This Saturday, Memphis, Tenn., is set to see one of the KKK's "biggest rallies of all time"

From [HERE] This Saturday, Memphis, Tenn., is set to see one of the Ku Klux Klan's "biggest rallies of all time," as the Klan is advertising. The KKK’s announced its plan to protest here a week after the Memphis City Councilvoted to rename three local parks that had Confederate ties—Confederate Park, Jefferson Davis Park, and Nathan Bedford Forrest Park. Nathan Bedford Forrest remains a controversial figure who is often recognized as the first “Grand Wizard” of the Ku Klux Klan—until he allegedly called for the disbandment of the group in 1869.
The city council decided to make the changes effective immediately after hearing that the Tennessee state legislature was considering a bill that would prohibit name changes to any monuments, memorials, parks or streets that were dedicated to military figures.
The Klan's last rally in Memphis in January 1998 ended in violence—Memphis police used tear gas against rowdy anti-Klan protestors and several people were arrested. Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong said his team is preparing for an even bigger crowd this time around, but is confident that the police are prepared. Members of the Klan will not be allowed to carry guns or wear masks at the protest.
It is great when white people reveal that they are white supremacist because it is difficult for non-white people to "always determine who is a racist, and who is not - as it is impossible to monitor (or judge) all the individual actions and words of any white person at all times." [theCode] Racism is deception. Remember, being white supremacist has nothing to do with membership in one of these clownish organizations and there are differing ways to practice white supremacy.
What is a “Racist Suspect?”
ANY white person who is CAPABLE of practicing racism against non-whites. Since all whites are able to practice racism in a white supremacy system if they choose to do so, it is correct (and logical) to use the term “racist suspects” to identify whites who do not openly function as white supremacists (racists). This is not a hateful, unjust, or racist statement, but it is a logical statement.
What is a “White Supremacist?”
A white person (a racist) who practices racism against non-whites. Being a white supremacist has nothing to do with income, title, or status. It does not mean a white person belongs to the KKK, the Aryan Nation, or is covered with Nazi tattoos. A white supremacist can be a soccer mom, a businessman, or a US Senator if they are practicing racism against non-whites. Another term for a white supremacist is “racist white man” and “racist white woman.” [MORE]
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