history. Women locked themselves in restrooms to hide while others ran into nearby cornfields to escape federal immigration agents. Families were broken and torn apart as frantic parents called friends to beg them to watch over their children. “They rounded us up toward the middle like a bunch of chickens,” recalled one worker, among the many transported to Waterloo for processing at a converted fairground.
There, hundreds of these undocumented immigrant workers were convicted to months in federal prison in a subsequent “judicial assembly line” that immigrant rights leader Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) called “a cattle auction, not a criminal prosecution in the United States of America.” It was a “cattle auction” overseen by chief judge of the Northern District of Iowa Linda R. Reade who, according to an investigation from Mother Jones, was sentencing immigrants as her husband was purchasing stock in private prison companies:
Yet amid the national attention, one fact didn’t make the news: Before and after the raid, Reade’s husband owned stock in two private prison companies, and he bought additional prison stock five days before the raid, according to Reade’s financial disclosure forms. Ethics experts say these investments were inappropriate and may have violated the Code of Conduct for United States Judges.
Reade’s husband bought between $30,000 and $100,000 worth of additional CCA and GEO Group stock five days before the Postville raid, according to her financial disclosure forms. When he sold his prison stocks about five months later, they were collectively worth between $65,000 and $150,000. He bought more CCA stock in November 2008 and more GEO Group stock in March 2009 and held them until February 2011. (A request for Reade’s financial disclosures from 2013 to the present has not yet been fulfilled.) Reade’s disclosure forms show that she and her husband did not buy any other stocks during the month of the raid.
“I don’t think a judge who handles criminal cases should ever be buying and selling stocks in private prisons,” says Richard Flamm, an ethics expert on judicial disqualification. “And of course, if her spouse does it, it’s functionally the same thing.”
According to emails and memos from Immigration and Customs Enforcement later obtained by the defense attorneys, Reade repeatedly met with immigration officials and federal prosecutors in the months before the bust. In March 2008, Reade attended a meeting with officials from the US Attorney’s Office where “parties discussed an overview of charging strategies,” according to ICE memoranda cited in court documents. She learned that about 700 arrests were anticipated and, in the words of an ICE memo, “indicated full support for the initiative.” (Reade later denied expressing personal support for the raid.)