Latino Votes Could Decide Several Presidential Swing States

From The Frontrunner June 21, 2012 A McClatchy (6/21, Lightman) analysis suggests that Latino votes could make the difference in presidential swing states including Colorado, Nevada, Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia, which "may be why" President Obama "has vaulted immigration to the forefront of the 2012 campaign, at least for the moment." While Obama won the Latino vote by a margin of more than two to one in 2008 and is "in position to put up similar margins this time," his campaign's task will be to ensure Latino voters are enthusiastic enough to turn out.
The AP (6/21) reports, "With Election Day less than five months away, Hispanic voters are energized and paying close attention, said Arturo Vargas, executive director of the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials, which hosts this week's convention. 'There's a lot at stake. We're talking about a significant share of the American electorate that could well decide this election,' Vargas said. 'It's only now that both candidates are turning their attention to the Latino vote.'"
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