Death penalty notice filed in beheading case [Since 1977, the overwhelming majority of death row defendants (77%) have been executed for killing white victims, even though Blacks make up about half of all homicide victims]

From [HERE] and [MORE] An Oklahoma prosecutor has filed formal notification that he'll seek the death penalty against a Black man accused of beheading a white woman at a food processing plant.
Cleveland County District Attorney Greg Mashburn filed notice Thursday that he'll ask 30-year-old Alton Alexander Nolen to be executed if convicted of first-degree murder in last week's beheading of Colleen Hufford in Moore. Authorities allege Nolen attacked Hufford and another worker at Vaughan Foods after Nolen was suspended from his job at the plant.
The paperwork filed Thursday says the death penalty is warranted in the case because the killing was "especially heinous, atrocious or cruel." [MORE]
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