In advance of Ferguson grand jury decision, schools remind parents of emergency procedures

From [HERE] The Ferguson-Florissant and Clayton school districts sent letters to parents this week with reminders of emergency procedures should classes be canceled, delayed or dismissed early.
Schools typically send reminders before winter begins of inclement weather procedures. But the districts want parents to be especially cognizant this year as the public awaits a decision from the St. Louis County grand jury on whether to charge Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson in the shooting death of Michael Brown.
“Should any event occur during school hours which presents a concern for public safety, a decision will be made as soon as possible regarding any necessary changes to the school day schedule, and we will evaluate whether bus transportation will be possible depending on several factors including road closures impacting bus routes,” Ferguson-Florissant’s Acting Superintendent Larry Larrew wrote.
The schools also are reminding parents to alert their school of any updates to phone numbers or emergency contacts who are allowed to pick up their child.
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