"I am Uncomfortable with where we just went": ESPN Uses Pet Negro to Shadow Box Rg3 - then Removes Stephen A. Smith's Reaction from Internet

Racial Shadow Boxing occurs when victims of racism (non-white people) are directly or indirectly, "assigned", bribed, coerced, and/or otherwise influenced, by the racists (white Supremacist), to speak or act to do harm to to other victims of racism. White Supremacists oftentimes hide behind others whom they use as shadows of themselves. [MORE]
Racism/white supremacy is purposeful, strategic behavior by white people that enables them to survive. In their collective white pysche, Black males represent the greatest threat to white genetic survival. [MORE] White supremacy is carried out through deception and violence.
Quarterback RG3 is a problem to white supremacists/racists. White Supremacists/racists are threatened by any thought of a "black quarterback." The quarterback position is considered to be a position of leadership in sports that requires a higher level of intelligence - it is also the last place in mainstream sports that white men dominate (through exclusion/racism).
Once again ESPN/ABC News has paraded white supremacy/racism about Black quarterbacks to its white male audience to make a couple of dollars and refine the practice of racism. (Recall that in September 2003 Racist Suspect, Rush Limbaugh said that Donovan McNabb got credit he "didn't deserve" on ESPN.)
Here, the white owned & controlled EPSN has trotted out its pet negro Rob Parker to criticize another victim of white supremacy, RG3, in order to say things that racists want to hear (simllar to the way (Super-beard) Cornel West is used by racists to criticize Obama) [MORE]. The segment is made to appear like a spontaneous conversation among the panelists but this is deception. It was most likely planned, given that;
1) Stephen A Smith looks like he is bracing for racism from the beginning and
2) as if to assure viewers that the conversation originated in Rob Johnson's mind and was not created in a producer's meeting at EPSN, McNegro Johnson offers the hearsay 'I have talked to some people down in Washington DC about RG3 (presumably Black people) who are wondering whether RG3 is a brother or a corn ball brother?, whether he is down with the cause'. The white host, Skip Bayless interrupts and quickly asks for clarification, "Some friends of yours right?." Johnson nods yes to his master and says 'right, friends of mine who told me. . .'
"what do rg3's braids say to you?"
3) after Stephen A. Smith's reaction, Johnson says "we were talking about this in the meeting."
Now ESPN has wiped the entire, 12/13/12 "First Take" episode from their website and all social media, including I-Tunes. [MORE] All that is left is the ESPN sponsored clip available on u-tube which begins midway through and cuts off Stephen A. Smith's reaction. However, the above clip contains most of the segment. [cut from HERE]
Intially, Smith condemns Johnson's remarks and refuses to pariticpate in the racism being practiced in front of his eyes. Then he goes off on an emotinal rant, which is understandable. But victims of racism must understand that singing, chanting, crying and protesting have not led to justice thus far. Racism is not personal - it is racial, it is simply business to white people. They are playing chess, we are playing checkers. If Stephen A. Smith does not want to assist in the promotion of white supremacy then he should quit ESPN. Similarly, we should stop watching.
A transcript of the conversation, edited by a white reporter is [HERE].
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