['Keep the Piece bruh'] Black, Gun-Owning Congressman Says the NRA Doesn’t Care About Black People

Should Only Cops Have Guns? From [HERE] On Friday Rep. Cedric Richmond (D-LA), himself a gun owner, aimed sharp criticism as the National Rifle Association, the nation’s premiere pro-gun lobby group, for issuing a formal statement of condolence for the Dallas police officers killed this week but not for the two black gun owners killed by police in Minnesota and Louisiana.
Rep. Richmond gave a passionate speech accusing the NRA of not carrying about the welfare of black people.
“The hypocrisy there is so blatant,” he said. “I always thought the NRA was not concerned about me. And I hunt and I fish and I own a gun. But the last few days have clarified it for me — that their Second Amendment concern is not a voice of concern for African Americans. And I just believe that we cannot give them a pass on not making a comment.”
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