alleged Black on Black "Taxicab Racism" is Deception (white supremacy): You Can't be the Prisoner & the Warden at the same time

From [HERE] In the above clip Channel 9 News in Washington D.C. does an alleged expose' of "racist" taxi cab drivers in the nation's capitol. As you know Black people cannot catch a cab and they especially cannot catch a cab to a "Black neighborhood." As you also know most cab drivers in D.C. are non-white. In contrast, white people order cabs like pizzas and when cabbies are murdered the media shows little interest at such acts of terror [MORE]. No news here. Cab drivers are favorite targets of the white media and of governments - cabbies are powerless people that the media/government can use to deceive the public into believing they are about doing something constructive. Here we have a story about alleged Black on Black racism. This is deception of course, as there is no such thing.
It is really a story about a racist suspect reporter, white media cultural management and their assumptions about what racism is. The white reporter confidently confronts Black cabdrivers (as opposed to approaching racist suspect cashiers, mortgage lenders, City Council persons, police etc. on the job) yet fails to leave out the root cause of such Black on Black crime or discrimination; White Supremacy.
According to Neely Fuller, 'No non-white person is or can be a "white supremacist." As long as white supremacy exists, no non-white person is, or can be a racist. All non-white persons are victims of White Supremacy. Those who willfully and deliberately cooperate with White Supremacy are victims, as well as those who resist it."
Anon says, "of course, all people can be hateful or prejudiced. Those terms describe individual behaviors, not systematic power. Racism is the COLLECTIVE behaviors of a group. A white individual within a system of racism/white supremacy has the implicit or explicit support of that system IF they choose to practice racism.
Never confuse the actions of a non-white individual (or a group of non-white individuals) that mistreats someone as proof that black racism exists. Their “power” is limited ONLY to what they can do as individuals. There are NO non-white institutions or systems that support, defend, or finance the right of blacks to mistreat whites or non-whites." [MORE]
"White" Racism = The only "Racism" in existence.
Fuller explains - 'White Supremacists (Racists) are the only people in the known universe who actually practice "effective" Racism. As long as White Supremacy exists, no other "Racism" can exists. The term "White" Racism should not be used as long as White Supremacy is the dominant socio-material force among the people of the known universe. The term "White" Racism implies that there exist some other form of Racism. For that reason, the term should not be used.
"Racism", functionally, is White Supremacy, and White Supremacy is Racism. A Racist is a White Supremacist, and a White Supremacist is a Racist.
As long as White Supremacy exists, all Racists are "white" people, but, all "white" people may, or may not, be Racists. As long as White Supremacy exists, no non-white person can function as a Racist. No non-white person can be a Racist while existing in subjugation to White Supremacy. It is not possible for a person to be a Victim of Racism, and be a Racist, at the same time. One who is a prisoner is not the same as one who is a Prison Master.
Blame the white supremacists (racists) for all unjust acts that Victims of White Supremacy (non-white people) commit against each other. Whereas the victims of White Supremacy who commit unjust acts are guilty of having committed the acts, they are not responsible for the acts.'
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