July 4th = Patriautism

What an absolutely ridiculous concept, to celebrate your own enslavement. As in most countries, the date chosen to celebrate your enslavement is usually the date when the nation state was founded or when it freed itself from the enslavement of another nation-state. In the case of the US, it broke free from the tyrannical rule of England in favor of a more local tyrannical rule... Luckily I was no where near a TV for the entire day of July 4th so I missed most of the action. I know what it entails as I've seen it countless times before. Slaves lathering themselves into a frenzy at sporting events when some nameless troop walks out as they sing the national anthem to celebrate all the glorious and beautiful bombs bursting in air from a fight they had nothing to do with but take special pride in for some unknown reason. But, a TDV subscriber ruined my day and forwarded me a "July 4th Chain Email" which was making the rounds asking all "proud Americans" to pass it along and give thanks for living in the freest country in the world. Cough. Gag. And that god should bless the murderers on welfare... the troops, for protecting those freedoms by taking $1 of every $15 produced in the US each year and paying for them to go off and murder people on the other side of the world. Better they murder people over there than have them murder people here the saying goes, I think. "God Bless America and Nobody Else" The word patriotism is thick in the air on days like this. But a better word for it is patriautism. Patriotism is defined by Reference.com as "a person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion." and autism is defined by Wikipedia as being "a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior." Putting the two together, patriautism can be defined as "a disorder of neural development characterized by a love and defense of your slaveowner or captor often including repetitive behavior such as repeatedly stating that their country is the freest country on Earth despite all evidence to the contrary". In photo, Rodney King - R.I.P. [MORE] |
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