Billboards with hanging dummies startle drivers in Vegas

From [HERE] Several shocking billboards with dummies dangling from a hangman's noose caused a stir in Las Vegas on Wednesday morning.
One, off Interstate 15 near Bonanza Road, bore the words "Dying for work," and the other, on the 3000 block of Highland Drive, read "Hope you're happy Wall St." Mannequins dressed in dark suits dangled below each.
A third, similar display was discovered near U.S. Highway 95 and Sahara Avenue. Las Vegas police spokesman Bill Cassell would not elaborate other than to say words were painted on and dummies were found hanging from all three billboards. Law enforcement officials say all three incidents were acts of vandalism, not advertisements. Las Vegas police are investigating the incidents. Cassell said no one is in custody.
Nevada Highway Patrol Trooper Jeremie Elliott said 911 calls started coming in about 6:30 a.m. Wednesday from drivers worried the dummy along Interstate 15 was a real person. He called the sign a publicity stunt and "a clear case of vandalism." The advertising company Lamar, which owns that billboard, helped NHP cut down the dummy by about 8:30 a.m.
Lamar Las Vegas Vice President Chris Prickett stressed that vandals were responsible, and that his company played no role.
The second display, on Highland Drive, stayed up longer. That mannequin was cut down sometime around 10:30 a.m. Many drivers on Highland Drive slowed down to check out the billboard while passing it Wednesday morning .
Clear Channel Outdoor, which owns the third billboard near Sahara Avenue, released a statement Wednesday condemning "the destructive behavior" against its property.
Occupy Las Vegas organizer Sebring Frehner said the local offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement was not responsible for the billboards. Nonetheless, he commended the message behind them.
In a statement, the organization said that "it is not surprising that radical consciousness will find its expression through various forms of art."
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