Would you Blame Beer for a DUI Offense? Media Distracts Public from Focusing on Psychopathic White Man in Con. Terror Attack

Blame the Gun or the Psychopath? Guns are basically made of metal. Physicists and chemists know that the only difference between one metal and another is the number and rate of motion of electrons revolving around a central nucleus. Why would any intelligent person see anything evil in electrons, neutrons, protons and isotopes? From [HERE] Mayor Bloomberg is leading the charge to take away guns in the wake of the Newtown child murders. The pressure is on. Apart from grandstanding, which Bloomberg knows how to do, this is all about deflection from the main event: the killer himself.
Last night, I watched network coverage, wherein, of course, the anchors were in Newtown, standing on the street, “trying to make sense of the whole thing.”
If they’re so interested, along with the public, in figuring out why Adam Lanza killed all those children, you would think, with their enormous resources, they would find out who Lanza’s doctor-psychiatrist was in five minutes and ask him about his patient.
Of course, that’s sacred ground. Patient-doctor confidentiality. Except the patient is dead.
So much for the networks wanting to know who Adam Lanza really was. It’s all a sham. They just want to keep asking the question over and over, pretending to be in the dark about the whole thing.
They want to “deepen the mystery” and emphasize how futile it is to get into the mind of a killer. They’ve got that rap down. They use it every time one of these mass murders happens.
They know about the psychiatric-drug connection to murders and suicides. But they won’t say the magic words. They’ll just keep biting their tongues.
And “out of respect for the victims,” the drug companies aren’t running ads anywhere near this media coverage. Translation: the companies don’t want to encourage the public to make the connection between meds and murder.
Prozac, murder. Zoloft, murder. Paxil, murder. Ritalin, murder.
Bloomberg is playing the shill for new gun control. He’s the point man of the moment, insisting “the president do something meaningful” right now. It’s an orchestrated little play.
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