White Folks Remove White Sheets After Boston Terror "attack": Practicing Racism on Non-Whites 'who they think are Muslims'

Looks a like a white man to BW. In photo, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, according to the FBI, an alleged suspect in the so-called Boston terror attack. He has a Chechen background. The Chechen people are mainly inhabitants of Chechnya, Russian Federation. There are also significant Chechen populations in other subdivisions of Russia (especially in Dagestan, Ingushetia and Moscow).
White Man Punches Palestinian Woman From [HERE] and [HERE] On Wednesday, a white man harassed and punched a Palestinian woman in Medford, Massachusetts, calling her a "terrorist" and blaming her for the deadly bombing attack at the Boston Marathon.
Hema Abolaban, a physician, was walking down the street with a friend when they were approached. He was screaming 'F_ you Muslims! You are terrorists! I hate you! You are involved in the Boston explosions! F_ you!'" Abolaban remembered. "Oh my lord, I was extremely shocked."
She said the man - described as a white male in his thirties wearing dark sunglasses - kept shouting and walking toward her as she backed away. "I did not say anything to him," she said. "Not even that we aren't terrorists...he was so aggressive."
"My Boston." Never mind the contractor type white guys wearing back packs [MORE]
Many Arabs, Middle Easterners, Muslims, South Asians, and other non-whites confused for any of the above have been bracing themselves for the discriminatory response since the bombing happened.
Plane in Boston Grounded after Non-White Passengers Speak Arabic! On Tuesday, an airplane leaving Boston's Logan Airport was grounded this week after passengers reported that two men were speaking Arabic on the plane, Boston's Fox 25 reported. [MORE]
Cops Looking for Dark Skinned Blacks in Boston. Oops, false alarm again. Central Park 5 style. Sorry for the "racism" niggers. Earlier this week, CNN falsely reported that an arrest had been made in the Boston marathon bomber case, adding that the suspect was "dark-skinned." As it turned out, there hadn't been any arrest.
Racist suspect John King said, "a physical description was given to me of the suspect. Wolf, I want to be very careful here because this is very sensitive information, but the description given to me, once again, it’s a dark-skinned individual. [MORE] After being criticized by Al Sharpton and others, King apologized and insisted, 'I am not a racist.' [MORE] (Knicks in 4)
The misguided white liberals at the Atlantic stated that "Innocent Muslim Americans and those mistaken for them are particularly vulnerable in the aftermath of a terrorist attack." uh-huh. As if they were not vulnerable prior to this attack? How did white people change after the attack? White people's fear of their numerical inadequacy and color deficiency are permanent conditions.[MORE] In their relations with non-white people, racist white people function as psychopaths.[MORE] Non-Whites are vulnerable every single day because they are non-white.
Vulnerable to who? Racist suspects. What is a racist suspect? Any white person who is CAPABLE of practicing racism against non-whites. Since all whites are able to practice racism in a white supremacy system if they choose to do so, it is correct (and logical) to use the term “racist suspects” to identify whites who do not openly function as white supremacists (racists). This is not a hateful, unjust, or racist statement, but it is a logical statement. [MORE]
Neely Fuller instructs that in a white supremacy system "every person classified as "white" should be suspected of being Racist (White Supremacist). The identification of racists is the first, and most important step, toward counter-acting and eliminating Racism and making possible the establishment of justice." [theCode]
In video, white man shoots black man in the face with a pellet gun multiple times "mistakenly" believing him to be a Muslim with a white girl in January 2013. [MORE]
In photo, surgical gloves are seen in a garbage bag left at the fifth floor of the "Saudii susoects" apartment building at 364 Ocean Avenue in Revere, Mass. Law enforcement officers raided the apt. because he looked suspicious after being hurt badly in explosion. They carted out bags of his belongings. [MORE]
"Saudi Suspect" Hopitalized after explosion questioned for 5 hours/house searched. A 20-year-old Saudi who is studying in the Boston area. He was watching the marathon when the force of the bomb blast tore into him.
He wasn't alone; a hundred and seventy-six people were injured and three were killed. But he was the only one who, while in the hospital being treated for his wounds, had his apartment searched in "a startling show of force," as his fellow-tenants described it to the Boston Herald, with a "phalanx" of officers and agents and two K9 units. He was the one whose belongings were carried out in paper bags as his neighbors watched; whose roommate, also a student, was questioned for five hours ("I was scared") before coming out to say that he didn't think his friend was someone who'd plant a bomb -- that he was a nice guy who liked sports. "Let me go to school, dude," the roommate said later in the day, covering his face with his hands and almost crying, as a Fox News producer followed him and asked him, again and again, if he was sure he hadn't been living with a killer.
Why the search, the interrogation, the dogs, the bomb squad, and the injured man's name tweeted out, attached to the word "suspect"? After the bombs went off, people were running in every direction -- so was the young man. Many, like him, were hurt badly; many of them were saved by the unflinching kindness of strangers, who carried them or stopped the bleeding with their own hands and improvised tourniquets. "Exhausted runners who kept running to the nearest hospital to give blood," President Obama said. "They helped one another, consoled one another," Carmen Ortiz, the U.S. Attorney for Massachusetts, said. In the midst of that, according to a CBS News report, a bystander saw the young man running, badly hurt, rushed to him, and then "tackled" him, bringing him down. People thought he looked suspicious.
Moroccan track fan labeled as terrorist bag man by the NY Post seeks to clear his name. A 17-year-old high-school student whose name I'll withhold, had his image plastered across the front page of The New York Post, a newspaper also involved in spreading the story of the Saudi youth. Here is the effect of the tabloid's irresponsible journalism:
The family of a Revere high-school student whose photograph appeared in the New York Post indicating a link to the attacks at the Boston Marathon said they were being hounded and were afraid to leave their home. The front page of Thursday's New York Post featured a photo of [name withheld], 17, and another young man watching the marathon before the blasts with the headline: "Bag men: Feds seek these two pictured at Boston Marathon." The FBI later released photos of two suspects in Monday's bombings, neither of whom were [name withheld]. [Name withheld], a runner for his high school track team, told the Associated Press Thursday that he is afraid to go outside, fearing people will blame him for Monday's bombings. The AP reported that [name withheld] is a Moroccan native and went to authorities, anxious to clear his name.The teenager later told ABC News that when he saw the Post's front page, "It's the worst feeling that I can possibly feel. . . . I'm only 17." Outside the family's apartment building on Thursday, a man who indicated he was [name withheld's] father, but declined to give his name, told a Globe reporter and other members of the press in broken English that reporters had been hounding his family all day Thursday and they had been afraid to leave. [MORE]
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