White Party (Republican) Shutdown Message: 'We Don't Like Our White Skin So We Demean & Degrade People of Color'

Get ready for Winter White. Above, terrified racist suspect, Michael Ashmore of Hooks, Tex., was among the many white Republicans who converged on Washington for the "Million Vet March on the Memorials" to spread the White Party (Republican) Self Alienation message to the votary. [MORE].
Anything Goes in this racial environment. White plus Black equals Colored. White plus Brown equals Colored. White plus Yellow equals Colored. This (genetic annihilation) scares white people to death. White people's numerical inadequacy (the world is 90% non-white) and color deficiency are facts beyond change that fuel the practice of white supremacy/racism (a behavioral system for their survival) [MORE]
As explained by Frances Cress Welsing, "Racism (white supremacy), having begun as a form of self-alienation, has evolved into the most highly refined form of alienation from others as well. The Color-Confrontation theory views all of the present battlegrounds in the world as vivid reflections of this reality; the destructive and aggressive behavioral patterns being displayed by white peoples towards all non-white peoples is evidence of the inner hate, hostility and rejection they feel towards themselves and of the depth of self-alienation that has evolved from the genetic and psychological kernel of color inadequacy."
A White Party. "The Republican party is a racial identity party. It is designed to appeal to white people as white people... not as union-members or as unemployed people or as home-owners... just as white people. It is a crude racial-identity party and the numbers bear that out. It is an almost exclusively white party. Many white people vote Democratic, but the Republican party is pretty close to all white." [MORE]
White people are the vanishing majority in the U.S. That is, the U.S. Census Bureau has reported that by 2047 non-white persons will be the majority of the US population. The Republican Party is the party of the vanishing majority - it is the White Party.
As explained by Republican Patrick Buchanan, 'Republicans now depend on this vanishing majority of whites for fully 90 percent of their votes in presidential elections, while the Democratic Party wins 60 to 70 percent of the Asian and Hispanic vote and 90 to 95 percent of the black vote. The Democratic base is growing inexorably, while the Republican base is shriveling. [MORE]
Already, California, Illinois and New York are lost. The GOP has not carried any of the three in six presidential elections. When Texas – where whites are a minority and a declining share of the population – tips, how does the GOP put together an electoral majority?' [MORE] In order to survive they must (practice racism) rig elections, suppress votes, shut down the government, etc.
The knee deep irony is that Obama and the Democratic leadership with their right leaning agenda basically function as Republicans. Very little separates Obama and Bush. The Democractic Party also is a 'white party. Its major decision makers and donors are white people, its agenda is unaccountable to Blacks and Latinos and they do nothing to disturb the status quo of white supremacy. Obama has delivered little of tangible benefit to the Black and Latino voters he claims to represent. All that really seems to matter to the fearful Republican votary is that Obama is Black. Soon enough (2016) they will have a white president.
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