Obama Shadowboxing @ Morehouse: (Without us he is Nothing. Yet he does Nothing for us!)

HNIC: Thanks again for the Votes Yawl! Even though the non-white votary would have stood in line in the snow to vote for him, thus far Obama has been a whitewash, delivering little of tangible, actual benefit to non-white people and our communities. Like a rapper, we only feel him. He is our symbolic president - performing leadership for us, all the while remaining unaccountable, and doing nothing to solve problems such as the collapse of public education, static unemployment, mass incarceration or any other crippling problems caused by white supremacy.
Without the non-white voter Obama would not be president. Actually, without the non-white voter, Democrats would be irrelevant. Since 1970 three Democrats have become president (Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Obama) but none of them has won a majority of white votes. [MORE] Obama and the Democratic Party with its white people's platform have played us. Again.
Nationwide Black unemployment soared to 17% last month and as high as 30% in urban areas such as East St. Louis - reaching Depression era levels. However, that did not stop Obama from shadowboxing Black people at a Morehouse University Commencement speech a week ago.
(Racial Shadow Boxing occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE])
Tiim Wise, a white man, explained: "The president lectured this year’s graduates about the importance of taking personal responsibility for their lives, and not blaming racism for whatever obstacles they may face in the future. It’s hard to know what’s more disturbing.
Either that President Obama thinks black grads at one of the nation’s best colleges really need to be lectured about such matters; or, alternately, that White America is so desirous of exculpation for the history of racial discrimination that we need him to say such things, and he knows it, thereby leading him to feed us the moral scolding of black men we so desperately desire, and which he must know will be transmitted to us by way of media coverage of his talk.
Either way, the result is tragic.
If the former, then Barack Obama has for once and all revealed himself to be not nearly the deep and analytical thinker so many have long believed. After all, Morehouse men like the ones to whom the president delivered his commencement address today, are not the type to slack off, or make excuses for their shortcomings, or wait for others to do things for them. They earned admission to an amazing school, and have now graduated from said school, on the basis of their own merit and hard work. To hector them like they were potential supplicants looking for a handout is crass and beneath the dignity of a President of the United States, and especially one who shares the coloring of most, if not all of those graduates.
Barack Obama knows how demanding a school Morehouse is. So to preach hard work to these men, as if they had never heard of it — as if they now intended to kick back and wait for things to be handed to them — is to not only insult their intelligence, but also to feed every vicious stereotype already held by too many white Americans about black males, no matter how educated. It is to give us fuel for our already too-well-stoked racist fires, made ever hotter now by the ability to say, “See, even Obama knows the truth about black men! Even he knows they’re always making excuses for their failures.”" [MORE]
The "Showcase Black President" According to Anon: "the term "Showcase Blacks," coined by Neely Fuller, refers to the high-profile blacks that are constantly paraded before the public. They may be political dignitaries, pro athletes, entertainers, educators, business people, Supreme Court justices, and even US Secretary of States. Their real purpose is to mask the REALITY of being black in America. [MORE] But do not blame or hate on the showcase Blacks. Blame the white supremacists/racists who control the show. Showcase Blacks are not showcasing themselves, they are being showcased by white supremacists.
Neely Fuller explains that "in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by White Supremacists. When a Black person needs serious help, he or she goes directly, or indirectly, to the White Supremacists and asks for that help.
Under White Supremacy, all non-white people, regardless of age, are "children." They are the servants to, the victims of, and the "children" under the power and direction of the White Supremacists. The White Supremacists are their bosses, their masters, and their major decision-makers. [thecode]
Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge. [MORE]
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