White Supremacy Quota: 60% of Prisoners Serving Life Without Parole for Non-Violent Offenses are Black

From [HERE] The American Civil Liberties Union published a study [text, PDF] on Wednesday finding that 3,278 Americans are currently serving life sentences without parole for nonviolent offenses. The study, entitled "A Living Death: Life without Parole for Nonviolent Offenses," explains the racial and gender makeup of the inmates, as well as the state of the law that has led to the increasing rate at which nonviolent offenders are being sentenced to life without parole. In this analysis, the report makes particular note of mandatory minimum sentences stemming from "repeat offender" laws. "The punishments these people received are grotesquely out of proportion to the crimes they committed," said author Jennifer Turner. "In a humane society, we can hold people accountable for drug and property crimes without throwing away the key." The study also points out extreme racial disparity in the sentencing patterns and the economic burden of a life-without-parole sentence.
White Supremacy domination and oppression of all non-white people is essential for global white genetic survival. [MORE]White supremacists/racists make certain that large numbers of non-white people exist under conditions that will most likely cause them to do things that will give White Supremacists an excuse to put them in Greater Confinement. The racists cause this by using a variety of tactics -many of them based on deception, through pretention - such as pretending to promote justice, while working to continue and refine the practice of injustice [MORE] Sentencing guidelines, which are pretense, do nothing more than promote white supremacy.
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