While Florida Disenfranchises Minorities, Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll Panders for Romney
In photo, Jennifer Carroll, a potted plant for the GOP. This sold out McNegro actually said that Florida Gov. Rick Scott epitomizes the values and the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King. From Beach Peanuts July 13, 2012 Florida's allegedly "black" Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll was flown into Texas for the NAACP meeting by Mittens' campaign. Romney's campaign issued a statement from her;
President Obama s policies are failing us. The African American unemployment rate increased by almost an entire percentage point last month and, at 14.4 percent, it is almost double that of the nation s overall unemployment rate. This is simply unacceptable. We cannot settle for another month of nearly non-existent job creation. President Obama s policies have made a bad situation worse for struggling African American families. "Fortunately, we can put a stop to these job-killing policies by electing Mitt Romney. Governor Romney understands and knows what it takes to create a favorable environment for job creation, and with his pro-growth agenda, Mitt Romney will steer our country back in the right direction and this direction will help restore prosperity for African American families.
Yes, while the king Rick Scott is busy frittering away taxpayer dollars across the pond on a "trade mission," wink, wink, and safely keeping his toxic vibes as far away from Mitt Romney as the party can keep him, Carroll apparently drew the short straw and had to fill in. Not to worry though, she's perfectly happy to pander whenever necessary. In fact, that's about the only time we here in Florida ever hear about her. But more about that in a minute.
While she was busy informing the NAACP, as all Republicans do, that President Obama has failed them, and that the rich white dude who made a career out of killing jobs and livelihoods for profits he now hides in overseas tax havens is just what they need to make their soon to be health care free lives oh so much better!
C'mon! She says so and, psst, she's black! What's all the whining and booing nonsense about?
Turns out there's a lot to hear that she left out of that boilerplate press release. For instance, as Mother Jones has pointed out, Mitt Romney doesn't exactly have a great history with African Americans, nor the NAACP. Far from it.
Then there's the little problem with Romney's tax hike plan, which according to Think Progress, would force more than two million African American households to pay even more taxes than they do now. After all, someone has to make the sacrifice so that Romney can cut even more taxes from those with incomes, well, like his. And they thought having their constitutional ObamaCare ripped away from them was the only problem! As Romney's surrogates would say: Get over it already!
Yes, Lt. Governor Carroll left more than a few things out, but then she has a tendency to do that. She's perfectly happy being the "truthiness" whisperer whenever she's called upon to do so.
I'll leave you with some "fun facts" from Florida here.
Not only did our Governor Rick-Run-Government-Like-A-Business-Scott claim to relate to the African American community in Florida because he grew up in public housing, there's more! Did you know that, according to Jennifer Carroll, Rick Scott epitomizes the values and the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King? Yes, she actually said that. Never mind that Scott wanted to require drug tests for welfare recipients, cut the social safety net out from under the poor, the sick, children, the elderly and veterans, homeless and otherwise. Add to that, you may have heard there's a TB outbreak in Florida at the moment. Scott took care of that by closing the hospital that treats TB cases. Most of the victims are black men and the homeless, and Scott also refuses to implement Medicaid. Then there's this: Purging the voter rolls just in time for the upcoming election.
Yes, just as Dr. King would do.
So there's a lot Carroll left out when she tried to convince the NAACP convention attendees that Mitt Romney is the one with African American voter interests at heart. But just in case they don't get that, and all that Romney tells them, they're doing everything possible to make Mitt Romney their President anyway.
Whether African American voters like it or not.
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