Sellout Artur Davis Switches to Republicans - Wants us to care

In this March 4, 2007 photo, Barack Obama, then a presidential candidate, hugs Artur Davis, then a U.S. congressman, at the Martin and Coretta King Beloved Community Unity Breakfast in Selma, Ala. At far right is State Sen. Hank Sanders.
From [HERE] Former congressman, former Obama ally and former Alabama resident Artur Davis now says he’s a former Democrat, according to a post on his website.
After he was beaten badly in his run for Alabama governor in 2010, Mr. Davis moved to Virginia, where he works as a private-sector consultant. But he’s been eyeing a run for Congress in his new home state, and toward that end renounced both his party and his president on Tuesday.
As stated [HERE] he had been conducting a world-class whine fest ever since he got spanked in the election. He could not seem to resist taking shots at his home-state liberals, whom he blames for costing him the governorship. Never mind that Davis repeatedly sided with corporate interests and insulted his own party’s progressive base in the weeks leading up to the election. [MORE]
“If I were to run, it would be as a Republican. And I am in the process of changing my voter registration from Alabama to Virginia, a development which likely does represent a closing of one chapter and perhaps the opening of another,” Mr. Davis wrote in a website post titled “Response to Political Rumors.”
“Frankly, the symbolism of Barack Obama winning has not given us the substance of a united country,” he said. “I have regularly criticized an agenda that would punish businesses and job creators with more taxes just as they are trying to thrive again. I have taken issue with an administration that has lapsed into a bloc by bloc appeal to group grievances when the country is already too fractured.”
These statements are likely make him more popular among Virginia Republicans than among Alabama Democrats. But Mr. Davis still remained coy about any potential decision to run for office in the Old Dominion.
“People whose judgment I value have asked me to weigh the prospect of running in one of the Northern Virginia congressional districts in 2014 or 2016, or alternatively, for a seat in the Virginia legislature in 2015,” he said. “If that sounds imprecise, it’s a function of how uncertain political opportunities can be—and if that sounds expedient, never lose sight of the fact that politics is not wishfulness, it’s the execution of a long, draining process to win votes and help and relationships while your adversaries are working just as hard to tear down the ground you build.”
He went on to say that he has “a mountain of details to learn about this northern slice of Virginia and its aspirations, and given the many times I have advised would-be candidates to have a platform and a reason for serving, as opposed to a desire to hold an office, that learning curve is one I would take seriously.”
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