Bogus Voter Purges in Florida and Colorado Find ‘No Confirmed Noncitizens’

From [HERE] GOP efforts to purge the voter rolls in Florida and Colorado have so far come up with almost no noncitzens, NPR reports. The two states fought to gain access to an immigration database compiled by the Department of Homeland Security to compare against their voter rolls. Armed with this federal database, Florida claims the purge has identified “several” noncitizens out of 2,600 names, while Colorado admits they have “no confirmed noncitizens”:
Colorado, which along with Florida was initially denied access to the database, says that an automated check of more than 1,400 names has flagged 177 people as possible noncitizens. Colorado has asked the Department of Homeland Security, which maintains the database, to assign a person to verify their status.
“For the moment, we have no confirmed noncitizens, but I would expect that most of those people would come back as noncitizens,” says Andrew Cole, a spokesman for Colorado Secretary of State Scott Gessler.
Colorado’s Secretary of State sent letters to 4,000 voters asking them to prove their citizenship. 482 people have provided proof, while 1,000 letters were returned because of wrong addresses.
The database is being used to check for legal residents possessing green cards or work visas, who are prohibited from voting. Nearly 60 percent of Florida’s list of suspected noncitizens are Latinos. The state’s past voter purge lists have been riddled with errors, including hundreds of citizens who were given just 30 days to prove their citizenship or be barred from voting.
Both states are planning new purges before November. Voter purges are currently ongoing dozen states, all of which have Republican election officials.
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