'Everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, Whites are in Control.' Detroit to Begin "Re-organization" [Negro Removal] Plans

Above Sandy Baruah, president and CEO of the Detroit Regional Chamber, reacts to a bankruptcy judge's ruling that Detroit met all the eligibility criteria for Chapter 9 filing, clearing the city to go forward with a plan of reorganization. "Everywhere one finds Whites and Blacks in close proximity to each other, whether it is Chicago or Zimbabwe, the Whites are in control. Yet Blacks rarely question this extraordinary universal phenomenon which defies every knowm statistical law of probability."[MORE]
From [HERE] and [HERE] A judge’s decision to allow super slum Detroit to fix its finances in bankruptcy court raises a flurry of questions about what happens next. Bankruptcy opponents want to file appeals immediately to the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati, a move that could put the case on hold. They believe Judge Steven Rhodes is wrong in saying pensions can be cut, among other issues.
In an oral ruling, Judge Steven Rhodes authorized the bankruptcy filing, declaring the city insolvent [WP report] because it owes approximately $18 billion to more than 100,000 creditors, which is harming the city's residents and making it essentially impossible for the city to negotiate with creditors. [MORE]
The judge has told the city to come up with a plan to exit bankruptcy by March 1. But the city’s emergency manager, Kevyn Orr, says he’d like to have one ready weeks earlier. [Yes right now the city is run by a white law firm - but there is a new white mayor who was elected by the non-white votary after the White Party (Republican) Governor replaced Detroit's elected black leaders (the Mayor and City Council) who is likely to soon be put back in charge - because he is white.) The plan could include anything from selling assets, such as art, to cutting pensions and more. Detroit would need the support of creditors and the judge to emerge from bankruptcy. [MORE]
White people and their media are carrying on like they are here to save Detroit. Save it from whom? - certainly not non-white people who own much of nothing in Detroit.
Black people should stop pretending they have power they do not have - like they are in charge of this or that. It is not true. Black people in Detroit and their elected officials had no real power to do anything to save the City. Understanding this reality may be a path to actually do something about our zero status. Belief that we have some illusional power is actually submission to and cooperation with white supremacy. [MORE]
The Packard Motors plant looks as if a wrecking ball has swung through the top floors, but the building has just been left to collapse.[MORE]
Whatever happened or did not happen in Detroit is the result of white supremacists/racists as they control everything in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war) - 24/7, worldwide. Neely Fuller explains that "in a socio-material system dominated by White Supremacists, all major decisions involving non-white people are made by White Supremacists. "Whatever a Black person gets, and/or is allowed to keep, is the result of decisions made by White Supremacists. This is the functional meaning of White Supremacy (Racism) that many people — particularly non-white people — prefer not to acknowledge." [MORE]
Homes as Low as 1$ Right now Detroit is 90% non-white [like the world] - 83 percent black and 7% Latino. How will these numbers change under the so-called re-organization? The following are actual homes that are for sale for real in Detroit - courtesy of Remax. This is not a joke or a Black Friday sale, the prices listed are the complete sale price. Who do you think will be buying them?
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