As Early Voting Begins, Billboard Attempts to Intimidate Black Voters in Cleveland

From [HERE] A billboard declaring “Voter Fraud is a Felony” is now on display in Cleveland – a clear attempt to intimidate and suppress African American and student voters in the area. Early voting began Tuesday in Cleveland.
According to Cleveland City Councilwoman Phyllis Cleveland, who took the photo, this sign is directly across from Arbor Park Village, a public housing development of more than 600 units. It is also within a few blocks of three public housing estates and right down the street from Cuyahoga Community College Metro Campus.
“This is blatant voter intimidation,” says Councilwoman Cleveland. “A direct attack in the heart of African American community meant to scare people and keep them from exercising their right to vote.”
We couldn’t agree more. But we aren’t surprised. Republicans nationwide, and especially in Ohio, have been looking for ways to limit the turnout of Democratic voters – especially students and African Americans. Franklin County Republican Party Chairman Doug Preisse admitted as much when he said ” I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine.”
Republicans in the legislature specifically eliminated early voting hours favored by African American voters, and groups like True the Vote and their Tea Party allies have been actively working to intimidate voters throughout the state – including Ohio State University students.
It is currently unclear who paid for the billboard. The sign simply reads “Paid for by a Private Family Foundation.” But the sign’s owner, Clear Channel, has also allowed similar content to be displayed on a billboard in Milwaukee in 2010 which resulted in protests from the community.
Despite claims by “voter protection” groups, in person voter fraud is practically non-existent in the U.S. and we are aware of no convictions of any individual intentionally attempting to cast a fraudulent ballot in Ohio in recent memory.
From [HERE] Since early voting began Tuesday, Ohio voters have options to consider when it comes to casting a ballot in the Nov. 6 presidential election.
Before Election Day, you can cast an absentee ballot in person at a board of elections, or you can mail in your absentee ballot. Or you can wait and vote at your polling location.
Those options can leave voters with questions, especially as campaigns hit them with a barrage of mailers and other advertisements urging them to vote early.
Cuyahoga County Board of Elections Director Jane Platten said she has not seen widespread confusion among early voters. But additional voter education is always helpful, she said.
Platten said many people who voted early this week at the board’s downtown headquarters arrived with a postcard from President Obama’s re-election campaign telling them when early voting began and where to vote. She said she hasn’t seen voters with postcards from Republican challenger Mitt Romney’s campaign.
“I think the voters are engaged and aware,” she said. “They’re also getting a lot of information from campaigns.”
Here are some answers to common questions to help you decide how to cast your ballot:
Q. I already sent in an application for an absentee ballot. But I’d like to vote early in person at the board of elections instead. Can I do that?
A. Yes, you can vote early at the board’s headquarters even if you’ve requested an absentee ballot, or even if you’ve already received one, as long as you haven’t sent it in. The board of elections would suspend the absentee ballot request so the voter could cast a ballot in person.
Q. What if I decide to vote at the polls on Election Day, and I have already applied for an absentee ballot?
A. You would have to vote using a provisional ballot at the polls. Provisional ballots are used when a voter’s eligibility is in question and are not counted until after Election Day. Valid provisional ballots are included in the election’s official results.
Q. I’m not registered to vote yet. Can I still vote early?
A. Yes. Oct. 9 is the voter registration deadline. From now until the registration deadline, you can register and vote early in the same visit to the elections board. You can find more information about how to register at or, for voters in Cuyahoga County, at
Q. I sent in my application for an absentee ballot. But since then, I’ve received more applications in the mail. What do I do with those?
A. You can discard additional applications if you’ve already sent one in to a board of elections. Platten said voters can call the board’s voter information hotline, 216-443-3298, or visit the board’s website to check if their absentee ballot request was received.
Q. I promptly returned my application for an absentee ballot, but I haven’t received the ballot yet, and early voting is already underway. What should I do?
A. Be patient. Election officials began mailing out absentee ballots on Tuesday, and they should begin arriving in voters’ mailboxes at the end of this week or next week.
Q. Is any information on my absentee ballot application public record?
A. Yes. Campaigns can use this information to target voters with literature. A voter’s name, address and voter identification number are public record, Platten said.
Q. What is the deadline for requesting an absentee ballot?
A. Election officials urge voters to send in their requests as soon as possible. The board of elections must receive your request by noon on Nov. 3. Secretary of State Jon Husted suggested voters mail their application at least a week in advance.
Q. What is the deadline for returning an absentee ballot?
A. You have two options for returning an absentee ballot. If you mail in the ballot, it must be postmarked the day before the election. Husted suggested mailing the ballot by Saturday Nov. 3. Or you can return the ballot in person at the board of elections, in which case you have until the close of polls on Election Day. Again, election officials urge you to return the ballot as soon as possible.
Q. Can someone else return my ballot to a board of elections for me?
A. Other than you, only a family member can return your ballot under Ohio law.
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