"Whither goest thou white man?" Racism as Genetic Survival - A Response to "Human Extinction without a Squeak"

An article entitled "Human Extinction without a Squeak" re-posted by various so-called lefty sites asks, 'If environmental problems are so serious, if we are really threatened by global ecological collapse, why is no one doing anything about these very real issues threatening long term human survival?' The article goes on to note the following;
1) Ecosystems do not react linearly to change, but abruptly switch states (Schaeffer, 2001). 2) That the global biosphere or global network of ecosystems, is threatening to shift states, if just 7% more ecosystems shift states (collapse at 50% and we are currently at 43%) (Barnosky, 2012). 3) Managers, planners, and politicians are not coordinating with scientists or experts (Staudinger: Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment, 2012). 4) Evolution is far less likely than extinction (Schwartz, 2006). [MORE]
BW posits the following answer: a substantial number of white people are predominantly occupied with the destruction of the universe. Therefore, those in the power class could care less about the above stated life threatening concerns. BW adds number 5 to the list, which in direct contrast has been of major concern to white people and those who classify themselves as white.
5) By the year 2073 the white population will represent fewer than 3% of the people on the planet. The white population is rapidly declining. When white persons intermix or have sexual relations with non-whites their offspring is non-white -- because white people are genetic recessive. What will be done about this endangerment to the survival of white people? White Supremacy. White people practice racism to survive -- the operating system of white supremacy functions to keep them alive.
Indeed, if white people had not created such a global system in which they established power over the world's non-white majority, the white collective would have been genetically extinct a long time ago.
As stated by Cress Welsing, "the war for white genetic survival is conducted simultaneously on nine battle fronts: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and (military) war."
Because Blacks and other non-white people have failed to understand racism as white genetic survival, they erroneously have believed that they could be integrated into the white supremacy system. Blacks and other non-whites have failed to understand that if white people were to do this, it would mean active white participation in white genocide. Non-white people must master this perception of racism as a war for white genetic survival, a system into which non-white people never can be integrated."
Ignorance of this permanent circumstance could lead to the genocide of non-white people. It has been done before. Jews in Nazi Germany believed that they were fully assimilated and thoroughly integrated into German society as German citizens prior to their destruction. In fact, the Holocaust seemed to come without warning to Jews who were not paying attention - as there was little physical opposition to their slaughter and protest activities were designed as "alleviation attempts" (petitions, protection payments, anticipatory compliance, relief, rescue etc.) or to avert danger or diminish, minimize its effects.[MORE]
Here then, the 5 steps to responding to an emergency offered by the author of "Human Extinction without a Squeak" maybe useful to non-whites as they create new counter-racist strategy for their own survival;
"There is a 5 step process for helping an emergency first characterized by Darley and Latane in 1968.
The 1st step is to notice the emergency itself, which can be hindered by distractions or preoccupation.
The 2nd step is to classify it as an emergency, meaning to recognize what is really going on, and this can be hindered by pluralistic ignorance -when a group of people do not notice an emergency because those around them are simultaneously not noticing or reacting to the emergency: it is thus assumed there is no emergency-.
The 3rd step is to take responsibility in the emergency. Studies show that the more people present at an emergency, the lower the chance is that someone will help. This is known as the bystander effect and creates a diffusion of responsibility, which leads the individuals to feeling less responsible for what is going on: “not my problem”. This means that a lone individual is far more likely to help you than that same person within a group.
The 4th step is to know what to do, and the 5th step is to do it. But, even after taking responsibility and knowing what to do, it is possible someone will not help due to social inhibition. This is where the social context, or social norms, prevent or dissuade helping in the situation." [MORE]
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