Every Room in Black Family's Alhambra Home ‘Severely Vandalized’ in Hate Crime by Racist Suspects

In photo, a child runs past a home that was burglarized and spray painted inside with racial epithets toward African Americans in the 2000 block of Midwickhill Drive in Alhambra's Midwick Tract Tuesday, October 22, 2013. [MORE]
From [HERE] and [HERE] A black family in Alhambra was the victim of an apparent hate crime by racist suspects Monday night when their home was broken into and every room was vandalized, police said.
About 3 p.m., a resident returned to their home in 2000 block of Midwickhill Drive and found "nigger" and other racial epithets scrawled in red spray paint in every room of the house, belongings smashed, food thrown about and the smell of bleach and vinegar thick in the air. Swastikas were also spray-painted inside the home, CBS Los Angeles reported. Food was reportedly spread throughout the house and the suspect or suspects had poured bleach inside the residence.
What also has police concerned is that weapons belonging to the family were taken. Authorities say the weapons were registered. [MORE]
“The house was absolutely trashed,” Sgt. Jerry Johnson said. “There was nothing specific to the family (spray-painted on the walls) as far as names; in general, there were anti-African-American slurs.”
“It’s no question, the worst thing in 24 years of law enforcement I’ve ever seen,” Johnson told NBC4. The air was so thick with the smell of chemicals that firefighters had to show up and treat police officers investigating the incident, NBC reported.
The house was in such bad shape the family couldn’t immediately tell what had been stolen except for some guns, Johnson said. There have been no arrests and police continue to investigate.
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