Racist Israelis Erupt after High Court orders release of "illegal aliens" (Black Africans Detained Without a Trial)

"You Just See a Carpet of Blacks." (There is a grand total of 60,000 African immigrants currently living in Israel, which is less than 1% of the entire population. That is 1% too many for white supremacist/racist Israelis who want them out based upon fear of a non-white Israel. [more] What's next, their planned destruction?)
From [HERE] and [HERE] An Israeli high court decision on 16 September striking down legislation authorizing the indefinite incarceration of asylum-seekers from Africa brought hundreds of residents of Tel Aviv into the streets in protest the following day.
Blocking the intersection at the entrance to the Hatikvah market in south Tel Aviv to traffic for an hour and a half, Jewish Israelis decried the court ruling, which mandates that the 2,000 Africans jailed in Israel on the basis of the invalidated law must be released within ninety days.
In the last several years, south Tel Aviv has become home to approximately 30,000 non-Jewish African nationals, most of whom entered the country by walking across Israel’s desert border with Egypt.
Israelis opposed to their presence accuse them of migrating to Israel solely to earn more money than they could hope to in their home countries, while advocates for the Africans claim that most of them have fled dictatorial regimes and ethnic cleansing campaigns.
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