Not Really a big Deal when a White Mayor Smokes Crack. Will there be a Federal Prosecution and Government Takeover of Toronto?

[White mayor, different country. Marion Barry's possession of crack essentially led to a federal (white people) takeover/control board of D.C. [MORE] On January 18, 1990, Barry was arrested in a sting operation by the FBI and D.C. Police for crack cocaine use and possession. Barry was charged with three felony counts of perjury, 10 counts of drug possession, and one misdemeanor count of conspiracy to possess cocaine. The criminal trial ended with a conviction for only one count of possession, which had occurred in November 1989, and an acquittal on another. But never mind the actual result, it was a big, big deal to the white media. Not so in this case - all indications are that the white Mayor here will be treated humanely by the white media and by white people in general. For instance, the video of Mr. Ford smoking crack has yet to be released - the incident occurred in May. In their relations with non-whites, white supremacists/racists function as psychopaths.[more]]
'Only Smokes Coke when he's Really Drunk.' From [HERE] Ending six months of often vehement denial, Rob Ford, the mayor of Toronto, admitted on Tuesday that he had smoked crack cocaine while in office.
“You asked me a question back in May, and you can repeat that question,” Mr. Ford told a crush of journalists, photographers and camera operators outside his City Hall office. “Yes, I have smoked crack cocaine. But no, do I — am I an addict? No. Have I tried it? Probably, in one of my drunken stupors, probably approximately about a year ago.”
During his brief, impromptu news conference, Mr. Ford insisted that he had not been lying since May, when he first denied reports that he had used crack. At that time, the website Gawker and The Toronto Star each reported having seen a video clip that apparently showed him inhaling cocaine. Questions intensified last week after the city’s police chief, William Blair, said that his force had obtained the video, stored on a computer that was seized in an investigation of drug and gang violence.
“I wasn’t lying — you didn’t ask the correct questions,” Mr. Ford said on Tuesday. “No, I’m not an addict, and no, I do not do drugs. I made mistakes in the past, and all I can do is apologize, but it is what it is.”
Of the episode recorded in the video, he said: “I don’t even remember. Some of the stuff that you guys have seen me — the state I’ve been in? It’s a problem.”
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