Because their lives in service of white domination matter more than yours: NYC Race Soldier Cops Host a Funeral Fit for a King

From [HERE] Vice President Biden honored Rafael Ramos at the slain New York police officer's funeral Saturday. He spoke of Ramos and his partner, officer Wenjian Liu, who were shot and killed Dec. 20, ambushed as they sat in their squad car.
"Being a cop was not what they did, it was who they were," Biden said.
Motioning to a sea of blue, the police seated in the church where the funeral was held, Biden said, "It's who you are." "You all joined for essentially the same reason. There was something about you that made you think that you could help. That you had a duty." That duty, Biden said, was to the rule of law.
The sentiment was echoed by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo. "We are a nation of laws. We are a state of laws. We are a city of laws," he said.
Speaking to the officers in the room, he said, "You represent those laws. No one, no group is above the law. The threats against New York's police are an insult to law-abiding New Yorkers and they will not be tolerated."
A recurring theme at the funeral was the divisiveness caused by the deaths of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo., and Eric Garner on Staten Island, and how the nation must overcome it.
"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind," Biden told the mourners, quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Although some in the nation might "fear diversity, we celebrate it," Cuomo said. "Yes, we have questions" arising out of recent cases, but with study and reflection those can be overcome, he said.
New York City Police Commissioner William Bratton also spoke and announced to applause that he was appointing Ramos an honorary chaplain of the 84th Precinct in New York. Ramos had been studying to become a lay chaplain when he was killed. He kept a Bible in his police locker, Biden said.[MORE]
'Cops fly free.' JetBlue Offered to fly law enforcement to NYPD funerals for free [offer not good for civilians, restrictions might apply in areas that actually indict cops who kill Black folks.]
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