[Still Don't Give a Fuck About Trump? Answer: Nope] Trump Praises Adviser Who Called for Hillary Clinton’s Execution - in 1 Party election hoax with 1 Candidate
From [HERE] Republican [the other white party] presidential nominee Donald Trump has confirmed that his adviser who once called for Hillary Clinton’s execution is still part of the campaign.
Trump gave a shout-out to his veteran’s adviser, Al Baldasaro, during a campaign rally in Windham, New Hampshire on Saturday. “Al has been so great,” Trump said. “Where’s Al? Where’s my vet?”
Baldasaro, a Republican state representative from New Hampshire, called for Hillary Clinton’s execution by firing squad in a radio interview last month after receiving a question about whether she is responsible for the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya in 2012. “This whole thing disgusts me, Hillary Clinton should be put in the firing line and shot for treason,” Baldasaro said during the interview, and then proceeded to call her a “piece of garbage.”
After the comments, Trump campaign spokesperson Hope Hicks said the campaign was “incredibly grateful for his support, but we don’t agree with his comments.”
But Trump’s comments on Saturday reveal that no action was taken, and Baldasaro is still a part of the campaign.
Despite being a veteran’s adviser, Baldasaro has also joined the smear campaign against Khizr Khan, the father of a fallen Muslim American Army captain who spoke against Donald Trump at the Democratic National Convention last month. Baldasaro shared an article from an anti-Islam conspiracy site painting Khan as a Muslim Brotherhood agent on Twitter multiple times. [MORE]
Yesterday, the Republican presidential nominee made a statement that was far more similar to Brandenberg’s than one would expect from someone who wants to become the Leader of the Free World. “If [Hillary Clinton] gets to pick her judges — there’s nothing you can do, folks,” Donald Trump told a campaign rally. Then he added an allusion to violence: “although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.” [MORE]
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