Is "Don't Re-Nig in 2012" Really Rigged? Mittens' Son (Taggy) Major Investor in Ohio Electronic Voting Machine Company

H.I.G., who owns the elctronic voting firm counting Ohio "ballots" is the 11th largest of all the contributors to the Romney campaign. Son, Taggy (in photo) is a major investor in HIG. From [HERE] and [MORE] If the Romney’s can’t win legally, they’ll take over Ohio’s electronic voting machines through investments, a direct conflict of interest in a contentious state in this election.
The new owners of Ohio’s voting machines under the brand name HART Intercivic is none other than Tagg Romney the son of one of the candidates Mitt Romney. In recent weeks Tagg has taken a more “active role in his father’s campaign management” but when you look further, he also has a major problem with that role.
It turns out that Hart Intercivic is owned, in large part, by H.I.G. Capital—a large investment fund with billions of dollars under management—that was founded by a fellow named Tony Tamer. While nobody is clear just how much H.I.G. owns of Hart Intercivic, we do learn that H.I.G. employees hold three of the five Hart Intercivic board seats, meaning that the H.I.G. effectively controls the company.
Tony Tamer, H.I.G.’s founder, turns out to be a major bundler for the Mitt Romney campaign, along with three other directors of H.I.G. who are also big-time money raisers for Romney.
Indeed, as fate would have it, two of those directors, Douglas Berman and Brian Schwartz, were actually in attendance at the now infamous “47 percent” fundraiser in Boca Raton, Florida.
With that news, voters everywhere start to get this queasy feeling in the pits of their stomach.
But wait—if you’re feeling a bit ill now, you’ll want to get the anti-acids ready to go because it’s about get really strange.
To everyone’s amazement, we learn that two members of the Hart Intercivic board of directors, Neil Tuch and Jeff Bohl, have made direct contributions to the Romney campaign. This, despite the fact that they represent 40 percent of the full board of directors of a company whose independent, disinterested and studiously non-partisan status in any election taking place on their voting machines would seemingly be a ‘no brainer’.
To Mr. Bohl’s credit, after giving a total of $4,000 to “Romney For President”, it must have occurred to him that it might not look so good for a board member of a company whose voting machines are to be a part of the presidential election to be playing favorites—so he gave $250 to Barack Obama to sort of balance the scales.
Mr. Tuch? Not so much.
Interestingly, Mr. Bohl lists himself as an investor at H.I.G. Capital for his Romney contributions but his far smaller donation to Obama was done as “Jeff Bohl, self-employed innkeeper”.
And finally, we learn that H.I.G. is the 11th largest of all the contributors to the Romney effort.
Did I say “finally”? My bad…because there is, indeed, more.
Can you guess who is a major investor in H.I.G. Capital?
That would be Solamere Capital—the investment firm run by Mitt Romney’s son, Tagg, and the home of money put into the closely held firm by Tagg’s uncle Scott, mother Anne and, of course, the dad who might just be the next President of the United States—depending upon how the vote count turns out, in our little tale, in the State of Ohio. There are additional reports that H.I.G. also has an investment in Solamere.
While the Cincinnati scenario is —at this point—fiction, the rest of this story is all too true, including the part where the voting machines to be used in Hamilton County will be those provided by Hart Intercivic. [MORE]
By virtue of conflict of interest alone, this role should be investigated by the DOJ preferably involving the addition of the FBI, Homeland Security and the CIA to ensure this connection will not endanger the vote in Ohio and other states. After all isn’t the security of an election both state and federal authorities responsibility to ensure the election is not stolen, tampered, or results altered?
Tagg Romney the heir to the Romney fortunes (through Vulture Capitalism) is a chip off the old block and his dad scored big destroying American jobs through leveraging profitable US companies. Unfortunately for the employees of these companies they lost their jobs to cheaper labor in China sweat factories.
In 2008, after Romney lost the 2008 bid for President, it was all clear for Mitt Romney’s son Tagg Romney to invest in a company called Solamere Capital which is a direct subsidiary of Allen Stanford’s Bank and investment companies.
Allen Stanford was sentenced to 110 years in jail for one of the biggest 8 billion dollar ponzi scheme. The funds were never recovered for investors, and the SEC has never said Tagg Romney was not under investigation for his investments thereafter.
Tagg Romney tapped into Mitt Romney’s Rolodex of wealthy associates, political donors, wealthy investors and in particular Mitt Romney’s campaign fundraiser: Spencer Zwick.
Think Progress- Romney Family Investment -Ponzi Schemer Allen Stanford
The 10 million seed funds funds were said to have come from one of Ann Romney’s Blind Family Trust accounts which aren’t so blind after all. That seed money was also in the name of Mitt Romney and profits were made through this investment when Mitt partnered with his number one son.
The Voting Machine Connection to Ohio and Romney Family Investments
Bain Capital, Solamere Capital both of which are major investments for both Mitt and Tagg Romney are connected to many private equity investments.
As Lee Fang points out in his detailed analysis of the Romney investments
“Many of these private equity–owned companies rely on federal and state contracts, from HIG Capital’s Hart Intercivic, a voting machine company, to EnviroFoam Technologies, a biological and chemical decontamination firm that does business with the US military and is owned by Peterson Partners, a private equity firm listed in the Solamere prospectus.”
Solarmere’s tangled web of investments now includes Hart Intercivic voting machines which will be used in Cincinnati Ohio says Truth Out which could guarantee Mitt Romney the White House.
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