Senator: "Ferguson shooting proves need for racial profiling bill" - (civil rights laws are enforced [police], funded [legislators], administered [prosecutors] and remedied [judges] by white folks [racist suspects])

'Civil rights is not liberation. If there is a choice between your survival and white peoples then they will ignore the law and do whatever they please in a white over black system. Your salvation is more likely to lie in power not in hoping for the good will of white people or on laws on the books.' [MORE]
Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) called on Congress to pass his bill that aims to end racial profiling after an unarmed black teenager was shot and killed in Ferguson, Mo.
“This cycle of needlessly sacrificing our teens to violent ends must end,” Cardin said Friday. “Congress should take up and pass my bill, the End Racial Profiling Act [S. 1038].” Cardin’s bill would support programs to educate law enforcement officials in the differences between suspect descriptions and racial profiling.
“Racial profiling is un-American. It has no place within the values of our country,” Cardin said. “As far too many of our communities have learned, people can be hurt.”
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