'Here Niggerzz:' The President's Four Point Plan "to Mend Police Community Relations" without Doing Anything About the Vast Unequal Power Between Blacks & Whites

Obama's Plan Sounds Like Some Bullshit because It is. ABC News reports: With fallout from Ferguson, Missouri, in the spotlight, President Obama announced new action today aimed at boosting accountability of local law enforcement and improving policing policies in minority communities. [Police brutality and the justifiable homicide of Blacks is caused by white supremacy/racism. Of course police also get out of line with white folks. But by and large, white folks including white cops treat each other humanely. However, in their relations with non-whites, for the most part whites function as psychopaths. Did you know that in the history of law enforcement "there has never been a single instance of a black police officer shooting or killing an unarmed white person? Ever. Anon says, "this is not surprising but it is absolute proof that the black individual operating within a system of white supremacy cannot mistreat whites even if he or she is wearing a uniform, a badge, and carrying a gun." [MORE] Here are the top four pieces of the President's plan:
1. 50,000 Police Body Cameras
Obama will ask Congress for $75 million over three years to subsidize the purchase of up to 50,000 body-worn cameras for local police, according to the White House. The lapel-mounted devices, which record police officers on the job, have won praise from both civil rights advocates and local police union officials who want better documentation of police conduct and that of those they interact with. White House officials believe the cameras would also help improve trust between communities and their police forces. The program is one piece of a $263 million budget request that also includes money for training of law enforcement officers and more resources to reform police departments, administration officials said. [Will camera footage be in HD or 1080 format? Could be a remarkable upgrade compared to the home captured images of Black men being murdered & brutalized on YouTube. Anyway, would a bodycam have helped Eric Garner or Rodney King? Sounds real. A good start here.]
2. Task Force on Police Practices
Obama has appointed Philadelphia Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey and former Assistant Attorney General and George Mason University professor Laurie Robinson to chair a task force on modern police practices. It will produce a report by late February with recommendations on how to "promote effective crime reduction while building public trust," according to the White House. [some good reading here. Will they conclude that police brutality exists or will it be inconclusive like a UFO study? Not that the direct knowledge from our own personal experience doesn't matter but we Always can use more & more data to figure out whether racism exists or not. Can't wait.]
3. White House Report on Police "Militarization"
In August, President Obama commissioned a review of federal programs that provide surplus military-style equipment to local law enforcement agencies. The report, released today, finds a significant "lack of consistency" in how those programs are run and audited. Only 4 to 5 percent of resources sold or transferred were of the "controlled" variety (such as small arms, night-vision gear and Humvees), according to the inventory. Most were so-called non-controlled assets, such as office equipment, officials say. Still, tens of thousands of pieces of military-style equipment were transferred from federal government agencies to local law enforcement last year, with 460,000 pieces to date now in possession of local agencies. Those include 92,442 small arms, 44,275 night-vision devices, 5,235 Humvees, 617 mine-resistant vehicles and 616 aircraft. [more good info here no doubt on the types of weapons used genocidally against Blacks like the kind authorized by Governor Jay Nixon. He's a Democrat by the way, like Obama. So are U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill, State Attorney General Chris Koster, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay and Prosecutor Robert McCulloch. Also 27 of St. Louis' 28 Aldermen are Democrats. At the federal level, in Missouri's 1st congressional district, a Republican has not represented a significant portion of St. Louis in the U.S. House since 1953. [MORE] These folks plus a Black Attorney General have not helped Black people solve its problem of racism/white supremacy, which is the cause of police brutality, the unequal administration of "justice" and so many other things plaguing non-white communities. But 'Get Out the Vote' and definitely prayer helps right Reverend Al?]
4. Executive Order on Military-Style Equipment Acquisition
The president will sign an executive order directing federal agencies to develop uniform, cross-government policy on local law enforcement equipment acquisition. The move will likely result in published guidelines about what federal property is or is not allowable for sale or transfer to local police, administration officials said. It will also require local civilian approval of any purchase and mandate that local police departments get proper training to use the equipment. The government could also create a universal database to track all military-style equipment transferred to local law enforcement and whenever it's used in a "significant incident" in a community, officials said. [Now we're getting somewhere, a database! Yes now we can keep track of the weapons white cops use to murder Black and Brown men with. This will help to evaluate the kinds of weapons that are used to kill Black and Brown men. But how does this neutralize or challenge white power? No reason to start keeping it real now though.]
Milwaukee Cop Car as Coffin for Black man suffocating to death, ignored by the above psychopathic white cops.
Only four points Mr. President?
[5. Bad Police/Race Soldier Overseer Legislation. Thanks. Exciting new laws to address the conduct of white cops created and funded by white legislators, administered by white Government workers, enforced by white prosecutors and remedied by white jurors and judges - the same racist suspects who participate, perpetuate and/or benefit from this system of white domination and control. Sounds like what we already have in place and seems to work just fine when white folks resolve disputes amongst themselves. Like how the right to defend yourself or stand your ground is never a problem with white defendants and their white victims.
How about legislation to 1) identify and fire all racist prosecutors, 2) impeachment of all racist Governors, 3) community identification and removal of all racist cops and 4) ban all racist white jurors and prohibit 5) all white juries or mostly all white juries when non-whites are involved, and 6) a task force to end white power as we know it?
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