Battleground snapshot, 8 days out - Expect Racism from White People Everyday

From Kos The latest numbers, from TPM's polling composites: Compared to last Wednesday, President Barack Obama has retaken the lead in Colorado and Virginia. Florida remains the flip of a GOTV operation, and North Carolina remains Mitt Romney's best bet. The official composite includes all the crap GOP pollsters, like Rasmussen et al. [MORE]
(in photo, Romney “baseball caps” are made in China [MORE]) By the hour liberals are checking the internet for the latest poll numbers or for the latest story that they predict/hope will topple Mittens and his White Party; only to be disappointed. No matter how inadequate he may be revealed to be, no statements, actions, video or anything else from the White Party customer base will change the minds of the selectorate. Many white people do not want a Black president.
Millions of Non-white people should understand this beacuse many of them wake up everyday hoping that white people will treat them as their equals. For the sake of your own mental health - please expect racism from all white people, every single day. If they are not racist, then be pleasantly surprised. Bear this in mind when dealing with police, election officials, teachers, loan officers, while shopping etc. Plan accordingly - only then is change even possible. No amount of correct information to whites, moral suasion to whites or significant protest or singing will change white supremacy and the practice of racism.
Racism a a behavioral system for the survival of White people. Whites are overwhelmingly outnumbered on this planet which is 90% non-white (and steadily shrinking through assimilation with non-whites). This small collection of genetically recessive Whites are in fear of losing their domination over non-whites, all over the globe.
For the sake of Black/Brown mental health and for Black/Brown intelligence, all people of color must understand the dynamics of racism/white supremacy, what it is and how it works, so that they can have an appropriate, self-respecting response to racism/ white supremacy. Dr. Francis Cress Welsing states that, 'once the collective people (non-white), understand this fundamental issue (racism/ white supremacy), the ultimate organizing of all the appropriate behaviors necessary to neutralize this great injustice of the white supremacy system, it will only be a matter of time.' [MORE]
RACISM (white supremacy), is the local and global power system and dynamic, structured and maintained by persons who classify themselves as white, whether consciously or subconsciously determined, which consists of patterns of perception, logic, symbol formation, thought, speech, action and emotional response, as conducted simultaneously in all areas of people activity (economics, education, entertainment, labour, law, politics, religion, sex and war); for the ultimate purpose of white genetic survival and to prevent white genetic annihilation on planet earth – a planet upon which the vast majority of people are classified as non-white (Black, Brown, Red and Yellow) by white skinned people, and all of the nonwhite people are genetically dominant (in terms of skin coloration) compared to the genetic recessive white skin people.” [MORE]
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